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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I'm curious what Lord Protector Paul's long term intentions for his settlement are. I mean, say the situation stabilises enough that starvation is no longer an immediate concern, the Thundercats finish Mumm-ra off and Paul doesn't have a lantern by then.

Rebuild the capital?


Try to improve relations with the various races the Cats screwed over?
He wants Thundera to become the dominant world power through economics and technology rather than military force. The birds proved that using a stone as a fuel rather than a weapon is much better for a civilisation, and they themselves are isolationist.
Throw Khoah a huge fancy wedding? (Sweetheart deserves it.)
No, because he wants to marry her soonish and they don't have the resources for a huge wedding.
He clearly won't be accepting Lion-O's authority anytime soon. Which is fair considering kittyprince's 'tremendous' leadership skills.
For the SI, Lion-O being foolish is far better than him being wise. If he were wise, it would be harder to reject him.
"Wilykit, Wilykat, say hello to your new brother and sister: Paulikit and Paulikat!"

"...Fuck's sake, mama;"
No, that cats are different enough to humans that they can't breed together.
No, that cats are different enough to humans that they can't breed together.

He has a power ring? Even if it's fear based and therefore not really suited for that kind of thing, just giving up without putting any effort into finding a solution doesn't seem much like the Paul I've been reading about.

Gotta put some kittens on those kitty titties.
Paul has also said to Jade that he is indifferent to the prospect of having children.

If he has any then he will love them and take care of them, but he isn't really interested in having them in the first place.

If he marries Khoah then he will become Willytab's and Willikin's stepdad, so he will already have children with her.

'but less vehemently' not 'less vehermently'

Also the episode, Repetition, says that it will be episode 95, but this is episode 95, it should be 96.
I don't think Yaul can easily fiddle with genetics to ensure a viable hybrid offspring. He doesn't have a database in the ring, no local geneticists or databases to consult, nor a lantern to dump power into a hard computing a viable match.

That isnt getting into the possibility that he'll have a much harder time achieving it at a with a yellow ring. Remember that the Renegade had issues of a similar kind when he switched over to a yellow ring while he didnt have a orange lantern.

"What else could you mean? What more could I learn when I've already achieved what your 'lessons' were supposed to teach me to do?"

"I'm sorry you feel that way, but-."

Sunset's face falls. "Yes. You are, aren't you?"

Ooh, Celestia doesnt like Sunset's outlook/ attitude/ philosophy and is expecting her to go back to being her student? That's rough. Its been 15 years for her, you would think she'll have a easier time letting go.
Celestia is acting emotionally here.

Remember she thought that she was dead for 15 years and now she finds out she is alive and it has only been a year for her.

She probably doesn't consider her to be that emotionally mature, despite her figuring out a way to become an Alicorn.
Intellectually she is a genius, emotionally not so much.
Paul, glares at uncooperative pussy, "Now see here you disobedient cunt! If I say you're gonna get pregnant then thats exactly what's going to happen! Now get to work on those hybrid babies or I'll strike you barren!"

This shouldn't be funny but the word play is hilarious and considering what Paul's attempt at dirty talk looks like I can just about see it happening :D Have a like.

He doesn't have a database in the ring, no local geneticists or databases to consult,

I mean, there's always Mumm-Ra. He's a (literally) ancient sorcerer and he apparently knew enough about genetics to make catpeople out of humans. They could go for a consultation... before killing him for good that is.
Late Afternoon

"…grow larger?"

Luna appears to be taking her status as third shortest alicorn in her stride. Cadance appears to not be all that curious about Sunset's achievement, which… Strikes me as a little odd. While, yes, I'm going to credit her with the intelligence to have talked to Shining Armour about the life expectancy difference I'd have thought that she'd be all over this.
I expect she really wants to avoid outliving her sweetheart, but is being too polite to ask about the possibility of an upgrade yet.

Circe nods. "It's inevitable. As you-." She hesitates. "Has Sunset shown you her equations?"

"Yes, though We do not yet fully grasp their meaning."
No shame in that. Many thaumaturgic scientists would struggle with her maths.

"Essentially, becoming an alicorn changes the proportion of 'you' that is made of arcane energy rather than flesh. An alicorn as old as Celestia has almost certainly reached her full size, barring any further transformations." Circe frowns. "Do you know exactly how old she is? Sunset said that Celestia is over a thousand, but she wasn't able to find a precise figure."

"I would think so. Celestia is Our sister. She is one thousand and forty nine."
Heh. Such precise knowledge. Of course, there's no telling how far she is along her natural lifespan, if Mr Zoat isn't playing the full immortal angle.

"One thousand-." I frown. "Really? I assumed-. But then you're only-."

"Forty six, if one discounts the time during which Nightmare Moon was in possession of Our body." She rolls her eyes. "Did you assume that We were some ancient demi-goddess? There are ponies in Our guard who are Our senior."
And honestly, Grayven, asking a lady her age, no matter how obliquely. I thought you were a gentleman... er, Gentle-stallion.

"So more of a middle-aged demi-goddess?" She gives me a mildly reproachful glare. "What? I'm not exactly in the first flush of youth myself, and-" I lower my head and voice slightly "-you're the one sort of Christmas Cake I'd-."

She looks away, smiling, her ears twitching and her tail flicking my haunches.
Evidently not a gentle-stallion at all. You cad.:D Perhaps a diamond dog of some sort might have been a better form? Perhaps with horns?

"Hie away, you incorrigible scoundrel."

"Oh you love it."
Save the flirting for your own time, you two.

Cadance smiles at our exchange, then looks thoughtfully at Circe. "Does that mean that I'm going to grow as well?"

"Almost certainly. I'm afraid that accelerating the process with an existing alicorn is rather more difficult than-."

"Oh, no no no. I'm not jealous. I'm glad that Sunset was able to get what she wants."
I can just see her working out how to ask about that little upgrade I mentioned earlier, for her dear husband...

I smirk. "Because now you don't have to worry about her turning up in your room at night with a dissection kit."

She looks away. "Well… Ah, how do you think her talk with Princess Celestia is going?"
Don't think we didn't notice that unsubtle swerve in the conversation...

"Nothing's exploded yet and-" I glance out of a nearby window. "-the sun's still on course, so I suppose that it's going about as well as it could."

"I know you don't like Celestia very much, but when Sunset was her student they really cared about each other-." My expression appears to give me away. "And maybe Celestia didn't communicate very well, and maybe Sunset was a lot angrier than was healthy, but that love doesn't just go away." She looks thoughtful. "Maybe I could remind them of that feeling-."
Oh, no. No, no, no! No poking around in other people's friendships! For all you know, they'll start doing something embarrassing!

I scowl. "Use-."

Interesting icon. Paragon and Loyalty? A fascinating mixture...

'Use unnatural mental influence spells on any member of my retinue and I will treat it as an act of war.'

I glance at Luna, who looks curious as to where I was going with that.

No. No.
Yes, might be bad form to be that aggressive about it.

Cadance stops to see what I wanted to say, and… I do want to make clear clear my opposition, but less vehermently.

"I feel that it's important to let them work out their differences themselves, and I would very much appreciate it if you didn't ever interfere with their thoughts with magic."
Not quite as aggressive, but still pretty forceful, Grayven...

Cadance gapes for a moment.

"… O-oh."
Hmm. Embarrassed shock or indignation, I wonder.

Oh… Great. Managed to be rude anyway. Ugh. I look away. I suppose that I should check on them. It's not as if Sunset doesn't know how to nullify sound or kill someone quietly.

"Excuse me."
Not leaving a great impression there, Grayven...

I turn and trot away. To be absolutely fair, I don't know precisely how severe her mental compulsions are, but… That's not really a question a person should have to consider. After what Chrysalis did to Shining Armour she should know better than that.


Speaking of the stallion, he's over there talking to Shadow Tempest. I'm not sure exactly how much the state of the Royal Guard is his fault, how much is Celestia and how much is the combined failure of the institution over the course of a thousand years, but-.
That's not really something you'll have time to unravel... Not at any reasonable rate.

"Hey." Rainbow Dash appears in the air directly in front of me. "What were you planning on using on me?"

I stop walking, raising my eyebrows. "I beg your pardon?"
Oh, where to start? Rainbow Dash has quite a few failings, but she usually addresses them as soon as she's aware of them...

"The thing. Like the clones and spike and Rarity and the Diamond Dogs. What were you planning on springing on me?"

"Didn't really have anything, to be honest. Maybe something about the ennui involved in wanting to join the Wonderbolts when you're already a better flier and fighter than they are, but at this point you're more aware of your faults than I am."
Yeah, like I said...

She flaps twice, then frowns.

"Why would I need an emu to join the Wonderbolts? Emus can't fly."
...Obfuscating stupidity, I hope? Because the alternative is - while amusing - so much worse...

I.. don't trust myself to keep a straight face, so I walk past her in the direction of-. No, they're gone. Ah, Twilight Sparkle. I should ask her about mental influence spells and see how warranted my concerns are. I mean, I'm confident that Sunset can defend herself-.
Pulling a lot of "I should Go." exits, Renegade. Feeling a bit Shepard-ish today?

"Hey, Gravy!" / "Hey, Gravy!"

I stop again, turning to see… Pinkie Pie and Party Popper.

Wait, 'gravy'? Blood sauce? I mean, I know that she's a baker, but… I wouldn't have thought that ponies… No, she might mean that white sauce stuff that Americans think is gravy.
Well, MLP is an American show... And Equestrian culture does a lot of common American cultural tropes.

"Pinkie Pie. Party Popper. What can I do for you?"

"Okay, but which is which?" / "Okay, but which is which?"

Creepy party twins alert.
Now imagine two dozen of them, all doing it at once. <shudder>

I point to Party Popper. "Popper." And then to Pinkie Pie. "Pie."

No… Wait. I look closer.

"No. You're not."
Ah, the clones are going to have to make some visual adjustments or something to avoid confusion down the line, I think...

The Pinkie clone grins even wider. "You actually can tell!"

"Yes..? May I ask what you're doing in Canterlot?"
I shudder to think...

"I'm gunna be the Canterlot Pinkie! Because it would be super-confusing if we all went to the same place, and I got sent here. Party Popper got Manehattan because of course she did-"


"-and Original Pinkie got Ponyville and everypinkie else got somewhere else!"
Oh, boy. Equestrian parties are about to get a whole lot crazier...

"It will be a party extravaganza, I'm-."

"Sunset, that isn't what I meant."
Ooh, that can't be good. Ready the shields!

Hurried hoofsteps cause me and.. most of the room to turn in the direction of the door to Celestia's garden. Sunset comes through first, water leaking from her eyes. An alarmed-looking Celestia follows swiftly at her heels. Sunset stops for a moment, her eyes alighting on me for a moment before turning back to Celestia.
Dammit, Sunbutt, what the hell did you say?

"What else could you mean? What more could I learn when I've already achieved what your 'lessons' were supposed to teach me to do?"

"I'm sorry you feel that way, but-."
Oof. thebishop8 is right, that's no kind of apology...

Sunset's face falls. "Yes. You are, aren't you?" She shakes her head. "I don't know what I-." She turns away from Celestia and trots over to me. "Grayven, can we.. go? Just… Call a boom tube?"

I look from her to Celestia, who gives her head a small pleading shake. And then back to Sunset.
You can't control everything, Celestia. Looks like that's one lesson you need reinforced...

"Certainly. Luna, I'll be back tomorrow. Mother Box."

Hmm, how's that Boom Tube going to interact with the time differential? I presume Sunset will adjust things to 1:1 once she thinks of it...

And they're going home Pony-style? Better hope the kids don't see them, then, though I foresee Grayven not caring one way or the other... Dammit, Sunbutt. I hope the others plan to give you a sound verbal thrashing while they're gone.
Okay, does Sunset still believe that Celestia's lessons were about becoming an Alicorn and not about becoming a happy, well adjusted member of society?
It certainly seems that way.

I would actually like too see Graven meet Mumm-Ra. It would be highly amusing for about two minutes. Then G-man will realize that Mumm is one of THOSE super villians and eradicate him.
He could certainly try.

However without extensive re-writing and nerfing of Mumm-Ra's capabilities Grayven would have no more luck then Yellow Paul.
"Sunset, that isn't what I meant."

Hurried hoofsteps cause me and.. most of the room to turn in the direction of the door to Celestia's garden. Sunset comes through first, water leaking from her eyes. An alarmed-looking Celestia follows swiftly at her heels. Sunset stops for a moment, her eyes alighting on me for a moment before turning back to Celestia.

"What else could you mean? What more could I learn when I've already achieved what your 'lessons' were supposed to teach me to do?"

"I'm sorry you feel that way, but-."

Sunset's face falls. "Yes. You are, aren't you?" She shakes her head. "I don't know what I-." She turns away from Celestia and trots over to me. "Grayven, can we.. go? Just… Call a boom tube?"
Right so I'm guessing that Celestia tried to get her to be her student again and Sunset took that to mean 'Even after you have become an alicorn I still don't respect your accomplishments' or 'I still see you as a lesser rather then a peer like you want'. I highly doubt she meant it that way but anyone unironically saying the words "I'm sorry you feel that way, but-." rather then 'I'm sorry I made you feel that way' is some mix at bad at communicating and not good at respecting others feelings.

Objectively I don't think Sunset being Celestia student would be good in any capacity no matter what Celestia meant. Even in terms of socialization and emotional learning she would be better off just continuing the life she is making with Grayven where she is already developing healthy friendships to learn from. Though that is certainly not something that Celestia would want to hear since it is quite literally that she is better off without you.
Saying "I'm sorry you feel that way" is basically the classic example of how not to apologize.

Oof. thebishop8 is right, that's no kind of apology...
It's a bit worse than that...
"I…" Sunset slumps. "Yes? I just-. I've spent a lot of time thinking about why I left, and I-. I know I could have handled it better. But so could she! I need her to.. acknowledge that, or something. And not just a generic 'I'm sorry you feel that way' thing, I need her to actually get what she did wrong."

"I'm sorry you feel that way, but-."

Sunset's face falls. "Yes. You are, aren't you?" She shakes her head. "I don't know what I-."
It's literally word for word what Sunset has specifically said she didn't want to get. It's just reinforcing her view that Celestia still thinks that Sunset should have followed the direction/destiny/path laid out, rather than have her own ideas of what was best. "Despite everything happening now, I (Celestia) was right, and you were wrong, and I'm sorry you can't see that."

Yeah... don't think there's going to be any chance of making up for a good long while now...
No, that cats are different enough to humans that they can't breed together.

How much of a ring charge would it take to...not transform himself but some artificially inseminate sperm that would make some kids that, structurally, resemble him in profile?
Assuming she'd be up for more kids?
How much of a ring charge would it take to...not transform himself but some artificially inseminate sperm that would make some kids that, structurally, resemble him in profile?
Assuming she'd be up for more kids?
Making sperm that isn't his is easy enough, but there are plenty of orphans around that could use a good home first.
"I would think so. Celestia is Our sister. She is one thousand and forty nine."

"One thousand-." I frown. "Really? I assumed-. But then you're only-."

"Forty six, if one discounts the time during which Nightmare Moon was in possession of Our body." She rolls her eyes. "Did you assume that We were some ancient demi-goddess? There are ponies in Our guard who are Our senior."
You had Luna mention that she was eight thousand years old when Paragon visited his pony planet during Fool's canon.
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That was a diffrent universe.

And I think Zoat mentioned that that version was located in Earth 16, or at least a DC universe, seeing as there was a Karnan vessel.
I know, but Zoat usually keeps the worls building intact between Remegade and Paragon, unless there are very specific changes as result of Ambush Bug.
It could have been in a diffrent DC universe that the paragon either traveled to, or a diffrent version of the SI that ended up in that particular universe and got enlightenment there.
Paul, glares at uncooperative pussy, "Now see here you disobedient cunt! If I say you're gonna get pregnant then thats exactly what's going to happen! Now get to work on those hybrid babies or I'll strike you barren!"
Nah, just using a fear of a lack of (genetic) legacy to alter his sperm to be the equivalent of a Cat version of himself. Possibly using her fears for this - if she's afraid his view might wander if he doesn't have children to tie him down, for instance.
I think we all miss best kitty.
This version of Mumm-Ra can be hurt/killed by normal levels of sunlight.

i..thought this version was the one with an artifact/equipment they made by destroying multiple planets?

..... also, really? Celestia's being THIS sharding dense about refusing to to explain/being idiotically vague about the actual goal/motivation of her lessons, with a student who clearly needs a clue sledgehammer to the head to break her monomania about research/gaining power? >.<
this i "you know what you did!" level painful to watch >~<

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