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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Oh, god. The Bawsten is hard to read.

Miss Quinn is from New Joisey, much further south and a different dialect. She'd never Paak a Caa in Haavaad Yaad.

Only if he memorised them before getting his ring, which he didn't.

And anything else would be a pale imitation of literary genius.

"I don't have pet peeves. I have major, psychotic fucking hatreds." -George Carlin.

The great one is missed.
Hey Zoat would OL have altered Blackfires inner desires like he did with Mammon if she was more like her pre flashpoint comic counterpart and betrayed her people and tortured, abused and had her.
sister raped.
Altering would make sense seeing as her attitude in the comics resulted in severe consequences for her and her people, like when that guy tried to warn them that their planet was going to be destroyed and she ordered him to be killed without hearing him out, and i am not sure that OL would allow her to continue doing her insane and evil shit, torturing her sister, but if he frees Starfire Blackfire would try to kill him so alteration seems to be in order, plus he can't exactly work on her long term rehabilliation like he is doing with Angelika because she has committed some truly evil acts and will not listen to him if he helps her sister
Honestly the most positive portrayal of Blackfire, where she isn't a massive evil bitch, would have to be her post flashpoint version. She may have sold her sister into slavery but only did that to protect her people while other versions did that because they hated her, while new 52 Blackfire loved her sister and regretted doing that, though this may be because nu52 Blackfire never lost the ability to fly.
The other most positive version is the earth one version and she was a mentally simplistic and physically degrading clone of her sister in that one.
And then for the public that stood there and saw a guy put his hands on his hips while someone unloaded a M-60 into his chest, before walking through a barrage of anti-tank rifle fire. His actions were to say "Look, they can't hurt me. Everything is going to be alright. Have hope, everything be fine."

Which is why one of his newest expies literally has the catchphrase "I am here." With the understanding being "Everything will be fine."
This is why when someone asks what power ring someone like Superman or All Might should have, I tend to think of the Blue Ring of Hope first, unless I've specifically got Green Lantern on the brain at the time.

I guess literal goose stepping Nazi is above what he calls a body snatching Lich.

I suppose it comes down to choice. She was born a Nazi, he chose to become a body wearing Helmut.
'Helmet.' 'Helmut' is a German name (kind of appropriate at the moment, but not accurate). I do agree that the choices involved are very important to OL, and generally to me (even if I'm pretty sure that I would be far less comfortable than OL appears to be with this situation).

OL is also extremely biased against those who hurt his friends. Nabu hurt Zatanna so he had to go.
Yes, this. If Overgirl actually hurt someone OL cares about, he'd be far less inclined to be nice about things. There's also the fact that for a Nazi, Overgirl has been surprisingly calm and reasonable about the situation. If she were acting the way that we'd expect a Nazi to, OL would respond rather differently, as well.

I have my reasons.

I also find "Rational" people tend to stand around going "Let's be reasonable fellas?" While someone is being beaten half to death.
To be fair, OL has shown that he is not that specific kind of 'rational' person.
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Can any layman be considered 'drunk enough' to deal with this kind of shit? Especially since we're talking about OL's own unique flavour (of shit - that part's important).
I get your sentiment but Harley isn't a Layman, Dr. Harleen Quinzel is a psychiatrist. She has a Ph.D. in Psychology and has spent years working as a practicing psychiatrist handling tough cases. Ofc she's also nuts, but that's a whole 'nother matter entirely :p
"First Canis and now Overgirl ... OL, are we going to have Lady Draka show up to move in next week, or are we full up on your 'reform genocidal thugs through therapeutic face punching' program?"
At what point in the Draka timeline? I don't know the Draka timeline well, but I understand that they went in for some fairly radical biomodification towards the end. Also, Draka society is dependent on their serfs, whereas Nazi society on Earth would find the idea of being dependent on subhumans utterly disgusting.
Hey Zoat would OL have altered Blackfires inner desires like he did with Mammon if she was more like her pre flashpoint comic counterpart and betrayed her people and tortured, abused and had her.
sister raped.
Remember what I said about grammar?

Probably not. It's more likely that he'd have killed her when he destroyed the Citadel Complex.
I get your sentiment but Harley isn't a Layman, Dr. Harleen Quinzel is a psychiatrist. She has a Ph.D. in Psychology and has spent years working as a practicing psychiatrist handling tough cases. Ofc she's also nuts, but that's a whole 'nother matter entirely :p
Harleen is perfectly sane.
Oh man. The Draka. I remember them being disgusted by the Holocaust. Not because they found it morally wrong. The Draka regularly get up to shit that make the Nazis look tame. They just thought the Nazis were being wasteful by exterminating people instead of enslaving them.
"Terry Pratchett. As far as I can tell he was never born here."

Screw the messed up society, the technology dispartity, and the people who decided running around with their underwear on their outside was the best way to deal with crime.

This is the worst thing wrong with Earth 16.
Can we please not be children about this.

It doesn't take a child to be uncomfortable about saying what we've been taught is the most repugnant word in the English language. Which, as I understand it, is an American thing in this case.

I also find "Rational" people tend to stand around going "Let's be reasonable fellas?" While someone is being beaten half to death.

I consider myself rational, but if violence is happening and I have a way to stop it I do so as quickly as possible. In fact I have actually put a stop to someone literally being beaten to death (no joke, I'm told the ER doctors said if I'd walked into that restroom 30 seconds later it would've been too late to save the guy). It was very much not a situation I ever want to find myself in again, but I would not hesitate to physically intervene again if I did. If you're actually witnessing violence then going "Let's be reasonable fellas?" is not a rational response. But initiating violence when none is yet occurring and it can still be avoided is never a rational action.

I think I understand your reasons and they are understandable. But regardless of how disgusting a thought crime is initiating violence just because you don't like how someone thinks is never justified. Violence - even in self defense - is something that you should only resort to when there is no other option.

Though, for perspective, Sensai (multiple Sensais through the years actually) taught me that the ultimate knife-defense technique is to hand over your wallet. I've had the idea of avoiding violence at all costs drilled into my head by several self-defense and martial arts instructors over the course of multiple decades.
Oh, god. The Bawsten is hard to read.
Thought Harley was from Jersey.

True in text format Jersey and Bawsten [southie] look the same but do sound different.
At least it's not New York Cabby. :p

You wanna break overgirl show her the modern "Nazis" and stormfront.
She'll really flip her shit.
Hey Zoat could OL introduce the Sivana children, Georgia and TJ, to the chinese government, because if he wants them to pursue a more legal path in using their intelligence then having them help the chinese with their superhuman defence would work, like making sure that Immortal Man in Darkness doesn't need to be replaced when the previous one dies?

How does Alan look now, i seem to remember OL mentioning that he looks like someone in his fifties, but after using his ring he looked like he was in his prime and i was wondering how he looks now?

Can you give us a description of the history between Apokalips and the Maltusian race?
When OL was talking to Hinon i think he mentioned something about them being responsible for their creation, or something like that i couldn't exactly follow because i didn't have the necessary comic knowledge and haven't been able to find it, something about splitting planets and Wonderworld.

How old is Apokalyptian civilization in your story?
When i read that tidbit about Raker Quarigats oath in year 5 he mentioned something about four million years and still not dead, so i was wondering if that means that they are 4 million years old seeing as the GLC appears to be only a million years old in your story?

Is OL going to follow up on that suggestion he gave to Superman about releasing those prisoners in the Phantom Zone whose imprisonment time has passed?
It would be really dangerous to leave them there seeing as they can potentially go insane beyond rehabilitation and like General Lane said when he was talking to the renegade about their anti kryptonian weaponry someone could figure out a way to open a portal to there and out comes a superpowered psychopath. If the ones they let out are beyond rehabilitation OL could simply kill them.
Building a base on a planet with a red sun and putting red sunlight emitters in said base is a good countermeasure against them escaping.
Today I learned.

Which would make her...Jewish-Irish?

Incidentally, both Tara Strong and Arleen Sorkin - who portrayed Harley in BTAS and the Atkham Games - are Jewish.
Makes sense. There's a stereotype that a lot of people with strong New York / Jersey accents like the Arkham Harley are Jewish.
I consider myself rational, but if violence is happening and I have a way to stop it I do so as quickly as possible. In fact I have actually put a stop to someone literally being beaten to death (no joke, I'm told the ER doctors said if I'd walked into that restroom 30 seconds later it would've been too late to save the guy). It was very much not a situation I ever want to find myself in again, but I would not hesitate to physically intervene again if I did. If you're actually witnessing violence then going "Let's be reasonable fellas?" is not a rational response. But initiating violence when none is yet occurring and it can still be avoided is never a rational action.
I think I understand your reasons and they are understandable. But regardless of how disgusting a thought crime is initiating violence just because you don't like how someone thinks is never justified. Violence - even in self defense - is something that you should only resort to when there is no other option.
Though, for perspective, Sensai (multiple Sensais through the years actually) taught me that the ultimate knife-defense technique is to hand over your wallet. I've had the idea of avoiding violence at all costs drilled into my head by several self-defense and martial arts instructors over the course of multiple decades.

Even Bruce Lee said the thing to do if a guy pulls a weapon on you is to run away or surrender.
Hey Zoat could OL introduce the Sivana children, Georgia and TJ, to the chinese government, because if he wants them to pursue a more legal path in using their intelligence then having them help the chinese with their superhuman defence would work, like making sure that Immortal Man in Darkness doesn't need to be replaced when the previous one dies?
OL's goal with the Sivanas has been reforming them. Putting them in friendly contact with China would just give them hundreds of "enemies of the state" to experiment on.
Hey Zoat could OL introduce the Sivana children, Georgia and TJ, to the chinese government, because if he wants them to pursue a more legal path in using their intelligence then having them help the chinese with their superhuman defence would work, like making sure that Immortal Man in Darkness doesn't need to be replaced when the previous one dies?
The Chinese government would probably kill them.
How does Alan look now, i seem to remember OL mentioning that he looks like someone in his fifties, but after using his ring he looked like he was in his prime and i was wondering how he looks now?
About the same.
Can you give us a description of the history between Apokalips and the Maltusian race?
No. Aside from defeating the Green Lantern Corps invasion I haven't thought about it.
When OL was talking to Hinon i think he mentioned something about them being responsible for their creation, or something like that i couldn't exactly follow because i didn't have the necessary comic knowledge and haven't been able to find it, something about splitting planets and Wonderworld.
If it helps, I don't remember either.
How old is Apokalyptian civilization in your story?
When i read that tidbit about Raker Quarigats oath in year 5 he mentioned something about four million years and still not dead, so i was wondering if that means that they are 4 million years old seeing as the GLC appears to be only a million years old in your story?
It's as good as any answer I could give.
Is OL going to follow up on that suggestion he gave to Superman about releasing those prisoners in the Phantom Zone whose imprisonment time has passed?
It would be really dangerous to leave them there seeing as they can potentially go insane beyond rehabilitation and like General Lane said when he was talking to the renegade about their anti kryptonian weaponry someone could figure out a way to open a portal to there and out comes a superpowered psychopath. If the ones they let out are beyond rehabilitation OL could simply kill them.
I think that Superman would probably rather just leave them there.
Building a base on a planet with a red sun and putting red sunlight emitters in said base is a good countermeasure against them escaping.
Seems that the red run itself would be sufficient.
If it helps, I don't remember either.

I'm pretty sure Darko is referring to this:

"Paul, this is serious. The Guardians may react extremely badly to a mortal with a command of the spectrum quite as good as you have."

"Guy decided to be open with them after the confrontation with Oceanus. He briefly used his higher order abilities on Qward, and I'm sure that he'll include that in his report. I'm more worried about him than I am about me. Besides, if they didn't want Humans being good at spectrum manipulation then they shouldn't have…" I spread out the four fingers of my right hand one way and the three longer fingers of my left the other.

"Do you know what happened to the last place they did that to?"

Nothing that I remember from the comics, but on the basis that Earth was referred to as the Fifth World… "Split in two, becoming Apokolips and New Genesis. The one before that… It's basically abandoned, with the last few inhabitants keeping tabs on Mageddon, isn't it?"

"And the one before that? And the one before that?"

"I… Destroyed..? I assume..?"

She looks away for a moment. "It's something of a relief to learn that you don't know everything.
I would have thought that if the Sivanas had not commited any crimes in chinese territory they would have been accepted as scientists, they let the Physician into the Great Ten and i think he killed several members of the chinese military, so it is odd that they would try to kill them if they haven't done anything to them.

Still seems dangerous to let the criminals in the Phantom Zone stay there. Either Superman changes his mind or OL does it without his permission because aside from preventing future incidents of escaped kryptonian psychopaths rampaging it could also help restart the kryptonian race if there are enough people there who could reproduce.

When you say that Alan looks about the same do you mean that he looks like he was in his prime?

Thank you thebishop8 that is the scene i was talking about.
I would have thought that if the Sivanas had not committed any crimes in chinese territory they would have been accepted as scientists, they let the Physician into the Great Ten and i think he killed several members of the chinese military, so it is odd that they would try to kill them if they haven't done anything to them.
Perhaps, but they have. And the Chinese would need a very good reason to host a psychologically unstable American supervillain.
Still seems dangerous to let the criminals in the Phantom Zone stay there. Either Superman changes his mind or OL does it without his permission because aside from preventing future incidents of escaped kryptonian psychopaths rampaging it could also help restart the kryptonian race if there are enough people there who could reproduce.
Kal-El doesn't have any sort of burning desire to restart the kryptonian species. If he did he'd have gotten on that already.
When you say that Alan looks about the same do you mean that he looks like he was in his prime?
A little past his prime. Alan knows that he's not a young man any longer and has no particular desire to look like one.

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