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[RWBY] RWBY Shorts

Blast from the Past New
okay here's a prompt I tossed into AJT's discord to do with to give some intresting drama with Ren and Nora.

Now we know their village was wiped out when they were kids and when your kids you can have only a vague idea on what your parents do. So what if Nora was the survivor or either some nobility and/or a wealthy heiress and didn't know it.

Now what is a common thing for a heir or heiress to have.

An arranged marriage. Now if this is on record and the only reason she wasn't found sooner is that her and Ren were always on the move growing up and now they are at Beacon for a good long time (ideally).

Cue Nora and Ren gettting an ethuisastic friend from thier childhood showing up and he's Nora's betrothed.

Now the easy thing is ofcoure to make him an asshole but wouldn't be more intresitng if he is legit wanting his friendS back as Ren being alive in his eyes is just a super Bonus. Now he can have his best buddies back in his life and he gets to marry Nora like he's dreamed of.

Now he's not just demanding her marry him now. No he wants to legitimatly win her heart and be friends with all thier friends and teammembers.

Jaune: DUDE
Ren: I know.
Jaune: I mean.. fuck I WANT to hate him but... he's so damn nice.
In true anime fashion, Beacon throws a school festival and each team has to do something for it! What do our heroes do?

Jaune, Yang and Ren flex their cooking skills and become a main attraction, Weiss and Blake makes it about race/wealth and fail as is tradition, Nora and Pyrrha try to help but instead HALP and Glynda makes sweet love with a bottle of whisky.

EDIT: And Ruby sits on the side nomming on a bag of cookies Jaune made her (she's also the mascot)
In true anime fashion, Beacon throws a school festival and each team has to do something for it! What do our heroes do?
I can see a bunch of possibilities.

But I think my favorite two are RWBY version of a fashion show for huntresses. Coordinating outfits and weapons. Something that could appeal to 3 out of 4 of the rwby girls. Yang would like showing off, Ruby would like the weapons, and Weiss is probably pretty at home with this kind of thing.

And JNPR cafe. Why? Because part of me imagined dudes swarming to see pyrrha and Nora in maid outfits only to see cardin's team in the dresses instead (they were recruited to be servers under threat of violence).

Also I like to imagine that Jaune is both a good cook, and a opinionated one.

*Kitchen door is kicked off it's hinges*

Jaune: which one of you dead mother fuckers tried to order a pineapple and anchovy pizza from MY fucking kitchen?!
Blake is going to make everything worse by giving Nora reverse harem manga.
She totally would do it.

I now have this mental image after taking about it in the discord of Dove being thier old friend and just when team JNPR gets offically announced at Beacon he stands up runs up and gives both Nora and Ren the pick up spining hug in cclebration that he's found them before he went out into hte world to search for his missing childhood friends. Them being rumored as surviviors ispired him to be a Hunter and he wanted to go out and maybe sweep her off her feet as the conquoring hero
Jaune Arc the Troll New
Here's another sleep-deprived clusterfuck of an idea.

Lunch at Beacon Academy was a fairly normal affair. After all, no matter how many super powered teenagers you stick in a room, if they're hungry and you give them food they're not very likely to cause trouble.

That's not counting the bullying, the food fights that send people through walls and cost hundreds of thousands of lien in damages, and that triple homicide that one time. Of course.

However, today was just one of those days. Someone just felt like causing a scene. It happens to the best of us. But no one expected him of all people would be the one to start it.

Jaune Arc sat down at the table shared by his team, JNPR, and his sister team, RWBY. With a groan he leaned back against Cardin Winchester, who turned to scowl at the boy. "What are you doing?"

Jaune ignored his bully-turned-friend, and set off alarm bells in everyone's heads when he sat both legs on the table. One crossed over the other. "Arc!?" The resident 'Snow Angel', Weiss Schnee, was the first to take notice. "What are you doing? That is incredibly unsanitary!"

"Yeah, Vomitboy, what's gotten into you? You been spending too much time with Cardin or something?" The buxom Yang Xiao-Long asked, moving her plate of spaghetti risotto away from the blonde boy's shoes.

"Hey! I resemble that!" The large redhead shot back. The man was satisfied that he got a chuckle out of the brawler for that.

"Jaune, are you feeling alright?" His ever loving partner, Pyrrha Nikos, scanned him for any injuries or signs of illness. Of course, she found nothing.

For no illness could take Jaune Arc's mood from him. For he was in an incredibly rare mood. One so rare that it had a name in the Arc house, nay, in all of Radian!

'Funny Vamp'...

I mean, 'Funny Arc'. Funny Vamp is a totally different thing.

It's a mood that once threatened to burn down all of Radian. A passing Huntress heard his jokes and took way too much offence. This led to a seven day siege on the Arc household that only ended after the fighting burnt down the market square, and everyone agreed to just let bygones be bygones.

Not that Summer Rose ever really forgave the boy for his sense of humor.

Jaune Arc reached over and took a dinosaur-shaped chicken nugget, and chewed it.

His strange behavior had the entire table, and some other tables, carefully watching him. But, just as they started to believe nothing important was happening…

Jaune Arc burped loudly and then, as he was grabbing another chicky nuggy, spoke into the ether…

"Rape is good."

"ARC!?" First one up in arms was Weiss. She slammed her hands on the table and stood up. "What is wrong with you!? How could you say that!? Do you even realize what you're saying you dolt!? Do you understand what that is!?"

Everyone was taken aback. Even Blake Belladonna was wide eyed, putting her erotic literature down and staring agap in horror.

The only three who looked nonplussed were Lie Ren, on account of his Semblance, Pyrrha who appeared more aroused than scared, and Yang… who slapped the table and laughed heartily.

"Yang!?" Ruby Rose sputtered. "R-R-R… That word is bad! It's a crime! It's not funny!"

"Humor is subjective." The blonde Arc retorted calmly while stealing some of Pyrrha's peas.

"Fearless Leader, are you a bad guy?" Nora Valkyrie questioned.

Ren leaned over and whispered to her. "It's a joke."

"Ooooooh~! Okay Renny!" And with that, the two of them sat back to watch the chaos unfold.

"Xiao-Long!? Why are you laughing? This is incredibly inappropriate, even for you!" Weiss snapped at her.

"H-Hey, what's that supposed to mean? Blake, back me up!"

"I… I don't know what you want me to say."

"Defend me!"

"I don't think I can."

"Damn. Backstabbed by my partner… Kind of feeling like that's gonna be a pattern."

"What? Of course not!" Blake shot back. "It's just… How do I defend you right now? What do I say?"

"Maybe something along the lines of 'hey Weiss, maybe don't take jokes too seriously' or something!?"

"Jokes!? That wasn't a joke! Arc is promoting a crime! One of the worst crimes!" Weiss snapped.

"I… I don't mind." Pyrrha said, too quietly to be heard over the ruckus.

"Ah! What do I do!? What do I do!?" Ruby panicked, both hands clutching her head. She had no idea what to do! How does she calm everyone down? What does she say to Jaune!? Does she tell him it was bad? Does she agree? Does she reveal that she wouldn't mind if he did it to her?

Soon, other teams began adding their own two cents in.

"Arc! Apologize for what you said!"
"You're a piece of shit, Arc!"
"The fuck'd you say!?"
"Oh my gods, he's a mad man."
"Should I… get a teacher?"
"Nah man, we should enact justice!"
"Yeah, Heroes of Justice: Beat that schoolboy black and blue!"
"That doesn't sound very 'justicey'."
"Go suck a Beringal's ass you coward!"
"What'd you just tell my boyfriend!?"
"Oh, now it's on!"

Soon the entire cafeteria erupted into pandemonium.

Students went flying. Fires were started. Nora… I don't know, she took Ren somewhere while talking about babies, they're probably fine.

Look, the point is… everyone was unreasonably fuck-ass mad. Mostly everyone wanted Jaune Arc dead. Some wanted him to rape them, I won't name names but both of them were red.

All the while, Jaume Arc ate his nuggies. "What a wonderful duwang… Chew…"

"Did you just… say 'chew'?" Blake shot him a cautious side eye.

"The hell's a 'duwang'?" Yang pondered.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Glynda Goodwitch stormed into the cafeteria. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?"

"Ma'am!" Weiss shouted. "Arc said that r-r-r-rape was good!"


And that's how Jaune Arc ended up in Ozpin's office. Glynda was glaring at him while Ozpin was massaging his temples. "What could possibly have given you the notion that that was a good idea?" He queationed the Arc boy.

Said Arc shrugged his shoulders. "I have the humor of a two year old with a tumor."

"MR ARC!?"

"Glynda, let's not be hasty now…"

"Of course you'd take his side, Ozpin!"

"W-What's that supposed to mean!?"

"Everyone knows you've got a terrible sense of humor!"

"I will have you know that my humor is refined to a blade's edge!"

"Poopoo fart penis."

Ozpin punched his desk as he began to cackle. His glasses falling off as he laughed. Glynda watched in anger as Ozpin struggled to breath between bouts of laughter, the man falling from his chair and rolling around on the floor like a child.

The worst thing was that Jaune Arc joined him on the floor in mad revelry.

Glynda Goodwitch fucking hated the two of them.
Idea: Team RWBY and JPNR get sent on a mission to patrol and clear any Grimm on a vacation resort island, thing is it's a nudist resort and clothes are not allowed (weapons are fine but clothes are not), so now both teams get to enjoy the scenery and what the island has to offer.
Idea: Team RWBY and JPNR get sent on a mission to patrol and clear any Grimm on a vacation resort island, thing is it's a nudist resort and clothes are not allowed (weapons are fine but clothes are not), so now both teams get to enjoy the scenery and what the island has to offer.

Jaune Arc taking his underpants off is like... It's like when Lee took his weights off against Gaara. A big shock to everyone around. An invisible pressure of power.

But in this case it's Jaune's cock.
Woah woah woah! Save that stuff for the NSFW thread!

But as for here:

-Gimme more ideas for the White Sun fic, as Blake and Weiss escalate their "fake" relationships with Jaune and Sun!

-Jaune and Ren babysit the kids of the Beacon staff. Cute shenanigans ensue.

-Mercury decides, ya know what? Fuck Cinder. He's an assassin, damnit. He can't make money if the entire world is dead. So how does he become a double agent?

-What if Cardin and Velvet were childhood friends?

-Yang has heard that Jaune has driving skills. She wants to see them for herself.
-What if Cardin and Velvet were childhood friends?

*Cardin gets a flashback*

Little velvet: you gonna cry cardimwit?

*Tiny velvet hops all over a lovingly made sand castle and steals a carrotcake cupcake from even tinier than velvet cardin's lunch*

Current Cardin: Revenge.

Dove: you say something Cardin?

*Que the lunch room scene*
Woah woah woah! Save that stuff for the NSFW thread!

Sorry! I get a bit too excited sometimes, you know? Plus, I'm a perv. It's in my nature.

-Mercury decides, ya know what? Fuck Cinder. He's an assassin, damnit. He can't make money if the entire world is dead. So how does he become a double agent?

I imagine as any good assassin does. Business!

He finds someone rich, explains what's going on, and tells them to hire him. As an assassin, so long as a contract is made, he is obligated to fulfill it.

Cinder never made a contract with him. It was more of a demand than a deal. He's not obligated by business practices to actually help her, only self-preservation... something he's used to going against, as an assassin.

At first, he tries going to the only other "bro" in the two teams Cinder has Emerald scoping out. He doesn't want to go to Ren as Nora seems liable to crush him immediately. And as confident he is on taking her, he doesn't want to risk ot when there's another option.

So he goes to Jaune Arc. He takes him aside with an excuse of getting help with a girl or some other "guy talk" excuse. Then he explains the situation he's in, and how he'd rather not get Ozpin involved otherwise he's liable to get himself killed.

So Jaune takes him to Weiss and the two tell her everything. She... eventually... agrees to help, and makes a contract with Mercury. Though, she also suggests informing Ozpin.

Mercury caves, but says he can't go with them, because if he goes to Ozpin then Cinder will get suspicious and it might just blow this whole thing up.

So, Jaune and Weiss decide to at least go along with Mercury's original excuse of "helping Jaune get a girl" to cover their asses. Weiss sends Jaume to tell Ozpin, while Mercury heads back to Cinder.

Cinder asks him what he was doing, and Mervury says something along the lines of "I was getting annoyed watching the idiot bumble and flail around trying to get the Princess' attention. So I set them up. Even if it doesn't work out, at least he'll be less annoying for a bit."

Cinder and Emerald both take that excuse as reasonable, and lose suspicion. Until eventually Ozpin and his Illuminati ambush Cinder, Emerald and Neo.

Mercury gets to gloat at them a bit.

Luckily for Neo, Mercury had mentioned to Jaune how Roman and her weren't working with Cinder willingly. So Jaune was able to talk Ozpin into giving them some leniency. Jaune knows they're criminals, the bad guys, but he can also figure out that there's bigger fish to fry and also they didn't exactly have a choice.

Thanks to Jaune's sincere explanation and pleas, Ozpin is able to convince James to go easy on them. Cinder is the most important one to grab. Emerald only cares about Cinder, not Salem. Mercury ratted them out, so he gets paid to help the Ozluminati. Roman and Neo will either run away from Vale, go underground for a while, or join the Ozluminati.

So woth the Fall of Beacon foiled, Jaune and Weiss get together and join Ozpin's club. Neo slowly slips herself into their rationship as Jaune's mistress, as Weiss simply cannot handle his stamina. Roman likes Jaune, despite his goody two-shoes thing, because he pulled their asses from the fire and is making Neo happy.

Mercury gets training from Qrow and gets paid to assassinate Salem's minions (hell yeah).

Ozpin gets to call Salem and gloat to her, because he finds her reactions to him winning to be the funniest shit ever!

-What if Cardin and Velvet were childhood friends?

Velvet used to be a tomboy. She had a nickname, and Cardin thought that was her name. He didn't even know she was a girl. Velvet moved away suddenly and Cardin thought his best friend abandoned him.

That's why he's racist. He's angry at his best friend, and doesn't know hlw to handle it. So he lashes out.

Velvet feels like shit for being unable to say goodbye or going back to see him later. So she accepted his bullying as punishment.

After Jaundice, Cardin apologized to her and Velvet realizes that he doesn't recognize her. So she apologizes for abandoning him.

Cardin is supremely confused. Abandoning him? What? He doesn't even know who she is!? How could she...

Then he figures it out.

Cue all the anger bursting out. He screams at her, he wants to punch her so badly but he doesn't want to hurt so, so he punches a door or wall or something. He just screams and shouts all his pent up anger out.

Then comes the sadness. Once all his anger is dried up, all he's left with is the gnawing of depression. The uestion of "why"? Being the son of a council member, he never had any friends as a kid. Everyone was too scared of his dad, or only wanted an "in" with his father.

Velvet was the light and joy in his life. Someone he could be happy to be around. Someone he could play games with and just... around her, he could just be a kid.

When she abandoned him, all that went away. He fell into a depression, ended up in the wrong crowd and becane a delinquint. He took his anger out on faunus and others. He was not a good person.

Because he never really had a normak childhood, he never knew how to handle his emotions. They boiled and festered inside until the sadness became anger, which slowly became hate.

But he could never hate her.

He bullied her specifically because she reminded him of his old friend, which is ironic because she was his old friend.

The whole reason he became a Huntsman-in-Training was so he could take his hate out on the Grimm. Legally and withpit repercussions. He hated the faunus for what his cgildhood friend did, but Cardin also hated himself for holding such hate in his heart... so he tried refirecting his hate to Grimm. It was somewhat successful, but seeing Velvet just dragged up all his painful memories and he hated her for it.

He bullied Jaune because the blond kid reminded Cardin of how he used to be. When he had her by his side. So he hated him too. Just being near either Velvet or Jaune caused a bubbling, sizzling pot of hatred to rise up beneath his skin. When both were nearby, he felt like he was sweating magma with how hot his blood ran.

But it was Jaune who saved his life, and by accepting him the Arc created a path that allowed him to overcome his hate. If Velvet had revealed her identity before Jaune saved him, he'd probably never be able to forgive her.

Velvet sees his aching heart, the bottomless resevoir of emptiness in his soul. She explains why she disappeared.

Grimm attacked her family's village. The one she lived in before moving to Vale and meeting him. So her family rushed to move back to the village, to help it recover and rebuild. Her family was full of Huntsmen and Huntresses, after all.

She wanted to be like them because she saw them save her old village and restore it. She wanted to be a hero who her best friend Cardin could look up to. Because she knew, when she got older, that the beating of her heart when she thought of him wasn't the feelings between friends...

It was love.

So... Jaune saved Cardin's life with acceptance and friendship. While Velvet saved Cardin's life through kindness and love.

It wasn't immediate, but Cardin slowly ft the emptiness inside him shrink. It shriveled up and died. And all that was left was happiness and love.

While Velvet had told Cardin about her feelings first, it was Cardin who confessed and asked her to be his girlfriend... and perhaps, if she wants, in the future she could be his wife and the mother of his children.

Velvet, of course, accepts his confession and they get together.

Velvet's team were originally skeptical, but they eventually decided (after Velvet scolded them for doubting her precious Cardin) that they'd support them completely.

Cardin's team were fine with it from the beginning. But were uncomfortable after learning about Cardin's past and feelings. They also realized that was why a lot of Grimm attacked Cardin during initiation. That's why only a few Grimm other than the Deathstalker and Birb attacked RWBY & JNPR, everything else was drawn to Cardin.

But Jaune is the first other than CFVY and CRDL to congratulate the two. Followed closely by Nora, Ren and then Pyrrha... then it was Ruby, Yang, Weiss and finally Blake.

After that, pretty much everyone knew and congratulated the two.

Then Cardin and Velvet were incredibly sweet and wholesome. And Cardin was dangerously protective of his future wife (he was already set on it happening, and so was Velvet).

Super wholesome shit.
Gimme more ideas for the White Sun fic, as Blake and Weiss escalate their "fake" relationships with Jaune and Sun!

-Jaune and Ren babysit the kids of the Beacon staff. Cute shenanigans ensue.

-Mercury decides, ya know what? Fuck Cinder. He's an assassin, damnit. He can't make money if the entire world is dead. So how does he become a double agent?

-What if Cardin and Velvet were childhood friends?

-Yang has heard that Jaune has driving skills. She wants to see them for herself.

1.weiss and sun turn around and try and pursue them but both jaune and blake are in a legitimate relationship
2.jumps back and forth between the girls causing havoc trying to babysit while jaune and ren have no problems whatsoever
3.just walks straight into ozpins office and says he wants to defect.
4.the bullying is them covering for their relationship thinking their families wouldn't support it. Meanwhile their families have known for years and think its a fetish thing
5.jaune straight up initial d
So if the rwby characters were some kind of mythical, fairytale, or fantasy (part-)races/creatures, what kind would they be?
These are just some ideas from me, mostly based on their fairy tale/story inspiration, but others could have different and more fun ideas than these.
  • Ruby is based on Little Red Riding Hood, so she could be some kind of wolf race/creature, perhaps a werewolf, probably a rode wolf (because of her colour scheme) or an arctic wolf (because they're the fastest wolf species).
  • Yang is based on Goldilocks from Goldilocks and the Three Bears, but she is also given dragon traits by the fandom (dragonborn, half-dragon, dragon faunus, etc.), so that could go multiple ways.
  • Blake is going to be some kind of feline (she's based on Belle from Beauty and the Beast, but that doesn't really do anything for this), but what specifically could vary wildly.
  • Weiss is based on Snow White, so might be some snow/ice creature, like a Yuki-onna, or she might be something like The Snow Queen/The Ice-Maiden because of her pseudo-royalty status.
  • Jaune is based on the saint Jeanne d'Arc, so perhaps something holy or ethereal, so maybe an elf or something angelic.
  • Pyrrha is based on Achilles (had one son, a boy named Pyrrhus Neoptolemus), whose only associated animal was his horse, who he would speak to from time to time, which is a bit weak of a connection, but the mother of Achilles (Thetis) was a sea nymph, so that might work.
  • Nora is based on Thor from Norse myth, who rides a chariot pulled by two goats, Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr (whom he eats and resurrects), so she might be something like a satyr.
  • Ren is based on Fa Mulan, who isn't really associated with any race or animal, so I really don't have any idea.
  • Glynda is based on Glinda the Good Witch of the South from The Wizard of Oz, so she would be a witch, or perhaps a some kind of fairy, given how the Good Witch looks somewhat like one in the movie.
  • Ozpin is based on the Wizard from The Wizard of Oz (but inverse, because he has magic but hides it), and he's already an immortal wizard in canon, so there won't be much change there, or perhaps he could be the only actual human in the setting and has no magic/powers whatsoever, just like his inspiration.
  • Cardin is based on Henry Beaufort, who oversaw the trial of Jeanne d'Arc, and his first name is likely also derived from the cardinal bird species, so he's probably some kind of birdfolk
  • Russel Thrush, Dove Bronzewing and Sky Lark are all based on different birds (thrushes, bronzewing pigeon, and Alauda, also known as Skylarks, respectively), so probably the same kind of creature as Cardin but with the different bird species.
  • Penny is based on Pinocchio, and is pretty much already a fairy tale creature, but instead of a living puppet, she's a robot, but for an alternative creature, a golem or puppet with a soul could work.
  • Cinder is based on Cinderella, so maybe she's some kind of fairy, like how Cinderella has a fairy godmother, but given that fairies can vary wildly in their morality, including extremely evil, it wouldn't necessarily change her character if she was.
  • Emerald is based on Aladdin, so she might be something like a genie (note; not all genie are equally powerful, like how Aladdin had a weaker genie in a ring, and some can't grant wishes because they're not powerful enough).
  • Mercury is based on Mercury from Roman mythology, whose sacred animals were rooster, goat and tortoise, so something could be done with that.
  • Neopolitan is based on Hecate/Trivia the goddess of witchcraft/magic from Greek/Roman mythology, and also on the Mad Hatter from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland with her actions in the Ever After, so she's likely going to be a witch or something.
  • Adam Taurus is based on the Beast, Gaston, and the cursed rose from Beauty and the Beast, so it seems pretty obvious what he would be.
Trying to see if it is possible to combine all these in one fic.

Jaune is popular outside of Vale.
Jaune may not be good at Hunter stuff but other than that he is good at cooking, acting, negotiating and playing musical instruments (maybe guitar and piano). Having 7 sisters means he got to be skilled.
Jaune is descendants of Ozma and Salem Children (One of their four children survived somehow, possibly the first Spring Maiden). The Arc can use magic but they don't call it that and they don't advertise it. Salm found out about it before Oz did and she made a good effort to get to know her descendants. Jaune is the first to call her grandma and she loves him the most because of that.
Jaune is also the only eligible male heir to the Throne of Vale due to his great grandfather marry the the princess of Vale before the monarchy got disbanded.


Some of this is inspired by other fic.

I don't think I'm gonna like the new QQ. Reader mode used to have 7 pages on this thread and now it has 21 pages.
I agree. It looks fucking terrible.

I wish we had a way to make the site at least look like it used to.

I like old QQ because of the long pages on reader mode. That's what makes it so satisfying to me. Spacebattles and Sufficient Velocity does not have that charm. It what makes the old QQ so unique to me.

Why did they change it this way? Does anybody know?

This new change looks more like Sufficient Velocity than Spacebattles. There recommendation for similar threads at the end and you can now use reader mode on threadmarks and see which page you are on.

Still, better not derail.

What if Jaune has a semblance similar to DC Lantern Corps.

Red - Rage
Orange - Avarice
Yellow - Fear
Green - Willpower
Blue - Hope
Indigo - Compassion
Violet - Love

But lets say each color gave him different power.

Red - Amplify Strength
Orange - Steal Aura
Yellow - Super Speed
Green - Boost Intelligence
Blue - Heal
Indigo - Make people tell the truth
Violet - Teleportation

Let's say if he master all seven color, he gets the White power that can resurrects people. Then he resurrect Summer Rose for Ruby and Yang. It has certain condition to resurrect people like need the item close to that person. Requires aura, the longer they died, the more aura it need.
So a idea here. Jaunes aura makes "ghost"

To clarify. Jaune has a shit ton of aura and his semblance latches and boosts any aura it would view as wounded or depleted.

When a huntsmen or huntress died they leave behind echoes of their aura, nothing huge, maybe a scent or a whisper on the wind. The more powerful the hunter or sudden and violent the death the stronger the echo.

Jaune can ignite these echoes. Sort of awakening a spectral copy of the hunter, it's not them, not really. It's sorta like a snapshot of them at the end.

They can offer a little help, maybe info and training but once they're ignited that's it. They'll use up all their aura and fade away.

There's a couple ways this could go. Maybe a supernatural detective angle, or a story about bringing people closure.
A few random ideas that popped into my head:

-Suppose Jaune did join Beacon to be a combat medic like his mother?

-What if Taiyang was able to move past his grief and remarried? Say, to one Glynda Goodwitch?

-What if Blake joined Beacon as a symbol of peace between Menagerie and the Four Kingdoms? A diplomatic overture? How would the story change then?

-Jaune and Sun as childhood friends.

-What if Whitley managed to get accepted into Beacon with Weiss?

-If Remnant was Earth before the Brother Gods came and remade it, what if the gods of old were reawakened to defend mankind once more?

-Jaune picks up a pet demon spider that escaped from a dungeon he found. One who isn't from this world but loves Jaune's cooking. Yes, it's Kumoko from "So I'm a Spider: So What?!"

-Jaune helps Yang fix up Bumblebee. He has some knowledge of motorcycles since his dad had one. This gives them a means to bond.

-Nick Arc did some bodyguard work for a while, including protecting Ghira and Kali. Jaune and Blake thus met as children. How does this change things?

-Adding onto the last idea, several Huntsmen/Huntresses shoot for the lucrative career of bodyguard to the rich and powerful. Pyrrha's mother is trying to push Pyrrha into this career with a rich, handsome young man she hopes will marry Pyrrha. How does this story unfold and how does Pyrrha get out of it?
So a idea here. Jaunes aura makes "ghost"

To clarify. Jaune has a shit ton of aura and his semblance latches and boosts any aura it would view as wounded or depleted.

When a huntsmen or huntress died they leave behind echoes of their aura, nothing huge, maybe a scent or a whisper on the wind. The more powerful the hunter or sudden and violent the death the stronger the echo.

Jaune can ignite these echoes. Sort of awakening a spectral copy of the hunter, it's not them, not really. It's sorta like a snapshot of them at the end.

They can offer a little help, maybe info and training but once they're ignited that's it. They'll use up all their aura and fade away.

There's a couple ways this could go. Maybe a supernatural detective angle, or a story about bringing people closure.
Cool idea for a power.
It kinda made me think of Glaistig Uaine from worm, and also a bit of Izuku's quirk in the fanfic Yesterday Upon The Stair (TV Tropes page)
So a idea here. Jaunes aura makes "ghost"

To clarify. Jaune has a shit ton of aura and his semblance latches and boosts any aura it would view as wounded or depleted.

When a huntsmen or huntress died they leave behind echoes of their aura, nothing huge, maybe a scent or a whisper on the wind. The more powerful the hunter or sudden and violent the death the stronger the echo.

Jaune can ignite these echoes. Sort of awakening a spectral copy of the hunter, it's not them, not really. It's sorta like a snapshot of them at the end.

They can offer a little help, maybe info and training but once they're ignited that's it. They'll use up all their aura and fade away.

There's a couple ways this could go. Maybe a supernatural detective angle, or a story about bringing people closure.

It could be both, and also be hilarious if the ghosts provide TMI.
Dragonslayer: Grease Monkey New
Yang Xiao-Long wasn't stupid. Sure, academically she wasn't a powerhouse like Weiss or Blake, but she had street smarts and common sense. And in terms of engineering, Sure, Ruby was way better, but she knew her way around Bumblebee like the back of her hand.

Which was why it was so frustrating that her beloved bike was being such a PAIN here in Beacon's shop!

"Son of a-COME ON!" Yang growled, punching the air to avoid damaging her baby. She glared at the open engine block of her bike, the normally cooperative parts that sang a symphony of power annoyingly silent.


Yang looked up. Jaune Arc stood in the doorway, looking concerned. She glared.

"Yeah VB? What do you want?"

He scowled a bit. Yang immediately winced, and shook her head.

"Sorry. Just... Ugh. Not you. My bike," she grumbled. Jaune walked over, his expression sympathetic.

"Ah. That why you haven't been picking up your scroll?"

"Bingo," Yang sighed, "Guess I just don't have the motor to talk right now." She bowed her head and scowled at Bumblebee.

Jaune laughed quietly.

"Yeah, hard to do that when your pride and joy is broken," he agreed, "What's wrong with her?"

" Keeps stalling every time I hit 3000 RPM," Yang scowled. Jaune nodded.

"Over 90k miles?"

"Yeah," Yang grumbled, "But the engine is completely new build."

"Ah. The Wayland 1989s were always finicky, even with rebuilt engines," Jaune said sagely.

Yang looked up at him in confusion.

"You're familiar?"

"Well, my dad had one of these and it was cheaper to learn how to fix it himself," Jaune said with a modest shrug, "And I worked with him when I was old emough to hold tools."

"Huh!" Yang raised an eyebrow. "So..."

Jaune blinked at her and shrugged.


"Any suggestions?"

Jaune hummed, and shrugged.

"Well... Maybe... Can I?"

"Be my guest," Yang said, standing up and scooting aside. She watched him like a hawk the whole time, and wondered at several points when he clanged something loudly what the hell she was thinking letting Jaune "Vomit Boy" Arc at her baby...

But he put it all back together almost as well as she did. He stood up, covered in engine grease and sweat, and beamed at her.

"Try it now."

Yang gingerly moved in as he stepped back. She pressed the ignition. The bike roared to life, not a single sputter, before she revved it up. 1000... 2000... 5000...!

She grinned from ear to ear.

"It's alive!" She laughed loudly over the engine roar, and Jaune laughed with her. She kept the bike revving for a bit, listening intently, before she nodded and shut it down.

"Huh... Not bad, Grease Monkey," Yang grinned.

Jaune shrugged modestly.

"A-Anyone who had helped his dad build and rebuild these bikes could have done it."

"Just take the compliment," Yang winked.

Jaune nodded.

"S-Sure... Thanks."

Yang beamed.

"So... Wanna go for a ride?"

Jaune gaped.


"On the bike!" Yang chuckled. Jaune nodded, looking relieved.

"Oh! Sure!'

"And maybe if you're good enough, we'll go for a ride," Yang winked.

"... On the bike, right?"
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I really like reading these shorts. Honest. Your stories are funny and well written! The dialogue is great! And I will keep liking them.

But they are starting to become a little stale.

Most of them are just - "Jaune does something/is something different and girl/girls fall immediately in love with him". This feels less like "RWBY Shorts" and more like "Jaune's Stories" .

Different characters! Different couples!
I really like reading these shorts. Honest. Your stories are funny and well written! The dialogue is great! And I will keep liking them.

But they are starting to become a little stale.

Most of them are just - "Jaune does something/is something different and girl/girls fall immediately in love with him". This feels less like "RWBY Shorts" and more like "Jaune's Stories" .

Different characters! Different couples!

I have done a few for other couples such as Weiss and Sun, Whitley and Ruby, and Cardin and Velvet, but what can I say? Jaune is fun to write and ship.

But by all means, post other couples as you like. No problem with you doing that whatsoever.
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-What if Whitley managed to get accepted into Beacon with Weiss?

-Adding onto the last idea, several Huntsmen/Huntresses shoot for the lucrative career of bodyguard to the rich and powerful. Pyrrha's mother is trying to push Pyrrha into this career with a rich, handsome young man she hopes will marry Pyrrha. How does this story unfold and how does Pyrrha get out of it?
As always thks for the snippets they are quite amusing.

For the Whitley in Beacon one, it would be hillarious.
I can see Whitley the little shit that he is say nothing to weiss about his enrollment, so thoughout the whole flight Weiss thinks he is just travelling along to spite her, or to check on their trading partners, or maybe that their father sent him to atempt to convince Ozpin to rescind Weiss enrollment.
Later after the dust accident with RWBY, jaune is there but so is Whitley not letting go of an oportunity to get any digs into Weiss, which the two cinammon roll misunderstand as him trying to raise rubys spirit.
From there ther is no interaction until the teams are anounced and Whitley has replaced a member of team CRDL.
People turning up their noses at him, thinking he is the racist instigator of his team when he couldnt care about it, and makes Cardin apologize to velvet for being uncouth.
Weiss going crazy when Ruby and Whitley bond over how unreasonable she can be, and over desigining cool weapons that mix interesting aplications of dust.

For the second one, the one about bodyguard Pyrrah, it turns out the rich and powerful man, is actually one of jaunes sisters that has a somewhat genderneutral name and is a succesful businesswoman, qeue Pyrrah being taken all over vale as Big sis spoils her little brother rotten. While also oversharing baby photos and embarrasing stories about him.

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