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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)


Not really familiar with Buffy but, I'm sure he's had a good reason for this.

The mayor is a century or so old evil sorcerer who set up the town as a place to feed Vampires and other man eating super natural beings as part of a deal with Demon's for "immortality" as well a eventually becoming a powerful "immortal" Demon him self. Needless to say he ended up being killed before the series ended.
So BLaul works with the Scooby Gang, that's good.

What is the cure for a Balack Lantern anyway?

Also, would Krona really visit a place like the Buffyverse? The local gods are rather powerful and used to extra-planar events. Might be risky for him.
So BLaul works with the Scooby Gang, that's good.

What is the cure for a Balack Lantern anyway?

Also, would Krona really visit a place like the Buffyverse? The local gods are rather powerful and used to extra-planar events. Might be risky for him.

He may be an ally of the gang.

Not sure if there is a cure, but maybe the white light.
Zoat said something about the controllers trying to access the white light to safely resurrect someone, so maybe he will meet with Zaul in the future again and try to bring him back to life.

Krona was arrogant enough to try and view the creation of the universe so he would be arrogant enough to try and fight the various gods of Buffyverse, but seeing as he is one a schedule and may have become more cautious now probably not.
What is the cure for a Balack Lantern anyway?

Assuming you mean a Black ring, that depends on your goal. If you want to resurrect the Ring bearer fully and restore their freedom, a White ring. If you just want to put them down and keep them there, then Death of the Endless would probably be able to do something about it, if you could convince her to. Which may not be hard, given how the Black rings work.
12th August 1997
23:41 GMT -7

Paul looks awkwardly at black-Paul as drops the exsanguinated body. Halfway through him.. feeding upon it, it became a man, though that did not appear to trouble him. Was the false goddess was possessing someone? If she was then that would be regrettable. I will pray for their soul once this mission is over.
Overgir'ls perspective? This should be interesting.


"Stronger, at least."
Still riding that earlier vamp's desire, eh? Still, anything to empower him, for now...

I turn-. My mouth tightens slightly as pulses of pain radiate from my bruises. I have never learned to completely suppress my response to being injured. The Bat once said that it was because I wasn't injured often enough to become used to it. I… Sometimes wonder if it is because it because I.. am embarrassed to be so weak that I can be injured.
Wonder how often Clark-16 gets that feeling? I'm sure he would have felt pain often enough as a child, before his cells gained enough charge.

"Did you actually get any benefit from feeding on… Whatever his name was?"

"The two of them are so closely bound together that the only difference is that piercing his skin was easier."
No mention of empowering though. So vampires in this universe don't get any buffs from feeding.

Paul hasn't said anything. Either of them. Did he not notice? Not care? I'm still feeling too… Awkward about my.. accusation, to ask him.

Why did I think that?! Stupid girl!
Overgirl's got some buried self-esteem issues, eh?

But that.. 'Glorificus'? Was a clumsy fighter. In open ground, killing her from a distance would just be a matter of patience. I only fought her in melee in order to prevent the town being levelled, and even then-.

She was stronger than I am.
It's a harsh realisation, isn't it? Knowing you were actually at risk this time?

But not as skilled. She had not worked for her strength. She simply was.

Like Karl.

No, no, not like Karl. Karl worked to become better at what he did. More skilled.
So, Overman knows kung-fu. Or the Germanic equivalent.

"I thought that vampires here were demon-possessed corpses."

"Usually, yes. But black rings don't share."
"That demon was actually my first bit of charge. Makes me a little nostalgic..."

"Are you alright?"

And she barely even noticed Paul shifting his focus, eh?

It's an instinctive response, not showing weakness, not being weak. And it's stupid as well because he can see perfectly well what I'm feeling. And his eyes tell me that he knows I know, but that if I don't want to talk about it now we can do it later.

He's going to want me to talk to that Jewess.
Aw, come on. Harley isn't that bad. I mean, sure, her accent's a little tough...

He might suggest someone else first, but that's what he wants, because he trusts her. Because he thinks that she'll do the best job. That she'll understand me.

Am I supposed to want to kill her?
Eh, if you're feeling something, the process is working...

I-. I don't. Karl wouldn't want me to, and she isn't… Doing anything... Jew-ish. I know that. In my head, I know that-.

Oh, right, people were talking. Bad time to get lost in self-inspection...

Damn it!

"I'm sorry. I was distracted."

"Are you ready to go? Is there anything you want to do before we take a portal back?"
I doubt this world has anything she wants to see.

"Are there any orange power rings here?"

He closes his eyes for a moment. "None on Earth. And I couldn't call one from somewhere else quickly." He opens his eyes and looks at black-him as he takes out a phone. "You own a phone?"
Really don't want to get Larfleeze's attention on this Earth...

"Mister Giles insisted."
Ah, he does know the Scoobies. Though I expect he's kept at arm's length from Buffy...

Red-Paul looks around.

"Shouldn't there be some police by now? If only to cover things up more quickly."

"Normal police like to give everyone enough time to get away. The mayor's people learn to be cautious, or they learn to be dead."
When the local night-life tends to be immune to bullets (unless they're made of wood,) Caution is to be expected...

"You haven't killed him?"

"I can barely motive myself to move most-. Mister Giles, it's me. I'm being called away. I…"
Oh, I can just hear the British concern from the other end.

I watch as the Red Paul flies away at speed, and I'm.. distracting myself by wondering how they both know about this place. They might be able to use their rings to access data networks, but if the history of this Earth is more similar to Earth 16 than my Earth then the data networks shouldn't be advanced.. enough…

Time Trapper said that a version of me exists here.
...Ah. Oh, dear. She's going to want to see that, isn't she? At least it distracted her from the Pauls' metaknowledge.

Perhaps not on Earth 16, but definitely here. Certainly here. Someone who made a life for herself, without alien genetics.

How would.. she..?
Oh, no , no, nononono...

"Did you see where Red went?"

"Ah-?" I look in the direction he flew in, looking through the buildings to spot-.

In the distance a large pneumatic ram construct appears and slams repeatedly into a building.
Welp, one Mayor down. Bet that butterflies a lot of canon events...

"Oh, for goodness-. He could wait a few hours?"

"Who was in there?"

"The local mayor is a magician who build a town over a portal to hell in order to make it easier to empower himself at the townspeople's expense. I think Red Lantern just killed him."
No 'think' involved. When a Red sets out to kill someone, they will be dead.

I nod. "Are you worried about being delayed?"

"I'm worried about setting of a mutual assurance of destruction exchange between the world's most powerful magicians because I jumped the gun. It's not killing sufficiently bad people that I have a problem with, it's failing to plan for the fallout."
Ah, yes, that could be a mite problematic...

"Like now the General Protection Squadron's obsession with exterminating every subhuman delayed the settlement of Greater Germany's new territory after the war?"

And he looks at me and I know I shouldn't have said that. Stupid girl!
Well, I'm sure it made sense to her. I can feel his disappointment from here.

"Um. Possibly? Though I.. imagine that a better comparison would be the lack of a handover plan from the Protection Squadron to the regular police." He shakes his head, and I know that I.. just.. disgusted him and he's still being nice about it. "I'm going to grab him. Black Lantern?"

"If I wasn't worried about Nekron drawing strength from his death I would have killed him myself."
And there's another reason for him to not have done it himself...

"Magic mutually assured destruction. Wolfram and Hart have planar travel. Setting that off definitely risks Krona hearing about it."

"True, but I only just discovered that Krona was a problem."
It's not like his DC metaknowledge would really have helped apart from using his ring...

"But you knew that Wolfram and Hart, and… The First Evil? And the legion of super vampires under the hellmouth? Were here."

"I feel emotion by ripping it from the hearts of others. I don't get to feel compassion very often."
And remember his comment about motivation? It probably applies extra here.

"Okay. Angelika, look after Black. I'm going after Red."

He flies in the direction of the still-pounding piston.
...Raul's really being thorough, isn't he? From what I know of the Mayor, it's warranted...

I have a few minutes, but… If this is a greater risk of alerting Krona anyway

"Black Lantern? Have you visited Germany?"
And every other Paul's reaction: "FFfffffuuuuuu-..."

Oh, boy. This is about to get Krona's attention, isn't it? Honestly, does she really need to see what her life would be like without Overman that badly? I have the feeling this isn't going to end well for her, or anyone else...

I can barely motive myself to move most...
I can barely motivate myself to move most...
He could wait a few hours?
He couldn't wait a few hours? (Reads better?)
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The mayor is a century or so old evil sorcerer who set up the town as a place to feed Vampires and other man eating super natural beings as part of a deal with Demon's for "immortality" as well a eventually becoming a powerful "immortal" Demon him self. Needless to say he ended up being killed before the series ended.
But still, he was a really swell guy.
No, I think that's correct.
delete 'it because'
build -> built
of -> off
Thank you, corrected.
So, Overman knows kung-fu. Or the Germanic equivalent.
The Kryptonian equivalent.
No 'think' involved. When a Red sets out to kill someone, they will be dead.
The SI doesn't know if that one strike was enough to kill the mayor.
I can barely motivate myself to move most...
He couldn't wait a few hours? (Reads better?)
Change "now" to "how".
Thank you, corrected.
"Like how the General Protection Squadron's obsession with exterminating every subhuman delayed the settlement of Greater Germany's new territory after the war?"

And he looks at me and I know I shouldn't have said that. Stupid girl!

"Um. Possibly? Though I.. imagine that a better comparison would be the lack of a handover plan from the Protection Squadron to the regular police." He shakes his head, and I know that I.. just.. disgusted him and he's still being nice about it. "I'm going to grab him. Black Lantern?"

The "General Protection Squadron" is usually known under its non-translated name, Allgemeine SS.
Paul looks awkwardly at black-Paul as he drops the exsanguinated body. Halfway through him.. feeding upon it, it became a man, though that did not appear to trouble him. Was the false goddess possessing someone? If she was then that would be regrettable. I will pray for their soul once this mission is over.


"Stronger, at least."

I turn-. My mouth tightens slightly as pulses of pain radiate from my bruises. I have never learned to completely suppress my response to being injured. The Bat once said that it was because I wasn't injured often enough to become used to it. I… Sometimes wonder if it is because it because I.. am embarrassed to be so weak that I can be injured.

And the PoV shift caught me by surprise. Again. Also wow, her issues have issues!

"Are there any orange power rings here?"

He closes his eyes for a moment. "None on Earth. And I couldn't call one from somewhere else quickly."

'None on Earth'? Implying that there are any other power rings (aside from the ones we just saw) in BtvSverse???

He opens his eyes and looks at black-him as he takes out a phone. "You own a phone?"

"Mister Giles insisted."

What phone does he have? It's 1997 California so... could it be...


The mayor's people learn to be cautious, or they learn to be dead."

"You haven't killed him?"

"I can barely motive myself to move most-

... Ok, this is a pretty good excuse.

It's not killing sufficiently bad people that I have a problem with, it's failing to plan for the fallout."

"Like now the General Protection Squadron's obsession with exterminating every subhuman delayed the settlement of Greater Germany's new territory after the war?"


Well. That's certainly an example of planning for fallout. Or rather eliminating any possibility of fallout.

"I'm going to grab him. Black Lantern?"

"If I wasn't worried about Nekron drawing strength from his death I would have killed him myself."

This on the other hand rings a bit hollow as far as excuses go. Any kill you make leads to Nekron drawing strength. If you're worried that killing magically potent individuals will boost Nekron more than an average vamp, well, you just killed Glorificus.

"But you knew that Wolfram and Hart, and… The First Evil? And the legion of super vampires under the hellmouth? Were here."

"I feel emotion by ripping it from the hearts of others. I don't get to feel compassion very often."

Fair enough. Combined with lack of drive it will lead to minimal impact to the setting.

I have a few minutes, but… If this is a greater risk of alerting Krona anyway

"Black Lantern? Have you visited Germany?"

Well, this can only lead to good things. I'm expecting something similar to that Argentinian Hitler clone scene :)
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Well, this can only lead to good things. I'm expecting something similar to that Argentinian Hitler clone scene :)

This will most likely end in either disaster, to the point Raul may try to kill her, seeing as she blew their cover and the fact that she works for a Nazi nation makes her less sympathetic in his eyes.
Remember that while she has never taken people to be exterminated, she still works for a nation that does that, and seeing as Raul is powered by rage I don't think he will that sympathetic to her.

Or she gets character development by seeing that her Buffy counterpart is happy and I don't know is in a happy relationship with someone from a group she considers inferior.

Wonder if she knows about Helmut and his family.
I was being sarcastic man.

This will either be a boring, mutually disappointing meet up that happens off screen and we'll only hear about it in a few arcs following some Harley therapy or it will blow up even more than killing Glory and Wilkins will and make Krona pay attention and send some more sexbots fem!Manhunters.
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Paul hasn't said anything. Either of them. Did he not notice? Not care? I'm still feeling too… Awkward about my.. accusation, to ask him.

Why did I think that?! Stupid girl
Nice to see how vulnerable she is underneath the loyal to her nation mentality.

"Like how the General Protection Squadron's obsession with exterminating every subhuman delayed the settlement of Greater Germany's new territory after the war?"

And he looks at me and I know I shouldn't have said that. Stupid girl!

"Um. Possibly? Though I.. imagine that a better comparison would be the lack of a handover plan from the Protection Squadron to the regular police." He shakes his head, and I know that I.. just.. disgusted him and he's still being nice about it. "I'm going to grab him. Black Lantern?"
It's interesting to see how other people react to Paul being polite to them even if they do something rude or offensive to him. Also, how much does she trust Paul? The fact that she cares what he thinks is a good indicator that she sees him as a friend.
It's interesting to see how other people react to Paul being polite to them even if they do something rude or offensive to him. Also, how much does she trust Paul? The fact that she cares what he thinks is a good indicator that she sees him as a friend.

Er, 'friend' might be stretching it a bit. He's the only person that goes out of his way to interact with her but that's about it. That's all the reason she needs to care about what he thinks. We have no idea if the rest of the Team paid her any attention.
What I want to know is how did Glory end up in Sunnydale four years early? Shouldn't the Key still be a physical object in an underground monastery somewhere?
Er, 'friend' might be stretching it a bit. He's the only person that goes out of his way to interact with her but that's about it. That's all the reason she needs to care about what he thinks. We have no idea if the rest of the Team paid her any attention.

Some of them were probably polite, others like Rocket may have tried to keep their distance, Ghi'ta and Arisia were probably the most polite seeing as they probably lack the emotional aspect many people have with Nazi's, they may dislike such acts and philosophies, but don't feel personally offended, M'gan could have tried to be polite, but seeing as she is herself a victim of racism I don't think it would have gotten far, the same goes for Kaldur.
What I want to know is how did Glory end up in Sunnydale four years early? Shouldn't the Key still be a physical object in an underground monastery somewhere?

She felt a disturbance in the Force when they arrived? The reason she arrived to Sunnydale was because the Key [out of this dunghole and this disgusting mortal suit] was there and then. If someone else has a way out she'll target them naturally. ... or that's how I explain it.

the same goes for Kaldur

Fair. Didn't think about the alien members of the Team but I very much doubt that either Kaldur or Angelika would willingly seek each other's company if they had any alternative. Atlanthean or not, he's still Untermensch in her eyes and she's still a Nazi in his (I very much doubt he's that culturally distant not to pick that up through osmosis). Also, M'gann built her entire personality around 1980s television. I doubt anyone was praising National Socialism on tv at that period.
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Kaldur's adopted father was also a surface dweller that was modified to breathe underwater by Black Manta so he probably told Kaldur some stories about Nazi's.

Also even if this version of Manta is just a mercenary it is possible that some of his men followed him for ideological reasons like his comic counterpart, that being building a nation for black people

In Life Ore Death, Kaldurs adopted father was characterized as disliking the monarchy a bit so at least that version may have joined for some reason aside from money, but I don't know about this one.
Oh yes! Very much so. Polite, charming, well spoken, a good "father" to Faith and a pretty good mayor other than the whole setting up the place as a all you can eat buffet for super natural evil thing.
He's also a pretty good employer. Made Jack into a sheriff, and even pays pretty decently for ugly paintings.
Ugh. This arc is hell for me. I use the Dark theme because the colours stand out better in this story, and it's easier on the eyes in general, but now I have to zoom in like crazy to read Baul's dialogue.

So, Overman knows kung-fu. Or the Germanic equivalent.

He knows the Torquasm martial arts, the Kryptonian equivalents.
12th August 1997
23:41 GMT 7
A non-Paul POV, always a treat.

Interesting outlook from her. She knows she has problems and even what most of those problems are. She just can't do much about any of them.

"I feel emotion by ripping it from the hearts of others. I don't get to feel compassion very often."
The implication that he apparently has harvested at least one person in the throws of intense compassion is somewhat disquieting.

This will most likely end in either disaster, to the point Raul may try to kill her, seeing as she blew their cover and the fact that she works for a Nazi nation makes her less sympathetic in his eyes.
Remember that while she has never taken people to be exterminated, she still works for a nation that does that, and seeing as Raul is powered by rage I don't think he will that sympathetic to her.
Raul has never shown any dislike of people just because they are from a nation that gleefully practised slavery, segregation, genocide and the perversion of the English language.
He kills people because those specific individuals are a threat or disruption to society. Not because they happened to be born in a county of nutters.

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