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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

So, you want (to be) a catgirl... The classic choices are biotech, cyberborging, magic, virtual reality and robotics. Talking IRL, biotech isn't up to it, the closest thing to effective cyborging is external prostheses, accessories and clothes up to fur-suits, magic doesn't obviously work, VR is things like Second Life (loads of catgirls...) and robotics is in its infancy.

So, bar you getting out your soldering iron and sewing kit, few choices except VR... Sorry...

Of course, discussing how much you need in distributed processing power, say Raspberry Pis and lots of racks of external radio-linked kit... Bamboo skeletons and air muscles... That would be something to go elsewhere for. :)
Hey Zoat do New Gods, or at least Apokaliptians, have some sort of way to respawn themselves if they are killed, like with what the angels have?

I think that comic book Highfather once killed Steppenwolf, but that he somehow came back to life.

Also in the JL cartoon Darkseid seemed to be aware of how to bring himself back to life, or at least return to a physical form, so is that the same here on your version of Earth 16?

When the First of the Fallen got his power back was he weaker than he was previously, despite still being perhaps one of the most powerful beings in the universe?
I think someone in your story said that he wasn't as strong as before, maybe Rosacarnis or Mammon?

Or did the First just lose some of his political power without losing his magic power?

Do Earth demons have influence on alien planets?
Was rereading the episode where angels invaded and Zauriel said something about them having connections to other worlds, and you said the First can travel to other worlds under his own power.

Would every angel that is stabbed with the Sword of the Fallen reincarnate as a magically powerful human that lacks theurgy, unlike other beings who lose all their magic, aside from the ones keeping them alive?

If an alien were to die on Earth and be a practitioner of a Source religion would they go to Heaven, or to their own version of the Source afterlife and not the one ruled by the angels?

Was Zauriel turned into a mortal?

Can Zauriel still use theurgy now that he is a mortal?

Will Zauriel join the Justice League as a member?
Which apparently will be never
No, that's intentional.
Hey Zoat do New Gods, or at least Apokaliptians, have some sort of way to respawn themselves if they are killed, like with what the angels have?

I think that comic book Highfather once killed Steppenwolf, but that he somehow came back to life.

Also in the JL cartoon Darkseid seemed to be aware of how to bring himself back to life, or at least return to a physical form, so is that the same here on your version of Earth 16?
They don't even have the ways humans can use. Go directly to the Source, do not pass nirvana, do not collect enlightenment.

Of course, you'd be amazed what they can survive.
When the First of the Fallen got his power back was he weaker than he was previously, despite still being perhaps one of the most powerful beings in the universe?

I think someone in your story said that he wasn't as strong as before, maybe Rosacarnis or Mammon?

Or did the First just lose some of his political power without losing his magic power?
No, just as powerful. I don't remember saying anything to the contrary.
Do Earth demons have influence on alien planets?
No Earth-native demons currently have power on other planets.
Was rereading the episode where angels invaded and Zauriel said something about them having connections to other worlds, and you said the First can travel to other worlds under his own power.
Yes, because the First isn't a demon.
Would every angel that is stabbed with the Sword of the Fallen reincarnate as a magically powerful human that lacks theurgy, unlike other beings who lose all their magic, aside from the ones keeping them alive?
Yes, that's what I've shown happening to everyone it happens to.
If an alien were to die on Earth and be a practitioner of a Source religion would they go to Heaven, or to their own version of the Source afterlife and not the one ruled by the angels?
They'd probably go to the Silver City.
Was Zauriel turned into a mortal?
No. Still an angel.
Can Zauriel still use theurgy now that he is a mortal?
He can still use theurgy.
Will Zauriel join the Justice League as a member?
He might?
For a moment, I thought this was a demon kid asking Graven.
Traditionally when you 'defeat' some opponents you get everything they had...

Including their catgirls. :)

Viz the New Gods query, I did wonder if they might have ways of taking 'backups', having spare bodies which have a tiny fraction of their power cached away,so they could switch to those if their primary one was vapourised, and the vapour carefully scattered... Seems like the sort of thing the cautious/seriously paranoid would like to do...
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Mammon said that he never fully recovered after his ordeal with Constantine.

Though yeah if he was just as powerful as before he got stabbed the first time losing political power would make sense.

The Kings in Heaven said something about making Zauriel into a mortal to see if they should eat the fruit?

Did all the angels in Heaven eat the fruit already?
Mammon said that he never fully recovered after his ordeal with Constantine.

Though yeah if he was just as powerful as before he got stabbed the first time losing political power would make sense.

The Kings in Heaven said something about making Zauriel into a mortal to see if they should eat the fruit?

Did all the angels in Heaven eat the fruit already?
No, they're waiting to see what happens with Zauriel.
You know, one of the reason Paul would be good for Khoah is that if they ever get kids at least he wouldn't force her to add Paul as a prefix to their name, seriously either the dad or Khoah herself suck at naming childrens.
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I'm curious what Lord Protector Paul's long term intentions for his settlement are. I mean, say the situation stabilises enough that starvation is no longer an immediate concern, the Thundercats finish Mumm-ra off and Paul doesn't have a lantern by then.

Rebuild the capital?


Try to improve relations with the various races the Cats screwed over?

Throw Khoah a huge fancy wedding? (Sweetheart deserves it.)

He clearly won't be accepting Lion-O's authority anytime soon. Which is fair considering kittyprince's 'tremendous' leadership skills.

You know, one of the reason Paul would be good for Khoah is that if they ever get kids at least he wouldn't force her to add Paul as a prefix to their name, seriously either the dad or Khoah herself suck at naming childrens.

"Wilykit, Wilykat, say hello to your new brother and sister: Paulikit and Paulikat!"

"...Fuck's sake, mama;"
"Wilykit, Wilykat, say hello to your new brother and sister: Paulikit and Paulikat!"
"...Fuck's sake, mama;"

Now that poses an interesting question, would Paul be able to even say their names? How ironclad are the rules that revolve around his mental block on his own name? Because Paulikit and Paulikat are very clearly not the name Paul, but does including the word Paul prevent him from saying it anyway?
Now that poses an interesting question, would Paul be able to even say their names? How ironclad are the rules that revolve around his mental block on his own name? Because Paulikit and Paulikat are very clearly not the name Paul, but does including the word Paul prevent him from saying it anyway?
I doubt it would be an issue. He can say Paula just fine.
The amecomi one was a discussion hypothetical that got an omake from someone, thus it doesn't really exist until Zoat writes more about it.

I thought the Ame-Comi SI was a male Violet Lantern with the Zamoran idea of a uniform (booty shorts) wearing a trench coat to cover himself because he couldn't change the default settings on the Ring?

Only male superhero in the Ame-Comi universe leading to uncomfortable harem shenanigans that that SI keeps trying to avoid.
Probably useless because there's no way to charge his ring and Legends is not canon any longer.
Legends is the only canon, the sequel trilogy is not canon.

I'm curious what Lord Protector Paul's long term intentions for his settlement are. I mean, say the situation stabilises enough that starvation is no longer an immediate concern, the Thundercats finish Mumm-ra off and Paul doesn't have a lantern by then.

Rebuild the capital?


Try to improve relations with the various races the Cats screwed over?

Throw Khoah a huge fancy wedding? (Sweetheart deserves it.)

He clearly won't be accepting Lion-O's authority anytime soon. Which is fair considering kittyprince's 'tremendous' leadership skills.
Conquer the known universe? become the god-emperor of catkind?
Viz the New Gods query, I did wonder if they might have ways of taking 'backups', having spare bodies which have a tiny fraction of their power cached away,so they could switch to those if their primary one was vapourised, and the vapour carefully scattered... Seems like the sort of thing the cautious/seriously paranoid would like to do...

The Deep Six lay eggs, whenever they die, one of those eggs hatches and they are alive again.

Which is how the Deep Six are still the Deep Six considering Aquaman and his fishy friends keep killing them.

Dr Bedlam turned into a being of pure energy and interacts with the world with a series of disposable android bodies.
Equestrian Guise (part 19)
Late Afternoon

"…grow larger?"

Luna appears to be taking her status as third shortest alicorn in her stride. Cadance appears to not be all that curious about Sunset's achievement, which… Strikes me as a little odd. While, yes, I'm going to credit her with the intelligence to have talked to Shining Armour about the life expectancy difference I'd have thought that she'd be all over this.

Circe nods. "It's inevitable. As you-." She hesitates. "Has Sunset shown you her equations?"

"Yes, though We do not yet fully grasp their meaning."

"Essentially, becoming an alicorn changes the proportion of 'you' that is made of arcane energy rather than flesh. An alicorn as old as Celestia has almost certainly reached her full size, barring any further transformations." Circe frowns. "Do you know exactly how old she is? Sunset said that Celestia is over a thousand, but she wasn't able to find a precise figure."

"I would think so. Celestia is Our sister. She is one thousand one hundred and nineteen."

"One thousand-." I frown. "Really? I assumed-. But then you're only-."

"One hundred and sixteen, if one discounts the time during which Nightmare Moon was in possession of Our body." She rolls her eyes. "Did you assume that We were some ancient demi-goddess? There are mortal ponies who are Our senior."

"So more of a middle-aged demi-goddess?" She gives me a mildly reproachful glare. "What? I'm not exactly in the first flush of youth myself, and-" I lower my head and voice slightly "-you're the one sort of Christmas Cake I'd-."

She looks away, smiling, her ears twitching and her tail flicking my haunches.

"Hie away, you incorrigible scoundrel."

"Oh you love it."

Cadance smiles at our exchange, then looks thoughtfully at Circe. "Does that mean that I'm going to grow as well?"

"Almost certainly. I'm afraid that accelerating the process with an existing alicorn is rather more difficult than-."

"Oh, no no no. I'm not jealous. I'm glad that Sunset was able to get what she wants."

I smirk. "Because now you don't have to worry about her turning up in your room at night with a dissection kit."

She looks away. "Well… Ah, how do you think her talk with Princess Celestia is going?"

"Nothing's exploded yet and-" I glance out of a nearby window. "-the sun's still on course, so I suppose that it's going about as well as it could."

"I know you don't like Celestia very much, but when Sunset was her student they really cared about each other-." My expression appears to give me away. "And maybe Celestia didn't communicate very well, and maybe Sunset was a lot angrier than was healthy, but that love doesn't just go away." She looks thoughtful. "Maybe I could remind them of that feeling-."

I scowl. "Use-."


'Use unnatural mental influence spells on any member of my retinue and I will treat it as an act of war.'

I glance at Luna, who looks curious as to where I was going with that.

No. No.

Cadance stops to see what I wanted to say, and… I do want to make clear clear my opposition, but less vehemently.

"I feel that it's important to let them work out their differences themselves, and I would very much appreciate it if you didn't ever interfere with their thoughts with magic."

Cadance gapes for a moment.

"… O-oh."

Oh… Great. Managed to be rude anyway. Ugh. I look away. I suppose that I should check on them. It's not as if Sunset doesn't know how to nullify sound or kill someone quietly.

"Excuse me."

I turn and trot away. To be absolutely fair, I don't know precisely how severe her mental compulsions are, but… That's not really a question a person should have to consider. After what Chrysalis did to Shining Armour she should know better than that.


Speaking of the stallion, he's over there talking to Shadow Tempest. I'm not sure exactly how much the state of the Royal Guard is his fault, how much is Celestia and how much is the combined failure of the institution over the course of a thousand years, but-.

"Hey." Rainbow Dash appears in the air directly in front of me. "What were you planning on using on me?"

I stop walking, raising my eyebrows. "I beg your pardon?"

"The thing. Like the clones and Spike and Rarity and the Diamond Dogs. What were you planning on springing on me?"

"Didn't really have anything, to be honest. Maybe something about the ennui involved in wanting to join the Wonderbolts when you're already a better flier and fighter than they are, but at this point you're more aware of your faults than I am."

She flaps twice, then frowns.

"Why would I need an emu to join the Wonderbolts? Emus can't fly."

I.. don't trust myself to keep a straight face, so I walk past her in the direction of-. No, they're gone. Ah, Twilight Sparkle. I should ask her about mental influence spells and see how warranted my concerns are. I mean, I'm confident that Sunset can defend herself-.

"Hey, Gravy!" / "Hey, Gravy!"

I stop again, turning to see… Pinkie Pie and Party Popper.

Wait, 'gravy'? Blood sauce? I mean, I know that she's a baker, but… I wouldn't have thought that ponies… No, she might mean that white sauce stuff that Americans think is gravy.

"Pinkie Pie. Party Popper. What can I do for you?"

"Okay, but which is which?" / "Okay, but which is which?"

Creepy party twins alert.

I point to Party Popper. "Popper." And then to Pinkie Pie. "Pie."

No… Wait. I look closer.

"No. You're not."

The Pinkie clone grins even wider. "You actually can tell!"

"Yes..? May I ask what you're doing in Canterlot?"

"I'm gunna be the Canterlot Pinkie! Because it would be super-confusing if we all went to the same place, and I got sent here. Party Popper got Manehattan because of course she did-"


"-and Original Pinkie got Ponyville and everypinkie else got somewhere else!"

"It will be a party extravaganza, I'm-."

"Sunset, that isn't what I meant."

Hurried hoofsteps cause me and.. most of the room to turn in the direction of the door to Celestia's garden. Sunset comes through first, water leaking from her eyes. An alarmed-looking Celestia follows swiftly at her heels. Sunset stops for a moment, her eyes alighting on me for a moment before turning back to Celestia.

"What else could you mean? What more could I learn when I've already achieved what your 'lessons' were supposed to teach me to do?"

"I'm sorry you feel that way, but-."

Sunset's face falls. "Yes. You are, aren't you?" She shakes her head. "I don't know what I-." She turns away from Celestia and trots over to me. "Grayven, can we.. go? Just… Call a boom tube?"

I look from her to Celestia, who gives her head a small pleading shake. And then back to Sunset.

"Certainly. Luna, I'll be back tomorrow. Mother Box."

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