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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

13th September 2012
09:32 GMT -5

"So what was up with the Sheeda?"

Nylor face-shrugs, his bindings making his shoulders immobile.
Not something in his historical records, I bet. Which means they likely never attacked in his timeline. I mean, given how much history gets lost simply because of time...

"I don't know. I never heard of them."

"Really? Because they seemed like a big deal. Even if Earth fought off the Harrowing Fleet, there would have been a lot of casualties. And it would have certainly influenced the Earth's reactions to the Reach."
Even in this age, with information as spread out as it is, things will get forgotten or confused. Just look at pop culture's tendency towards reboots with the same name...

Nylor sags as far as his bonds will allow him.

"You're forgetting something. What do the Sheeda want?"
And what would make them consider Trugg's timeline to not be worth attacking, hmm?

"Raw material, food, slaves, a sense of superiority..." I nod. "If they looked back in time and saw a world devastated by the Reach, they wouldn't bother coming back."

"Bingo. Not t' this era. Maybe I should find a way t' warn Thanagar."
And say what? "Hey, just so ya know, Humanity's future descendants come a-raiding every so often. Might not want to annex the place, yeah?" They'd laugh at him, then shoot him, and then laugh more.


"Was that us?"

"More you than me. You did a whole lot more t' improve things than I managed."
Joy of not working with self-centred lunatics and maniacs. The Light would only improve things if they got to be in charge, after all...

With his protective charms gone Nylor can't stop me looking into his soul. And… He's more prideful than I am, but it's easier to be angry at historical figures who created a situation when you don't know them personally. When you aren't aware of the difficulties they were dealing with, or how they actually felt about what happened. For him, teaming up with Vandal Savage or Lex Luthor would be like me teaming up with Blackbeard or Cecil Rhodes. Or raging at Karadeg for not doing a better job of fighting off the Romans.
And then he met them, and decided 'eh, this is fine' while setting his house on fire...

"I mean, I woulda if I could… Not like I was planning on not being important enough t' change history."

For a moment I think about trying to encourage him. Given how long he can expect to live, a few decades in prison are nothing that he can't manage. And given Ms. Waller's moves to enable prisoners to work off their debts to society, it wouldn't be that bad. And then I remember the murders he's implicated in, and what are most likely others he's committed as well. And the one he actually confessed to, of the Japanese collector he killed to take the first Bozo.
Meh, his ego would get in the way of any possibility of cooperation. Toss him in jail, monitor him, and if he's feeling a little more community-minded when he gets out, then look him up.

Japan has the death penalty, but that's usually reserved for serial killers. If he only murdered one person, he'd be realistically looking at a thirty year stretch… Though diplomatic pressure could result in him serving it in Belle Reve.

"You didn't know about Klarion, right?"
Given his enhancements, he's probably resistant to most forms of execution that people would use anyway.

"That he was deranged? Sure, but I don't make policy."

"That he was planning to murder that many children."
To be fair, you didn't think he'd do the things he did either, did you? Assimilating Teekl was an act of opportunity to beat a threat...

"I got told that I should prepare to get a hold of Starro's tissue samples while everyone was 'distracted'. I thought they were going t' call in a bomb threat."

I raise my eyebrows, looking unimpressed.

"Supervillain bomb threat. I mean, Gotham. Not what actually happened. Say, what's the chance of me getting the deal yah gave the big grey guy?"
I doubt they'd sweat over any conventional threat. And... Big grey guy? Not ringing any bells, outside of... Ah, wait! Lantern Xor! Right. No way are you getting a ring, boy-o.

"Remember when you said that if you'd known about me before you sided with the Light, you'd have picked me?"

He nods.

"That's the deal you'd have got if you'd changed sides then. Finish your sentence and we'll talk."
You made your bed, Truggs, now you get to lay in it. And you chose to lay down with mad dogs... No crying when you get up with fleas.

"You ever think that a retributive system of justice might not be all it's set up t' be?"

"I know it's not. But I do believe in the efficacy of retribution. You should have at least sent the superheroes of this era a message, Nylor."
At least, one that couldn't be read as villainous posturing, anyway.

"Yeah." He nods. "I think you're right. Might not of done anything, but at least I could tell yah I tried. I tell yah, I was spitting jealous when I found out what you were doing with magic."

"The Reach not into magic?"
Evidently they didn't improve any in the centuries between the current war and Trugg's era.

"Couldn't use it on most of the worlds they moved human to. Which meant they thought it was useless. What's your plan for getting around that restriction?"

"Study the Dream and work out how to make it connect to other places more intensely. Mother of Mercy gave me a vision where we.. had a thing called a Root of Yggdrasil which maintained an artificial connection, but I don't now whether those can actually exist or not."
Now that's a callback. And a nice sense of rightness, using an idea from a dream to draw the Dreaming forth.

"Was it actually a root of Yggdrasil, or was that just a brand name?"

"Brand name. It was actually a complex piece of thaumic engineering. I've got Venturia researching it now, but it will probably be decades before we get anywhere."
Or some clever researcher could find himself having a daydream that provides that 'A-Ha!' moment. It all depends on how Dream feels about the plan.

"And then, magic everywhere. No aliens are going to be ready for that."

"A few will be. Earth's not the only place with a magic tradition."
Though most of them don't have the firehose of mana that Earth has. They've had to make do with a mere garden hose.

"But no one will be on our level."

"Yes, that's the-."

The floor explodes next to me! I see a brief blur of blue and red through the concrete dust before red light lashes out-
Oh, hell! Was Truggs just stalling?!


-and scythes through Nylor's equipment.
Don't tell me, he's got a Bizarro.

"Someone, report!"

There's a bang as New Kara hits one of the cylinders and crumples it to wreckage as she keeps going, her impact being absorbed by the second cylinder.
Though I suspect that's the only damage done, Silver Age Kryptonian and all...

"You do not bear the mark!"

Ah. Another Supergirl. Blue miniskirt and long-sleeved halter top with red cape. Her eyes glow red, her teeth are.. weirdly distended and there's a red 'S' burned into her forehead. The skin on her legs and hands appears to be cracking up to reveal a red light glowing from within.
Well, this is a surprise. I have no idea where she's from, but the art looks decidedly late-90's or early-2000's. I see a Bat there as well...


"What, yah thought I was going t' come quietly?"
Yep, the asshole was stalling. Presumably he got a message off while Kara-1 was kicking in the door, and the result is only just arriving...

I glance-. He's causing the skin on his forehead to bioluminesce an 'S'.

Noriel and Angelika fly up through the hole, Angelika tanking zombie Supergirl's heat vision and metabolising it.
Ooh, I spy some Torquasm Rao. For reference, that's a Kryptonian Martial Art which supposedly lets the user tell Physics to shut up, sit down and hold their beer.

"No mark!"

Zombie Supergirl blurs forwards, striking Angelika on the side of the head before dipping under Noriel and punching her in the stomach!
Presumably following some programmed command related to the 'S' symbol. Let's hope it doesn't get out of hand.

"You're just compounding your-"

The zombie fires heat vision directly into Noriel's eyes-.

Ow. I hope she's resistant to heat and flame... Otherwise she's gonna be out of the fight until she recovers her vision...

-before backhanding her, sending her spinning into the ground, cratering the concrete. But with that heat vision boost Angelika's moving faster, fly-kicking zombie Supergirl directly in the kidneys and unlike the zombie she knows not to let up. Rather than kick and retreat she keeps on, shoving her target into and then through the wall!

Looks like Angelika's got things handled for now.

"Ah, am I? How many Supergirls did you start with again?"
Enough to kick anyone's arse, especially since they include a Silver Age Kryptonian. While we haven't seen the extent of her abilities yet, I suspect Kara-1 will be able to settle things quickly... Once she pries herself out of the wreckage...

So, something of Trugg's personal collection, or aid sent by one of his allies in the Light? At any rate, I suppose it'll fall to the Supergirls to handle it while OL continues to mind Truggs. It evidently has a narc on for them anyway. Though I would not be surprised if simply painting the mark of El on their foreheads would make it shut down.

"That he was planning to murder that many children."
Double Space.
Ah, am I? How many Supergirls did you start with again?"

Fucking Brand him already! On anyone else who was this much a threat Paul wouldn't hesitate to brand him the moment he could and ask him nicely to disarm his fall back plans and tell him exactly what he thinks he is doing.
Given his enhancements, he's probably resistant to most forms of execution that people would use anyway

Unless they choose to ho with decapitation.

I doubt they'd sweat over any conventional threat. And... Big grey guy? Not ringing any bells, outside of... Ah, wait! Lantern Xor! Right. No way are you getting a ring, boy-o.

I thought he was talking about that Kobra Venom enhanced guy that worked with Bane, but yeah, Xor makes more sense.

Ooh, I spy some Torquasm Rao. For reference, that's a Kryptonian Martial Art which supposedly lets the user tell Physics to shut up, sit down and hold their beer

Angelikaused it when she met Time Trapoer.

He trapped her in some time bubble and she used her martial arts skill to escape it.

She was also teaching it to Kon, Match and Clark.

Though I would not be surprised if simply painting the mark of El on their foreheads would make it shut down

Truggs had it appear on his forehead, so it could work.
Thank you, corrected.
Never heard of that Zombiegirl.
Good news! She's not a zombie.
I get the link going to a pic titled physicssaywhut? But what is the reference of the pic itself?
The picture is taken from Countdown: Arena. Red Son Superman and another version of Superman start fighting and a version of Chris Kent does that.
Where'd that picture of unholy abomination Supergirl come from? Is that Matrix?
Superman issue 666. She's in about two panels.
source please? is it not easier to put the name on imgbb?
No. Sources vanish from the internet all the time. I want my images stored somewhere.
This is why no one likes Truggs, he can't get over himself at all and when he sees a chance to personally get ahead he takes it. For all that he says he is all about working towards a better future he has no problem benefiting it from it and avoiding punishment whenever he can.
Honestly, that's why I like him.
Or raging at Karadeg for not doing a better job of fighting off the Romans.

Huh. Zoat just got me lost on a wiki Dive for like 10 minutes lol.
Sounds like an very interesting figure. Was able to talk himself out of Death penalty and was left to live in peace inside the nation he was at war against. After leading a Guerilla War against them for 10 years.

Man had A++ Charisma lol
This is good and I really like Paul's interactions with Nylor, but why didn't Paul just put him in jail the moment he had him captured and all his tech confiscated?
The zombie-like Supergirl is from Superman 666, where Rakkar the Nothing, Last Demon of Krypton's Hell, tried to turn Supes into the Beast of Revelations via a corruptive dream. Except Supes' friends saw it coming and Supes tore the demon apart.


I am tired of him personally, he just makes the story worse

Look he is a villain with good ideas and poor execution... That's not rare in DC.

Unfortunately humanity tends to be reactive not pro active, if DC humans actually had USED the tech they had, the Reach would have lost.


It doesn't matter the Gravity Rod/Star Rod is inferior to a power ring, give enough of the population one of those and with that alone the Reach would had a hard time. And that's just ONE FREAKING INVENTION, THERE IS A LOT MORE!
-before backhanding her, sending her spinning into the ground, cratering the concrete. But with that heat vision boost Angelika's moving faster, fly-kicking zombie Supergirl directly in the kidneys and unlike the zombie she knows not to let up. Rather than kick and retreat she keeps on, shoving her target into and then through the wall!
And for extra fun zombies probably aren't the best choice against angelic Thaumauturgy
"Ah… I already died once. Burning sword through the skull."

"I will make sure that mine is more…" His eyes light up again. "Thorough."

"Ah. Okay?" I raise my right fore and index finger to my forehead and give him a demi-salute. "I'll.. be seeing you, then."

I step-.

His smile broadens.

Be like that, then.

We step into him, twisting and bending his desire networks, leaving him writhing in confusion before we finally leave, heading after our fleet and our Lanterns. As a New God he will recover in short order, but perhaps he will learn some manners? But now, we have a victory to earn.
I normally wouldn't respond to a post so old unless I had something meaningful to contribute, but this scene was just too good for me to merely leave a Like as a sign of my approval and gratitude.

This was great, thanks, Zoat!
Future Tense (part 14)
13th September 2012
09:36 GMT -5

Angelika hurtles back through the room-

"No mark!"

-but recovers in the air, planting her feet on the far wall as the zombie flies at her.

"There's a planet full of people without House El tattoos out there, Nylor."

"Ah, yeah. Want to know-?"

I fire a construct into his neck, burning through enough of his spinal cord that even his regenerative abilities should struggle to restore his mobility anytime soon. Next I cut off his hands and feet and gouge out his eyes.


Fire ripples over Noriel as she pulls herself off the ground, and zombie Supergirl gets smacked out of the air as New Kara uses a medical cylinder like a baseball bat! I spend a fraction of a second cursing that I haven't had time to explain why that sort of thing is inefficient in super strength combat even as I form a kryptonite ray, then track and fire.

The golden beam hits zombie Supergirl in the left leg, and… Does nothing but get her shield!

My kinetic barrier judders and glitches on the first punch-

"Worship him!"

-resulting in her physically pulling the barrier apart with red-glowing fingernails. I'm forming a railgun construct as she pounds on my construct armour, her arms blurring to the point that even accelerated I can't see them as distinct objects. Come on come on! Construct done load-

My armour construct shatters and her next punch hits my power armour directly!

-mage slayer point and fire!


As she staggers back I see that the shot hit her in the chest, blasting off her halter top and revealing more angry red lines cut into the skin beneath.

"I smell a demon!"

Golden fire blazes over zombie Supergirl, and me, and Truggs. It… Agh, stings, my spell eater overheating and returning to subspace immediately while I feel hands, feet and eyes burning, the pain unmitigated by my rings!


I collapse in my armour as the pain recedes, my-. Yes, everything still there, apparently the Source just wanted to put me on notice. Walk it off.

"N-. Nugh. Noriel, what happened?"

"There was a sarcopha-huh." She coughs, wincing. "Sarcophagus, in the basement. The ditz opened it to 'free the mummy'."

"Kara, don't touch things!"


To be fair, she does actually look sorry. Zombie Kara is lying on the floor, the cracks in her skin being replaced by horribly burned flesh, her own… Body fat having bubbled up through the rends in her flesh. The 'S' brand… Appears to have actually been a tattoo and is still there, while her mouth…

Magic induced transformations are usually somewhat 'generous' when they're undone. Changes just revert to their 'before' state with only externally applied changes remaining. Not in her case. Her mouth has returned to normal size but the supernumerary teeth tried to stay, resulting in…

Some appear to have been pulverised, some are twisted… In some cases entirely out of their sockets, in others just… Sideways, tearing the gums as they went. I-. Right, clear her airway, check for injuries beyond the obvious and then put her in the recovery position. Reconstructive dentistry can wait.

"What happened to her?"

"A demonic curse of some kind. I have unmade it."

"I'm really sorry. Is that-?" New Kara floats closer, then puts her hands over her mouth as she gets a better look. "Did I do that?"

"No." Noriel folds her arms across her chest. "I did."

"Kara, she was already possessed, or… Ensorced. Your mistake was in opening a container you couldn't see inside without appropriate caution. These injuries are probably the least bad reasonably probable outcome that could occur."

"Okay." She nods her head three times in rapid succession. "Can we help her more?"

"Um." New Kara's spotted Truggs. "What..? Happened to him?"

"I made sure that he couldn't escape. He can regenerate, and if-."

"Oh! That's okay, then." She nods. "Maiming regenerators obviously doesn't matter."


Ignore it.

"Noriel, does she need any other help?"

Noriel shrugs as New Kara takes off her cloak to-.

"No! No, don't put anything on the burns!" New Kara freezes, clutching her cloak to her chest. "Here." I take a purple healing ray out of subspace and hand it to her. "This will help with her injuries, but we'll leave a thorough examination until we can take her back to the Fortress under guard."

New Kara nods and begins playing it over the ex-possessed Supergirl.

"Of course, we still don't know what this Supergirl was doing here." I frown. "Where are the other two?"

Angelika stretches, wincing slightly when she pulls her bruises.

"They are still in the lower level. Should we take this as proof that Nylor Truggs was responsible for us being here?"

"No. After that stunt, he gets a full telepathic trawl until we know everything he's been up to. I'm not assuming anything. Noriel, with me. I'm going to scan that sarcophagus and then you're going to burn it."

"That is sensible. It is undoubtably tainted by unholy magic."

"Angelika, are you alright?"

"It has been a little while since someone hit me that hard. But I will recover."

"Okay. Kara, you and Angelika stay up here, Noriel, you're with me."

My armour glows as I patch it back up, a new spell eater slotting into place from my subspace arsenal. Lot of good the first one did, but I'm not really prepared to fight the Source yet. Once I'm in fighting shape I fly across the room and into the breach in the floor. Down through the dust and debris, and into… Some sort of secure holding warehouse. This isn't a recent thing; Truggs has been here for a while.

"Kara? Anything going on down here?"

"I found Nylor Truggs' kryptonite locker."

I land and head towards her voice.

"Are you alright?"

Kara drifts out of the dark, a shimmering black crystal in her right hand.

"Never better."

I smile. "Glad to hear it. Where's the sarcophagus?"
Last edited:
Noticing some corrections on a re-read:

'd like this Counsel to rule

the… 'The 'Burner'. Unless you can
One of the two single quotes is wrong.

he promises to be less boarish than my last husband.
Usually "boorish" but I acknowledge she may be comparing Zeus to a pig.

like I added gelignite rather than gelatine.
I WAS going to make a smart-aleck response about gelatine still being explosive, but apparently in British English that's just how "gelatin" is spelled. Guess this one doesn't need anything after all.
I fire a construct into his neck, burning through enough of his spinal cord that even his regenerative abilities should struggle to restore his mobility anytime soon. Next I cut off his hands and feet and gouge out his eyes.
Brutal, but effective.

"I found Nylor Truggs' kryptonite locker."

I land and head towards her voice.

"Are you alright?"

Kara drifts out of the dark, a shimmering black crystal in her right hand.

"Never better."

I smile. "Glad to hear it. Where's the sarcophagus?"
Actually, if what you were afraid of was possible, it would've already happened. Since Native Kara has shielding, the kryptonite isn't affecting her. However, they should probably give Innocent Kara shielding too, just in case black kryptonite can affect her.
"Ah, yeah. Want to know-?"

I fire a construct into his neck, burning through enough of his spinal cord that even his regenerative abilities should struggle to restore his mobility anytime soon. Next I cut off his hands and feet and gouge out his eyes.



"I smell a demon!"

Golden fire blazes over zombie Supergirl, and me, and Truggs. It… Agh, stings, my spell eater overheating and returning to subspace immediately while I feel hands, feet and eyes burning, the pain unmitigated by my rings!


Welp, Loriel still doesn't like demons.

apparently the Source just wanted to put me on notice.

Not surprising after everything you've done.

Oh! That's okay, then." She nods. "Maiming regenerators obviously doesn't matter."


Ignore it.

I get the feeling she's learning from Paul here.

They are still in the lower level. Should we take this as proof that Nylor Truggs was responsible for us being here?"

Not necessarily, though he is most likely taking advantage.

Kara? Anything going on down here?"

"I found Nylor Truggs' kryptonite locker."

I land and head towards her voice.

"Are you alright?"

Kara drifts out of the dark, a shimmering black crystal in her right hand.

"Never better."

I smile. "Glad to hear it. Where's the sarcophagus

This is not good.

Well fuck.

So either this is a separate, evil version of Kara, or like the BWL version this is a Kara who is more savage.
"but I'm not really prepared to fight the Source"

Good on you Paul for realising your lim...

"yet. "


It would be fun if it turns out the black kryptonite works on Paul for some reason.

.... Well do we get to count an "Evil" black kryptonite clone as a seperate instance of supergirl or is that only half of one? Just need to make sure the count is correct

"That will be thirteen-point-two-four Supergirls, sir. Card or cash?"
It depends.

Black Kryptonite can split you into Good and Evil versions of yourself. It can also just make you evil.

And honestly, I don't think there'd be a point in mentioning the black kryptonite in this context if she wasn't about to attack him. "Never better" is like the most cliche "they're evil now and about to attack you" line you can give if someone asks if you're okay.
"There's a planet full of people without House El tattoos out there, Nylor."

"Ah, yeah. Want to know-?"

I fire a construct into his neck, burning through enough of his spinal cord that even his regenerative abilities should struggle to restore his mobility anytime soon. Next I cut off his hands and feet and gouge out his eyes.

Paul equally tired of Nylor's shit.
"Um." New Kara's spotted Truggs. "What..? Happened to him?"

"I made sure that he couldn't escape. He can regenerate, and if-."

"Oh! That's okay, then." She nods. "Maiming regenerators obviously doesn't matter."


Ignore it.
To be fair, it isn't totally wrong way to think since you know they will be okay later.
"Kara? Anything going on down here?"

"I found Nylor Truggs' kryptonite locker."

I land and head towards her voice.

"Are you alright?"

Kara drifts out of the dark, a shimmering black crystal in her right hand.

"Never better."

I smile. "Glad to hear it. Where's the sarcophagus?"
I really hope Paul is just playing dumb here so as not to trigger evil Kara.
"There's a planet full of people without House El tattoos out there, Nylor."

"Ah, yeah. Want to know-?"

I fire a construct into his neck, burning through enough of his spinal cord that even his regenerative abilities should struggle to restore his mobility anytime soon. Next I cut off his hands and feet and gouge out his eyes.

Wow. I think this is the first time Paul had wanted to un-exist someone badly enough to colour his speech black.
13th September 2012
09:36 GMT -5

Angelika hurtles back through the room-

"No mark!"

-but recovers in the air, planting her feet on the far wall as the zombie flies at her.
The joy of someone who's actually proficient in super-powered combat, I see. When you can fly as well as a Kryptonian, any surface counts as ground. At least the zombie Supergirl seems to just be brawling, so she's manageable...

"There's a planet full of people without House El tattoos out there, Nylor."

"Ah, yeah. Want to know-?"
Well past the point of negotiation, Truggs. Either shut her down, or...

I fire a construct into his neck, burning through enough of his spinal cord that even his regenerative abilities should struggle to restore his mobility anytime soon. Next I cut off his hands and feet and gouge out his eyes.

:eek: ...Okay, OL is pissed. Looks like even he has limits on his patience for skullduggery.

Fire ripples over Noriel as she pulls herself off the ground, and zombie Supergirl gets smacked out of the air as New Kara uses a medical cylinder like a baseball bat! I spend a fraction of a second cursing that I haven't had time to explain why that sort of thing is inefficient in super strength combat even as I form a kryptonite ray, then track and fire.

The golden beam hits zombie Supergirl in the left leg, and… Does nothing but get her shield!
So, immune to local Kryptonite. That's to be expected, if she's interdimensional.

My kinetic barrier judders and glitches on the first punch-

"Worship him!"
Yeah, best not to get in the way of too many of those.

-resulting in her physically pulling the barrier apart with red-glowing fingernails. I'm forming a railgun construct as she pounds on my construct armour, her arms blurring to the point that even accelerated I can't see them as distinct objects. Come on come on! Construct done load-

My armour construct shatters and her next punch hits my power armour directly!
Ow. A rare chance to experience what it feels like to get hit by a truck.

-mage slayer point and fire!


As she staggers back I see that the shot hit her in the chest, blasting off her halter top and revealing more angry red lines cut into the skin beneath.
Fan service, that ain't. Interesting that her clothes aren't covered by her invulnerability, like most Kryptonian variants. You know, like Post-crisis Superman had a forcefield around his body just large enough that his tights were protected but his cape wasn't?

"I smell a demon!"

Golden fire blazes over zombie Supergirl, and me, and Truggs. It… Agh, stings, my spell eater overheating and returning to subspace immediately while I feel hands, feet and eyes burning, the pain unmitigated by my rings!
Friendly fire, Loriel! Do we need to give you a lesson on checking your Area of Effect?


I collapse in my armour as the pain recedes, my-. Yes, everything still there, apparently the Source just wanted to put me on notice. Walk it off.
Evidently he's still got enough 'bad' energies for her theurgic energies to treat him as 'evil'...

"N-. Nugh. Noriel, what happened?"

"There was a sarcopha-huh." She coughs, wincing. "Sarcophagus, in the basement. The ditz opening it to 'free the mummy'."
:rolleyes: ...Dammit, Kara-1... Girl needs to learn some impulse control.

"Kara, don't touch things!"

Go easy, OL, she's only been on Earth a couple of hours. She's only, what, fourteen?

To be fair, she does actually look sorry. Zombie Kara is lying on the floor, the cracks in her skin being replaced by horribly burned flesh, her own… Body fat having bubbles up through the rends in her flesh. The 'S' brand… Appears to have actually been a tattoo and is still there, while her mouth…

Magic induced transformations are usually somewhat 'generous' when they're undone. Changes just revert to their 'before' state with only externally applied changes remaining. Not in her case. Her mouth has returned to normal with size but the supernumerary teeth tried to stay, resulting in…
Eugh, nope... :confused: Mouth stuff is extra-skeevy.

Some appear to have been pulverised, some are twisted… In some cases entirely out of their sockets, in others just… Sideways, tearing the gums as they went. I-. Right, clear her airway, check for injuries beyond the obvious and then put her in the recovery position. Reconstructive dentistry can wait.

"What happened to her?"
Given that there may be more Supergirl variants lurking... Probably best to leave putting Humpty-Dumpty back together for later, yes...

"A demonic curse of some kind. I have unmade it."

"I'm really sorry. Is that-?" New Kara floats closer, then puts her hands over her mouth as she gets a better look. "Did I do that?"
And again, her youth comes through loud and clear... I rather suspect seeing the recordings from Earth (assuming that's how she knows Earth stuff) wasn't quite as... visceral as getting this close. I can't imagine the smell is any better for her.

"No." Noriel folds her arms across her chest. "I did."

"Kara, she was already possessed, or… Ensorced. Your mistake was in opening a container you couldn't see inside without appropriate caution. These injuries are probably the least bad reasonably probably outcome that could occur."
In other words, check before you go poking things in a supervillain lair.

"Okay." She nods her head three times in rapid succession. "Can we help her more?"

"Um." New Kara's spotted Truggs. "What..? Happened to him?"
:V He done goofed. He played the stupid game, and won a prize!

"I made sure that he couldn't escape. He can regenerate, and if-."

"Oh! That's okay, then." She nods. "Maiming regenerators obviously doesn't matter."
o_O What the hell has she been learning?! You do realise it still hurts, kara?

Save it for later. If she's going to be hanging around, then you can educate her.

"Noriel, does she need any other help?"

Noriel shrugs as New Kara takes of her cloak to-.
Whoa! Mistake #n+1, Kara! Cloth plus burns equals pain-in-the-ass to clean up.

"No! No, don't put anything on the burns!" New Kara freezes, clutching her cloak to her chest. "Here." I take a purple healing ray out of subspace and hand it to her. "This will help with her injuries, but we'll leave a thorough examination until we can take her back to the Fortress under guard."

New Kara nods and begins playing it over the ex-possessed Supergirl.
So, if she recovers, that'll add, uh... 'Post-Infinite Crisis' Supergirl to the collection? Geez, it really is turning into 'Gotta Catch them all!' I'll be watching for the LEGO Supergirl. (And won't that be a sight? A human-sized LEGO minifigure...)

"Of course, we still don't know what this Supergirl was doing here." I frown. "Where are the other two?"

Angelika stretches, wincing slightly when she pulls her bruises.
Kara-16 and Dana? Let's hope Zombie there didn't literally go through them.

"They are still in the lower level. Should we take this as proof that Nylor Truggs was responsible for us being here?"

"No. After that stunt, he gets a full telepathic trawl until we know everything he's been up to. I'm not assuming anything. Noriel, with me. I'm going to scan that sarcophagus and then you're going to burn it."
And knowing that asshole, he has multiple layers of mental defences. He is not going to enjoy the process. :sneaky:

"That is sensible. It is undoubtably tainted by unholy magic."

"Angelika, are you alright?"

"It has been a little while since someone hit me that hard. But I will recover."
Given that about the only people with comparable power are probably Overman and maybe Uncle Sam, yeah...

"Okay. Kara, you and Angelika stay up here, Noriel, you're with me."

My armour glows as I patch it back up, a new spell eater slotting into place from my subspace arsenal. Lot of good the first one did, but I'm not really prepared to fight the Source yet. Once I'm in fighting shape and fly across the room and into the breach in the floor. Down through the dust and debris, and into… Some sort of secure holding warehouse. This isn't a recent thing; Truggs has been here for a while.
Ugh, this is going to take forever, if he's got boobytraps around. Let's hope he doesn't.

"Kara? Anything going on down here?"

"I found Nylor Truggs' kryptonite locker."
...You are wearing your shielding, right, Kara? Because it certainly doesn't soudn like you're experiencing any pain from the Green stuff...

I land and head towards her voice.

"Are you alright?"

Kara drifts out of the dark, a shimmering black crystal in her right hand.
:eek: ...Shit. Really hope she's wearing shielding. Or it's interdimensional and thus won't affect her...

"Never better."

I smile. "Glad to hear it. Where's the sarcophagus?"
Better have that Gold Kryptonite at the ready, OL. Just in case.

I really hope OL remembers what Black Kryptonite does to people, so he can take suitable precautions. Like, full containment on every piece of Kryptonite in the vault. Even if it doesn't affect this Kara, there's several other Kryptonians at risk upstairs... And the last thing anyone needs is an unrestrained Evil Kryptonian on the loose.

Mr Zoat, some corrections:
The ditz opening it to 'free the mummy'."
The ditz opened it to 'free the mummy'."
...transformations are usually somewhat 'generous'...
Double Space
Her mouth has returned to normal with size but...
Maybe delete 'with'?
These injuries are probably the least bad reasonably probably outcome that could occur."
These injuries are probably the least bad reasonably probable outcome that could occur."
Noriel shrugs as New Kara takes of her cloak to-.
Noriel shrugs as New Kara takes off her cloak to-.
Once I'm in fighting shape and fly across the room and into the breach in the floor.
Feels a bit off, but not sure how to fix...

Surprised there wasn't a Renegade interrupt in there, before the maiming.
Which may suggest that hurting Truggs was the Paragon option, as those don't get called out for OL...

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