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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Niether of the warhammer pauls are going to get a soul by traditional means. If they ever do get one it will be a complicated process likely involving high level spellcasters/psykers and possibly the help of a order-aligned god. As jury-rigging one like main Paul did out of available materials will either turn him into a chaos spawn or a daemon prince. That would probably be bad.
Zoat can paragon manipulate the emotions of those around him even without his ring, no matter how small that manipulation is, like making them confess what they want?

I know he can see the other colors, with or without the ring, but i was wondering if he could manipulate their avarice and desires without his ring?
Not to a significant degree. And always to a slight degree.
Can the paragon travel through the Honden of Avarice without his ring?
At will? No.
Could all enlightened people manipulate the emotions of those around them without using a power ring, or any other such emotion manipulating device, or even magic, but simply by focusing and trying to stir whatever emotion they have become enlightened to in another person?
All people can do that, so yes.
If a New God were to become enlightened then would they be able to manipulate the light they have become enlightened to, like Stewart 50 can, making constructs and having the other powers that light provides without using a ring or any device?
No, but the Source provides.
If a New God were to become enlightened even after they have some kind of Domain then would they lose their Domain, or become a god of their original Domain and whatever emotion they have become enlightened to?
I think you said something about New Gods only being able to have one Domain, but that they could stretch it.
I'm not sure that New Gods have the same psychological mechanism.
Will Highfather have white quote marks in your story?
Probably not.
They paint themselves purple I believe.

Because you've never seen a purple Ork.
Thought that if Highhfather had white enlightenment then that's how he would get rid of the AL equation.

Barda said that he will be getting rid of the Keys fragment.
My apologies if this has been covered before but given how Paul ended up in the DC universe without a soul and had to fashion his own, does the same apply here? The results could be quite interesting, and also disturbing.

Hmm, I think I've found a hill I'm willing to die on, I've always done Tyranid in the same way as Tyrant, especially since the Imperium named them that because one of the earliest encounters with them was at the planet of Tyran. One thing I've noticed is that who one goes for in 40K is very much dependent on what section of lore they were first exposed to and built from there. I unfortunately started out with 5E Space Marines and then had to sort of expand from there, took me a few years to find my home with the Guard, though the Ciaphas Cain series very much helped with that.
My apologies if this has been covered before but given how Paul ended up in the DC universe without a soul and had to fashion his own, does the same apply here? The results could be quite interesting, and also disturbing.
Yes, but 40k has plenty of things without souls so it's not as much of a big deal.

Obviously I'm retretconning the pariah gene back in.
Hmm, I think I've found a hill I'm willing to die on, I've always done Tyranid in the same way as Tyrant, especially since the Imperium named them that because one of the earliest encounters with them was at the planet of Tyran. One thing I've noticed is that who one goes for in 40K is very much dependent on what section of lore they were first exposed to and built from there. I unfortunately started out with 5E Space Marines and then had to sort of expand from there, took me a few years to find my home with the Guard, though the Ciaphas Cain series very much helped with that.
See, that's the justification I've always used.

In answer to your other question, the Enclave Reborn submod makes them far more interesting to play (reform, anyway) than any of the Brotherhood factions, having an actual reason to fight everyone as well as a massive focus tree.
My apologies if this has been covered before but given how Paul ended up in the DC universe without a soul and had to fashion his own, does the same apply here? The results could be quite interesting, and also disturbing.

Zoat has implied that all the alt.Pauls started off soulless.

Some of them still are, for example if I recall correctly Zoat indicated that Saul from the Boys never grew a soul, but since there is a lack of known magic users in the setting it just doesn't come up.

But various other alt.Pauls have grown a soul in some fashion or other. Anti-Green from getting dunked in a Lazarus Pit more often than he changes his socks, Sybarite from eating demons, Paul's tattoos, Gravy with the Father Box, etc, etc.
Yes, but 40k has plenty of things without souls so it's not as much of a big deal.

Obviously I'm retretconning the pariah gene back in.

See, that's the justification I've always used.

In answer to your other question, the Enclave Reborn submod makes them far more interesting to play (reform, anyway) than any of the Brotherhood factions, having an actual reason to fight everyone as well as a massive focus tree.

Sweet, I always liked that whole bit with the Pariahs, was a tad annoyed when I realized they had been effectively replaced with the Lychguard, who were far less interesting as a concept anyways.

Thanks for that by the way, ERB is always such a delight to play and honestly, my one time through the purity route felt like such a chore to get through. Plus the whole idea of forming the state of Nevada and helping give the legion the finger amuses me quite a bit. Hmm, so many ideas for when OWB gets around to the Chicago Enclave..... eventually.
Sweet, I always liked that whole bit with the Pariahs, was a tad annoyed when I realized they had been effectively replaced with the Lychguard, who were far less interesting as a concept anyways.
The Ld 7 bubble ability has so many more tactical options. I was annoyed when the Culexus Assassin lost that ability as well.
Thanks for that by the way, ERB is always such a delight to play and honestly, my one time through the purity route felt like such a chore to get through. Plus the whole idea of forming the state of Nevada and helping give the legion the finger amuses me quite a bit. Hmm, so many ideas for when OWB gets around to the Chicago Enclave..... eventually.
Purity was done first, and I get the feeling that they were learning how to make focus trees at the time. Hopefully they'll go back to it. I'd like a mechanism for coring territory where you exterminate mutants and replace them with cloned perfect humans, causing a drop in manpower until you build it back up. I'd also like Anderson to have a democraticish route and not have to do Presidential Dictatorship or nothing.
Regarding the Tau sterilizing other species, it's made fairly explicit in the Tau ending of Dawn of War Dark Crusade. Though how reliable this is, is up for debate.

Regarding the Tau sterilizing other species, it's made fairly explicit in the Tau ending of Dawn of War Dark Crusade. Though how reliable this is, is up for debate.

0:26 The human inhabitants had embraced the Imperial return. And what does the Imperium teach about aliens? It teaches that they're all absolute monsters who will torture you to death and then eat you.
0:45 Less than 5% of the total population doesn't actually mean that any died, just that a lot of tau and kroot started living there.
0:46 Successfully re-educated gue'vesa soldiers standing with the Tau Empire.
1:04 Not going to have a lot of children if everyone's in a single sex re-education camp.
Zoat has implied that all the alt.Pauls started off soulless.

Some of them still are, for example if I recall correctly Zoat indicated that Saul from the Boys never grew a soul, but since there is a lack of known magic users in the setting it just doesn't come up.

But various other alt.Pauls have grown a soul in some fashion or other. Anti-Green from getting dunked in a Lazarus Pit more often than he changes his socks, Sybarite from eating demons, Paul's tattoos, Gravy with the Father Box, etc, etc.

Correction anti green got his soul in a similar fashion to Alan and Stewart from star crossed, he is infused with raw green glow to make him stronger, but he is speed running his way to half glow elemental because he is infused until his brain gives up and he dies, then the Lazarus brings him back with a raw infusion of elemental energy from mother earth.

Also you forgot Raul as he got his soul construct when he got drowned in the lakes of rage.

Baul is also getting infused with hope glow energy and got a raw magic infusion as well (to get rid of his weaknesses to magic).

In the scale of Paul's I would guess the results are as follow.

Standard Paragon Paul: Infusion of magic through tattoos, possession by Greed embodiment, hell infusion got burned out of him the first time, the second lesser exposure remains, heaven infusion remains with him.

Rating 1 Para Paul.

Renegade Paul: Copied Grayven, soul got wrecked by anti life, infusion of glow energy (half the spectrum to fix some of the damage), finally purged anti life, in the grand scheme of things I would say he is 0.8 from Paragon Paul at least as far as the soul stuff goes.

Next is probably anti green lantern for the aforementioned events and his speed run to green glow elemental. 0.6 Paul

Next is probably Sybarite with his own speed run of greed flavored hell energy turning him into an incarnated demon like blaze. 0.5 Paul.

And so on... Raul is probably 0.3 Paul and Baul is probably around 0.3 too.
Zoat said that -14 Constantine gave Baul his soul and Anti Green got his soul from the Lazarus Pits, but i'm not sure if both of them are really absorbing their respective colors like Alan was.
Also Raul got his soul from Atros in one of his blood pools and may have a bit of red in his soul, but he may not be absorbing the red color.
Space Communists, what are you gonna do?

Still nicer than almost all other factions. Eh, 40K.
Except of course there's also the problem that the Tau only have the single win con of suborning themselves to the Imperium.

And the important thing isn't whether a Warhammer faction is nice, it's whether you can set things up so the Warhammer faction will win, and is nice to you.

And the funny thing is while it would be pretty easy for an SI with a Power Ring to pull that off with the Imperium, Eldar, or some branches of the Necron, it's impossible with the Tau.
Except of course there's also the problem that the Tau only have the single win con of suborning themselves to the Imperium.
[citation continues to be needed]

The Tau have to work with the Imperium in the long term, for sure (assuming they can't achieve a military victory on all fronts, but that's... unlikely), but I see no reason it would HAVE to be as a vassal state.
The Ld 7 bubble ability has so many more tactical options. I was annoyed when the Culexus Assassin lost that ability as well.

Purity was done first, and I get the feeling that they were learning how to make focus trees at the time. Hopefully they'll go back to it. I'd like a mechanism for coring territory where you exterminate mutants and replace them with cloned perfect humans, causing a drop in manpower until you build it back up. I'd also like Anderson to have a democraticish route and not have to do Presidential Dictatorship or nothing.

The one time I used Culexus effectively they were an absolute joy because everything lined up perfectly. Then the small group I play with learned to put it real high on the target priority list. Ah well, such is the nature of the game.

Yeah that makes a lot of sense, I remember seeing it on the OWB discord that the ERB team planned on doing an overhaul for Purity eventually, but it wasn't going to be anytime soon. Ah well, fingers crossed!
0:26 The human inhabitants had embraced the Imperial return. And what does the Imperium teach about aliens? It teaches that they're all absolute monsters who will torture you to death and then eat you.
0:45 Less than 5% of the total population doesn't actually mean that any died, just that a lot of tau and kroot started living there.
0:46 Successfully re-educated gue'vesa soldiers standing with the Tau Empire.
1:04 Not going to have a lot of children if everyone's in a single sex re-education camp.
Also the narrator is clearly a human of the Imperium so could easily be painting them in the worst light possible.

Tau are not perfect but they aren't super monsters either. Leadership might be corrupt enough that Farsight and others left but also shows said leadership doesn't have an irongrip or anything.

People mainly hate Tau cause they aren't grimdark enough for setting, plot armor keeps them alive, and gameplay of armies.
i don't recall reading a The Boys Paul.. can i get a quick link to that one?
[citation continues to be needed]

The Tau have to work with the Imperium in the long term, for sure (assuming they can't achieve a military victory on all fronts, but that's... unlikely), but I see no reason it would HAVE to be as a vassal state.
Because that's the only thing the Imperium would possibly accept and there isn't time to even try anything else.

Never forget, the Tau are on a 65 year deadline.
Equestrian Guise (part 15)

Lightning Dust looks askance at Tempest Shadow's horn stump.

"You can cast spells with that?"

Tempest doesn't seem much moved by what must be a pretty big insult. I guess she's either used to it, or thinks that someone she's going to be fighting beside deserves to know.

"No. I just fire energy blasts."

"Like, at one third power..? 'Cause you've got a third of a horn?"

Tempest's eyes narrow slightly and her horn crackles a little more.

"You tell me."

Lightning blasts from Tempest's horn, striking Dust and making her convulse-. For a fraction of a second. Then she spreads her wings and water vapour precipitates out of the air, forming a small and very black cloud sheath around them which crackles with electricity. Dust looks at them nervously for a moment, then grins confidently.

Tempest looks at her curiously, then nods. "Impressive reactions."

"Impressive lightning blast. How'd you build up so fast?"

"I'm always built up."

"Oh yeah?" Dust saunters closer. "How's about-?" A small discharge from her doom clouds hits her in the left ear. "Ow."

Tempest raises her eyebrows.

"Let me just deal with this real quick."

She flies over to a window, kicks it open and with a flap throws the clouds outside before flying back down.


"How's about-?" She blinks, but Tempest and Buckface have already caught up with me at the other end of the corridor. "Hey!"

Buckface turns his head back towards her.

"Get a bloady move ohn."

Dust grimaces, then with one powerful flap shoots over to join us. Looks like Super Lesbian Horse RPG is back on. Best of luck to her. I return my attention to the door and knock lightly.


I push the door open and trot inside, the other three following me. Luna has several sheets of paper floating in her thaumokinetic grip and a book on guard procedures in front of her. Celestia is laying on a chaise longue, sipping tea from a cup. She looks at my hirelings curiously while Luna sets her paperwork down to greet us with a smile.

"Grayven. We understand that you have retained the service of these trainers to improve Our guard. How goes it?"

"Not great. Tempest?"

Tempest steps forward. "The Royal Guard are in reasonable physical condition, but their training and equipment are badly outdated. Ponies have a bad reputation for focusing on their special talents to the exclusion of other skills and whoever came up with the Guard's procedure manual did exactly that."

"Thou wouldst rather that they focus on what they are worst at?"

"When training an army, you need everyone to have standard skills. You need everyone to know what the soldiers next to them can do, even if they don't know them personally. If you don't have standard spells for unicorns, the commander can't know what the magic users under their command can do. If pegasi aren't taught standard weather manipulation techniques you can end up making a plan requiring dense fog only to discover that no one knows how to make it or use it. And as for earth ponies-."

"Theys a right buncha pantywastars a'right."

Tempest keeps her face carefully blank, but she does glance at Buckface in a way which indicates that she's decidedly unimpressed.

"They cannae even break wee little stones wi' their hooves. And I tried wrasslin' one o' them an' his leg snapped like a tweg."

Celestia sits up, looking slightly concerned.

"You broke his leg?"

Tempest takes a half-step forward. "Princess, injuries during training happen. If anything, the fact that.. 'Buckface' could injure them so easily is part of the problem."

Luna looks at me. "'Buckface'?"

I close my eyes, shake my head and raise my right forehoof.

"I see. And what remedy do you suggest?"

"My training techniques are a bit more realistic than running into sandbags, princess. I'll bring them up to scratch."

Luna nods. "We will assign you a platoon to train, that you may show Us the fruits of your labour. Grayven tells Us that you desire Our aid in restoring your horn." Tempest stiffens. "How didst thou receive so grievous an injury?"

"I ran into a cave after a ball. The cave had an ursa in it."

Luna blinks. "Thou wert attacked by an ursa?"

"Yes, princess."

"At what age?"

"I was six, princess." She hesitates for a moment. "Princess, can you fix it?"

"Such chirurgies exist, but they are slow and difficult to bring to fruition. We will consult with Our physicians on the best way to proceed."

"Thank you, princess."

"We will also need the location of that ursa. If it dwells so close to a pony settlement that foals are endangered We will need to encourage it to seek new accommodation."

Tempest grins cruelly. "If you wait until my platoon is ready, we can handle that."

"We think it best to handle it at once, and not wait until Our soldiers are trained adequately. Fear not, Tempest Shadow, if the time since Our return has taught Us anything it is that thou shall have enemies aplenty. For now, consult with Our Captains as to who will be assigned to thine training platoon."

Tempest bows. "Princess."

She turns to leave, Dust and Buckface following and closing the door behind them.

Luna looks at me. "Buckface?"

"A nickname he acquired after a fight with an adult dragon, where he received the injury you saw. He comes from your species' original homeland on the other side of the planet."

"You've been travelling? Did you bring me a gift?"

"Naturally." I take the wrapped box out of subspace, Celestia frowning slightly as I pass it to Luna.

She smiles in pleasure and she takes it in her thaumokinetic grip, undoes the ribbon and paper, opens the box lid and lifts out Queen Chrysalis's severed head.
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Wow! The head of some screechy bug thing, so romantic!

Realistically, I wonder what the reactions to this move will be. Chrysalis, while a horrible being, is also a sentient creature and that might horrify Celestia and Luna. Probably Luna less because she has moral values of a thousand years ago. Its going to be interesting to see how this turns out.

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