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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

"They're passive and warded. Not easy to detect. I'm a bit surprised he couldn't work around it, but not everyone is as cunning as Constantine. I don't mind trying to work out how to dampen the side effects. If I get some help-."

"Plan 'Richard Simpson Becomes a God' is firmly off the table. Ring, contact the Justice League."
Umm... dumb question. Why?

This thing could also be a Titan, and Oceanus could have potentially drowned the planet.

Also the blessing Helios gave Kon could do serious damage to a planet.

Not power you want to be in the hands of a demon, even one as relatively sane and non malicious as Simpson.
Wouldn't putting it in a relatively non-malicious demons hands be less dangerous than having another titan walking about?
Umm... dumb question. Why?

Wouldn't putting it in a relatively non-malicious demons hands be less dangerous than having another titan walking about?
The mere awakening of this God is causing magical effects all over the world. Plugging a demon, aka a soul full of hell magic, into the equation is very risky.
"Plan 'Richard Simpson Becomes a God' is firmly off the table. Ring, contact the Justice League."
Now that Paul knows it's possible, will he get someone he can trust to become the God of Technology? Being friends with one would probably help his goal of spreading schizo tech to wide stream use.
Umm... dumb question. Why?

Because it would be extremely dangerous.

Wouldn't putting it in a relatively non-malicious demons hands be less dangerous than having another titan walking about?


But it can also backfire in many, many ways.

Simpson seems to be non-malicious, but he could just be pitting on an act.

The guy is a demon and spent years in Hell, so his personality was probably warped in very nasty ways.

He could also awaken this thing and have no control over it, and said god may be pissed that someone was trying to get control over it and it may attack the planet.

Or Simpson could accidently kill it and due to its death technology may stop working on Earth, and maybe people will no longer be able to even create or think about technology due to its death...

The risks of having Simpson take over this thing far outweigh the benefits.

Now that Paul knows it's possible, will he get someone he can trust to become the God of Technology? Being friends with one would probably help his goal of spreading schizo tech to wide stream use.

Seeing as Zoat left a like on your post, this may happen.
Well, there is a Texan-robot sized gun hanging on the wall so the story going that direction wouldn't be that surprising.

If not Duke then Red Inferno.

He knows her better than Duke, and seeing as she's partly magic, she may be able to take on the power better.

Unless her own magic makes that difficult.
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I don't blame Richard here. When you're faced with eternal torment, just about anything is acceptable.

I know I'd be willing to go pretty damn far to escape literally infinite torture.
Plan 'Richard Simpson Becomes a God' is firmly off the table. Ring, contact the Justice League."

Even if he i not a bad person anyone who soul dive in tech is not someone I would trust being a God.

Not to mention putting his soul ON THE INTERNET.

Freakazoid only survived by a miracle and because it was early Internet.
Now that Paul knows it's possible, will he get someone he can trust to become the God of Technology? Being friends with one would probably help his goal of spreading schizo tech to wide stream use.
I'd suggest Ted Kord.
Even if he i not a bad person anyone who soul dive in tech is not someone I would trust being a God.

Not to mention putting his soul ON THE INTERNET.

Freakazoid only survived by a miracle and because it was early Internet.
Nowadays it would have turned him into a lolcatgirl. with a sibling fetish.
Part of me is honestly surprised that OL pushed allowing Richard to become the new God of tech off the table.

Because it sounds like such a Para-Paul thing to do.

There is a limit to how bad Simpson can get as a tech god, so Paul is waiting until Constantine comes back to make it truly awful
Part of me is honestly surprised that OL pushed allowing Richard to become the new God of tech off the table.

Because it sounds like such a Para-Paul thing to do.

This is...a sadly accurate description of paragons character.

Giving power to dangerous people that have a high chance of misusing said power.

At least it looks like he's learning.
This is...a sadly accurate description of paragons character.

Giving power to dangerous people that have a high chance of misusing said power.

At least it looks like he's learning.
I have to disagree. He would only do that if it is in line with his own goals, or at least doesn't conflict with them. Richard Simpson, a companion of John Constantine and a demon, gaining incredible power by becoming a God is such a profoundly bad idea that has no upside, at least from Paul's perspective, that he would never allow it to happen unless something really terrible would happen otherwise.
I have to disagree. He would only do that if it is in line with his own goals, or at least doesn't conflict with them. Richard Simpson, a companion of John Constantine and a demon, gaining incredible power by becoming a God is such a profoundly bad idea that has no upside, at least from Paul's perspective, that he would never allow it to happen unless something really terrible would happen otherwise.

I was thinking that he may consider working with a tech god who owes him would be something he'd like to do.

He wants to advance Earths tech level and if he thinks that Simpson can help him then he may consider helping him become a god.

He has some idea of Simpsons character, while having no idea how this new god will turn out when it's born.
I have to disagree. He would only do that if it is in line with his own goals, or at least doesn't conflict with them. Richard Simpson, a companion of John Constantine and a demon, gaining incredible power by becoming a God is such a profoundly bad idea that has no upside, at least from Paul's perspective, that he would never allow it to happen unless something really terrible would happen otherwise.

INB4 does it anyway next chapter just cause
I'm still confused by the metaphysics of why there would be a singular global God of Technology emerging; it doesn't seem like that's the case for any of the usual domains/concepts that gods preside over (wish we'd seen that conclave of forge/volcano gods that Paragon suggested to have a while back). It doesn't seem like Simpson is responsible for that part, just accelerating what would happen 'naturally'. Different cultures on Earth would view technology in different ways, so I'd have thought that would create multiple deities with the same domain.

Agreed. If this is leading to a proper pantheon we could have a several deity domains sourced from technology:
  1. Learning/Education,
  2. War,
  3. Entertainment,
  4. Transhumanism/Prosthetics/Medicine,
  5. Cooperation/Zoos/Pets/Animal Husbandry/Hunting,
  6. Politics, Communication and/or Democracy,
  7. Business
  8. Liminality, Transportation, and Traveling (adventure? Hiking/Climbing?).
Eight seems like an appropriate enough number given the importance of bytes in our computer programs.
Is it just me or did the techno-demon just said that Quinn is Constantine and OL didn't react to that ?
Is it just me or did the techno-demon just said that Quinn is Constantine and OL didn't react to that ?

It's just you.

He just said that not everyone is as cunning as Constantine.

Though if Quinn is the Golden Boy, then he kinda is a Constantine.
You know, after watching Wandavision I can't help but feel that maybe Simpson isn't exactly fully behind this.

Just watch this.

It's been Agatha all along.

And Sparky is Simpson here. She killed him, or is planning to kill him, once she gets her power.


Really wished I showed this a few chapters ago, but better late than never.

And good luck trying to get the song out of your heads. I know I can't.
I have to disagree. He would only do that if it is in line with his own goals, or at least doesn't conflict with them. Richard Simpson, a companion of John Constantine and a demon, gaining incredible power by becoming a God is such a profoundly bad idea that has no upside, at least from Paul's perspective, that he would never allow it to happen unless something really terrible would happen otherwise.

He supported the omnicidal maniac against the Qwardian version of Paul.

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