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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Mr. Zoat, I just noticed that you forgot to threadmark Date Night in your Story Only post.
I just caught up love the story I kinda wish that when Paul asked cat woman out he came clean about his age I feel like that would have been the perfect point in the story for him to do it. Now when he comes clean I feel like it's gonna seem like he waited to long, which could lead to some fun drama but seeing Paul show up to Batman's wedding with his ex would have been awesome plus cat woman really seems to fit with the orange light
I just caught up love the story I kinda wish that when Paul asked cat woman out he came clean about his age I feel like that would have been the perfect point in the story for him to do it. Now when he comes clean I feel like it's gonna seem like he waited to long, which could lead to some fun drama but seeing Paul show up to Batman's wedding with his ex would have been awesome plus cat woman really seems to fit with the orange light
While she certainly has plenty of avarice, I don't think she'd handle Orange well. Harleen seems to be a better potential recruit, though still not enough to really stand out.

Speaking of that episode gave me a thought, actually. Swamp Thing is esssentially a sovereign power, and the core problem in that ep was that he was willing to act like one if his family was threatened. So why not make it official? Ask Themiscyra to donate a small island to be the sovereign territory of the Parliament of Trees, Mr. Holland as the nominal executive, and his wife and child get diplomatic passports. Admittedly diplomatic passports seem somewhat more powerful in Earth-16, but it is the established legal framework for "Do not fuck with this person unless you have a very, very good reason".
I mean, it works for the Pope, right?
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While she certainly has plenty of avarice, I don't think she'd handle Orange well. Harleen seems to be a better potential recruit, though still not enough to really stand out.

Speaking of that episode gave me a thought, actually. Swamp Thing is esssentially a sovereign power, and the core problem in that ep was that he was willing to act like one if his family was threatened. So why not make it official? Ask Themiscyra to donate a small island to be the sovereign territory of the Parliament of Trees, Mr. Holland as the nominal executive, and his wife and child get diplomatic passports. Admittedly diplomatic passports seem somewhat more powerful in Earth-16, but it is the established legal framework for "Do not fuck with this person unless you have a very, very good reason".
I mean, it works for the Pope, right?

If one is going to give the Parliament of Trees sovereign territory, it should probably be where they are (if Zoat keeps with the comics)- Brazil, off of the Tefe river.
Going a little far here, I think. Still, elgee made his call and this won't change. He IS my boss here after all, as a mod.

On why I am here now...

As far as Fables go, the account is pretty much either a troll or a sock. Thus, it was banned.
Interesting. I can look at the account page, unlike on SB/SV.
IIRC the staff was supposed to be able to contain the violet energy and allow it to be converted directly into magic fuel so Zatanna wouldn't go love-nuts using it. Assuming it leaked anyhow and allowed the Predator to speak to her, the embodiments aren't sapient on their own. The Ophidian had to use Paul's brain to actually think.
If one is going to give the Parliament of Trees sovereign territory, it should probably be where they are (if Zoat keeps with the comics)- Brazil, off of the Tefe river.

If Brazil was willing to cooperate, that would obviously be better. Or a chunk of the bayou that the Hollands live in. But Themiscyra is more likely to cooperate.
Hoard (part 17)
12th January
00:03 GMT +1

Huge blasts of air from the dragon's wing beats slam into us as it comes to a relative stop, hovering in the void a short distance from our platform. Far more air is being moved than its wings could actually move, and it still shouldn't be enough to keep something like that aloft. Zatanna staggers back a few steps before creating a violet shield around herself. For its part, the dragon watches us impassively, head craned down slightly and mouth slightly open. With the orange glow from its environmental shield it's a little hard to tell, but I think at least part of the light coming from its face is from its internal fires.

I suppose I should have expected something like this. I called the rings towards me. Naturally, some of them would reach Earth. And these gnomes clearly have magic which could prevent me feeling it, if I was even on Earth at the time.

The ring is only glowing dimly, though whether that's because it's on low power or because the dragon isn't using…

League of One. The comic where Diana hears an oracular pronouncement implying that the Justice League will die if they fight something in Europe, so she takes it upon herself to chase them off before confronting it herself. I… Don't remember how she won. And I'm pretty sure the dragon didn't have a power ring.

Oracles. Whose patron is Apollo.

If it was just my safety on the line I'd say 'fair enough'.


No, come on, what was the dragon's name..?

"Lantern Karfang."

I can't tell where the dragon is looking. Its eyes are blank red ovals mounted just above its fat muzzle. Its field of vision must be quite limited. I remember it speaking in the comic, but a creature that size and shape shouldn't realistically-.

"Who are you, you puny insect, to interrupt my slumber?"

But who needs realism when you've got magic and a power ring?

Zatanna steps forward toward the centre of the platform.

"Zatanna Zatara. Are you in charge of these gnomes?"

"They serve and worship me as their ancestors once did."

"Then you're under arrest."

The dragon's wings still for a second.


"Then you're under arrest." She pauses before glancing my way. "How do they Mirandize people in Switzerland?"

"You don't need to do anything until you start interviewing."

"You wish for me to stop?"

Right. She probably isn't familiar with modern police procedures if she's been down here for hundreds of years.

"Essentially, yes. Your servants have committed a number of crimes-."

"I care not for the petty laws of man."

"Even if the irritation humans cause you if you don't follow them is more than the irritation caused by simply following them?"

"Do not think to confuse me with words."

"If you get what you want and we get what we want, isn't that better than no one getting what they want?"

"'Want'. I have been thinking about that a great deal, of late." Her eyes narrow slightly. "You have two rings like mine."

"Orange power rings. I would be happy to include tuition in their use as part of any settlement."

"If I took them from you then I would have three."

"And no way to restore their power when they were depleted."

"The spirit of the ring whispers to me. It speaks of other rings which I might collect."

"If you could find them before running out of power. It's an unnecessary risk. Why snatch and grab what is yours for the asking?"

The next wing beat is slightly harder, raising her up in the air a little.

"You know so little of dragons."

Her mouth opens-

Okay, talking didn't work. I fire orange lasers at her eyes and crumbler rounds directly into her throat.

-and she exhales green gas..? Ring, chemical analysis.

Unable to comply.

Magic, right. She doesn't flinch at either the lasers or the crumbler rounds, and I can't see them doing any damage. The gas… It isn't damaging the stone we're standing on, and while it is penetrating my environmental shield it isn't piercing my armour. A glance sideways shows me that Zatanna's protective spell remains inviolate.

No idea what that was supposed to do. Don't worry about it. Can't see the dragon's desires and I don't want to risk ring-calling my own Corps to death. I dismiss my laser construct and load mage slayer rounds even as the dragon closes her mouth and cuts off the ga-

Zatanna points the Staff of Love, and purple crystal builds up around the Lantern Karfang's wings. She sort of hack-snorts in surprise as the motion of her wings ceases and she falls for a second before clamping onto the edge of our platform with her fore talons.


Zatanna re-aims the staff.


Lantern Karfang's mouth glows ruddy red for a moment, then a film of violet crystal forms over-.

Not going to work. I fire mage slayers at each of Lantern Karfang's eyes and I run at Zatanna, grab her and fly up then down and left. Karfang's fire disintegrates the crystal over her muzzle, roaring towards where I looked like I had been heading.

"Zatanna, can you-"

Karfang turns her head my way and I evade by closing the distance, getting behind the arc her head can easily turn in. Mage slayers at the eyes did nothing, so I try destruction pulses instead.

"-remove the barrier-"

And nothing again and this is some bullshit! Karfang physically can't breathe fire on me from this position, not without risking her position on the platform's edge. She's maintaining the near miss, however, and that will eventually harm me. She tries shifting back slightly and her talons start to lose their grip. She traverses and I maintain my relative position.

"-around the platform."


Karfang's wings snap free in a shower of violet crystals-

"-got it!"

-just as the barrier fails and I rocket towards the entrance!
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The pig farm was a bit much.

Its a hint that is Kon that is going to get that information in this timeline, not Diana.

Ergo stopping the dragon now is a higher priority because it wouldn't be Diana fighting it, it would be Kon and as far as he remembers this Dragon killed Diana, but this one is also wearing a power ring.

Paul has Larfleeze ring, so technically he can command the construct lantern (in ring form), if he awakes it... No wait it can ignore Paul orders... Best cat and best fatso demon ignored Truggs when he got Paul's ring, so they aren't tied to the ring itself, but the wearer.
Its a hint that is Kon that is going to get that information in this timeline, not Diana.

Ergo stopping the dragon now is a higher priority because it wouldn't be Diana fighting it, it would be Kon and as far as he remembers this Dragon killed Diana, but this one is also wearing a power ring.

Paul has Larfleeze ring, so technically he can command the construct lantern (in ring form), if he awakes it... No wait it can ignore Paul orders... Best cat and best fatso demon ignored Truggs when he got Paul's ring, so they aren't tied to the ring itself, but the wearer.
Wrong sun deity. Kon worships Helios. Apollo was the guy who showed up in Family Day 23-24 to monologue and posture before getting suckerpunched by Eris.
Wrong sun deity. Kon worships Helios. Apollo was the guy who showed up in Family Day 23-24 to monologue and posture before getting suckerpunched by Eris.

True, but the Greeks didn't limit their linking to knowledge and the Sun to just Apollo.

Helios as the sun, was envisioned as seeing everything his light touched.

So Helios was Big Brother, he of the all seeing eyes.

He saw Hades takes Persephone and is the one who told Demeter, he was the one who saw Aphrodite cuckold Ares and let Hephaestus know, leading to him making the chains to shame his wife and her lover.

So while Helios isn't likely to be sharing prophecies with Superboy, he might share all sorts of intelligence with him.
I'm surprised there isn't some protocol on the Ring to prevent another Larfleeze. Like Hinon could write a software patch that adds the ability for the ranking Corps member to either turn off the ring, or better yet use it to disable them.

Corps member starts to go nuts? Their CO shuts their ring off and it seals them in orange crystal or something.
I'm surprised there isn't some protocol on the Ring to prevent another Larfleeze. Like Hinon could write a software patch that adds the ability for the ranking Corps member to either turn off the ring, or better yet use it to disable them.

Corps member starts to go nuts? Their CO shuts their ring off and it seals them in orange crystal or something.
That might work with the new rings, but the SI believes that Karfang has one of the rings Larfleeze made. They don't have any programming, just the mind of the person they were made from.
Magic is beyond the most powerful force in the universe. Or at least that's how it seems. Hence why Zatanna can do something, but the Founder of a whole Lantern corps is partially screwed when his special ammo doesn't work.

"Finite players play WITHIN boundaries; infinite players play WITH boundaries."

Magic, within the DC franchise, is taking the language of the universe, and playing edit war with it.

Magic users are, in short, cheating cheaters who cheat.

"You're pure magic. That's it, isn't it? There's no lien on your soul, no price to pay for your skills. It's as natural to you as breathing. Just mutter some backwards bullshit and thy will be done. That's not fair! Shall I tell you of the innocents I've sacrificed... or the years I've traded off my life for the smallest fraction of your power?"

"That's not fair!" means it's working as intended.

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