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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Think it should be 'went live' rather than 'when live'

Either this is another person that got one of the rings from Larfleezes when OL summoned his back, and is using stolen LEGION codes, or OL really needs to start working on his Illustres duties and actually having more of a say in what the Corps does.
**I am Lord-Lantern Manga Khan, and I am proud to announce that your system has been chosen as the new site of ClusterCorp's ongoing megasale! You will shop! You will consume! We will be enriched! Or else! ClusterCorp: for all your needs, forever!**

Something tells me I'm going to love this character.
I seem to recall Manga Khan being mentioned by Zoat ages ago, so this is some good pay-off, and should be fun.

Some of Orin's points, technically speaking, have nothing to do with OL's actions, like saying Cyprian should have come to him for adjudication. It's not like it's Renegade, who was acting as an official ambassador (unless Paragon is actually doing the same thing and I just missed it).

I do like Paragon reminding Orin that the scale of NEMO and the OLC is just so much larger in scope than a bunch of city-states on one planet. At the same time, Atlantis is the site of a lot of arcanotechnological innovation, so who knows what they could be capable of in a few years?
Think it should be 'went live' rather than 'when live'

Either this is another person that got one of the rings from Larfleezes when OL summoned his back, and is using stolen LEGION codes, or OL really needs to start working on his Illustres duties and actually having more of a say in what the Corps does.

Nah, any period of massive recruitment brings with it sub-optimal candidates. The OLC has to be large enough to win a war against the Reach. Unless OL begins to perform a manual review for each applicant, there's nothing more he can contribute.

And he would have a more if day in what the Corps does, but Dox is still busy establishing his authority. Plus, the audience is more interested in what goes an on Earth.
Thank you, corrected.
Think it should be 'us, Dox' instead of 'us Dox'
I don't.
Nah, any period of massive recruitment brings with it sub-optimal candidates. The OLC has to be large enough to win a war against the Reach. Unless OL begins to perform a manual review for each applicant, there's nothing more he can contribute.

And he would have a more if day in what the Corps does, but Dox is still busy establishing his authority. Plus, the audience is more interested in what goes an on Earth.
Dox is experimenting to find out what makes a good Orange Lantern.
**I am Lord-Lantern Manga Khan, and I am proud to announce that your system has been chosen as the new site of ClusterCorp's ongoing megasale! You will shop! You will consume! We will be enriched! Or else! ClusterCorp: for all your needs, forever!**
Between this and the Cake-Man, the OLC's reputation on Earth is gonna be hilarious.
I'm looking forward to this new lantern selling to certain news agencies a extranet type repeater so that people can get news from off world. Otscake mam this on an CNN story then cuts to the extranet showing Paul wipe out a few fleets and his takedown of the citidel then the eyeball demon.
Genuine question. What does Atlantis lose if Venturia secedes?
Their virtual monopolies on sorcerous warfare, arcane research, and surface-to-atlantean border policy. Also potential backlash from a Greek god if things change too quickly, since that lot is full of drama queens.
5th April
16:56 GMT -5

I smile, because why wouldn't I?
Oh, there are many reasons... But right now? I'd warrant try to avoid Aquaman wanting to punch you in the face?

"King Orin. Kaldur'ahm." Kaldur's face is neutral, while Orin looks mildly annoyed. "Do you want to do this here? I don't really have an office in my official capacity."

Orin gives me a curt nod. "We may as well."

We watch each other for a moment.
Ah, that moment when no-one wants to start the awkward conversation.

After I feel that it's dragging on, I raise my eyebrows and shrug.

"As King of Atlantis, I formally request that you rescind your offer of a defensive pact with the City of Venturia."
Well, looks like he's making it official. A formal protest. Only thing missing is the formal parchment scroll. Which can be useful as a bludgeon if negotiations go poorly...

"As Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps, I refuse. The Orange Lantern Corps and its allies will stand by its commitment to the City-State of Venturia."

"You have the authority to do that?"
Come on, the Corps is less than a year old. I don't think anyone's decided on his exact duties and privileges...

"My powers aren't precisely defined yet. But naturally, I talked the issue through with Clarissi Vril Dox, who can deploy both Orange Lanterns and LEGION fleet resources on his own recognisance, and he agreed to it. The only higher authority would be the full NEMO council, and between us Dox and I have three out of seven votes. If you want to try and get us overruled then you'll need to convince three Controllers and the head of the Darkstars that this offer is contrary to NEMO's broader interests, and frankly I don't think they'll care enough."
In other words, No. Be glad he didn't tell you to take your seahorse and paddle on home...

He nods. He didn't think that was a workable avenue, but he had to ask.

"Why are you doing this?"
I'm impressed he had the sense to ask outright. Anyone less politically savvy would assume it was teenage foolishness.

"The Orange Lantern Corps needs magicians, and a single city-state that depends on us for its protection is a lot easier to deal with than anywhere else on Earth we could get them from."

He doesn't start exactly, but that clearly surprised him.

"That's it?"
Aquaman gets a bad rap sometimes, but he is a king. And that means he can tell when there's a deeper agenda...

"No, no, there are a lot of other factors that made them a good choice and now a good time. But if we didn't need their expertise Dox wouldn't have agreed to use LEGION resources, and if the Atlantean political side was different then they wouldn't have wanted what we're offering."

"You're intervening in an internal Atlantean political dispute. If you actually send troops into the ocean it's an act of war."
And can you actually enforce that, Artie?

"Is Atlantis renewing its claim to the entirety of Earth's oceans?"

Which was actually a thing. Not for a few generations now, though some slogans referencing it occasionally make the rounds even today.
Ah, the old-fashioned conservatives...

"Our part of the ocean."

"Venturia considers itself to be an independent political entity, something which it has de facto been for several decades. Have you been informed of the referendum they intend to hold on the subject?"
To be honest, I doubt he's missed it. His information-gathering agents (and of course Atlantis has them...) would have informed him as soon as it was announced.

"The Queen hasn't authorised it, and wouldn't have the authority to even if she wanted to."

"I.. haven't actually met King Cyprian's wife, but since he has full regnant authority I'm not clear why her feelings matter?"
Ah, obfuscating deflection. What some people confuse for actual obliviousness in OL.

"Queen Ptra, the rightful ruler of Venturia."

"Venturian rulership isn't strictly hereditary, and there might be a slight problem with expecting a city to accept the rule of a woman who hasn't ever visited, let alone lived there."
...Okay, now I can see the Venturians' objections... That would be damn offensive to any culture...

I look him pointedly in the eyes when I say that. We both know perfectly well what Queen Cora was trying to do when she left him to be raised by his father, but he moved to Poseidonis when he was eighteen and not sixty. And he still struggled to be accepted. Still does in some places. Ptra is not only older but a total outsider trying to get the top job. Orin was tutored by his mother for years before her death.

"If Cyprian wanted to dispute the approved succession arrangements, then he should have brought it to me for adjudication."
And that assumes it was necessary for them to do so in any legal sense...

"The approved succession arrangement, in accordance with Venturian law and tradition and in keeping with their treaties with Poseidonis, is that the monarch nominates their successor. The fact that Poseidonis government for some reason decided to ignore the notification or treat it like something that required its approval is irrelevant. If you were unaware of this, then I can only suggest that you fire your legal counsel. There is no dispute in law; the law is very clear. Also -not entirely relevant to me, but worth mentioning- last time they went to the ruler of Atlantis for adjudication your grandmother stole Queen Clea's daughter. They have no confidence in you or your position."
In other words, they aren't going to want to listen to him anyway...

"Even if I accept that, Cyprian still doesn't have the authority to secede from Atlantis."

"Does it matter?"

"Of course it matters."
Oh, boy... Here it comes...


"Why does the law matter?"
Oh, that's one hell of a trap card.

"Yes. From where does the law derive its authority? If it's royal authority, Cyprian wants to secede. If it's the consent of the governed, they're having a referendum. If it's military force…"

"If it's military force then I've got until your fleet arrives to pacify Venturia."
Which won't go down well with them. They're hostile enough as it is. Do you want to have insurrection against an occupying force?

"Our treaty when live the moment he signed it. If the fleet arrives and finds Venturia occupied, they'll still attack. In the interim, I and any other Orange Lanterns who can get here will undertake the defence of Venturia, should it become necessary. My recommendation is that you send official observers to the referendum and then focus your efforts on building a working relationship with the newly independent Venturia."

"Sending observers would demonstrate that I considered that referendum valid."
Man, you're screwed if you do, screwed if you don't. Better to have the screwing in favourable circumstances...

"A free and fair referendum is an expression of the will of the people, whether it has the force of law or not."

"People who've only heard Queen Clea's propaganda for the last fifty years."

"So you'd accept it if you were able to run a 'remain' campaign?"
Still the issue of the Venturians' opinion of Atlantean rulers...

"I wouldn't-."

"Hawkman to Mount Justice." A holographic screen appears with Mr Hol's face on it. "And.. Orange Lantern. I commend you for your efficiency. We weren't expecting your fleet for some time."
Wow, Dox isn't playing around. He must really want those mages in place. That's all of a two-day turnaround between confirmation and arrival.

King Orin stares. "They're here-?"

I frown. "I wasn't expecting them for.. months."
And even OL is caught by surprise. Most impressive.

Mr Hol presses a button, and a second smaller screen appears. A representation of the solar system and a marker approaching the inner planets.

"It seems that your Corps has prioritised you."
More likely Dox prioritised the mages' goodwill for a prompt response...


"Fleet is broadcasting LEGION codes. An Orange Lantern is also present.
...Which Lantern? Cause someone like Mother of Mercy sends quite a message...

"Oh. Okay." I frown. Can't think who-. Did Lantern Xor finish.. really quickly? I don't think that Dox would have given him new orders… "Show me the ships?"

A construct appears, an.. odd conglomeration of spheres linked by tubes. The size suggests a generation ship or space borne habitat. It clearly doesn't look like a conventional ship. I don't recognise-.
Huh, that's an odd vessel to dispatch. I assume it's an escort for the actual fleet.

**Greeting, Earthlings and future customers!**

Mr Hol's grimace suggests that he heard that. I glance at Orin and Kaldur and from their responses they heard that too.
Oh, boy, I hope that wasn't broadcast to all of Earth...

**I am Lord-Lantern Manga Khan, and I am proud to announce that your system has been chosen as the new site of ClusterCorp's ongoing megasale! You will shop! You will consume! We will be enriched! Or else! ClusterCorp: for all your needs, forever!**
For reference: Manga Khan. Introduced during the 'Detroit' era of the Justice League of America and it's International follow-up, and a source of much humour. Think an alien overlord who conquers financially rather than militarily.

Slowly, the attention of the others turns towards me.

"Don't look at me. I didn't give him a power ring."
I can already sense the headache coming on...

I swear, if he sets up shop on the island of Kooey Kooey Kooey... Many laughs will be had. Seriously, this guy seems perfect for Orange Lantern-hood. And this adds a new wrinkle to the political minefield that Venturian Secession is lining up to be...
We don't exactly have a full description of how the GLC usually operates in this types of scenarios, so for all we know the SI may be acting in a hamfisted way, or he may be acting in a perfectly sensible manner given the situation.
Well, we got our answer.

"Does it matter?"

"Of course it matters."


It really is just Paul handling this in a completely hamfisted manner.
'that the Poseidonis government' instead of 'that Poseidonis', or it could be 'that the government of Poseidonis'
Thank you, corrected.
They lose face and some pride.
But only internally. The SI's efforts mean that the surface world is quite a bit more familiar with Poseidonis, but the same isn't really true of the other city-states.
Tax revenue, Venturia is a big place with a decently big population. Losing it would be losing their tax money.
Not really. The central government of Atlantis is less big deal that it is in most surface world countries. They lose out on some income, but it's not that much, especially compared to what surface trade is getting them.
Their virtual monopolies on sorcerous warfare, arcane research, and surface-to-atlantean border policy.
Yes, that's a much bigger deal. Though less than if Venturia went to a surface world country for support.
I'm looking forward to this new lantern selling to certain news agencies a extranet type repeater so that people can get news from off world. Otscake mam this on an CNN story then cuts to the extranet showing Paul wipe out a few fleets and his takedown of the citidel then the eyeball demon.

While this may not be so well received because of the whole Brazil thing and the threat of or else, it does provide the opportunity for Earth to get extraterrestrial trading partners, that aren't Apokaliptian, provided OL convinces Khan to use a better method.

Now I can't wait to see his robotic assistant and OL talk about Khan and his.. eccentricities.

Their virtual monopolies on sorcerous warfare, arcane research, and surface-to-atlantean border policy. Also potential backlash from a Greek god if things change too quickly, since that lot is full of drama queens.

Roman god technically.

He is more or less considered the used car salesman of the galaxy. Manga Khan leads the bartering firm known as the Cluster and is willing to trade in any commodity of reputable value. Assisting Khan is his robotic major domo L-Ron, who is reportedly Manga Khan's only real friend, and often serves as the sounding board to his employer's often long-winded rants.

Mental Illness: Khan suffers from a condition which causes him to give soliloquies at random intervals, in a parody of comics from the sixties. In the same vein, he founded the Manga Khan School of Melodrama to teach similar speech patterns to other characters. One of his alumni is the Scarlet Skier.

I never heard of him before, but he sounds amazing!!!
Paul really lucked out on getting him lol.

This might actually be a massive boon for Earth. Now the governments of the world can cheaply acquire interstellar items and reverse engineer them!

Take apart a bunch of used spaceships, and suddenly Earth has a fleet within the year. Or buy a healing ray or a phaser. Hell, space youtube, full of DIY videos.

"How to make a teleporter in 6 easy steps." 6 trillion views.

I never heard of him before, but he sounds amazing!!!
Paul really lucked out on getting him lol.

This might actually be a massive boon for Earth. Now the governments of the world can cheaply acquire interstellar items and reverse engineer them!

Take apart a bunch of used spaceships, and suddenly Earth has a fleet within the year. Or buy a healing ray or a phaser. Hell, space youtube, full of DIY videos.

"How to make a teleporter in 6 easy steps." 6 trillion views.

Truly this guy is like something that would have stood out in the Silver Age.

Once the people of Earth see this they will likely think of the OLC, and OL, as being something largely funny, only to get whiplash when they discover they are planning on waging a gigantic war and two of its members have been responsible for genocide twice, Kom and Kori.
Contrary to popular opinion, our terrorists aren't someone else's freedom fighters usually.
No, they're our freedom fighters from a decade or three ago.
"How to make a teleporter in 6 easy steps." 6 trillion views.
And steps 1, 3, 4, and 5 all involve goods or services that aren't available on Earth and which Earth would need to build the tools to build the tools to produce themselves. (Venus, on the other hand...)
Between this and the Cake-Man, the OLC's reputation on Earth is gonna be hilarious.
I mean, there's also the teleporting planet Orange Lantern that was messing with Mars's orbit, and the way the OLC came to the rescue when a flock of angels decided to quarantine Earth because that was the best way for them to hunt down one guy.

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