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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Part of the reason White rings are so awesome is that they can be powered by all your emotions at once. No need to suppress. Actually I wonder if an experienced power ring user would actually be worse at using a white ring then a random person because they have gotten used to suppressing their other emotions when using their rings.
What the fuck? You're leaving best!spider and secondbest!spider in Vega??

Zoat, I'm disappointed in you. Will we ever see them again? Will princess ever be reunited with her cruel and deadbeat father???
What the fuck? You're leaving best!spider and secondbest!spider in Vega??

Zoat, I'm disappointed in you. Will we ever see them again? Will princess ever be reunited with her cruel and deadbeat father???
Princess will appear in future episodes.

The SI isn't her father in either the biological or social sense. Her biological father or fathers were the Hive Fathers who used their genetics to create her mother, whom she in turn is a modified clone. And he isn't her father in the social sense because he's had no input into her upbringing.
For all we make fun of green lanterns for doing simple constructs and brute force in general simple constructs and brute force are enough if you have enough will. Trap the enemy in a green light bubble and if it is strong enough it will do the job against about any enemy.
And he isn't her father in the social sense because he's had no input into her upbringing.

Hence the deadbeat part. She's less than a year old, after all. He could have tried for custody rights, brought her to Earth, raised her as a proper Themysciran woman and perhaps even a Wonder Woman someday!

But no, he left her with her mom halfway across the galaxy and didn't even promise to visit on weekends!
Um....what? No, sorry, humans are VERY capable of feeling multiple emotions at once. If you've never experienced multiple emotions at once then you've led a very unusual life. Avarice and hope in particular - since there's so much talk of a blue ring for Kori - go together quite well. "I want this and hope I get it" is a very common thing. Hell, that mix probably goes into every letter ever written to Santa Clause, so it doesn't even take a particularly mature mind.

Rings seems to work best when you're feeling a single emotion at once.
And that's one of the reasons why not everyone can use a ring, because they can't focus on a single emotion to wield a ring well.
Rings seems to work best when you're feeling a single emotion at once.
And that's one of the reasons why not everyone can use a ring, because they can't focus on a single emotion to wield a ring well.
No, you have to feel an emotion intensely and learn to channel it productive ways. It's just that it's already hard enough with one emotion.
No, you have to feel an emotion intensely and learn to channel it productive ways. It's just that it's already hard enough with one emotion.
I seems to see Ring users getting disrupted when they feel something else?
Like that one Orange Lantern who felt something else and his shield failed. (Forgot which)
Or Krona who stumbled when OL enkindled avarice in him.

Enlightenment is the one that enables you to use the color while feeling something else?
I seems to see Ring users getting disrupted when they feel something else?
Like that one Orange Lantern who felt something else and his shield failed. (Forgot which)
Or Krona who stumbled when OL enkindled avarice in him.

Enlightenment is the one that enables you to use the color while feeling something else?
Imagine that you need to strictly maintain a very particular mindset to use that ring. It is unnatural to think only in terms of one single emotion, which is what you practically need to do to wield a power ring. It is easy to disrupt that because doing so requires intense focus, and the wielder will likely burn himself out mentally. Thus, since using a particular ring requires that you use that emotion to wield it, it is easy to induce other feelings in Lanterns.

That's why those happened. Enlightenment simply allows OL to be able to be aware of his desires all the time, meaning he doesn't have to focus on them, so he can automatically bring the full might of his avarice to the task at hand automatically.

Note that this does not mean he wants all things equally, or that he is supernaturally avaricious (though he is one the most avaricious persons alive, others can theoretically achieve the same with practice without enlightenment). His maximum output hasn't increased, but he always uses his maximum.
Imagine that you need to strictly maintain a very particular mindset to use that ring. It is unnatural to think only in terms of one single emotion, which is what you practically need to do to wield a power ring. It is easy to disrupt that because doing so requires intense focus, and the wielder will likely burn himself out mentally. Thus, since using a particular ring requires that you use that emotion to wield it, it is easy to induce other feelings in Lanterns.

That's why those happened. Enlightenment simply allows OL to be able to be aware of his desires all the time, meaning he doesn't have to focus on them, so he can automatically bring the full might of his avarice to the task at hand automatically.

Note that this does not mean he wants all things equally, or that he is supernaturally avaricious (though he is one the most avaricious persons alive, others can theoretically achieve the same with practice without enlightenment). His maximum output hasn't increased, but he always uses his maximum.

Most of the time his maximum. He can still burn out if he just stops caring about a task. We've seen that even post enlightenment.
Princess will appear in future episodes.

The SI isn't her father in either the biological or social sense. Her biological father or fathers were the Hive Fathers who used their genetics to create her mother, whom she in turn is a modified clone. And he isn't her father in the social sense because he's had no input into her upbringing.
In reverse order...

She exists because of OL, not that he got any choice. You might say she's a 'child of his mind', seeing as she's based on his book. Frequently 'nature' vs. 'nurture', but, her nature is based on his desire for Orange Light wielders, and she's been raised by her mother who's made it quite clear what her reason for existence is, almost certainly pushing the contents of his book. It's even possible his book is hard-wired into her genetics, so it's a fixed element in her mind...

Classically, the next thing for Princess to do would be to run away from her home, so as to be with her Daddy... Who can she mug to acquire an Orange Ring? Princess Komand'r? Being stalked by an orange spider who wants to know ALL about you may be a new experience for OL...
Not sure if blue rings can do that.

Orange rings are able to assimilate things so it makes sense they can also assimilate a bit of the other lights and something that is used to channel said light

She may have not been that great of a candidate to wielding an orange ring at first, but she was later on shown as being capable of wielding it competently, had a brief experience with the Ophidian, was tutored by the best orange ring wielder in the universe and has had her ring for months now and has probably got the hang of using it.

Alan didn't get a new ring, just a new lantern.

So when he charged his ring on a blue lantern, it became a blue ring.

Also, when Paul and the Team encountered Burny the Martian in the Guardian ship, the ship accepted Paul's orange light as a power source, and the Guardian robot drained Paul's ring to power itself, showing guardiantech being neutral when it comes to which emotion exactly powers them.

Examples from the comics that predate Flashpoint include Superboy Prime's black lantern ring exploding after manifesting other colors, Sinestro and Hal becoming white lanterns, and the Sapphire Corps recruiting by trapping lanterns in love crystals that turn their rings sapphire.

So that is not something Zoat had to make up, or refer to the dreaded post flashpoint comics for.
Soooo... Does that mean Snowflame is around as well? lol

God, I hope not. There are few characters I'd look at and go "I hope like hell Zoat doesn't try to use this one," but Snowflame is definitely one of them. That's a character best forgotten and relegated to the dustbin of history. Whoever created him was clearly on drugs, and it's pretty easy to guess which one.
God, I hope not. There are few characters I'd look at and go "I hope like hell Zoat doesn't try to use this one," but Snowflame is definitely one of them. That's a character best forgotten and relegated to the dustbin of history. Whoever created him was clearly on drugs, and it's pretty easy to guess which one.
Oh come on now. That character is gold for a crack fic.
Alan didn't get a new ring, just a new lantern.

So when he charged his ring on a blue lantern, it became a blue ring.

Also, when Paul and the Team encountered Burny the Martian in the Guardian ship, the ship accepted Paul's orange light as a power source, and the Guardian robot drained Paul's ring to power itself, showing guardiantech being neutral when it comes to which emotion exactly powers them.

Examples from the comics that predate Flashpoint include Superboy Prime's black lantern ring exploding after manifesting other colors, Sinestro and Hal becoming white lanterns, and the Sapphire Corps recruiting by trapping lanterns in love crystals that turn their rings sapphire.

So that is not something Zoat had to make up, or refer to the dreaded post flashpoint comics for.
Good catch, almost forgot about that myself.
Why do I worry that a future episode is alluded to where Admiral Amalak finds out about Kal-El (and the rest), then comes to Earth to kill the "last 4" Kryptonians?

He seems reasonable unless Krypton is involved. (I do not blame him per-say, but killing people who are essentially random civilians is overboard).
Why do I worry that a future episode is alluded to where Admiral Amalak finds out about Kal-El (and the rest), then comes to Earth to kill the "last 4" Kryptonians?

He seems reasonable unless Krypton is involved. (I do not blame him per-say, but killing people who are essentially random civilians is overboard).

Oh it'll probably happen at some point. That said I still can't say I understand why you're worried about it. We've seen the orange core project obscene force all the way to earth quite quickly, his fleet resources seem smaller time than much of what the MC was even worried about, the league and league adjacent numbers have only grown since then, and as the earth is ramping time until the conflict is most certainly on their side. I don't think he stands a chance of winning or even seriously damaging if he goes berserk, though it would invite diplomatic challenges if resolved with violence.
Plutonian (supplementary, Renegade option)
12th April
04:14 GMT -6

"…not sufficient?"

Luna snorts, then realises that her forehooves are on the table between us. She blinks, then breathes in and out before sitting back down in her seat.

"Your pardon."

"No, no, you raise an interesting point that.. speaks right to my pseudo-cutie mark."

She smiles in amusement. "We suppose that you are not aware that in Equestrian society, speaking of one's own special talent to one who does not share it marks one as a frightful bore. But… We suppose that you have been so courteous as to listen to Us pontificate 'pon Our minor vexations. Pray, bore Us."

"If I can't make my own specialist subject sound interesting, then burn my mark off with acid and brand me with a bore-mark!"

"That punishment was once practised in Dream Valley. But wouldst your flesh not merely grow back?"

I frown in mock indignation. "What, you think I'm stupid? Of course it would! You think I'd volunteer to get maimed?"

"We suppose not. So then, oh potent pontificator of perfect pony presence and power politics, lecture Us the lessons that Our learn'ed tutors neglected."

"I think it comes down to legitimacy, really. What is it in pony society that says 'this pony is someone I should listen to'?" I incline my head slightly. "Well?"

"Our sister is this land's figure of authority and reverence, having ruled unchallenged this past millennium."

"And what's unique about Celestia? She's physically large and powerful, magically immensely powerful, old and wise, and -perhaps most importantly- she's been doing the job for so long that no one can imagine anyone else doing it."

"So either We are doomed, or We should wear platform hoofshoes."

"Luna… Let me tell you the tale of Stanley the Tool. Stanley was a soldier, raised to the rank of Warlord for his good service to his king, and he lived in a land where the word of a nation's monarch was absolute. A noble might rule a city, but their position was not held in virtue of their lineage but on the whim of their overlord. At any moment they could be recalled to the capital, transferred to another city… Or simply killed with a single spoken sentence. The monarchs of that land held that the Titans who created their world had endowed monarchs with rights and powers over all of those they ruled, and that to question that system was the highest heresy."

"And in this land, there were great tools left behind by the Titans from when they made the world. In a world with many magic artefacts of limited utility and power, these tools not only outstripped them all in power but had such a strange appearance that they were clearly not beholden to the same rules as the rest of the world. And one day, Stanley stumbled upon one of these tools. Moreover, he attuned himself to it, gaining the ability to draw upon its greatest power. Thus began his rise, from Warlord to Chief Warlord, eventually gaining such renown that his monarch anointed him his heir in spite of his lowly origin."

"And then his monarch died, and Stanley became king. And then he committed heresy. Because it seemed to him that if authority -ultimately- came from the approval of the Titans… Then surely the greatest sign of their approval was not the happenstance of one's birth, but whether one was considered worthy by them to bear the very tools with which they created the world."

"Naturally, none of his neighbours -all monarchs, none attuned to one of the Titans' tools- agreed with him, and the result was a rather large war."

Luna nods. "And his arrogance at believing himself uniquely empowered was his undoing, thus proving him wrong?"

"It was more of a bloody draw, but that's not really the point. Stanley the Tool undermined the mandate of all of the monarchs he went on to fight. Their pride could not let him stand, so all manner of old enemies rallied together and against him. So where does legitimacy come from in Equestria?"

"Our Sister, who has ruled for a millennium."

"Does she appoint every political figure in the country? Is university level education available to everyone with the intellectual capacity to benefit from it?"

"No, and.. no. Those with hereditary peerages hold a majority of offices, those with wealth most of the rest. At least, outside of small villages."

"Princess Celestia could drop into any of those places and be obeyed, but in practice, the ponies there are mostly following others."

"We suppose that is true. We are not certain that we see the similarity to this 'Stanley the Tool'."

"For most of the last thousand years there has been one alicorn. Now there are five, and Sunset is openly auditioning for the sixth. And then there are the non-alicorn former bearers of the Elements of Harmony, whose great deeds have kept this country… The world, safe from monstrous evils. Of the five of them, none come from armigerous families, but all were judged and found worthy by embodiments of the virtues which -in theory- all Equestrians revere."

"And then we have the hereditary nobility. In feudal states, they might have the loyalty of their tenants. But as you pointed out, all ponies regard Celestia as the highest authority. They are educated and wealthy, but whatever deeds caused their forebears to be ennobled… Each time Equestria has been tested recently, their efforts have been conspicuous by their absence. So if tomorrow the bearerherd went through Sunset's process and Celestia created them duchesses and awarded them lands… Or did so anyway…"

She nods slowly.

"What little natural authority they still possess would be gone."

"One alicorn cannot rule a country of any size. How many ponies would have to ascend before non-alicorns are no longer required in top-level government roles? Individuals of great ability and virtue… And they're ageless, so this isn't a case of a new noble family being created and their descendants just become part of the ruling class. They can keep doing the job until they don't want to any more and… Well, Celestia's still going after a thousand years."

"You believe that they are reacting against me… Because they fear that their time as this nation's elite is coming to an end."

"Mi Amore Cadenza was a peasant who was elevated by magic. She knew nothing about governance and yet Celestia effectively made her Crown Princess, then gave her a city to run. Was Blueblood in the frame for that?"

"Neigh, he was not."

"Me, I'd have sent someone with experience as a big city mayor. But Celestia sent a guard captain and the other alicorn, and no one questioned it." I shake my head. "Equestria's elite have no reason to ease your path. You're a threat they can't deal with."

She sits back on her haunches, looking thoughtful.

"Then what would you suggest?"

"There are two basic paths. Firstly, ingratiate yourself. Probably marry someone from a notable family. Fit in. Be part of the herd and work through existing power structures. Alternatively-."

"Simply plough through them. We are reasonably confident that We know which option you favour."

"Naturally. You're mine."

"We are uncertain how we feel about being described as property."

"Luna…" I look away for a moment. "I genuinely can't tell if… You're not interested in me, if I'm coming on too strong… You can tell me. I won't be offended."

"No, that-. We admit to being somewhat out of practice with such matters. You do not appreciate your mares playing 'hard to get'?"

I lean across the table.

"No, it's confusing and annoying. I'm huge and powerful and in personal matters I'm worried that I might simply be intimidating people into going along with what I want. You not telling me what you want and giving mixed signals -especially when I'm trying to be as direct and plain as possible- is a recipe of misunderstanding and frustration. I'm happy going fast and I'm happy going slow but I need to know that you actually want to go."

"Ah. Then We will be plain too. You are courteous and passionate, and have about you a kindness at odds with your occasionally brusque manner. We are most certainly interested, but perhaps in such matters actions are of more import than words."

She leans across the table and kisses me.
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Yeah, the whole "exponential growth of immortal alicorns" thing happening in MLP is a disaster in the making.

At least until now they had the distinction of earning their ascension, but Flurry Heart put a stop to that and Sunset...well, I honestly can't tell if her process makes it better or worse. It creates greater equality by making it accessible, but that also directly undermines Eqestria centuries old social system.
Ah so the SS KaraGravy has finally sank? Blubs uncontrollably.

I for one find Grayven building ships, and sinking them like this quite amusing. It's like some great parody of dating sims mixed with old fairy tales about breaking and entering into a house of bears before trying all their stuff. Will he eventually find the mythical, stable, and comfortable relationship as foretold in the prophecy? I dunno, but it's fun to watch.
Everyone continues to be more well-adjusted in romantic matter than Paragon.

Zoat, you are a monster.
The "Renegade in Equestria"-arc brought me back to reading stuff on fimfiction, after nearly 7 years being clean of that shit :eek:
And I didn't even read any stuff on the Renegade's side of the story before!

....please continue your monstrous ways.

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