Captain Jim Silverhand and the Jolly Roger
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We need badass sky pirates in RWBY. We only got Tok, who sucks. So to that end, here's one I made:
While Winter and Weiss are on vacation in a resort town during the summer break (and where Team SSSN coincidentally took their vacation in):
And here is the info file on the Jolly Roger herself:
Jolly Roger
Length: 210 meters
Beam: 140 meters
Draft: 78 meters
Displacement: 56,000 tons
Crew: 480
-Six 16" Dust Cannons in Two Turrets
-Eight 5" Dust Cannons in Four Turrets
-Four Atlasian Point Defense Dust Autocannons
-Multiple machine guns and small arms
-8" Ablative Armor
-12" Dust Forged Steel Armor
-MistralTron Electronic Jamming System
-Eight Howe and Pushton Dust Reactors
-Four Valean Electric Afterburning Turbothrusters
-Dust-Powered Quantum Levitation System
-Top Speed: 150 miles per hour
-Range: 15,000 miles
The Jolly Roger is the first, last, and only Montana-class air battleship that was built for the Valean Air Navy. It was under construction during a time when the Great War Treaty was being reconsidered given the Faunus Revolution. It was based on a design from the Great War. It had fairly open architecture to allow it to be easily upgraded, and was focused on a big gun, all-or-nothing armor approach. Her protection was maximized around her engines, command and control, powerplant, and main gun turrets. An extensive fabrication system, based upon Atlasian technology, was put into the vessel to make it as self sufficient as possible. Up to 90 percent of its spare parts could be manufactured by the vessel using local materials.
With the end of the Faunus Revolution, the Montana Air Battleship Project was not immediately canceled but was put under review, as the first vessel was nearly completed. With the expansion of the Great War Treaty to have Atlas take over all military operations for the Four Kingdoms, the project was ultimately canceled and the lone example was to be scrapped without even being given a name. However, an enterprising young air pirate decided to save the ship from her fate.
In a daring raid, Captain James "Jim" Silverhand stole the vessel and named her the Jolly Roger. Over the next fifteen years, she formed the core of his ever growing pirate fleet, her fabrication facilities allowing for him to maintain not only the very large and powerful battleship, but also numerous other vessels (though Jolly Roger herself is the only real warship among them). Over the years, Jolly Roger has been upgraded with more advanced tech and weaponry, including a MistralTron Electronic Jamming System that is military grade and allows the vessel to go undetected by radar despite its large size.
Despite her sustainability in terms of maintenance, Jolly Roger is a considerable Dust hog and so Silverhand's fleet has focused upon raiding Dust shipments to keep her going. Silverhand has also assisted other pirate groups, rogue nations and factions to keep his beloved "Lady" in operation, working as mercenaries and even doing legitimate security work. Said Silverhand, "When I saw her lying there in her dock, about to be scrapped and picked clean without ever feeling the wind underneath her wings, I knew I had to liberate her. Because a ship is freedom, and seeing one in bondage is the most horrific thing imaginable."
While Winter and Weiss are on vacation in a resort town during the summer break (and where Team SSSN coincidentally took their vacation in):
- - -
Weiss had just settled in for the night, practically dancing on the air as she laid down into her comfortable bed in the Chateau D'Aulnoy. Her thoughts were light and happy, as she sighed and snuggled into her sheets.
A week. A week of romance with her first boyfriend, Neptune! He'd been such a gentleman! He had gone to the beach with her (she swam, he begged off to relax), explored the cliffs, toured the city, and they'd had so many meals together! He'd been endlessly warm and polite and complimentary! He had held her hand, and kissed it, and been so gallant and kind!
He had often seemed distracted at times, which had been a bit annoying. Especially around other women. She'd worked hard to keep his attention on her.
She should have been the center of his attention in all ways! Who did he think he was?
Though honestly, he was probably intimidated by Winter. Winter had followed them around, never overbearing but always around. She supposed she couldn't blame him. Winter intimidated her.
She appreciated her older sister's concern but really! She could handle herself!
Otherwise, it was a lot of fun. It was probably the most fun she'd had in a long, long time.
Even with Winter's overly protective tendencies.
Weiss was just about to drift off to sleep, hopefully with dreams of her wonderful first boyfriend… When the peace of the night was shattered by loud music and raucous singing.
"Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me
We pillage plunder, we rifle and loot
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me~!"
Weiss groaned and sat up.
"What is going on…?"
She got up out of bed and stalked to the window. She cast open the curtains and glared out.
"Who is making all that… Racket?!"
A gigantic red and gold airship was hovering alongside Ponce, over the beach. It was long and large, at least 200 meters long from Weiss' quick estimation. It had a massive, sleek hull, dagger shaped, with large Dust-powered engines in huge nacelles near the aft with long, trailing wings to aid it in flight. It had intimidating triple gun turrets on the dorsal and ventral sides, with several smaller guns all along the hull. A tall, swept back, fin-shaped mast stood on the top deck, covered in antennas and sensors, which made the entire vessel resemble a gigantic, sky-going shark.
And lit up with lights, a large black flag with a skull and crossbones waved from the mast.
From her studies of history, Weiss recognized it as a Valean Montana-class air battleship, one of the last ever built for Vale. Only one had been finished, but it had been left in drydock for decades before they decided to scrap it. She knew this because the SDC had been contracted to scrap it while her grandfather and her uncle were still in charge.
When they'd come to the drydock though, the battleship had vanished. It had been stolen and christened with a name that would strike fear into hearts across Remnant:
The Jolly Roger.
Smaller airships, mostly commercial or light patrol models, darted around Ponce, all painted in similar red and gold colors. One flew past Weiss' hotel window with a roar, and she shrieked in surprise. Yet even louder than the engines was the singing!
"We kindle and char and enflame and ignite
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho
We burn up the city, we're really a fright
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho~!"
Winter burst into the room, already in her battle uniform and wielding her sword.
"Weiss! Get dressed, get your weapon, they're pirates!" Winter cried.
Weiss complied, yanking on her combat outfit and taking up Myrtenaster. She grabbed any stock of Dust she had on hand and got ready in a few minutes. Outside, numerous pirates were spilling out of Dustcraft, into shops, bars and across the Ponce boulevard.
Winter and Weiss leaped out the window and landed on the main thoroughfare of Ponce, just as one of the many dust craft landed before them: An Atlesian gunship, painted in red and black stripes. Several other dust craft flew around them, spotlights illuminating the two Schnee sisters. Weiss held up her hand and scowled against the brightness, even as Winter stood firm.
The hatch on the gunship opened, and several air pirates ran out. All dressed in combat armor vests, boots, with guns and swords at their sides over their multicolored clothing. They formed an honor guard around the ramp of the gunship, and stood at attention as a man stepped out.
He was tall-Almost seven feet tall. His hair was black and curly, tied in a tail behind him. His face was almost aristocratic with his high cheekbones and pointed chin, with an immaculately tended beard to frame his face. His eyes were black as the night and swept over the area with a keen gaze.
He wore a broad-brimmed burgundy hat, topped with a black Nevermore feather. His pants were black and his shirt white, underneath a deep red greatcoat, and his boots were well travelled and up to his knees. Pouches hung from his belt, along with a well used cutlass. His left hand was normal flesh, but his right was shiny and metallic, flexing at some unconscious musing.
He stepped out onto the pavement of Ponce, his gaze finally zeroing in on Winter and Weiss. He showed no fear, no malice-Just a hard, unrelenting determination. If the situation were not so dire, Weiss might have called the older man handsome.
"Ladies," the man spoke with a smooth baritone voice, "Captain Jim Silverhand, at your service." He doffed his hat and bowed.
"What does the most infamous Valean air pirate want with a resort town?!" Winter demanded, pointing her sword at him.
"Yeah!" Weiss declared, pointing her own blade at the man.
Captain Silverhand stood back up with an almost charming smile.
"Why… We are here to celebrate!" He cried, holding his arms up, "Isn't that right, lads?!"
"YAR!" Bellowed his crew, from the dust craft to the pirates with him.
"You won't get past us!" Winter snarled.
"But you must," Silverhand chuckled. "For if you don't, the consequences will be most… Dire."
The pirates with him tensed, their hands on their weapons. Winter shifted into her combat position, as did Weiss.
"Weiss, I'll hold them off. You run and raise the alarm," Winter muttered to her younger sister.
Weiss stared in shock.
"I'll handle this, you need to-!"
The tension was broken as both parties turned to look over at Team SSSN. Scarlet was staring in shock and disbelief, as Sun, Neptune, and Sage stood ready with their weapons.
Silverhand's expression abruptly changed from shock… To joy.
The pirate captain moved, and Winter made to strike to protect the young man. Silverhook however moved too fast for her reflexes, and in an instant, he was…
Embracing the redheaded teenager?
"SCARLET! MY SON! How are you?" Silverhand laughed, patting the shorter man on the back, "Look at you! Are you eating enough, son? Are these reprobates taking care of you?"
"Uh, yeah, Captain Silverhand, sir," Neptune managed, as dumbfounded as anyone not a pirate or Scarlet. "We are.
"Totally," Sun said, raising an eyebrow. Sage looked almost amused.
"Son…?" Weiss managed.
Scarlet pushed Silverhand away with a scowl.
"I'm fine, Dad! Seriously, what the hell is going on?! Why are you all flying around and making a ruckus?! You're scaring everyone to death!"
Silverhand looked a bit embarrassed. He rubbed the back of his head.
"Well, I wanted to find you and celebrate the good news!" He looked over his shoulder. "SMIEGEL!"
A shorter man in battle vest over a blue and white striped shirt darted out from behind the taller pirates. His hair was white, his blue eyes magnified behind spectacles, and he carried a Scroll rather than a weapon.
"Yes sir, Captain!" Smiegel cried, skidding to a halt in front of Scarlet and his captain, "Young Master Scarlet, the good news!"
He held up his Scroll and projected a large legal form. Winter and Weiss read it quickly, Winter finishing first with a disbelieving scowl.
"'Letter of Marque, issued by the Valean Government?!'"
"That is correct," Silverhand said cheerfully, "My fleet have gone legit! We are now part of the Valean Defense Forces… Such as they are!"
"You and your gang of ruffians?!" Weiss cried in disbelief. Silverhand grinned.
"Absolutely! We've all received a blanket pardon, and can now go about as lawful citizens!"
"Let me see that!" Winter demanded, looking over the Letter of Marque with a scowl. Smiegel looked over at Silverhand, who then nodded.
"But of course! Miss Schnee, Miss Schnee, you will find the documentation authentic, and my crew's behavior beyond reproach!"
A pirate was thrown out of a nearby bar. The man snarled, stood up, and pulled out his gun.
"I'll teach you to-!"
"HAWKINS!" Silverhand barked. Hawkins winced and looked over to Silverhook.
"Captain, I-I was just-!"
"We shall comport ourselves as gentlemen, Mister Hawkings!" Silverhand barked, "Or I'll keelhaul you!"
Hawkins shook and saluted.
"Aye-aye, sir!"
Silverhand smirked over at Winter, who scowled angrily back.
"As you can see, Miss Schnee, unless we are violating any laws, we cannot be impeded-Certainly not by a foreign agent."
"You… You're violating airspace!" Weiss tried. Silverhand looked over at Smiegel, who checked his Scroll.
"Aye sir, we might be loitering."
"Ugh," Silverhand sighed, "Pay the bloody fine!" He looked back to his son with a bright smile. "So, how are you, my lad?"
"I was better before you dropped in," Scarlet grunted. "Seriously, what is all this?!"
Silverhand sighed and shook his head.
"Right… I knew you'd be upset," he said. He turned to his pirates. "Crew! The song!"
"Aye sir!" His pirates cried. They produced musical instruments, and Silverhand held a tuning pipe to his lips. He blew it, producing an A. He nodded.
"Right, begin men!" Silverhand shouted.
The pirates began to play a jaunty tune, and the lead began to sing.
"It's okay to be gay, let's rejoice with the boys in the gay way
Hooray for the kind of man that you will find in the gay way-!"
"NO!" Silverhand bellowed, as Scarlet gaped in utter mortification, "NOT THAT ONE! WE ALREADY DID THAT ONE!"
Smiegel smacked every one of the pirate musicians, who all took the punishment stoically.
Sun and Neptune were coughing suspiciously behind their hands. Sage shook his head. Weiss wondered when this had become her life.
"Right, the other song-"
"I DON'T NEED A SONG!" Scarlet growled. Silverhand stared.
"You used to love singing along with the crew!"
Scarlet swept his hand through his hair, irritated.
"Yeah, when I was eight! Seriously Dad, what the hell?! Why are you doing all this?!"
"I just wanted to celebrate with my beloved son," Silverhand shot back, "Come on, lad! Isn't this what you were so upset about? You went off to be a hunter because you didn't want to be a pirate!"
"I didn't!" Scarlet growled. "So what changed, huh?!"
Silverhand sighed, and doffed his hat again. He pressed it to his chest, as the pirate band began to play somber music.
"Last year, we ran across a lad trying to make his way to Vale to become a Huntsman," he said, "A plucky boy, running away from home, defying his family. It wasn't an easy decision for him to make, but he still stuck to it. He was impetuous, and got in constant trouble… But he was a good lad, and earned my respect. Because I realized…"
Silverhand looked over at Scarlet, his face dark with emotion.
"He had become a man. He was no longer a boy. And you must respect a man's choices."
He looked into Scarlet's eyes, somber and serious.
"You had become a man, and I didn't respect your choices," he said softly, "Can you forgive me, Scarlet? Can you forgive your captain, your father, his mistake?"
Scarlet's mouth opened and closed a few times. He coughed and looked aside.
"I… Of course, Dad," Scarlet managed.
Silverhand held out his arms. Scarlet sighed, and stepped up to hug his father. They embraced.
"Awww," the pirates all cooed. Smiegel sniffled and wiped his eyes. Weiss, despite the ridiculousness of the situation, felt a bit touched and jealous of the obvious fatherly love and care the pirate captain was showing his son.
"Brings a tear to the eye," Neptune snarked.
"So wholesome," Sun sighed.
"I am very moved," Sage deadpanned.
"You assholes can shut up!" Scarlet snarled.
Silverhand laughed and patted his son on the shoulder.
"Well! That clear everything up, Miss Schnee?" He asked Winter. He looked over at Weiss. "Miss Schnee?"
Winter sighed heavily.
"If your men cause any trouble, you will answer to me," she growled. Silverhook grinned and nodded.
"Of course, miss, of course. NOW! Let's go drink and sing! DRINK UP, ME HEARTIES, YOHOOOO~!"
They headed off to a nearby bar, along with the rest of the pirates. Winter followed with a scowl. Weiss watched them go. She looked over at Neptune, who was grinning.
"Oh! Hey Weiss!" Neptune said. He closed the distance between them and embraced her. "You weren't scared, I hope? I'd have fought all those pirates for you."
Weiss flushed. Sun and Sage both rolled their eyes. Ugh, boys.
"I uh, I'm fine, thank you," she said with a smile. She shook her head. "Honestly? This has just been too… Weird. I kind of want to just… Go to bed."
Neptune waggled his eyebrows.
"Oho? I like forward girls."
Weiss went bright red, and giggled nervously.
"I-I mean… I didn't mean… Well… I mean… We… We might-"
"Weiss!" Winter called. Weiss and Neptune looked back at Winter, who scowled at them.
"We'll be keeping an eye on the pirates tonight. Sun Wukong! Your team too," she stated, glancing at Sun.
Sun sighed, and shrugged.
"As you wish, miss," he said. "Come on men. And Weiss… And Neptune."
"HEY!" Neptune growled, as his two friends headed off after Winter. Weiss chuckled.
"It… It's all right, Neptune," Weiss said with a smile, "I-I'm sure we'll get the chance for you to show your… Manliness, later at Beacon?"
Neptune glanced at her, and put on a charming smile. He took Weiss's hand.
"Of course, Snow Angel. Anything you like."
Her heart fluttered as she followed Neptune along. Even amongst all these raucous, poorly groomed pirates, it was still an amazing time.
Still… She really did look forward to returning to Beacon. It was sure to be much quieter, if nothing else. Even with her ridiculous friends.
- - -
Naturally Captain Silverhand and Smiegel are basically Captain Hook and Smee from "Peter Pan" (And a bit to Long John Silver from "Treasure Island"). Since Scarlet is a Peter Pan reference, it seemed logical for him to have some pirate (adopted) family.
The Jolly Roger is named a Montana-class air battleship, after the last battleships ever designed for the US Navy, the Montana-class. Montana is named for the Spanish word for "mountain", so it fits into Remnant fairly easily. She is named for Captain Hook's ship from "Peter Pan", and for the Jolly Roger flag typically flown by pirates.
And here is the info file on the Jolly Roger herself:
Jolly Roger
Length: 210 meters
Beam: 140 meters
Draft: 78 meters
Displacement: 56,000 tons
Crew: 480
-Six 16" Dust Cannons in Two Turrets
-Eight 5" Dust Cannons in Four Turrets
-Four Atlasian Point Defense Dust Autocannons
-Multiple machine guns and small arms
-8" Ablative Armor
-12" Dust Forged Steel Armor
-MistralTron Electronic Jamming System
-Eight Howe and Pushton Dust Reactors
-Four Valean Electric Afterburning Turbothrusters
-Dust-Powered Quantum Levitation System
-Top Speed: 150 miles per hour
-Range: 15,000 miles
The Jolly Roger is the first, last, and only Montana-class air battleship that was built for the Valean Air Navy. It was under construction during a time when the Great War Treaty was being reconsidered given the Faunus Revolution. It was based on a design from the Great War. It had fairly open architecture to allow it to be easily upgraded, and was focused on a big gun, all-or-nothing armor approach. Her protection was maximized around her engines, command and control, powerplant, and main gun turrets. An extensive fabrication system, based upon Atlasian technology, was put into the vessel to make it as self sufficient as possible. Up to 90 percent of its spare parts could be manufactured by the vessel using local materials.
With the end of the Faunus Revolution, the Montana Air Battleship Project was not immediately canceled but was put under review, as the first vessel was nearly completed. With the expansion of the Great War Treaty to have Atlas take over all military operations for the Four Kingdoms, the project was ultimately canceled and the lone example was to be scrapped without even being given a name. However, an enterprising young air pirate decided to save the ship from her fate.
In a daring raid, Captain James "Jim" Silverhand stole the vessel and named her the Jolly Roger. Over the next fifteen years, she formed the core of his ever growing pirate fleet, her fabrication facilities allowing for him to maintain not only the very large and powerful battleship, but also numerous other vessels (though Jolly Roger herself is the only real warship among them). Over the years, Jolly Roger has been upgraded with more advanced tech and weaponry, including a MistralTron Electronic Jamming System that is military grade and allows the vessel to go undetected by radar despite its large size.
Despite her sustainability in terms of maintenance, Jolly Roger is a considerable Dust hog and so Silverhand's fleet has focused upon raiding Dust shipments to keep her going. Silverhand has also assisted other pirate groups, rogue nations and factions to keep his beloved "Lady" in operation, working as mercenaries and even doing legitimate security work. Said Silverhand, "When I saw her lying there in her dock, about to be scrapped and picked clean without ever feeling the wind underneath her wings, I knew I had to liberate her. Because a ship is freedom, and seeing one in bondage is the most horrific thing imaginable."