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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

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"At the start I had the skills, but not the power. Boosted Gear was useful...
Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 9)


That is not dead which can eternal lie
Apr 24, 2013
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"At the start I had the skills, but not the power. Boosted Gear was useful, but it wasn't until I unlocked it that I finally understood how those that stand at the pinnacle of this world really fight."

[X] Hypnotic Tongue Technique
-[X] Hastening Night's End (Raise Presence to five)
-[X] Make small talk and casual conversation. Mention Ravel and how she was willing to defend him even after seeing what you could do. There's something of worth buried under all that blind arrogance; if he doubts that then he insults Ravel by insulting himself.
[X] Tell Raiser we're going to sit outside his door until he comes out. Wait for him to calm down, then start talking to him through the door. Use Hastening Night's End to cure his derangement.
-[X] Use Raiser's memory of Ravel defending him to complete HNE

{How useless.}

The debate between you and your sempai comes to a close with those two words. Wordlessly you shift your attention on the one who spoke. 'Is it? Then, surely Bright-sensei wouldn't mind explaining why?'

She scoffs, taking a sip from a cup-where did she get that? {Both of you are considering spending time to fix this peon's mental affliction. Time that could be spend in much better ways, like consolidate the loyalty of our followers and furthering the worm's education.}

You mentally roll your eyes. 'Well excuse me: it's not as if I am an amazing psychological expert capable of curing Raiser in a day. That would require knowing what I am doing and-'

{One hour.}

Silence. Ddraig twichs. Then, slowly, you ask. 'What?'

{You know what I said. There is no need for me to repeat myself.}

[If I get this right-] Belzard interjects. [Is Her Majesty saying that there is a method able to do what would normally requires many weeks of therapy in only one hour?]

The response is a rush of information rushing directly into your brain. It happened before, but now it feels...not quite as forceful.

Hypnotic Tongue Technique

Hastening Night's End

Presence: OOOO -> OOOOO

Hypnotic Tongue Technique

Hastening Night's End

Exp: 33 - 19 = 14

Scanning through your new knowledge your left eyebrow starts twitching. 'Sensei? Seriously?'

{Why do you still doubt? I find your lack of faith...irritating.}

That's it. Discussing with Bright is usually tiring, but if she starts bringing to mind Darth Vader you're outta here.

"Ise." Rias snaps her fingers in front of your face, grabbing your attention. "Focus."

"Ah, yes yes." You grumble. "Sooo...I have something that, theoretically, can work. Never tested it before though."

"And what would it be?" Lord Phenex asks.

"...I have to spend some time with Raiser. Alone."

He blinks. "That's it?"

"...Basically?" You tilt your head. "Yes. Rias, Lord Phenex: do you mind leaving? But you have my word I am not leaving until Raiser is back on his feet. That's a promise."

"And here I was expecting something like a super-hard training or something similar." Revache rubs his chin. "But this is also interesting. If it gets the job done faster, who I am to complain? Take all the time you need Hyodo-san."

"If you say so Ise...at least this is reasonable...somewhat..." Rias mumbles under her breath, a strange shadow obscuring her face. Then she raises her head and smiles like nothing happened, clapping her hands. "Lord Phenex, would you mind being my chaperone to see more of your splendid above?"

"Of course!" He laughs jovially as him and Rias walk away. "I just have the perfect thing to start with: a collection of relics I collected from Sud-America…"

And then you're alone.

"Alright." You roll your shoulders. "Solar powers are bullshit. I am a Solar. Therefore I can do bullshit just fine. In a world of powerhouses, I manipulate reality. Let's do this."

[Do your best Ise-kun~! Show that useless yakitori who's boss~!] Elsha-sempai encourages you in her unique way.

You knock on the door. "Raiser?"


"Please stop shrieking and come out."

"Nooooo! It's a trap! It's definitely a trap. I don't want to be eaten by a d-d-dragon!"

You sigh. "I am not going to eat you. Not now, and not ever."

"Liar! -Ayyyeeee! Nonononono sorrysorrysorry! I didn't want to imply you're a liar! Nononono-!!!"

You sigh again and sit down, leaning with your back against the door. "I'm going to sit down here until you come out." Sound of hurried footste- "And if you dare to jump out of the window, I'll catch you, tie you to a chair and resume this conversation in my dragon form. Your choice."
First Presence Excellency
The sound stops. "Much better. Now, when you calm down we can begin to talk like civilized beings. Believe it or not, I am here to help you get rid of your crippling fear. But since I can force you to accept my help, I will wait for you to address me first. I will take that as a sign of your consent."

With that said you fall into silence, waiting for a response.

After more than twenty minutes passed, during which you amused yourself singing old songs with your sempai, Raiser finally speak.

"Sekiryutei...? You there...?"

You smile. "Like I said, I'm not going anywhere. Ask whatever you want."

"...Why are you here? Helping your enemy?"

"Because your father asked me. He's very worried you know? And for why..." You scratch your head. "We're not really enemies anymore. Even if we were, I am not bastard enough to deny the sentiments of a father who is worried about his son's health."

"...Dad-is he really so worried about me?"

Did you detect a hint of father-son issue there? Oh yes you did. "He is. What self-respecting father wouldn't? And I believe it is the same for your sister?"


"Yes. Did you know that, after you fainted, she was willing to defend you even after seeing what I could do?"

"You bastard!" Raiser's voice suddenly raises in volume. "If you touched even one hair of my sister I-I-I-I-I-Iiiiiiiii! I-I-I mean, not to i-insult your anything!"

"There." You say with a firm, satisfied voice. "That's what I was searching for. Raiser, I used to think you were just blind arrogance, but your sister's actions clearly prove there's something of worth buried under all that blind arrogance; if you doubts that then you insults Ravel by insulting yourself.

Again silence, but this time you can tell something has changed, and for the better.

"So, let's start again from the beginning. Nice to meet you Raiser Phenex. I am Issei Hyodo.

Tell me about yourself."


"-And this is Levante Phenex." Yubelluna gestures to a bronze statue. Similar statues are present all over the long hall. "Ninth Head of the family."

"Was he a Toreador?" Haruka asks, for indeed the statue is the likelihood of a handsome man with neatly trimmed beard and mustaches, dressed in the typical clothes of a Spanish Toreador, complete with hat. He is grinning fiercely, one foot on a rock and right finger pointed upward, while his left arm is around the neck of bull.

Yubelluna browses through the thick tome and squints her eyes. "Year of birth...titles...and a note that say "if the idiot loves his stupid cows so much he can even marry them for all I care!", followed by various regulations about the secrecy of his death's details."

"Ara, so a deviant?" The busty Kunoichi comments without shame.

"I wouldn't be surprised." Raiser's Queen just as shamelessly replies, shrugging. "Satan knows the kind of things my family had to deal with during its service to the Phenex."


Yubelluna smiles, glad to have found a kindred spirit in the human, as strange as it sounds. "Like, the current Lord's courtship of the current Lady, who last years because-"

Nearby, Akeno quietly laughs as she overhears pieces of the conversation. "Fufufu, that sound interesting."

"Not my thing." Kalawarner comments, poking a stuffed goblin. "Gotta admit it though, noble devils live in lavishly houses. There aren't places like this among Fallen Angels."

Rias' Queen, despite her prejudice for Fallen Angels (no matter how much of a hypocrite that made her), nonetheless finds herself curious. "Oh? Do you mean you a-were poor?"

"Hardly." She scoffs. "It's just that we took inspiration from human most modern cities, so our cities are full of skyscrapers."

And so on. Asia, Mittelt, Koneko, Mirai and Ruby. Kiba, Homura, Dohnaseek and Shougo. Raynare, Yang, Eiko, Yomi and Hikage. Having naturally formed group, the visitors of Phenex Villa amuse themselves by the rare sights of the Devil Underworld.

"Is this a magical sword?" Homura wonders as she inspects a sword that wouldn't look out of place in a fantasy anime, kept inside a glass case.

"Sword of the Hippogriff." Kiba reads the plaque written in demonic language. "So called because forged by the claws of the noble beast."

"Is that thing half lion, half eagle?"

"No, that's the Gryphon." Kiba replies with a refreshing smile. Behind them both Dohna and Shougo looks bored out of their minds. "Hippogriff is half horse and half eagle."

"Weird." Homura muses. "So it's strong?"

"Yes. And way more than someone like you will ever afford even in a hundred years." An unknown voice replies.

A group of girls make their entrance, all of them young and good-looking. The one who spoke is a young woman with dark blue hair tied into a ponytail, a large Zweihänder on her back. She's flanked by a woman with orange hair, a mask covering the right half of her face, and a woman with brown hair, a broadsword hanging from her hips.

A little behind them are other ten girls, all of them, save for two pairs of twins, possessing a wide variety of appearance and clothes. Taking their distance, they are just observing quietly.

"Probably." Homura scoffs, absolutely unmoved by the provocation. "But if I even were to want something like this, I would just find someone who own it, beat them and take it as spoil of war."

The woman with brown hair grits her teeth. "That's not very honorable."

The tanned beauty grins ferociously. "I am a ninja. What need do I have for honor?"

"Who are you?" Kiba asks, putting himself between the two girls to avoid escalation.

"My name is Siris. Raiser-sama's Knight." The one with the Zweihänder answers.

"Isabela. Raiser-sama's Rook." The one with the mask replies.

"Karlamine. Raiser-sama's other Knight." The one with the broadsword introduces herself.

"Raiser Phenex-sama's Peerage. I see. My name is Yuuto Kiba, Rias Gremory-sama's Knight."

"Dohnaseek. Pawn." The ex-Fallen Angel lazily replies.

"Homura. Just a normal human." The busty kunoichi replies, while Shuogo just stay silent.

"Can I ask what are your intentions for coming here?" Kiba inquires. "Of course, this is your King's house so you are free to move as you like, but maybe you have a specific reason to sought us?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself." Siris scoffs. "We just wanted to see the ones who dared cheat Raiser-sama of what was rightfully his, but I see they're not here."

"...And who would those 'ones' be?" KIba's tone drops drastically in friendliness.

"Who else? Rias Gremory and the Sekiryutei." Karlamine says with a stern tone. "The wedding with Raiser-sama was already planned, but instead the engagement got cancelled because of the meddlesome meddling of some mortal and his surely foul ways. It's unbecoming of High-Class Noble Devils like the Gremory to resort to cheating instead of the proper methods."

"You got it backward: it's your King that brought it upon himself." Dohna inclines his hat, making visible a single eye glittering with amusement. His gaze wanders on the rest of the girls. "Though, why are you even complaining? You should be glad to not have more competition. Or maybe...you all swing that way?"

All the girls in Raiser's Peerage bristle in indignation. "You-!"

"What are you doing?!" Yubelluna shouts while running towards her comrades, having finally noticed their presence. Behind her follow the rest of the visitors.

"Raiser's Peerage?" Akeno inquires to Kiba with a hushed tone.

"Yes." The blonde nods. "And apparently a bunch of sore losers."

"-cheated and you know it!" One girl in a chinese attire very similar to Chun-Li from Street Fighter shouts in response to Yubelluna's arguing, pointing to Rias' Peerage and Issei's friends. "Not only that, what was Lord Phenex thinking, inviting lowly humans here?!"

Koneko and Mirai clench her fists. "She pisses me off." The ninja hisses.

"...Same." The silverette agrees.

But, before Raiser's Queen could admonish the other girl for improper conduct-

He doesn't make a sound, yet the moment Shougo Kitsukawa gets off from where he was leaning against the wall and begins walking everyone stop talking and moving. It isn't a conscious reaction, but an instinctual one, outside of their control. Even so, if asked to think of a comparison, they would answer-

That it was similar to the way a gazelle freeze when a lion gets close enough, even without hearing or smelling it.

Hands in his pockets, no formal stance but movements as fluid as a powerful beast, Shougo walks until he's standing in front of the girl in chinese attire, looking down on her with a bored expression. "W-What do you want?" The girl stammers, unable to understand why she feels intimidated by a simple human.

"Y'know, I don't completely get it…" Shougo drawls, stretching his neck. "But you don't like us. Correct?"

She gulps.

"Then, why don't we skip all the useless chatter…."

He takes out his left hand, raises it to head level and begins to crack his fingers randomly, a smile with too many teeth on his face.

"...And we just go to the part where we beat the crap out of each other?"

[] Second Part coming soon...


Shougo is blunt. Like, really blunt.

Another thread with 100 pages, another boon:

+10 Xp!
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Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 10)
Silence. Following Shougo's outrageous proposal, for a few seconds nobody speak.

Until Isabela's lips turn upward, a fiery glint entering her visible eye. "Why not?"

Yubelluna's eyebrows join her hairline.

The same excitement of the Rook begins to emanate from the rest of Raiser's peerage members. The girl in chinese clothing, noticing it, take many steps backwards before mimicking the same expression.

The Queen grabs Isabela's shoulder and brings their faces a few centimeters from each other. "Have you gone mental?" She hisses, not bothering with politeness. "How have we going to explain it to Lord Phenex and Master Raiser?"

"Simple." The half-masked girl replies, unbothered. "A show to test one's skills, nothing more. In this case...it's simply a collective one."

With a herculean effort the violet haired woman suppresses the urge to have her hand enjoy a fast reunion with her face.

"I don't really mind." Mittelt stalks forward, flanked by Eiko. Despite her short stature and young age everyone, in some measure, is impressed as how striking her presence is.

"Our esteemed hosts, surely being all warriors of great and respectable reputation, have their blood craving for the thrill that come only when measuring one's own skills against equals. After such a never-less-than-perfect accommodation, who are we to refuse?" Eiko continues before looking behind her. "Who also feel the same?"

Yang punches her other palm with a smirk, embers coming out of her mane. Ruby waves her hand like an excited child. Asia shakes her head and hands in denial.

"Do you mind if we join too?" Homura asks, the rest of her team already assembled on her sides. "I really want to see how Devils fight. Plus Hyodo is our Boss now, so this makes it personal."

"Ufufufu!" Akeno's eyes glint with amusement. "I heard my King's name get slandered too. As her Peerage, we can't ignore that." Next to her Raynare nods energetically, more because Akeno said so and less because she agrees. Kiba's smile now doesn't quite reach his eyes, while Koneko flexes her fingers. Kalawarner and Dohnaseek both smirk with smugness.

This time Yubelluna can't stop her hand from covering her eyes. "I can't stop you, can I? Just know I will blame everything on you girls." And even as she says it she wishes Raiser is there, for he would surely stop all of this.

Or not. After all, a Queen knows her King better than anyone else.


"A glamorous welcome to all participants!" Eiko cheers loudly.

She is at the top of a raised platform overlooking a large park situated near the Phenex Castle, one of the many locations used for training. It consisted of a forest, a lake, a barren area and reproduced city ruins. Floating next to her is a magically enchanted glass sphere that lets her voice be heard all over the park.

"Today we are here to assist at one-of-a-kind challenge: Raiser Phenex's Peerage against the combined servants of Issei Hyodo and Rias Gremory! The commentary will be done by the lovely Eiko!" She winks, even though nobody can see her. "The cute Asia and the silent Hikage!"

"Ah, Hello?" Asia awkwardly waves her hand as if greeting someone in front of her.

"...Hi." Hikage lazily replies before drinking from a bottle of milk nobody know where she got from.

"This will be a straightforward battle with an equal number of participants." The Yatagarasu continues. "Fourteen fighters on one side and likewise on the other. There are only three rules: no lethal blows; those who surrender or lose consciousness are out of the fight and cannot interfere anymore; likewise, those still in the game are forbidden to involve those who lost. A team loses once it has no more active members. Time limit: before we are found by our Masters and punished accordingly! Ufufufufufu! Have a good day! Begin!" She claps her hands.

On one side of the park Dohna looks up and sweatdrop. "Is she always like that?"

"A totally shrew, shady person? Yep." Mittelt comments, shrugging. "So-" She looks at the others. "Anyone with experience in those things have a suggestion to how handle this?"

"Even if this is not a proper Rating Game, it is the first for us." Akeno says, having changed into a shrine maiden outfit. "But I can say this: some of us meet the others only recently, so expecting a full coordination is impossible."

"I agree." Haruka continues. She gestures to the forest in front of them. "Even then, with such a large area to cover the others will likely split into smaller groups. I suggest we do the same, pairing those who have more experience working with each other."

"A good idea." Akeno concedes. "Kiba-kun, Koneko-chan: you're with me, we will scout the city. Ray-chan, Dohna, Kala: you're all good at flying, so I want you to scout the lake."

"""Ha!""" They reply. Except for Raynare, who goes with: "Yes! One-sama!"

"Fighting in narrow places is a Shinobi's speciality." Homura states. "Leave the forest to me, Haruka, Yomi and Mirai."

"That leave the barren area, uh? Good enough I suppose." Mittelt smirks. "Me, Yang, Ruby and Shougo-kun will go there."

"Ah? But if on the way there we meet someone, we can engage them right?" Yang asks while hitting both fists together.

"But of course." Akeno replies with a dark smile. "Please leave nothing but ashes."


Flying on black wings, the trio of ex-Fallen Angels pass over the lake before landing on its shore. While Dohnaseek is still clad in his trademark trenchcoat and fedora, Kalawarner has traded her skirt with a pair of denim jeans and the high-heeled shoes with tennis ones. Raynare wears a white dress, a pair of shorts under it, and the school shoes.

"So! So!" Raynare bounces on her heels. "How do we find the enemies?"

"Mpfh." Dohna scoffs, one hand on his hat. "We either look around-"

"Servants of the Gremory! Prepare yourself!"

"Or they find us first." Kala finishes with a dry smile.



""I'm Ni/Li!"" The twin catgirls say at the same time.

"I'm Mirae." The girl with blue hair twirls her staff.

The three ex-Fallen Angels look at each other.

"YOU'RE FINISHED!" The three enemy girls shout as they rush forwards, each targeting a different enemy and ready to go all-out from the very start.

So it comes as a complete surprise when their attacks are stopped with seemly any effort. Dohna and Kala catch the twin catgirl's fists in their palms, while Raynare grabs the staff before it could hit her head.

And before the Phenex members can react the Gremory members counterattack: Dohna with a uppercut to the chin, Kala with a knee in the stomach and Ray with a kick in the chest.

As Ni staggers backwards, her lower jaw on fire, Dohna tosses away his hat and slowly begins to take out his trenchcoat, revealing a white shirt below. "Do you know where I spent the last two weeks?" He says in a perfectly normal conversational tone. "Norway, in a place in the middle of fucking nowhere with a name made of so much consonants I cannot remember, let alone spell it. All because a madman with a competitive streak wanted to 'have disciples too, and better ones to boot'!"

"What-!" It's all Ni can say before the trenchcoat is in her face, blocking her vision. Dohna tackles her to the ground and pins her arms behind her back in a very painful lock, his knees blocking her legs.

"I had to wrestle Were-bears bare-handed! Were! Bears!" He shouts, eyes bloodshot. "Do you know what is it to trade blows with something the size of a car and the strength to snap bones even with a gazing blow?!"

"Eeek!" Ni cries, now seriously scared.



"Only a sleeping bag! On the naked ground! Ten grades below zero every night! And it rained half of the time!" Kala accentuates each exclamation point with a flex of the two Light Whips in her hands, while Li is desperately dodging the deadly (for a Devil) weapons. "Baths in the rivers! With the water being liquid ice! And no soap!"

"What the hell are you saying?! You're crazy!" The catgirl shouts.

Kala completely ignores her. "And the food! We could eat only what we personally caught! No fruit! Berries were poisonous! Animals constantly escaped us! And the fishes were slippery bastards."

In the middle of another swing the tip of the whip morphs into a grappling hook that catch Li's loose socks. A sharp tug causes her to trip and fall to the ground.

"But as they say: hunger is the mother of all inventions!" Kala finishes with a crazy smile as she begins to pull the frightened catgirl towards her.

"You guys-!"

"-Are insane!" Mirae screams as she dodges another lightning bolt.

"Nooo." Raynare replies with a serene smile, hands crackling with electricity. "We just have a lot of pent up stress! Beowulf-dono told us to take it out on the first person we are justified to beat up!"


"You told them what?" Enku, one of Sirzechs Lucifer's Pawns, gapes.

Beowulf shrugs. "My dad gave me the same advice. And it worked!"


"That doesn't make any sense!" Mirae cries. Spotting an opening she jumps towards Raynare and thrusts her staff forward.

Lightning disappears from Raynare's right hand and is replaced with a coating of light. She smashes her palm into the oncoming staff, breaking it into splinters. Her other hand grabs the blue haired girl's shoulders, unleashing more electricity into her body.

As Mirae screams in pain Raynare looks troubled. "But truth be told, I am not feeling very stressful." Then she stops the electrical attack and nods. "But now that I have a live subject I can finally practice One-sama's lessons!"

"L-Lessons…?" Mirae croaks out. She tries to use [Promotion]-

"AAAAHH!!!" Before another electrical shock, twice as strong compared to before, turns her thoughts into mush.

"How to keep hitting a person with lighting without them losing consciousness or dying for a long time." Raynare smiles innocently. "Akeno One-sama is always teaching me new things, she's the best One-sama in the world!"




"I feel...so proud."

[] Third Part coming soon…

Something that CrossyCross' quests taught me: to change a chump into a man, pain is necessary. A lot of pain.
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Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 11)
Proceeding swiftly through the forest with feet certain of the path to take, a feat made possible by a good knowledge of the area build through extensive training, are four females: two children and two young women.


The two twins have turquoise hair and blue eyes. Both of their outfits consist of gym uniforms, gym bags hanging from their shoulders.



The two young women both wear french maid uniforms. One has light brown hair and reddish eyes, while the other has dark red hair and blue eyes.

"Was splitting up really a good idea?" The maid with dark red hair asks. "I mean it's something we usually do but not from the very beginning."

"Yubelluna's orders." The other maid replies. "She may be against this match, but you know better than I do that she put her 100% in everything she does."

"Ah ah ah!" The twins laugh in unison. "Don't worry about that! Most of the enemies are just a bunch of humans! This will be ea-"

As they step in the area covered with fallen leafs between four trees a net bursts out from below their feet, trapping them and hoisting them in the air.

"-AAAAAAAAA?!?" They scream, the tight confines of the trap immobilizing their every movement.

"Seriously? That's it?" Homura, seated on a higher branch together with the other kunoichi, looks down at the trapped devils and scoffs, clearly not impressed. "Those are the guys that gave you troubles Mirai?"

"Can I remind you that shithead summoned an army?" The ravenette protests.

"Y-You!" One of the twins shouts. "How did you know we were going to pass here?!"

"That's simple." Yomi raises a hand, a dazzling smile on her lips. "We actually followed you in secret for a while. Once we were able to predict your path we just ran ahead and prepared the trap."

"I-Impossible!" The other twin pushes her face forward, her right cheek pressed against her sister's left one. "Only a few minutes passed since the match's start! How did strangers like you, with no prior knowledge of the area, got the drop on us Phenex members that trained her for months?"

"Ara ara." Haruka puts a palm on her cheek. "Isn't that because we're much more skilled than you?"

"Grrr! Don't get cocky human!" She grits her teeth. "Promotion! Rook!"

An aura of blue light surrounds the girl before she grabs the net and tears it apart, freeing herself and the others before they land back on the ground.

"So that's [Promotion], the special power of Pawn." Haruka muses. "Rook for increased strength and toughness, Knight to boost speed, Bishop for greater magical abilities and finally Queen that gave all the above, but put a huge strain on the body."

The maid with red hair's eyes narrow. "...You're awfully knowledged about Evil Pieces for humans."

"Information is just one of a shinobi's list of trades." Homura stands up and mockingly sweep her skirt from dust before grinning and taking out the scroll hidden between her breasts. "Time to get serious I suppose. Let's go girls!"

The others take out their own scrolls and jump down together with their leader.


Homura and Mirai are wearing the same outfits that they used in Issei's presence.


Yomi's outfit is somewhat reminiscent of a maid, a blue dress with a white slip underneath and a single white collar wrapped around her neck. On her arms she has long white gloves and blue diamond shaped arm sleeves with white frill underneath. Around her waist is a small white apron with shuriken pattern on them, and a belt that holds a brown bag. She wears a blue beret with a large white bow on the back of it, and an even larger bow on the back of her dress. Under it are a pair of white stockings covered by long brown boots with black bows at the top, and her signature giant sword rests on her back.


Haruka's outfit could barely be called an outfit at all: it resembles pink and white lingerie with white cups, and a diamond shaped opening revealing her cleavage. On her legs and arms are white garments, and she wears thin white bottom with simple pink high heels. On her back is a large white lab coat, the inside lined with many different vials filled.

"Do Rook too Nel!" The girl who promoted tells her sister.

"Yes Ile! Promotion! Rook!" Done with the power-up both twins open the gym bags they were carrying, taking out identical chainsaws and powering them up with a smile.

"Disassembling time♪" "Split, split, split, split, split!"

The twins run at Yomi and Haruka while grinding their chainsaws to the ground before swinging them at the two busty kunoichi, hoping to take them down in one blow.


"Oooh, that's actually quite the amount of strength! Is the same for you Haruka-san?" Speaking as if in a middle of a friendly conversation Yomi blocks Ile's chainsaw with her sword stabbed in the ground, only her left hand on the hilt.

"Quite. It almost forced me a step back. But just barely." In Haruka's case, a red chainsaw came out of her lab coat's empty right sleeve clashing against the one in Nel's hands in a cacophony of roaring spinning metal blades.

"What-" "-Is this?!" Nel and Ile scream in disbelief.

Mercilessly taking advantage of their enemy's' confusion Yomi points her free right arm at Ile, a wrist crossbow appearing on her forearm. She shoots an explosive arrow, blasting the little girl away.

"One-chan!" At the same time a three fingered robotic arm comes of of Haruka coat's left sleeve and punches Nel, sending her in the air and colliding with her sister.

When they stand up after falling, the only indication of damage their ruined clothes and a couple of bruises, Haruka's smile turns strangely satisfied. "You can take that much. Good: it wouldn't be entertaining otherwise."


"I am Marion." The maid with light brown hair names herself before her opponents, a pair of knives popping out of her sleeves. "Raiser-sama's Pawn."

"And I'm Bürent." The other maid does the same, taking out a whip from a pouch on her back. "I'm too Raiser-sama's Pawn."

"Wow, are all devils fixated on adding their roles to their introductions?" Homura asks with a teasing grin as she unsheathes a single katana. "Do you really enjoy so much being simple pieces in the hands of an employer you cannot change nor leave?"

Marion scowls, releasing a burst of killing intent. "Silence human! What do you know of loyalty?"

The tanned girl's grin just widens at the provocation. "More than you can imagine, just not the same as yours!" And without further ado she shoots forwards, her katana raised high.

"Promotion! Knight!" Marion shouts before dodging Homura's swing. She attacks with her knives, only for the kunoichi to also dodge effortlessly.

"Promotion! Knight!" Following her friend's example Bürent uses her enhanced speed to swing her whip at Mirai, but the small kunoichi opens her umbrella and uses it as a shield before retaliating by shooting a rain of bullets from the tip.

The devil's eyes widen at the sight, not used to face firearms in her battles. She barely manages to move out of the bullet's way, with only a few gazing her side. "Even if you use guns, with my speed it doesn't matter!" With a burst of superior speed she disappears and reappears behind Mirai-

Only to be forced to dodge again as a machinegun pops up above Mirai's shoulder and starts firing.

"Normally, that would be true." Mirai calmly states as she turns around to face Bürent, the machinegun disappearing in a burst of smoke. "That's why Suzume-sensei put me under heavy training to increase my awareness and reaction time."

The dark red haired maid frowns. "...Did humans get stronger since the last time I went to the human world?"

"I don't know. I'm not exactly a normal human."

"I noticed."

And with that their battle resumes.

[] Third Part coming soon...

I'm actually thinking about having Gasper appearing earlier. Would you guys like that?
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Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 12)
"By the way, Kiba-kun."

"What is it, Sempai?"

The Queen, Knight and Rook of the Gremory Peerage are walking through the streets of the replica city after reaching the site. Their movements are slow and cautious, aware that the unfamiliar location offers a lot of possible hiding spots and ambush points that the enemy can take advantage of. That's why Koneko is at the front, using her enhanced Nekomata sense of smell and hearing to look out for the presence of the Phenex Peerage. Behind her trail Kiba and Akeno, the latter suddenly addressing the blonde swordsman.

"I can understand Koneko-chan, because she brings them everywhere she goes-" Akeno tilts her head in the direction of what she's talking about.


Kitten boxing gloves. There is no other term to describe the seeming bizarre-looking pair of gloves currently wore by the small white-haired girl. One black and the other white, the pair of boxing gloves are shaped like anime-ish cat's heads. The black one is grinning mischievously, while the white one has a stoic expression. But despite the eccentricity, both Knight and Queen know those are specially made gloves based on a design commonly sold to Devils participating in Rating Games. While nothing special, they are more durable than anything human made and thus a good weapon for Devils like Koneko that fight bare-handed.

"-But where you kept your armor?" She finishes, referring to the light armor Kiba is currently wearing: knee-guards, shoulder-guards and gauntlets. "Did you learn the spell to store things in a sub-dimension?"

"Alas, no. Theory is okay, but practical magic is still very difficult for me." He shakes his head while smiling, unbothered. "Try taking a closer look."

He holds up one gauntlet for her to see. Akeno stares at it for a few seconds before realization makes her eyes widen. "This-! Swords?!"

Indeed, at a closer look it could be seen that the gauntlet's surface is made of many tiny blunt swords no bigger than a nail linked by rings over the fingers and the palm and welded together on the back of the hand. A quick glance confirms that the other pieces of armor are the same.

"My Sacred Gear can only create swords." He explains. "However, I realized only using it to create standard swords limits me, so I decided to be creative and see how much can I push the boundaries of my power."

"Impressive." Akeno comments with a hand over her mouth, impressed at her kohai's resourcefulness. "Did you come up with it all by yourself?"



Kiba makes a strange face, a mix of incredulity and nervous chuckle. "Do you know that on the Internet you can find threads with hundreds of pages where people post what they would do if they had the power to create swords out of nothing?"

The black-haired buxom beauty puts a slender finger on her lower lips, feeling like she's missing out a hidden joke because of ignorance. However, before she could question Kiba-

"Look out!"

-Both are tackled by Koneko and pushed back.


An explosion goes off in the place previously occupied by the three. Instantly recognizing the danger Akeno pushes her hand forward, creating a magic circle that forms a barrier. Just in time for another magical projectile to hit it and detonates, straining the barrier but failing to penetrate it.

"Aww, I missed."


Flying up in the air with her wings spread, Yubelluna's tone is less disappointed and more mocking.

"...Cheap shot." Koneko glares at Raiser's Queen.

"Normally I wouldn't agree with an enemy, but she's right." Coming out from behind a building are two more Devils.


"Let's do this instead! I'm the Knight of Raiser-sama, Karlamine! Rias Gremory's Knight! I challenge you to a duel!"


"My name is Xuelan! I'm a Rook of Raiser-sama! I know there is a Rook among you: let's fight and end this quickly!"

"Ara ara." Akeno laughs, but her eyes have a dangerous glint as she spreads her own wings and takes flight to stand in front of Yubelluna. "Three versus three? How convenient. Then I will be your opponent, Raiser's Queen, Yubelluna-san. Or should I call you the [Bomb Queen]?"

"That name leaves a sour taste in my mouth." The enemy queen's smile dims. "Then again, [Priestess of Lightning] sounds ironic when applied to a Devil." She eyes Akeno's miko attire up and down with a challenging air. "I was hoping to fight you though. To make something out of this pointless fight."

"Ara ara. Fufufu. That, is what I honestly find strange." Akeno cups her cheek with one hand. "All the other members of Raiser Phenex's Peerage hold a grudge for the failed wedding. All beside you." She smiles mischievously. "One would think you're glad your King hasn't married, giving you more time to seduce him."

"So what?"

Yubelluna's blunt answer makes Akeno drops her smile to assume an expression of surprise.

"It's bad enough that my Master is a lecher who loves big breasts and a dumbass that wanted a [Little Sister] and [Tsundere] type character because of fashion! Do you have any idea how difficult is to keep his interest from waving every time a harlot with big breasts happens to pass in his field of vision? And then he said he's going to marry! My family served the Phenex with generations, why I alone must have it so hard?!"

She said all that without breathing. Akeno blinks a couple times before an impish smile forms on her lips. "Ara. Do I smell the scent of forbidden romance?"

"No." A sphere of compressed fire appears in Yubelluna's hand. "It's the reek of your flesh burning!"

She tosses the bomb at Akeno. In response the black-haired beauty shoots a lightning bolt. The two attacks collide halfway and explode.

Both with smiles that promised untold pain for the other the two Queens begin to exchange blows, one using explosions and the other lightning bolts. They dodge when needed, using a barrier only when the attacks from the other come too close for comfort. Despite having wings their positions remain mostly stationary, because casting spells requires a lot of concentration.

Until Yubelluna releases explosions in a wide area trying to overwhelm her opponent, and Akeno answers by also releasing her lightning bolts in a wide area. The clash make the two attacks explode, releasing a smoke curtain that cover each girl from the other's sight.

A few seconds after the curtain formed however Yubelluna senses movement above her, and looks up in time to see Akeno dropping down on her ready to perform an axe-kick. Caught by surprise the purple-haired beauty could only cross her arms above her head to defend herself, but even then the blow's strength, increased by gravity, is enough to rattle her bones and slam her into the ground below.

Akeno does a graceful backflip, landing on the tip of her left feet-

And disappearing using super speed. Yubelluna has only the time to gasp before Akeno hits her side with a palm strike.

"Do you know that dance and martial arts have a lot in common?" The Gremory Queen asks with eyes closed and a sadistic smile. "In the past the former was used to hide the latter during governative oppression."

The Phenex Queen tries to raise her staff to retaliate, but her counterpart grabs her robes and tosses her over her shoulders and face first on the ground.

"Usually I torture my victims using magic, but I confess that using my hands, feeling your flesh giving away on my skin...is on a completely different level."

She kneels down and grabs both sides of Yubelluna's head, first gently and then with almost bone-crushing strength. Yubelluna looks up at her in horror.

"I hope you have Phoenix Tears stashed somewhere, because you are sooo going to need them!" Akeno says in a sing-song voice.

It's only a flicker at the edge of her perception- and the feeling of heat on her skin -that save Akeno when the body she was previously holding bursts into flame.

"How about no?" Yubelluna hisses between gritted teeth as she stands up, a corona of fire bombs forming around her.

Akeno's smile just widens.


"Stop dodging already!"

Xuelan is frustrated. On top of being forced to endure the presence of the Gremory Peerage and those strangers because they are Lord Phenex's guests, she even felt intimidated by a human, a human! For her, a Devil, is unacceptable to feel intimidated by a lower being...no matter how scary.

And just when she thought she could get a good fight, her opponent decides to play completely defensive! How is she supposed to enjoy it like this?

Channeling her anger into the flames around her limbs she unleashes another combo of kicks that her opponent, a shortie called Koneko if she remembers right, defends against either by dodging with minimal movements or parrying with her gloves.

Were she in a calmer state of mind, she may have recognized the high, narrow stance with the elbows kept close to the body used by her opponent in time.

She tries to follow with a sweeping punch, and is rewarded with Koneko reacting for the first time by locking her arms around her own. Recognizing a joint lock attempt Xuelan prepares a kick to free herself-

When, in an unexpected move, Koneko's legs rise and hook around her own. "Kiya!" Losing her balance Xuelan falls on her back. Koneko wastes no time by pulling the trapped arm in the opposite direction and twisting it with one hand, forcing the Phenex Rook's torso to lean on its side, while her free arm slides around the chinese girl's neck and begins choking her. Finally she slides one foot between her opponent's legs, further limiting their movements.

Koneko has successfully pulls Xuelan under a [Submission Hold].

"W-What kind of style is this?!" The Phenex Rook chokes out, blanching as she realizes she can't muster enough leverage to break free.

"...Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, strengthened using Wing Chun's principles." Koneko whispers into Xuelan's ear. "...I am very flexible, but...are you?"


"I'm happy that there are warriors like you in Rias Gremory's group. Coming out here directly from the front. That's something people with normal sanity won't do." Karlamine says making a happy face. "But I love idiots like you. Now then, let's begin." She finishes, drawing her sword out from the sheath.

"This is the first time someone call me an idiot as a form of compliment. What a novel experience." Kiba remarks happily while drawing his own sword. "I'm the Knight of Rias Gremory, Kiba Yuuto. Would you like to have an intense sword fight with me?"

"With pleasure!" She starts slashing as if dancing, each blow flowing into the next gracefully. KIba replies with his own personal style of swordsmanship, created by mixing the Tennen Rishin-ryu style learned under his master Souji Okita and the more classical western style. In his hands is a double-edged pitch-black sword: the Holy Eraser, capable of nullifying Holy Energy. Karlamine, being a sword enthusiast, instantly recognizes it.

"Unfortunately, your Sacred Gear won't work on me."

Flames appears on her broadsword's surface. The moment the two swords clash again the flame-covered weapon cleave through Kiba's one, leaving him with half a blade.

Karlamine parts her lips to gloat, only to be abruptly interrupted. Her eyes widen as she sees a blade quickly forming in front of her face. She hastily steps back, watching with some dread as the blade's tip finish forming right where her right eye previously was. "What?!"


Kiba slams a new sword, one with a blade made entirely of ice, into the other Knight's weapon. The flames start to freeze until Karlamine's sword is covered in ice. The next moment it breaks into many pieces.

Having lost her main weapon she reaches for her dagger, but has to abort the movement and raise her gauntlets to block two new swords forming in midair. Since this time she was fully looking at Kiba she's able to pin-point the origin, her eyes widening as she sees the blades forming, pommel first, above Kiba's right left shoulder and wrist respectively. "What trickery is this?!"

"No trickeries, only my Sacred Gear." Yuuto replies with a confident smirk. "Its name is Sword Birth. I can make and create any type of demonic swords. That is the name of my Sacred Gear and its true ability. And the applications-"

Pivoting on his right foot he performs a sweeping kick, more swords appearing on its surface and launched by the motion at Karlamine who finds herself on the defensive. Distracted by the unusual attack she fails to defend properly when Kiba slams the flat of his ice sword in her side, freezing it.

"Are more than I once thought possible."

Gritting her teeth Karlamine finally takes out her dagger and thrusts it in the air, shouting: "We are the members of the all mighty House of Phenex that rule over fire and wind! Taste it! The whirlwind of fire!"

A strong wind begins to blow with her at the center, flames boostered by the air until, as she said, a whirlwind of fire melt the ice on her side and looms over Kiba.


An unique looking blade with a hole on the tip appears in Yuuto's other hand. The wind from the Phenex Knight's attack is sucked into the hole until nothing remain, the ice sword in the other hand cooling down Kiba's body from the intense heat.

"Flame Delete-" He raises the ice sword in his right hand. "And Replenish Calm." He raises the other sword in his left hand. "I am sorry for you, but I have all my bases covered. The strength of my Sacred Gear is versatility after all. Pure swordsmanship is the only way for you to defeat me."

"...Ah. Ahahaha!!" Karlamine starts laughing. "You are an unorthodox swordsman! It's not a bad thing, mind you. But a demonic sword wielder...what fortune. I may have a destiny of meeting swordsmen who wield special swords."

Kiba seems quite interested after hearing that. "Hmm, so you meet another demonic sword user before me?"

"No, it wasn't a demonic sword. It was a holy sword."


Instantly there is a load of killing intent coming out from Kiba. His expression changes after hearing that, going from interested to deadly cold.

"Tell me about that holy sword wielder." Kiba asks-no, commands with a low voice.

Karlamine looks completely unaffected. "Hmm, seems like that swordsman has some connection to you. But since we are warriors, talking would be rude. I will answer you with my sword!"

Yuuto merely tilts his head, his expression hollow as the swords in his hands disappear. "...Is that right...If your mouth can move, then it won't be a problem even if you turn into a state where you are on the verge of death."

A humming sound begins to fill the air, like a electric generator coming to life. Kiba's demonic power flares, intense emotions hidden under a cold expression fueling it.

"Loading." Many swords start forming, not just above the surface of Kiba's body but all around him. Instead of falling to the ground they hover there as more swords are formed. Each sword, instead of a hilt, has in its place a smaller sword. "Stand by. Fire One."

A whirlwind appears around one of the smaller blades before it releases a powerful jet of air along the blade's surface, pushing the greater sword in the opposite direction with the force of an arrow...directly at Karlamine! The Knight uses her dagger, strengthened with wind, to deflect the projectile.

"All Fire. Sword Barrel Full Open."

And bites back a curse as more swords, a literal rain, is shot at her. "What kind of swordsman are you?!"

"One on a Revenge Mission. Now talk...before I bring out the explosions."


I was tempted to have Kiba use a customized UBW chant...then I kicked myself and went back to serious writing.
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Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 13)
I hope this is only the beginning of the transformation, because it looks badass and I want to see more :D

About the update...well, shit. I wanted to post it way before this day, but I was side-tracked. Since today is Easter, have a special service and take this 1/5 of the update, while I work tirelessly today and tomorrow to complete and post one after the other the other parts.

Barren area

"Explosions and thunderbolts. I believe Yubelluna and the Priestess of Lightning are going at each other with gusto." A woman with long dark brown hair, wearing an elaborate kimono, says as she peers in the distance. Her name is Mihae, and among Raiser's Peerage she is the one with the best sight.
"Anything else?"

"..." Mihae squints her eyes. "Flying swords."


"Flying. Swords." She repeats. "As, I see swords being hurled in the air as if shot."

"Weird." A woman with long grey hair, wearing a skimpy dancer outfit, scratches her ear while showing a doubting expression. Her name is Shuriya.
"If swords are involved I am not interested." Isabela looks to the side at Siris. "Want to take it Siris?"
"Not interested." The swordswoman turns down the offer, the eternal frown on her face unchanged. "I just want to beat some Gremory servant and be done with it. Why did Yubelluna slip us like that? Isn't better to gang up on them?"
"Don't be so unsportsmanlike." The masked Rook slowly shakes her head, a small amused smirk on her lips. "She made the right choice: with our numbers even, any tactics to take advantage of them would be 50/50. Better to just charge ahead and fight all opponents as they close. I prefer it this way."

"Uh?" Shuriya perks up and turns one ear towards the forest, a hand behind it. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"Smashing sounds, like the trees are knocked down in rapid succession."

"The enemy? Let me see…" Mihae looks at the forest, eyes squinted in concentration for a few seconds before opening up in surprise. "What the fu-!"


It's less an explosion and more a violent air displacement that hit the girls, forcing them to hold their ground to avoid being blown away. For an instant a cloud of wooden pieces, tree's trunks smashed thoroughly, clouds their vision before two somethings shoot out of it, one black, soaring in the air leaving behind a trail of what look like red petals, and the other yellow, running on the ground leaving behind a trail of burning fire.

The two objects keeps going until they stop at opposing sides of the Phenex girls, the black one landing on the ground.

"See! See! I told you, it's totally different in the open!" A cheerful young voice spokes.

"True! Next time let's make it a race!" A boisterous voice replies.

The four girls stand on guard, their backs facing each other, ready to engage what is obviously the enemy. Yet, when they are finally able to see clearly their opponents they can't stop incredulous looks from appearing on their faces.

"What." Siris questions so eloquently.

The black object turns out to be a wolf the size of a Shire stallion, albeit one made entirely of metal, black like the midnight sky save for a few patches on the limbs and stomach which are a pale grey. From the joint's openings, eye sockets and maw comes out azure fire. In the middle of the forehead it has a pale grey diamond with a horse's skull inside.
And riding the monstrous wolf like it's the most normal thing in the world are Ruby and Mittelt, the latter hugging the dark haired girl from behind before she lets go and jumps down, looking around until she spots the four Phenex girls and smirks.

"A motorcycle?" Isabela recognizes the it immediately, as she owns one herself.

Yes, the yellow object turns out to be exactly a motorcycle. It's a sport bike, with a design emphasizing speed and aerodynamics, the sides of the engine compartment including supercharger intakes. Coating the wheels and glowing from inside the body is the same azure fire of the black wolf. Above the headlight there is a blood red diamond with a horse's skull inside.
Riding it are Yang and Shougo, the latter wasting no time to dismount from behind the blonde girl, staring at the Phenex girls with a bored face and hands in his pockets as he chews a gum and makes a bubble.

"Good work Drei!" With a happy smile Ruby hugs the wolf around the neck, who let out a soft rumble before fading away.

"You're the best bike ever Bumblebee!" Yang grins and pats the motorcycle's handle, which lets out an engine's roar before, too, fading away.

"You all look worth my time." Shougo's lips split into a shark-like smile. "Lucky."

"So ladies-" Supporting the elbow with the left palm Mittelt raises her right hand and flexes her fingers, causing some rocks near her foot to crack and break. "Shall we begin the fun~?"
Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 14)
"Fun? Is that what this is for you?" Mihae slowly walks towards Mittelt and stops five meters from the blonde. "You seem to have gotten the wrong idea."

"Oh?" Mittelt tilts her head, a cute puzzled expression on her face. "I thought we agreed for this to be a friendly spar?"

"That is most certainly true." Mihae sweeps her arms to the side, first the right one and then the left, with a grace that makes the movement looks like the prelude to dance, the hems of her long sleeves fluttering slightly. "However, the only ones who will have fun...are us!"

There's almost no interval between the accumulation of magical energy and the Bishop's attack. The Japanese beauty raises her left arm above the right shoulder while the right hand rests below the left armpit. She spreads her arms in a circular counter-clockwise motion, sending forth a spinning wave of fire.

Mittelt rolls to the side, the attack slow enough to allow her to dodge instead of tanking it. Assuming this is because her adversary is just testing her a Light Hammer taller than her tiny frame forms in her hands and she springs forwards.

But Mihae, as any good Bishop should be, is too wise to allow an opponent to get close to her. Especially an opponent using Light, poison for a Devil like her. Taking a deep breath she starts dancing, gentle wisps of wind rolling around her body before being sent forth by the movements of arms and legs, turning into either razor-shaped blades and battering rams.

The twintailed Fallen Angel-Oni hybrid swings her weapon to smash aside the first blow, training in the Exalted-native Martial Art and Essence coursing through her body polishing her strikes to a degree she's a dervish, the massive weapon in her hands faster than a much lighter one. Nonetheless the need to defend slows down her advance, but doesn't stop it. Step by step she keeps coming close, until there is only a couple of meters between her and Mihae.

That's what the Phenex Bishop was waiting for. The dance's rhythm changes abruptly and she thrusts her hands forwards while spinning her arms, the wind around the limbs igniting into a double whirlwind of fire way faster than the initial one and way stronger.

Mittelt has only the time to cover herself behind her hammer before the double attack hits dead-on. There is an explosion before the flames start spinning and forming a huge whirlwind of fire centered around Mittelt's position.

This is the signature move of the Phenex Clan that makes use of their affinity for both Fire and Wind, the [Whirlwind of Fire]. While with sufficiently powerful magical energy even a Pawn could use it, only a Bishop like Mihae can unleash its full potential. Only a Rook with very strong defence can take this attack and still be ready to fight afterwards. Mihae is sure the enemy isn't someone who received a Rook piece.

That's why she's shocked when a fire-encased figure jumps out of the whirlwind, Light Hammer raised high to deliver a punishing blow that the Bishop barely managed to dodge by jumping backward, even if it ends with her butt on the ground.

As the figure hoists the weapon on her shoulder the fire dissipates, revealing the unharmed figure of Mittelt. Unarmed, because a sheen of semi-transparent golden light is covering her entire body, similar to the halo of ancient saints or, as Issei would put it, like the aura of characters from Dragon Ball Z.

"You... Used your power of Light as armor?" Mihae mutters with an incredulous tone. "Absurd! That-"

"Should be impossible?" With a mocking grin the twintailed blonde stares at her free hand, fingers clenching into a fist. "As Azazel-sama confirmed, that is indeed true for most Fallen Angels and even Pure Angels: it offers the same defence of a shield and prevent the caster from moving else the construct dissipate.

However, my grandmother possessed a special power that let her manipulate density. This power passed on to my mother, who combined it with her Light powers to create what she named [Heavy Light]."

She twirls the hammer on her slender fingers before slamming it down, creating a mini-earthquake. If Mihae wasn't still on the ground he would have fallen over again.

"That is, to increase the density of my Light for greater weight and strength without the need to sacrifice malleability."


"What, did you think only Sacred Gear wielders and Noble Devils have abnormal powers?" Mittelt shakes her head. "Get real. The world is larger than you think. And not to brag about-" She says doing exactly that. "But I'm the First Mate of a Sun Dragon Demigod and you're just a minor character! Did you really think there was a contest at all? Kyahahaha!"

Mihae's left eyebrow twitches erratically as she stares at the laughing Mittelt before with a "Tsk!" she unfurls her wings and takes to the sky. "I-It doesn't matter! Even with an abnormal power, there is no way I'm going to lose to a Fallen Angel brat!"

Mittelt's laugher abruptly stops. "Fallen Angel? Oh no, not anymore."

And then no one, but two pairs of wings with golden feathers emerges from her back, her feet kicking off the ground gently as the magnificent pinions push her in the air and at the same level of a gobsmacked Mihae.

"I am a Solar Angel. Remember it!"

Mittelt has learned the [Heavy Light Armor] Spirit Charm!
Mittelt's Essence score raised to 3!
Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 15)
"You seem happy. I had my doubts, but you aren't a normal human: the pressure from you is too strong." Isabela assumes a boxing stance. "They say dragons attract strong people. From what I saw, it's true."

Shougo tilts his head before looking to the side, replying with an even tone. "I don't know about strong... but if we consider crazy, then yes: that's exactly the type of people that guy attracts like a magnet."

She raises an eyebrow. "Yourself included?"

"Sanity is overrated."

Isabela smiles before her lips form a thin line. Playtime is over, now it's her turn to show the might and glory of the Phenex family.

And to have fun too, but that's just a minor detail.

She steps forward one, two times before sprinting at her max speed, walking into the blonde fighter's guard in the blink of an eye. Knowing that her opponent is just a normal human, and there is no system to automatically bring someone to the infirmary, she holds back a lot of her strength and aims to punch her opponent directly in the cheek, knocking him out in one blow.

So imagine her surprise when Shougo tilts his head at the last second, with a movement so natural that it looks like he merely change position because the muscles of his neck were starting to ache.

"Oh. So you can dodge a punch like this. Sorry, I was looking down on you a bit. I'll increase by one level, no by two!"

She starts punching at an higher speed, throwing jabs from different angles. As Shougo still manages to dodge them all with minimal movements she tries for an uppercut. Her aim is to force him to dodge in one direction, then using her shoulder movement to instantly change the angle of attack and hit him where his head is going to be.

As she predicted Shougo sees her uppercut and moves her head to one side... only to move it again to the other side the moment Isabela's uppercut changes direction!

The Rook has just enough time to register the bizarre event before the blond boy twists his body to follow his head's tilt and releases a savage kick, his heel digging into her uncovered cheek with enough force to push her back and onto the ground. Before hitting it she pushes with her hands and does a backflip, landing neatly on the tip of her booths. There isn't a single mark on her flesh, and she barely feels the blow. However, the splendid way her opponent counterattacked is enough to make her pause.

"Nothing. I guess that make you one of those Devils that are tough instead of fast." Shougo spits out the gum he was chewing. "This will take a while."

"No, it will not." Isabela narrows her visible eye. "I clearly underestimated you. A mistake I will not repeat."

She attacks again with a flurry of jabs, this time employing the boxing variant known as "Flicker Jab": instead of snapping the fist straight out with great speed, a Flicker Jab is thrown from a lower angle, the wrist snapping forward with an almost jerking motion. This allows for jabs to come from various angles at high-speed and come back like a whip, making it a dangerous unpredictable weapon. Isabela also uses her full speed.

Shougo manages to dodge the pumped up onslaught for a few intense seconds before he takes advantage of a small gap between jabs to follow up with a kick on his own. Isabela however was expecting it and catches his foot in her right hand. "You're finished!" The left hand delivers a thunderous uppercut to Shougo's chin, making his head snaps back from the force.

"Even in that awkward position you managed to reduce the force of my punch...such terrifying talent." Isabela smiles, having seen that her opponent bent his back before the impact. "You would make a great Knight...no, a magnificent Rook."

"..." Shougo puts his hand were the punch grazed his cheek: the fingers come back stained red. "Blood...?"

"However, skills can take you only so far!" She declares hotly. "Against me, an opponent you cannot hurt in any way, your defeat is assured!"

"...Heh." Shougo's shoulders begin to shake. "Hahahaha..."

The next instant Shougo's clenched hand is in front of Isabela's face, his index finger pressed against her forehead. "What?!" She backhands it away by instincts before she feels a strong burning on her forehead. Unbeknownst to her Shougo's finger left a circular imprint on her flesh.

"That's a marker." The blond street fighter tells her with a shark-like grin, his left eyes looking almost like a white glowing circle in a sea of black shadow. A faint golden glow comes from the tip of his still stretched index. Then he clenches his hand fully and the golden glow, no stronger, starts to envelop his whole limb. "Next time, my fist will connect there!"


Shougo spreads his legs and crosses his clenched hands over his chest, every muscle in his body tensing in preparation. His mind briefly went to a recent memory.


"Touki?" Shougo stares with curiosity at the azure energy covering the hand of the man that called himself Furinji Hayato. "Never heard of it."

"As expected." The old man grins. "You see, all martial artists of a certain level learn how to harness their internal Ki, their life-force, and use it to enhance their techniques and attacks. However against many supernatural creatures, who by nature already possess physical abilities way above a normal human, it is not always enough. So, what do you do when you're confronted with an opponent and your current skills can't make you strong enough to defeat it?"

"...Create a new one that can?"

"Exactly! In the past many sages searched for a way to better protect humanity against the strongest creatures of legend. They found it, a technique developed by those who were so in synchrony with the World that they tapped into the very source of life itself: Touki."

Hayato laughs. "Now, before I explain what exactly is Touki and how to use it, I must mention that it comes with its own drawbacks...one of which is that a martial artist using Touki cannot use any other technique requiring Ki, Touki requires a lot of concentration and focus. Even I needed many years before I could use all my numerous techniques while using Touki. That's why one usually master the normal use of Ki before attempting Touki...but for someone like you, Kitsukawa-kun, who purely use his own talent and his against abnormal opponents, I suppose I could make an exception."

(End Flashback)

"Aaaahh!" Arcs of electricity running through his body Shougo pushes his arms apart. The next moment a golden burning aura envelops his body, his clothes and hair flailing wildly as if under a strong wind. His muscles bulge, straining against his clothes.

Isabela feels her eyes burn and her skin tingle just by staring at him. "What...What is this?!?"

"The start of the real fun." Shougo raises an hand, spreading his fingers before clenching them again. His eyes were like twin suns burning brightly. "Don't disappoint me."

And with that he jumps in the air, faster than anything Isabela saw him doing before, twisting in midair until he is directly above the Rook, where he unleashes a savage flurry of punches and kicks.

Isabela, for the first time since the start of the match, feels pain.


Shougo learned: Touki (Solar Flavor)!
-A technique that taps directly into the source of life to create a protective aura around the user's body that drastically increase their physical abilities, providing dots in Epic Strength, Epic Dexterity and Epic Stamina based on the technique level and the Essence score of the user.
--At its level Shougo Kitsukawa gains two free dots in all three of Epic Strength, Epic Dexterity and Epic Stamina, but cannot use any other Essence requiring ability. Touki also requires a great amount of Essence to use, making it impossible at the current level to sustain it for long periods of time.
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Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 16)
"This is so much fun!" Ruby giggles.

Siris grits her teeth. "Shut up and let me hit you!" She shouts as she increases the speed of her blows. Left, right, above, under, diagonal: her Zweihänder is but a blur, muscles strained by the exertion. For good measure she even uses her wind powers to randomly generate shockwaves from the tip of her sword.

"No can do~." Everything proves useless as her opponent, a slip of a girl that barely reaches her chest, disappears into red petals a mere moment before her attacks hit her and re-appear right where her defense is at her lowest, forcing her into an awkward position to parry the enormous scythe. "You're my first opponent who is as fast as me! It's so exciting!"

'How can she be so fast?' Siris thinks with a small amount of trepidation. Fighting fast opponents, mainly other Knights, is nothing new to her. However, this is the first time a human is able to fight back using pure speed instead of skills with a weapon. She can see her opponent wasn't formally trained; nonetheless, she displays natural talent in the use of her scythe.

And therein lies the problem, the sole reason Siris is not able to go all out by using high risk, high reward tactics.

The damn thing radiates Holy Aura. Just looking at it makes her think of death, and everytime it comes closer her skin sting as if burned. When Ruby hovers in the air, red petals falling around her and scythe ready to strike, to Siris she looks like the incarnation of a bloodied Grim Reaper coming at her with the force of an incandescent sun.

It doesn't make sense, but that's how she feels. And the fact the girl never once used the scythe's blade to attack, only the staff, makes it even worse!

"How's this? The new move Hyodo-san taught me: Whirling Pe..Pet...Pa...Whatever Kata!" Ruby spins her weapon before launching a series of rapidfire attacks with the tip of the staff, the scythe's blade not hampering her in the slightest.

Siris barely manages to block and evade all of them, save for one that graze her right shoulder.

Pain explodes from where she was it, making her gasp for breath and her right arm spasm. It feels like someone slammed the superheated spike of a working jackhammer into her flesh. 'It's just a bruise!' She thinks with disbelief seeing the burned but small area on her shoulder. 'Why does it hurt so much?!'

"Are...you okay?" Ruby stops and asks, concerned.

Making a split second decision Siris drops to one knee, her head low to hide her expression.

"Oh no! I went too far? Sorry sorry sorry!!" On the verge of panicking Ruby kneels down in front of the older girl to check what's wrong.

That's when Siris, using demonic power to augment her strength, raises her left hand that is still holding on her sword and swings at Ruby's unprotected side.


But, instead of striking soft flesh the blade is caught between two rows of serrated metal fangs. Emerging from a cloud of red petals between the two combatants is Drei, Ruby's metal wolf's head, holding Siris' Zweihänder in its maw.

"Wha-!" Before she can recovers from the shock the Knight is hit by the wolf's paw with a backhand, knocking her away. Now fully materialized Drei stands protectively in front of Ruby, fangs gnashing on the sword like a dog with a bone.

"That wasn't very nice." Ruby pouts, as if the Knight played a prank on her instead of trying to maim her.

"This..." Siris eyes the metal wolf calculatingly. "I see. You possess two Sacred Gear: the scythe, and an independent avatar type."

"Independent Avatar" type: a rare type of Sacred Gear that can manifest with its own body instead of relying on the possessor, and also has its own set of instincts. It's also called "Summon" type.

With a final clenching of its maw Drei snaps the sword in half before fading away. Siris sneers before extending her left arm to the side, a column of fire vaguely shaped like a sword erupting from the palm. "Don't think it's over!"

"I hoped it wasn't." Ruby twirls her scythe and sets into a ready stance, the edges of her weapon and cape glowing with a slight golden color. "But no more mean tricks, alright?"

"What do you think this is, a game?!"

At Ruby's deadpan face Siris realizes what she just said and hangs down her head in shame.

Ruby learned "Whirling Pestle Kata".
Ruby gained the Sacred Gear "Drei (Death's Horse)".
The active and passive bonus of Crescent Rose increased.

+2 Xp to Noah's Omake. Yang, what Issei and Raiser are doing and the final wrap after I have lunch.

The next set of decisions are what to do now in the next time skip (two weeks). Start now making plans because I'm too on a roll to bother with making options.

I'mma going to write all day!! :eek: :confused:
Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 17)
Shuriya was an Indian dancer making ends meet with her skills before she met Raiser Phenex. Used to men (and sometimes women) being captivated by her beauty she didn't fall for his pretty boy looks and his (admittedly) passable wooing methods.

She did, however, jumped at the chance to become a Devil. Really: longer lifespan, almost eternal youth and working for guys so rich they own an area the size of a state? Who wouldn't?

Being worth only a single Pawn wasn't a problem too, less expectations on her. Even then she felt proud when she finally managed to keep up the Promotion to Queen for a reasonable amount of time. Coupled with the Fire and Wind Magic that came from being part of a Phenex Peerage, and Shuriya was confident in her worth as a very capable Piece.

All of that means jack shit as she frantically runs from her opponent.

"Why are you running?!" Yang yells, sounding honestly confusing. "Come on! Let's have some fun!"

"Stay away from me you maniac!" Shuriya screams. She yelps as she ducks to avoid a fireball aimed to her head.

Now why is she, a member of a Phenex Peerage, running from a fire-using enemy?

Because HOLY fire, that's why. All the flames generated from Yang are Holy. Even if Shuriya has a resistance to fire she is still a Devil, and thus Light and Holy element are poison for her.

Now, if it were only that she could use Promotion to Queen or Knight to quickly dodge all attacks, step closer to her opponent and swiftly defeat her. She is only human after all. So why isn't she doing that?

Because the blonde is on FIRE. Literally: Yang's entire frame is covered by a canvas of continuous explosions that burn and destroy everything that comes closer. And since it's still Holy Fire, it means that of Shuriya would remain only the ashes if she were to being caught into range.

She can't block her opponent's attacks. She can't touch her. Fireballs just splash against the explosions. Wind just makes them stronger.

For Shuriya it's a well and truly horrible day.

Yang gained the Sacred Gear "Bumblebee (War's Horse)".
Yang learned "Stubborn Monkey Hesitation".
The active and passive bonus of Ember Celica increased.


"You can't stay mad at me forever."

"Umphf!" Ravel keeps looking away and pouting.

"Children." Revache sighs. "The more they grow, the more they become rebellious."

Rias finds the resemblance between Lord Phenex and her father uncanny. Then again she also feels like a third wheel and doesn't like it one bit. But complaining would be too self-centered, so she endures.

"The hour is almost up." The Phenex patriarch decides to change argument. "I'm curious to see what Hyodo managed to do."

When they arrive they find the door open and nobody in sight. Hearing rumors coming from inside they step into the room, and behold...

"Damn yakitori! Stop spewing fire and fight like a man!"

"Bwahaha! Feel the pain of the flames of hell you pathetic lizard!"

Hyodo Issei and Raiser Phenex, sitting side by side in front of a giant plasma TV and playing a fighting game.

"Mortal Kombat?" Rias whispers. Being a huge japanophile she knows of the series, but never played it because it's too violent for her tastes.

This is proven further when one of the two characters on screen shoot a fireball through the chest of the other, the victim's still-beating heart dangling from the hole, before cutting off the face.

"Ah! Told you Liu Kang sucks!" Raiser boasts, gloating like he was nominated king of the universe.

"You damn cheater!" Issei throws his arms in the air. "How come you can use Scorpion so well?! You have to cheat!"

"I have no need to cheat! I spent the last few weeks shut inside this room doing nothing but playing this and other games. Don't underestimated the determination of a shut-in with nothing to do!"

"...Are you praising or insulting yourself?"

"Well, I'll be damned." Revache steps behind the two and looks down. "Feeling better son?"

"Dad!" Raiser stands up and puts his hand on his father's shoulder in a friendly gesture. "Never been better!"

"And about your depression?"

"What depression? The proud members of the Phenex family don't get depressed. Ravel!" He walks towards his sister with arms open. "Give me a hug!"

"Who are you and what did you do with my brother?!" Ravel quickly steps back, arms crossed in front of her.

"Che." He tsk's. "Your big brother wants to show his affection and that's how you repay him? Ungrateful brat." He turns to Rias. "Rias! My lovely-"

"No." She says with a deadpan.


"What did you do?" Revache whispers to Issei, impressed. "And can I learn it?"

"You wouldn't believe me and no, but don't worry." Issei tells him. "I made sure he doesn't become like that ever again." 'As long as he and Ravel keeps going along.' He mentally adds.

"Nngh." Raiser stretches. "Man, I'm out of shape. Gonna do something about it. So...lizard." He looks at Issei with a serious expression.

"Yakitori." The Solar replies with an identical expression.

"..." After a few seconds of staring at each other Raiser shrugs. "This doesn't make us friends. I still hate your ass."

Issei just nods slightly.

"And, as far as I am concerned, with this we're even." He puts his hands in his pockets and walks away. "The next time we see each other again I'll kick your ass in real life too."

"Live and hope Raiser, live and hope." Issei mockingly waves his hand before turning to the other three persons in the room and shrugging. "Things work surprisingly well this way."

"...Boys are dumb." Ravel flatly says. Rias silently agrees.

"Ahaha! Looking at you two brings me back to the old, good heydays." The Phenex patriarch slaps Issei's back. "I am a man of my word. Issei Hyodo, from now on the Phenex clan owe you. You just have to ask."

"Considering how my life usually goes, I believe it will be sooner than you think."

"All good!" He slaps Issei's back again and leads him out of the room. "Come, we must celebrate with a drink of the good stuff."



Leaving Rias and Ravel alone. The two young high-class Devil ladies look at each others and shift awkwardly.



Veeeery awkwardly.

"You don't hold a grudge against me?"

Ravel shrugs. "Big Brother is okay now, so I suppose it doesn't matter anymore. On the contrary I am happy: I never liked you much, and calling you Big Sister would have been troubling."

Rias opens her mouth, only to close it. She does the same two more times. "The engagement was a horrible idea."

"I concur."

At that moment a servant bursts into the room. "Lady Ravel! Oh! Lady Rias." He hastily bows. "Forgive my rudeness, but I need to speak to you!"

"What is going on?" The sole daughter of the Phenex Household demands with a commanding aptitude.

"It's..." The servant gulps. "An hour ago our guests and the Peerage of Lord Raiser requested the use of the training camp. They wished to spar, to pass the time they said."

Rias and Ravel stares at each other. "Uh..well it's unexpected, and they should have told us, but beside that I hardly see the problem."

The servant gathers all of his courage. "The training camp is currently on fire."

"...On fire." Ravel repeats.

"Yes My Lady."

"Everyone in this family use fire!" The blonde shouts in disbelief. "That's why everything is warded against it and heat! The training camp most of all! How it's possible that it is burning?!"

"I have no idea My Lady."

She facepalms. "Alright, alright: I will do something about it. Anything else?"


"Speak up!"

"...The majority of the servants set up a betting pool. The chef already lost everything but the briefs he's wearing."

Something snaps inside Ravel's head.



Revache blinks in the middle of pouring scotch inside a glass. "Is my darling daughter's voice I just heard?"


"Uhm, probably nothing." He pushes the full glass aside and picks up a new one. "How much?"

"Only a little please." Issei nods. "I have someone who is constantly drunk living in my house, and it made me a bit averse to alcohol."

"Bwahaha!" The blond man laughs. "Who is it, an Oni?"


"Ouch." Revache instantly winches. "Met one once. Who knew you can punch a person through a mountain...Anyway!" He fills the glass by one quarter and gives it to Issei. "A toast! To-"

"Excuse My Lord." A servant walks inside the room. "Lady Leviathan just arrived through magic circle and is requesting a meeting with you."

"The hell?" Revache looks surprised. "What does Lady Serafall want?"

"Not Lady Serafall. The other one."

The glass is slammed down on the desk with enough force to almost shatter it, the liquor splashing outside.


Revache's suddenly intense expression is enough to tell Issei that whatever is going on...is not good. That, and the bold swearing.

"Tell her to give me a minute!" With that the Phenex Patriarch grabs Issei's arm and pulls him to a corner of the room. There he traces a rune on the wall, causing a hidden door, made of a large one-way mirror, to open, revealing a hidden passage.

He pushes the Solar inside. "Run to the other side and don't move from there! Unless there is enough distance she will be able to sense you!"


"Questions later!" He slams the door shut. Through the mirror Issei sees the Devil fixing his clothes and calmly walks away as if nothing is wrong.

Deciding that Revache has good reasons for his actions Issei begins walking further inside. Just before taking a turn he looks behind, and for an instant he caught the sight of the Devil welcoming someone into the study.



The rest after dinner. Everything will be revealed in due time. Don't start a flamewar.

This is my first quest ever! Your story is great, Alex! It even made me try an anime I didn't care about, but yours is better IMO, especially Issei.:)
Welcome to QQ and my quest! ;)
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Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 18)
"You have questions." The Phenex patriarch asks, no states. You didn't have to wait much in the room at the end of the secret passage (one you are almost sure is used to carry black-ops operations), but when Raiser's father joins you all joviality is gone, leaving behind an hardened, if a bit weary, businessman. "Ask away."

Oh, you have questions. That woman you caught a peek of is hot but gave you a bad feeling. Similar to Raynare in her true colors before she lost her memories, only ten times stronger. But... "If it's not my business, I have no rights to ask."

"That's okay." He waves you off. "I want to answer."

"Alright then. Who was that person? And why it was imperative there were no traces of my presence here?"

Revache sighs, folding his fingers together and leaning back on the chair. "A bit of history then. Do you know what happened in the Underworld after the end of the last Great War?"

You recall Akeno's lessons. "A civil war between those who wanted to continue the War despite the ceasefire and those who were against it because of the heavy losses in Devil population. Eventually the latter won and formed the government of today."

"Correct." He snaps his fingers. "But how were they defeated? Do you know? Of course not, because it isn't explained in any of the textbooks used published today. Useless propaganda, but whatever. Those who fought it, like myself, knows better."

He makes a small pause, to be sure you're listening, and then continues. "There was an armistice. At a certain point both factions realized than an extensive war would reduce the already dwindling Devil population into total extinction, no matter which side eventually won. This was further reinforced by news about both the Angels and Fallen Angels starting heavy programs to recover the lost fighting force. Both sides understood that further infight would make the Devils the weakest of the Three Factions, so for the sake of survival they swallowed their pride and joined forces."

You use the new data to make a few deductions. "The truce continues till today, but the animosity between factions didn't subsided?"

"No, it didn't." He confirms. "Those who were pro-war, that follows the old ways, were called the Old Satan Faction. Those who were against war, and desire change, were called the New Satan Faction. They form the political body of today society. The current Four Mao are the leaders of the New Satan Faction, and thanks to their efforts things were more or less kept equilibrated. But things in this world have the tendency to change, to evolve. And with evolution come new opportunities but also new problems.

Today no one talks about war anymore, but the Old Satan Faction still yearn for a return to the old ways. They believe that the reincarnation of other races into Devils, once necessary, now does nothing but pollute Devil society, sweeping away its culture in favor of those from where reincarnated devils came from. They fear that their identity as Devils will eventually be lost, that the Underworld would become a copy of the modern human world."

"And you...belong to the Old Satan Faction." A nods. "Do you share those views?"

"Mostly. I am a member of the most moderate party after all, unlike the most fringe members who occasionally scream about 'purging' all the 'reincarnated mutts'." He chuckles bitterly, without humor. "Me and my associates do believe the Devil culture is at a risk, but we also believe in peaceful and reasonable methods. But to tell you the truth." He sighs. "It wasn't why I originally joined the Old Satan Faction."

"What was the original reason then?"

"The changes undergone by the New Satan Faction. Once it was composed only by those against the war, but over the years many new reincarnated Devil joined its ranks and now their are the majority. Like us there are moderate and radical parties, but what they predicate as a whole is that Devil society must evolve to meet the standards that most of the modern human world held, even if it means forsaking the old traditions. There are even some that call for a complete metamorphosis of our government, from the feudalism of today to a full democracy. They want to abolish noble titles and the caste system to make all Devils equal, all citizens."

[I fear I know where this is going on.] Belzard tells you.

'Me too.' "And let me guess, the reform would come with a redistribution of the noble's properties."

"You're a clever boy. Good, good." Revache praises you. "Now you see my dilemma. I may disapprove of some members of my faction, but at least it helps protecting myself and my family from those damn brats don't know a damn thing about what it means to be a Devil and yet believe to understand everything!" He slams his fist on the armchair.

[They are split between Conservatives and Progressive. This make them a lot similar to many human governments, but I suppose he knows it already.]

"That person who came to see me, her name is Katarea Leviathan. A direct descendant of the original Leviathan, the only one allowed to use the Maoh's title as surname. Her and two other direct descendants of the original Four Maoh are the leaders of the Old Satan Faction, with many Pillar Heads supporting them."

"Wait, don't tell me." You snap your fingers. "They are those Devils who aren't my admirers? The friends who want to feed me my own intestines?"

"Not quite so crude, but they are indeed not happy with you. Bad publicity they say. What they really think...well, as good leaders they know to mind their words. But, were they to learn I not only contacted you, but also asked for your help..."

"You would lose support." You state with neutrality. You are indeed a bit mad, but because you understand his motives you know he doesn't have much choice.

"I would." He shrugs. "Disappointed?"

"A little." You joke. "But I understand your reasons. Plus, I honestly don't care. Like I said I am not a Devil: what rights I have to interfere in your society? Beside being an ally of the Gremory Clan, I don't have any type of political weight."

"Not for long if what Eadwig mentioned works. Boys, will they be pissed."


"Nothing!" He claps.

That's when Raiser walks into the room ('Isn't this supposed to be a secret room?!') carrying Eiko by the scruff of her kimono. "Is this yours?"

You put a hand over your eyes and groan. "What did she do this time?"

"Apart from clearing the mansion's servants of most of their money? Well..."
Increased reputation with the Phenex Family!

Decreased reputation with the servants of the Phenex Family!

"Tell me again why you thought that was a good idea?"

"We were bored!"

"That made it a bad idea Mittelt!" You tell the lolita, who just smiles cutely. Ugh, how come she knows exactly what buttons to push?

[Because she's the girl that popped your cherry and since then has you wrapped around her pinkie.]

'Shut up Ddraig.' "I just hope you're satisfied." By the large grin on Shougo's face he was at least.

"I don't!" Yang, who is carrying a sleeping Ruby princess-style, whines. "My opponent just ran away all the time! That was frustrating! Why I am the only one who hadn't a decent fight?"

'Because you're honestly scaring. You're the female version of The Torch!' "Just misfortune I guess." You instead say as you open your house's door. "You know what, if you promise to ask me first before doing something like that again I promise to make it up for you anyway I can."

There is an odd pause. "Anyway you say?"

"Sure." You reply, too tired to care. That's why you miss Yang and Mittelt exchanging a meaningful stare before exchanging a high five. "You and Ruby-chan can also stay here the night since it's so late."

"Great!" She hands Ruby over to Mittelt, who carries her without problems. "Take care of her, please?"

"No problem. Come Asia: time to teach you about 'sleepovers'."

"Ooh! Are they fun?"

"A lot." And with that they walk towards their rooms.

"Well Yang, I suppose you can use my pare-Guh!" That's as far as you can say before the blonde wraps an arm around your neck and drags you inside your room. "What the-?!"

"You said anyway, I take anyway." Yang shows a lecherous smile, and you just know you're not going to rest even a little today.

The road to Harem King is hard.


Night ends, and the rise of the Glorious Sun heralds a new day. Finally, after so many adventures, you can look forward to future times full of freedom, to dedicate to yourself and your girls. And your friends, let's not forget about them.

The only question is...

What do you do?

[] Plan for: 2 weeks time.


Aaaand, this is finally done. Next...to fix sheet and index.
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Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 19)
Night ends, and the rise of the Glorious Sun heralds a new day.

In your case it's done by a lone ray of light directly into your eyes. "Mhmhmh.." You grumble, one hand over your face to shield against the light. "Five more minutes.."

Sadly, your hope to enjoy the warm of your bed a little more is promptly shattered by a harsh, unforgiving voice: {Stop wasting time and rise worm. Ignis Divine even granted you the honor of a fragment of his attention by telling you himself.}

'The Unconquered Sun is back in Creation.' You point out.

{No matter where, if the Sun shines He is there. Except Malfeas, but that's green.}

Again, you have no idea what Bright is talking about. Grumbling some more unintelligible curses you disentangle from Yang's strong hold, replacing yourself with a pillow, and go to do your usual morning ablutions.

On your way down to the kitchen you see Suika sprawled against the couch, legs in the air and a trail of drool dripping down from her mouth as her hands move around, as if searching for something. With your foot you push her gourd closer to Suika, and are rewarded with the sight of the Oni grinning as she catches it and starts sleep-drinking.

'Should I really do this?'

[Oni partner. Oni. That's all there is to it.]

'Point taken.'

With your conscience promptly satisfied your enter the kitchen, seeing Asia, Mittelt, Ruby, Rias and Eiko having breakfast. A quick exchange of pleasantries and you're digging into the delicious food prepared by Eiko and Asia, as they kindly inform you.

"What are your programs for today?" Rias asks you.

"Actually, I plan to relax for the next few days. Or at least take things slower." You put a hand under your chin. "The last days were so hectic, that I need a pause or I fear I will go crazy."

"Mh." She hums before her face turns blank. "This, of course, excluding sudden and absolutely improbable incidents that will bring you to face people you would have otherwise never interacted with, which will then proceed to drag you into a nefarious plot to conquer Japan, destroy the world or ride a car with a Jolly Roger through the streets of Tokyo like modern pirates."

You, Mittelt, Ruby and Eiko look at Rias with equally blank expression. Asia just nods, as if accepting something completely natural. "That's some imagination you have there Rias-sempai." The gothic lolita holds out the pot. "More coffee?"

"Nothing is impossible when Ise is involved and you know it Mittelt-kohai." Even then she lets her pour more coffee into her cup.

And that's when Yang walks into the kitchen wearing only her birthday suit. "Is bacon what I smell?"


Reality is reality, but since when your life resembles an harem comedy?


[Are you sure you want to do this partner?]

"I have to Ddraig. I ran away for too long. Dragons don't run away, and neither do Solars. This is the only way!"

[I would pray for your safety but there is no way that lazy Ophis would even give a damn. Good luck!]

"I don't know if that's the proper way to talk about your race's god, but thanks!" You shout as you resolutely step forward.

But, just to be safe you also activate Lightning Sprinter. As precaution. Yeah. That.

You ring the bell. [Hello. Who is it?] Asks a feminine voice from the intercom a few seconds later.

"Hello Abe-sempai. It's me, Hyodo Issei. Can I enter?" You reply in an amiable tone, hoping she's not too mad at you for evading her for..Now that you actually think about it was just two weeks, maybe two and a half. Shit! How did your life changed so much in so little time?!

[...] Abe-sempai doesn't reply. Instead you hear the sound of someone running...and quickly approaching.

The door slams open, a yellow blur jumping towards you. "YOU‒!"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!" You try to defend yourself.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" But instead of hitting Kiyome hugs you, showing your face into her bosom.

"I'm..eh?" You take a few seconds to enjoy the feel of her breasts before asking. "For what?"

"It's Issei!" "Yup yup, it's Issei-chi!" Two merry voices answer in her stead. Moving your head to get a better position you are rewarded with a sight you were not expecting. "Mii-chan? Kii-chan?"


Indeed: clad in their customary yukata the two Bakeneko twins you met at Bakenekoya stand side by side prim and proper, but even then you can see their lips curved into a smile.

"Aren't they the cutest cuties ever?!" Abe lets go of you and begins to swoon, hugging both girls and rubbing her cheek against theirs. "Even if I can't have them all for myself this is the best gift ever!"

By now you're well and truly confused. "Uh...what's going on?"

"In Youkai Yakuza, it's customary to exchange servants-" One twin begins. "-in order to create a direct line of communication." The other continues. "So when the Supreme Commander asked for volontaires-" "-We nominated ourselves."

They both bow. "My name is Kii." "My name is Mii." "From now on-" "We will be in your care." "Please treat us well Hyodo-sama!" They finish in unison.

"Cute! Cute cute cute!" Abe swoons even more, just like a schoolgirl with a crush on a rockstar.

"I...see." You really don't. You take out something. "Mittelt said you asked for-"

Fast a lightning Abe snatches it out and stares at it. "The autograph. The autograph of Nurarihyon-sama!" She jumps in the air. "YES! With this I will definitely enter into the top 20 of the best Tamers of all Japan!"

"Ufufufu, Hyodo-sama is so generous." "Nyahahaha, but I prefer Issei-chi."

The twins stand on either side and lean against you, pressing their assets on your arms. At the same time their soft tails begin to rub your legs and…backside.

Why did you decide to wear tight pants today?!

"Until the mansion is finished we will stay here with Abe-san." Mii smiles. "But we hope to start serving you soon." Kii grins.

"Where are my manners?" Coming down from her high Kiyome courtesies. "My name is Kiyome, future head of the noble and ancient Abe clan of Beast Tamers. As the head of the family overseeing Kuoh in accordance with the tenets of Yakuza Honor, I humbly ask for your approval and blessing."

"A...pproved?" Your head is honestly starting to hurt. "No seriously, can we drop the whole formality thing? You're still my sempai, it's weird seeing you act like that."

She instantly straightens up. "Oh good! That was weird for me too, bowing to someone who quote Shizuo Heiwajima in a real fight." Holy crap that was fast! And she still remembers that!? "But it's true that, as the head of the Youkai Family that was assigned this territory, it's my duty as a Beast Tamer to keep up good relationships with you. A pity that it makes recruiting you as the club's mascot improper, but what's done it's done."

You dodged a landmine there. That's for sure.

"Instead!" With a flourish she points to her house. "Please come and greet the monsters under my care! They're very eager to pay their respect to you."

[] Okay
[] Maybe another time


And here we are people: we're done with long-ass posts and back to the reasonable posts of the beginning. Have some nostalgia.

I don't know why, but as I wrote Abe Kiyome I found myself giving her a similar personality of Ash Ketchum mixed with the whole 'oujo-sama' stereotype. God, what did I smoke?
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Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 20)
[X] Okay

You might as well get this over with. Even if you are still uncomfortable with the whole 'being an Youkai Yakuza Boss' situation. It doesn't feel right.

{I agree with you.}

Woah! Did Bright-sensei just-

{Those peons and beasts should worship you as a God like all Solars, even the pathetic ones like you, are entitled to!}

Okay, nevermind that. Being an Youkai Yakuza Boss is fine.

Better than the alternative anyway.

"Sure." You nod while making the gesture of straightening a imaginary tie. "Lead the way sempai."


"Greetings Hyodo-sama." The headless armoured knight manages to bow even without his head, who is held under his arm. The ghastly voice comes from the helmet-covered head, two pale blue flames glowing behind the visor. "I am Smith the Dullahan. Forgive me for not having a more glorious name to give you. Sadly i quite forgot my original one. You know how it is, centuries of doing nothing but riding around to announce people's imminent deaths aren't good for one's sanity." His chuckle is like the rattling of bones. "Plus, with how often people die I haven't much free time for a long, long time."

"Err, no. Sorry, but I don't know how it is. I'm not even twenty." You say slowly. "But now you're better?"

"Very much! Japan's health care system is one of the best of the world. Why, once I even had a whole week completely free!"

"...What about those who die of violent death?"

"Luckily for me my urges only work on those who are going to die of natural death."

"I see." You already had some info on Dullahan, but nothing so detailed.

Your eyes look up to the massive horse standing behind Smith, its black fur and glowing eyes making it seems like it may belong to Raoh himself!

Smith the Dullahan is just one of the few but colorful monsters under Abe-senpai's care. After him you are introduced to a small colony of harpies, a lamia and even a mermaid!

...Nope. Sorry, but that's too much of a delusion even for you. It's not a normal Mermaid, but an Unfortunate Mermaid: instead of a human body with a fish tail, it's a fish with human legs.

Abe-sempai calls her Estleena.


You call it a tuna with legs. In your mind of course.

"Are you alright?" Kiyome asks as you leave the pool where the mermaid live. "Your right eyebrow is twitching so much it looks like it's trying to send a morse code."

"I injured it a couple of days ago during training, and it has done the same sporadically since then." You shamelessly lie. "It should stop completely soon."

Next is a bird man whose race originally came from Easter Island, but his ancestor migrated to Kobe and started a colony there.

"So you are the legendary Dragon who Ojou-sama respect and who managed to gain the trust of the Nura Clan. Fufufu, I see, you have a good look. I'm Takahashi. My name is Sky which stands for 'glittering sky'. Let's get along."

The bird-like monster man, with a cockscomb on his head, a beak for his mouth and wings on his arms shakes your hand, while acting like a gentleman. True to his name, his aura is so glittering it hurts the eyes.

"Yes, let's get along." You reply. Despite his quirks he seems like an okay guy.

After Sky-san it's the turn of a white gorilla.

...Come again?



The gorilla howls before it starts banging on its chest with its thick arms like a drum. Abe-senpai then introduces the gorilla.

"I will introduce you to her. She is Christie a Yuki-onna and also known as a Yeti (Female)."

[Look! A big monkey!] Ddraig says in a fake surprised tone before bursting out laughing.

"HOLY COW!" The sudden sight is so surprising you instinctively jump back and perform three rapid backward somersaults. You cross your arms in a 'X' form. "Sorry sempai but I have to stop you there! Or it's a Yuki-onna or it's a Yeti! It cannot be both at once! No, before that I am pretty sure Christie(?) is a Yeti!"

The gorilla who doesn't possess even an ounce of femininity has a pretty ribbon on its head. It's even more unforgivable!

Abe-sempai seems slightly mad. "Don't be silly Hyodo-kun! Yuki-onna is the correct Japanese term to use to call a Yeti (Female)."

"Lieeeeeesss!! I met a real Yuki-onna! She was a gentle girl who wore a pale azure yukata and a scarf! Her freezing breath is so powerful it turned everything she cook into an ice sculpture!"

Many miles away Tsurara Oikawa suddenly feels the urge to punch a jerk in the guts.

"That's also a Yuki-onna. But Christie is a splendid Yuki-onna too! This girl's mother was a very fine Yuki-onna that drove away groups of mountain climbers to protect the mountain!"

When did this dialogue turned so surreal?

Kii and Mii comes to your rescue by taking you aside to whisper conspiratorially. "We know Oikawa-san, so we wondered too." "So we asked around and found the answer."

"Which is?"

"Yeti aren't native to Japan." "They arrived there two hundred years ago." "So when common people first met them-" "They called them [Yuki no Hitobito] ('People of the Snow')."

Are gorilla so different from monkeys that the old japanese couldn't make the connection?!

"Males were called Yuki-otoko ('Snow Male')-" "While females were called Yuki-onna ('Snow Female')."

'Are you telling me that beauties like Tsurara-chan and abominations against nature like that female Yeti are called the same because the kanji for 'woman' and 'female' are pronounced the same?!

Don't fuck with meeeeeee!!!!'

"Oh my Christie, why are you looking at Hyodo-san with such ardent eyes?"

...What did you just heard?

Contacts (Abe Kiyome): O -> OO

"You look like someone sucked the life out of you." Mittelt remarks quite bluntly as she sits in front of you, Eiko doing the same to her left.

Once again cursing Suika for making you averse to alcohol you gulp down the rest of your glass of milk. "I had one of my teen phantasies destroyed because my ancestors couldn't bother to be more original when naming new stuff."

She hums, managing to convey with her gesture absolutely nothing.

"Also, a gorilla tried to get intimate with me."

She hums again. "Are we talking of a thuggish looking girl or-"

You slam the glass on the table. "I'm talking about the damn monkey."

"Really Master." Eiko opens her fan to cover her mouth. "Eiko has no intention of telling you on what you should focus your interest, nor what kind of people you should frequent as befitting of your status, but please direct your salacious urges on targets who meet even a modicum of minimal standards."

"There are so many things to tsukkomi in that sentence, I don't even know where to begin."

[Wow, you are really tired.]

'Shut up Ddraig.'

"You can do that later." Mittelt takes out an iPhone (where did she get that?) and input a series of commands. "I send you a file. Read it."

Curious about what this is about you take out your own iPhone (what? You're rich, you can do it) and check your message list. Finding the file you open it. Uhm, it appears to be a very dense sche-

"...Mittelt." You begin slowly, unable to move away your gaze from the screen." "What, is this?"

"A complete schedule to manage your work, school, clan and harem made by me, Eiko and Rias-sempai." She says proudly, Eiko mimicking the pose. "It min-max everything, allowing you to advance all tasks without sacrifices. We even managed your dates: I am first because I'm the Alpha, Asia-chan is second, then we have Yang, Rias-sempai and Aika-chan. And if you read entry 36.7 you will find a list of future candidates, when and how is best to ask them out and-"

"Okay, stop." You lower your phone and stare right at her. "Look, I am grateful for this."

"As your First Mate, that's only natural for me."

You ignore her words. "But that was something I could do by myself!" What kind of Harem KIng can't manage his own Harem?

"Please." She waves you off. "Something so delicate requires a woman's touch."

You...may have severely underestimated the creature known as 'girls'.

[Whipped! So whipped!] Some of your male sempai chant before bursting out laughing, Ddraig joining them.

They are so going to pay one day. So much so.


Later, after running away making a tactical retreat, you decide to finally funfill Sona's request, so that Rikuo-kun and his friends could visit Kuoh without complications.

And with you following them, since there is no telling what kind of rumors about you they will meet. You really hope those about a secret cult worshipping you are false!

"So, I need to find a foreign girl harassing the shops and cafes in the area, as well as just generally being violent." You say aloud. "Without a single clue that could help me to find her."

There is a pregnant pause, during which a kid on a tricycle moves next to you, picks his nose, tosses something away and resumes his ride.

"Yeah, I am not doing this alone."

Ten minutes later you are knocking on the hotel's room where Homura and the others are staying.

"Who is it?" Homura's voice asks.

"It's me, Hyodo."

"Prove it."

You stare at the door unamused. "You, Homura, are a fan of Sengoku Basara. You styled yourself after Date Masamune."

The door opens, revealing an almost pouting expression. "I'm not a fan of Sengoku Basara. I like it: there is a difference."

You can't help but notice how she doesn't deny the second accusation.

She stands aside and motions for you to enter. When you step inside, instead of a large and modern hotel's room, what greets you is a large and traditional wooden room resembling a dojo. There is a Kotatsu in the center, the walls covered by weapon racks and other items of dubious origin. Mirai, Haruka, Hikage and Yomi are sitting in front of a TV munching on sweets.

"Does the hotel know of your room's redesign?"

"Nope. Don't worry, bribing the maids didn't took much."

You worry instead!

"Ara ara. Welcome Hyodo-san." Haruka greets you. "What bring you to our humble abode?"

You cough to clear your throat. "I require your help, all of you. Consider this your first mission."

"Who needs to die?" Hikage asks, taking out a knife.

Down with the blade girl.

You are about to tell them when you phone ring. It's a message from Azazel, telling you that he's still waiting for you to come to his laboratory and test his new Robo-Maid.

'PS: This will not take long. Pinkie promise~'

To you it's a mystery how the Fallen Angels aren't already extinct with a leader like theirs.

Useless old men aside, if what Azazel said is true you can take a quick detour. And Homura said she wanted to go through Azazel's training too (poor girl doesn't know what is waiting for her, but who are you to destroy her illusions). And, if you are lucky (which you totally are), one of the Fallen's gadgets could even prove to be useful to find the mysterious foreign girl.

[] Accept Azazel's offer and go to his base with Homura and the others.
[] Decline Azazel's offer for now and do Sona's request with Homura and the others.
[] Write-in.



This is my excuse.
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Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 22)
[X] Accept Azazel's offer and go to his base with Homura and the others.

You decide to accept Azazel's offer. Thanks to the magic he taught you travel time is drastically cut down, and even if you have to leave Homura behind you still have four other experienced ninja to help.

"Alright, a small adjustment of plans." You quickly send an affirmative reply and put away your phone. "I need you for a scouting mission to find a certain someone, but before that a quick detour to see what an acquaintance of mine want." You look at Homura. "He is also the one who trained me, so if you are still interested..." 'In the torture.' You mentally add.

The busty ravenette's eyes light up. "Sure I am!" Behind her you can see Haruka quickly writing something on a piece of paper and show it to you: [Please lend us Asia-chan's help]. You nod, which Homura takes as an expression of approval. "You said he's a Fallen Angel?"

"Azazel, Governor General of the Grigori: which is to say he's the president of his entire race. One of the first Fallen Angels, meaning he was probably there to see Babel's Tower crumble. Said to have taught men how to make weapons, and women how to make cosmetics." You pause, letting them digest that. "He's also a pervert of epic proportions, so if he takes too much liberties you're authorized to cut off the offending appendage."

"Why are all the people you know so crazy?!" Mirai asks in disbelief.

You shrug. "So it's life." And you believe it, even if it brings up very unfortunate implications. You kneel down and, index finger glowing with essence, start drawing a magic circle while mentally making the necessary calculations. "You're going to experience teleportation for the first time. There have been cases of people not taking it well, so if you feel like puking kindly turn away, 'kay?"

The umbrella-wielding shinobi grumbles but eventually nods. She and the others just watch as you complete the circle and then step inside when told so. Once everything is ready you add the final numbers to complete the spell.

And with a flash of light you and the shinobi are gone.


You materialize outside the warehouse that hide Azazel's facility, as the defenses put around it stop any attempt at teleportation inside its confines. Thankfully none of your passengers puke.

You raise a hand. "Wait." Moving slowly you creep close to the entrance before tapping with your foot the ground in front of it.


Yep, the trap-door is still there. "I'm not going to fall for it twice, old man!" You shout in triumph, sure Azazel is watching you.

The shutter rolls up. You knew it, he gave-


And then the ground behind you springs forward, making you and the shinobi fly into the door and land into an old-fashioned cart of the type you can find inside a mine. Before anyone can react harnesses unwind and wrap around the six of you, pinning you down.

Then the cart starts moving horizontally before taking an abrupt dive downward.

You have no idea how Azazel managed to fit a roller coaster down there, nor why he themed it after dinosaurs and ancient maya temples. Instead you are totally sure the cart's speed is way above the safety measures of any country of Earth.

"HEADS WILL ROLL FOR THIS!!!!" Mirai screams, her head firmly nestled between Haruka and Yomi's boobs.

"D-Don't move!" You would add your opinion too, but sadly the back of your head is firmly pressed against Homura's breasts...and even breathing is enough to incite certain reactions you know she isn't going to just forget anytime soon. "Mmmh!"

"Something hard is poking me." Hikage drones.

'Please don't say anymore!'

When the ride ends the harnesses snap open and the cart tilts 90° forward, spilling the six of you out in an undignified heap.

"Muahahahah!! And so the foolish heroes finally return!" Smoke goes off while disco-lights paint it in many colors. Behind them thunder rumbles and lightning flashes. Floating down from above, his twelve black fallen-angel wings spread out, is Azazel...wearing the costume of Gemini Saga from his time as the Pope from Saint Seiya?!

Just what is this man smoking?!?!

[The good stuff.]

Quiet you!

A grenade is shot at Azazel, but it impacts against an invisible barrier and explodes, leaving the Fallen unharmed.

"Useless! Useless! Your attacks are too weak to even reach a superior being like myself!"

Then one lightning bolt hits him dead-on, leaving his body a charred mess that promptly falls down.


"Who exactly were you trying to impress?"

"You didn't show up in a while, and I thought it was because you were starting to lose interest. So I decided to fix it."

"I was just busy with other stuff! Did I come here when asked, or not?" You finish to apply the last bandage on Azazel's face and step back, huffing. "Don't talk like I am your only friend."

"Ah, but sometimes I feel like you are." The Fallen grins before putting an arm around your neck, his eyes looking at Homura and the others with a stare that undress women without making them conscious of it. "And your tastes are growing better and better! Maybe I should skip the 'honorary' and make you a full fledged Fallen Angel instead! Want to take my place?"

"No thanks." You jab him in one of the worst injuries, stepping out of the neck hold while he yelps in pain. "They're the Homura's Crimson Squad, shinobi that accepted to work under me. Homura here-" You gesture to the ponytailed girl. "Saw how effective the training you put me under is and expressed the desire to undergo a similar one."

"Oh?" Instantly Azazel's pose changes from sloppy to calculative, an intrigued glint in his eyes. "Do you want to become strong girl?"

"Strong enough to not take crap from anyone!" She declares passionately. "I thought my enemies were going to be only humans, but now I need to push myself much, much higher!"

"Well said!" Azazel claps. "That strong determination is why I love humanity so much! We will discuss it later, until then please wait here. Come with me Hyodo-kun." You follow him to another room, with a training ring in the center.

"You mentioned a...Robo-Maid?" Only now it hits you how ridiculous that sound.

"Yes! Originally I just wanted someone who would clean my study without yelling at me to toss away my porn!" He shamelessly declares. "Then I thought: 'if I am going to build a robot, it behooves me to equip it with hidden guns, cannons, a rocket punch and a jetpack!"

"That's not a maid! That's a killing machine!"

"It's both! I am a genius, why should what I build be limited by paltry things such as a lack of specialization?"

That sentence hurts you brain. Obvious to your suffering Azazel takes out a remote control and press a button. "Now come out, my beloved creation!"

A hole opens in the ring, followed by the sound of an elevator coming closer. Soon something steps into your view and Azazel's latest creation is revealed.



"Greetings Doctor. Do you have orders for me?" It speaks with a mechanical, feminine voice.

Seriously, wut?

"What do you think?" Azazel ask you with a shit-eating grin.

"That's Mech-Hisui from Melty Blood!" You shout while pointing at the robot! "You damn old man! First Saint Seiya and now the Nasuverse? Stop mocking us Japanese otakus you bastaaaaaaaardddd!!"

"How is that mocking?" He protests. "I realized what for others is just a dream! Hisui, show him how your primary guns work!"

"Understood." Her hands detach and slide sideway, revealing two shotgun barrels. "Taking aim."

Wait, is she aiming at yo-?!"


She shoots.

A cardbox situated four meters to your left is shredded.

"Making correction to aim..." Normally you would have already started running, but a strange feeling is rooting you in place. "Fire."

She shoots again.

This time a lamp falls down from the ceiling.

"..." Hisui is silent. You're willing to bet she wants to act embarrassed, but doesn't know how.

"How strange. There must be something wrong with her targeting system." Mumbling to himself Azazel walks behind her and opens a panel in her back. He starts working on it and after a few minutes closes it. "Try again."

"Understood." She aims at you again. "Taking aim. Fire."

She shoots for the third time.

Azazel falls down with a gasp.

"You were behind her." You gape at the quickly bleeding scientist. "How the fuck did you get hit?!"

"There must be...a bug...in the programming." He wheezes out.

"You can bet there is!"


In the end you have to beg Bright to give you some pointers in first aid, lest you had Azazel bleed to death on your feet.

Medicine: -> O
After telling Homura to look after him until Asia arrive (and adding that if he gets touchy he's obviously well enough to take a little beating) you leave with Mirai, Haruka, Hikage and Yomi while fidgeting with the strange handheld radar Azazel gave you.

"Did you know that, even if you have zero talent in magic, being born and growing up in a certain place gives you a subtle but still noticeable magical scent associated with that place? No? Well now you do. That's how that thing works: it scans a large area and pick up the scents not native to the set area. I put Japan as the set area, so it may be a little indiscriminate...also, it is impossible to have a precise location. At the very least it can direct you to a specific district. That's the best I have for what you need."

You grunt. Despite the limitations it will be a great help, plus since Sona told you this foreign girl is seen at the shops and cafes of the area around Kuoh you can narrow the search even further.

It doesn't take long for you to work out how the radar's functions and obtains a first reading, which tell you there is a match just now in a popular shopping district near Kuoh. You tell the girls what you want them to do, divide the district into five zones, assign each one to a different person (you included) and then spit up.


At the beginning you honestly thought this affair was going to take days.

"Boss? I have a possible target." Hikage says over the phone.

Instead your good luck is still strong, because it takes only fifteen minutes!

"Are you sure? Describe it."

"A Chinese chick in a red cheongsam with bells in her hair. She's inside a cafe, beating the crap out of two guys who I think tried to flirt with her. Oh, one of them is taking out a kni-nope, just a broken arm."

Uhm, indeed it matches with Sona's description. But why does this girl feel familiar somehow? "Sound like her alright. I'm coming."

Thanks to the power of roof-hopping (and the common habit to not look up unless someone is making a ruckus) you quickly reach Hikage, who is sitting on the edge of a roof. "Where she is?"

She wordlessly points below. You follow the finger's direction and see-

Ma Renka, the daughter of Ma Kensei, calmly eating a parfait despite the two writhing bodies on her feet and the fact the other customers are giving her a wide berth.

That's why she felt familiar!

[] Write-in.


Again, I planned this in advance. Some may believe I just add things randomly...but believe me, it's all connected!

In my head.
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Excalibur Arc - Part 1
Issei fell on the ground, skidding on his back until he stopped by simple friction.

[Partner! Move!]

{Get up worm!}

"I know!" He hissed, trying to heal the wound on his arm. But no matter how much Dragon Energy he used, the black Essence coating the injury didn't allow it to close.

"Is this all? I expected more." Issei's opponent mocked him in a deep, smooth voice.

Issei looked up, his eyes contracting when he saw his opponent. "Dragon Shot!" Without wasting time he took aim with his good hand and fired a blast of Holy energy.

The blast hit Issei's enemy dead-on. It also, instead of exploding, scattered into a rain of confetti.

"What's this? A greeting party? A little late for that." The enemy laughed at Issei's shocked face. "Still, who would have thought the Exaltation of Bright Shattered Ice would have gone so far away? I am sure Cecelyne will reward me greatly for finding the one who managed to summon an Unquestionable outside of Calibration."

"You..." Issei gaped, unable to believe what he was hearing. "You're a Solar like me!"

Indeed, the strength of his opponent's Essence was overbearing, burning with an intensity like the sun. Issei's own Exaltation was reacting in recognition.

And yet.

And yet, instead of the glorious gold of Ignis Divine his opponent's Anima was a sickly green casting long, horrid shadows on its surrounding. The tall figure before Issei was garbed in the deepest black interrupted only by lines of brass. And on his forehead, even through the featureless mask, shined not the sun but a hollow disk of bottomless shadows.

Issei's opponent was a mockery of everything he was taught a Solar stand for.

And he was winning.

The black-garbed figure laughed. "Don't be stupid. Why would I want to be part of your worthless ilk?" He pointed at Issei in an accusatory manner. "To have my soul tainted by the essence of the traitorous Sol?"

"Traitorous? I am not the one who decided to side with the Yozi!" Issei protested. "They're deceiving you! No matter what they promised, if free they will destroy the world."

The mask tilted to the side. "Destroy, you say?"

"Yes!" Issei nodded. "Come with me: I'm sure there is a method to cleanse yo-"

"Like the Solars almost, and eventually destroyed almost all of Creation?"

Issei's words died in his throat, stunned by the sheer venom in his opponent's words. Before he could make a retort the masked figure continued. "I'm sure Bright told you a lot of what happened during the Golden Age. Of how the Solars made everything better."

His laugh was bitter and mirthless. "Did she also tell you how she governed Tzatli with an iron fist, inflicting horrifying punishments for even the slightest transgression? How many artificial races the Solars created, to be used as slaves or as experiments that would be eventually abandoned? Or maybe she told you of Operation Wyldhand, when the whole Deliberative had an entire region of Creation fall into the Wyld, along with the millions of citizens living there, just as practice for their armies?"

"I-I..." Issei stuttered. "Bright-sensei? He's lying, right Sensei?"


[Ohi, did you really...]

"And when that happened, where was Sol? When the Great Contagion killed billions, and the Balorian Crusade unmade almost everything, where was the great, invincible Unconquered Sun?"


"HE WAS PLAYING THE GAME OF DIVINITY!" The black-garbed figure yelled. "FOR MORE THAN TEN THOUSAND YEARS HE DID NOTHING ELSE LIKE A DISGUSTING JUNKIE!" He continued in a more sedated tone. "You say the Yozi want to destroy Creation? Creations is theirs. For billions of years in the Time of Glory did Creation stood firm against the waves of chaos, made secure by the system put on by the Primordials. It took the gods and Exalts a little less than three thousand years to lose everything."

The masked man paused, looking to the side as if in remembrance of something. "Do you know why? Because power corrupts. Because if you give a human so much power and no way for him to held responsibility for his actions, then no matter how righteous he is the end result will be a mad tyrant, convinced only his opinion matter."

Even with the mask covering his face, Issei could hear the sneer in the man's voice. "And that's why someone like you, who never saw what has become of Creation. Who never saw how deep in depravity the gods have fallen, how the other Exalts just spread more war instead of stopping it-" He pointed at Issei. "Is nothing but an idealistic fool! And I. Hate. Idealistic fools!"

Issei had enough. He stood up and burned his Essence to the max. "Lies! Those are all lies! Maybe not all Exalts are good, and there is corruption in Heaven, but that is why we must hold on Justice! Not abandon it like you did!"

"Justice is a lie!" The green Anima swelled and pushed back Issei's. "You can't save the world without dirtying your hands!"

"I'll protect everyone! I was given strength for that purpose!"

"You were pitied. Only because you're lucky doesn't mean you're right!"

"Someone like you, who care only about his ambitions-" Issei gritted his teeth.

"Someone like you, who blindly believe in his own righteousness-" The masked figure snarled.

""I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!!"" They screamed at the same time.



That day, a golden sun and a green sun faced against each other.

But who won?


[X] Ask Renka what she is doing here and why she is maiming non-martial artists/civilians

"I know her." You tell Hikage. "Just let me talk alone with her, alright?"

The green-haired girl just shrugs. With that done you jump down on the ground from behind the building, where no-one can see you, and calmly walk to the bar. When you are a few meters behind Renka she stops eating and, without turning, says in an irritated tone "I already said I am not interested."

"What the hell Renka? Why do you find trouble every time you come into town?"

She abruptly turns around, looking at you with wide eyes. "You!"

"Yeah, me." You sit down in front of her and cross your arms over your chest. "So? Is a normal occurrence for you to start a fight everywhere you go?"

"Of course not." The surprise gone she goes back to eating her parfait, lips set in a disapproving frown. "It was all those oafs' fault." She points with her thumb to the two downed guys. "They can't take a 'no'."

"Right." You concede. "But was it necessary to frighten the other customers?"

"Was it wrong to defend myself?" She opens one eye, as if daring you to reply negatively.

"...Point taken." You concede. "Still, is too much to ask you-wait a moment." You close your eyes and massage your nose's bridge. "This is no why I am here." You mumble before crossing your arms again and looking at Renka. "I'm here because, apparently, fights like those happened enough times to cause a ruckus. Since for me it means avoiding my school-life becoming hell, can I ask you to stop starting fights? Also, why are you here in the first place?"

"Oh, that's easy." Finishing the last spoon of parfait she points a slender finger at you. "I came to find you!"

"..." You let the silence stretch for several seconds. Just when Renka shows the first trace of discomfort you speak again. "Why?"

"W-What do you mean why?" She protests before calming down. "You and my father are acquaintances, right?"


Her gaze hardens. "So you also know where he is hiding?"

You blink. "What do you mean hiding? He teaches in a dojo and also runs a clinic of Chinese acupuncture? That's anything but hiding."

Renka takes out a notebook and writes down something. "Interesting? Where is this dojo? And this clinic?"

You are about to answer before remembering something. "Sorry, I can't tell you."

"Not you too!" She closes the book with rage. "Is he paying you or something?"

"Nothing like that." You look around before leaning close and whisper. "I shouldn't say this, but the truth is that Ma-sensei is protecting you and the rest of his family."


"It's the truth. Do you think he doesn't suffer as being separated from his own family? But the truth is that there are certain people after his life, and he doesn't want to put you all in danger." You cross your arms and nod. "Such an amazing, generous and strong-willed man."

Renka stares at you with half-lidded eyes. If you don't know any better, you would say she is looking at something completely moronic. "He said this?"

"Implied actually. But we communicated with our hearts!" You bump a fist on your chest.

[I can't decide if that line is more cheesy or just more gay...] Ddraig mutters.

"You're an idiot." Renka's blunt remark pierces through your heart. She shakes her head in disappointment before standing up. Halfway though she seems to reconsider and sits back. "Can I...ask you a question? That metallic monster you defeated..."


"Is your own style that let you do it? Or there is some special training that let even what should be a novice like you fight against a monster like that?"

You quirk an eyebrow. "First, I like to think I am more than a mere novice after all the hellish training I went through. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to make up for entire lost years?" You pause, one hand stroking your chin. "In regard to your question...the answer is both. Solar Hero Style is a Martial Art created to fight monsters, not men. However it is not the only one of its kind. But since those arts are so strong, normal people cannot learn them."


"Because they explode, that's why. And if you want to know, I saw it happen." You tell her coldly. Actually it was from a memory shown to you by Bright, but close enough.

She gulps loudly.

"And for why I can...that is from a set of circumstances that cannot be replied." You absentmindedly begin to scratch your head. "But, well, me and my Master are looking for a way to resolve that problem. She says the whole global martial arts' development would make massive steps ahead if anyone can muster the necessary energies to use and develop superhuman martial arts."

{Human are regrettably inferiors to Dragonblooded, but can be controlled better. It is only natural, then, to uplift them so that they may better serve the true rulers of the world. But more improvement is needed. Yes, much more...}

[Do you know, that just sound like the type of monologue a megalomaniac villain from a James Bond film would s-Gukh!]

[Rest in peace Ddraig.]

[He isn't dead, you know? Even if I admit the sword through the head may make people think otherwise.]

"She said this?" Renka is suddenly in front of your face, staring straight into your eyes with an inquisitive glare. "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely." You reply. "I mean, losing your humanity, magic and magical weapons shouldn't be the only ways for humans to defend themselves. We created civilization with our intellect, we can overcome this too. And believe me, my Master will find a way: she's the best scientist in the world-"

{The Universe.}

"-And her enthusiasm is contagious." You finish.

"Is that so..." For some reason you think something changed in Renka's eyes. But what, you cannot say. "This discussion has been...enlightening." She turns around and waves. "Goodbye, Hyodo-kun."

"See you again, Renka-san." You smile before remembering why you are here. "Wait, are you still going to cause troubles? Because my school life depends on that."

"Unlikely. I'm done with this place...for now." And with that she walks away, head high and mighty like the scion of nobility.

You can't help but suspect you missed something important.

"Uugh...I-Is the demoness gone?"

Oh well, you will think about it later. There are people to help now: even if they don't exactly deserve it, but you're a good guy like that.


"So it is resolved?" Sona's voice through the phone is cold, but somewhat relieved.

"Yes." You scratch your head and laugh. "Turn out the girl was looking for me. So, you can say it was kind of my fault."

"It was TOTALLY your fault." You wince as Sona's tone turns frosty. "But since you did as requested I will do my part. The Kiyojūji Paranormal Club will be welcome on Kuoh's club...but any explicit contact with anything supernatural is forbidden. You will guide and watch over them."

"Yes Kaicho." You promptly reply, not wanting to upset her more.

"In ten days your punishment will also end and you will return to school. See that it doesn't happen again. Goodbye Hyodo."

"Goodbye Kaicho." You just have time to say that before she hangs down.

"Ouch." You wince. "She really doesn't like me, does she?"

"So disrespectful." Eiko chirps, through her grin is a bit malevolent. "Should Eiko curse the little bat as punishment?"

"...You can do that?"

"This is but common knowledge for an Yatagarasu. Just say the word Master, and the disrespectful little bat will lose all her hair!"

"Please don't. She would probably blame me even without proofs." You curtly reply, silently pleading she will listen. Your expression soften. "That aside...Eiko, I must confess that despite the occasional headaches, you have done remarkably well. You deserve a reward."

"Master is too kind." Eiko bows. "All that Eiko needs is Master's approval."

"Nonetheless, my decision is set. Is there anything you would like?"

"Something Eiko would like..." Her eyes seems to go out of focus for a few instants. Just as you think you have seen a new aspect of Eiko her usual grin return. "Master, according to Eiko's sources, this year Master and his class will perform a tour to the Capital, yes?"

"No, it's Kyo-oh, that Capital." You almost forgot that for Youkai and the like Kyoto is still the Capital. "Yes, we will."

"In this case, if Eiko may be so bold, Eiko would like to ask her Master to bring her with him and accompany Eiko to make offerings and perform prayers in the temples of the Amatsukami." She bows even deeper. "It is an important rite of passage for all Yatagarasu."

That's it? But if it makes her happy. "Sure, I'll be happy too. On another matter, is there anything in the local youkai community that requires my attention?"

"No Master. The Youkai have recognized Master's rule and are going on with their daily lives. Everything is fine."

"Good. And any jurisdiction issues regarding the authority of Rias and Sitri-san?"

"No Master. The Devils have contacts with their usual clients, and Youkai are not related to them in any way. The business of both are clearly divided and don't interfere with each other."

"Another good news. It seems that finally I can really enjoy some peace. Really, I had to put aside so much work." You open a drawer and take out a folder, scrolling the pages casually. "Like this: my analysis of the Evil Piece-"

Your hand stop. '....Bright-sensei?'

{What do you want worm?}

You look closer. 'I am seeing this right?

{What do you-oh.}

For a while both of you say nothing, both of your wills focused on a certain piece of information...and the possibilities it would offer if only-

{Go confirm it!}

You were already running at 'go'.

"Rias!" You barge into her room. "I will explain later. Now please just let me see your Evil Pieces!"

"..." Having been caught right in the middle of her homework, she just points silently at an ornate box.

"Thank you!" You open the box and, the moment your eyes see the Evil Pieces, activate your Anima power.
Evil Pieces Progress: 75%
For a moment it's like the sky opened, Sol Invictus descending in all his glory, just like the first time you saw.

He offers you a fist bump. You reciprocate.

"That's the way." He says.

And the you're back in Rias' room. Calmly you walk up to her, put a hand over her shoulder and smile. "I found out how to transcend humanity into an higher state of existence."

"That is...great?" She manages to reply, eyes wide.

"So don't wait for me for dinner."

And you're off again.


Later you're sitting inside your almost finished Manse, right where the Workshop will be, taking note. "So what do we want this thing to do?"

{The aim here is not to re-create an Exaltation. That just cannot be done. But we don't need to. We already saw that those you made into Half-Caste can develop their unique powers. What we need is to make our future followers, especially humans, able to increase their Essence without losing their humanity. They must also be able to wield Celestial Martial Arts.}

"So in short, the main function is to make the body able to handle the increased Essence's soul pathways. A control valve." You write down more. "Alright, let's define the details."
Event explanation:

Issei has understood enough of how the Evil Pieces work that, together with Bright's help, he can start working in his own version. As of now the final product will have the following effects:

-Make possible to reach Essence 5 for those who normally shouldn't be able to, like humans
-Make possible to learn Celestial Martial Arts.

The rest, and how the final product will look like...well, I think you discussed the subject at great length, yes ;) ?

6 days later

"Issei!" Mittelt slams open the door with a kick. "You've been cooped up inside for almost a week. Get out!"

"I can't! I am making history here!"

"History will wait!" She then proceeds to bodily drag you outside. You meanwhile can only think that you were so close...and that she is very lucky she cannot hear Bright screaming obscenities in Old Realm.

"There!" She slams you down in the couch. "Now we will have a drink together, and I will see to re-educate you in NORMAL social interactions!" Having said that she stomps off.

[Could she be...sexually frustrated?] One of your sempai asks.

'Is that a real thing that can happen?'


Ouch. If everyone agree, then it must be true.

Your doorbell rings. "There is someone at the door." You shout. "Can I answer or-"

"Yes!" Mittelt shouts back.

With the matter clear you walk up to the door and opens it.

"Good morning! Is this Hyodo resideeeee-" The cute brunette with twin-tails trails off, eyes growing the size of dinner's plate. The blunette with a single green bang is looking at her companion oddly. As you do. Seriously, walking around in white robes? Are those two cosplayers?


[Actually I can smell a faint source of Holy Energy on them.] Ddraig informs you. [They must work for the Church.]

Oh. Well they don't seem to have bad intentions, so you can be polite. "If you mean if this is Hyodo residence, then yes it is. How can I help you?"

"We're searching for the one called Hyodo Issei." The bluenette informs you.

"That would be me."

"EEEEEEHHHH!!" The brunette screams before turning crimson, both hands covering her mouth. "I-I-Issei-kun? Are you-Oh my God, Lord and Saviour it's really you!" She claps her hands together, eyes sparkling. "It's me! Shido Irina! Do you remember?"

Shido? The only Shido you know is- "Say what?!" You slap a hand over your forehead. "That cocky Shido! He never told me he had a twin sister! The nerves!"

"Wha-No!" She shakes her head. "It's me Issei-kun, Shido! I don't have a twin sister!"

What? But-But that means-

Who would have thought?!


"Yes!" She nods vigorously.

"Shido-kun!" You put both hands on her shoulders, eyes wet with tears. "I want you to know something Shido-kun!"

"Yes Issei-kun?" She blushes.

"That even if you decided you were uncomfortable in your old body and did a sex change, you still remain my friend!"

Shido's face loses all colors.

The bluenette snorts before looking away, trembling from barely restrained laughters.

[My partner is a moron!] Ddraig cries.




"So..." You nurse your bruised cheek. "You have been a girl all along? You voice sure was different back then."

Irina pouts and looks away, refusing to look at you.

Yup, she's totally mad.

Now, what?

[] Apologize
[] Ask the bluenette for help
[] Ask Mittelt for help
[] Ask Asia for help
[] Ask Rias for help
[] Ask your head-voices for help
[] Ask Ei-maybe not
[] Write-in.

Now, I am sure you are all asking yourself: "Where did he go?" I realize it wasn't very correct to disappear like that (in truth it's also a while since I checked QQ), but the problem is:

I lost inspiration.

For "Advent of the God-Harem King". Like, badly. I had a massive block, and didn't know how to proceed without falling into rather trite cliché. I saw Issei doing good with his life, and felt the terrible urge to make something horrible happens to him.

I had became sick with shounen logic.

That's why I started writing something else, this time with Infernals in a crapsack world: I needed to write someone totally different from Issei, someone totally dark to immunize myself to shounen genre, so I could like it again. Then a rather important thing RL started, and…

And you aren't here to hear me ranting. I won't offer worthless excuses, and I will take everything you have to say to me without flinching. I deserve it.



I will keep writing "Advent of the God-Harem King". Because it is something I must do.

So I will.


It's what HE taught me.
Excalibur Arc - Part 2
[X] Apologize

[Just apologize to her partner.] Ddraig gives you advise. [Just don't try to make some excuse about your stupidity.]

'Right, because it would be insulting.'

[No, because you ARE stupid.]

This shitty dragon!

"Irina, I'm sorry I was such an idiot when we were children and even more of one just now. I don't have any real excuse for my stupidity and even if I did I won't insult you by making it. But I will say this; It's wonderful to see you again Irina-chan." You walk to where she is seated and hug her. "How can I make it up to you?"

"Eeee-!" She jumps in your arms before her mouth clamps shut. "I-Issei-kun! This is inappropriate!"

"Can't I hug an old friend?"

With your chin resting on her shoulder you can't see her reaction, but she slowly puts her arms around you, returning the hug. "I will forgive you...as long as you're truly sorry."

"I am." You tighten the hug before walking back to your seat, idly noting Irina's cheeks are scarlet. Then a thought hits you. "I wonder why your parents never corrected me. I always did use male pronouns while talking about something you did around them."

She waves you off. "It can't be helped since I was a troublemaker just like the boys."

"But Irina, didn't you say it was because your parents wanted a boy and never told you about different genders until-" Whatever the bluenette was about to say is cut short by Irina's slamming a hand over her mouth. Digging her fingers into her partner's cheeks Irina smile turns dangerous. "Xenovia. What did I say about tact?"


"I said it includes keeping to yourself what people said to you in private." The smile widens. "Understood?"

The now named Xenovia frantically nods.

"Great!" Irina smiles cheerfully before releasing Xenovia and patting her on the cheek.

What kind of name is Xenovia anyway?

[It's from the Greek Zenobia, who was a warrior-queen from Syria] One of your sempai explains. [But her accent is Italian. Still, what kind of anachronistic names people give to their children those days? It's like asking for them to be teased.]

[Speaking from experience, Nicodemo?]

[Shut up.]

"Here: kiwi, strawberries and pineapple. All fresh." At that moment Mittelt comes out of the kitchen and puts the tray on the table. She notices the two girls' presence immediately after. "Why, hello there exorcist-chan. What can we do for you? Want a drink?"

"Uh, no thanks." Irina replies a little uneasily. "But whom you might be?"

"I'm Mittelt." The twin-tailed blonde replies cheerfully. "I'm Issei's wife, alpha queen and fucktoy! All in one nice package."

Your hand snatches on, grabs her by the collar and tosses her back into the kitchen. Then you turn back to the two stunned exorcists like nothing happened. "So Irina, what bring you-"

"Yo-Hic! Did my ears catch the word 'drink'? Hic!" Suika comes down the stairs, completely drunken.

Instantly you are standing next to the door, keeping it open. "Nope. Not all. But we were just discussing how a bar somewhere down the road is supposed to be offering alcoholics gratis, but only for today. And high quality stuff too!"

"Said what?! Can't miss it-Hic!" The little Oni proceeds to ignore the door and pass right through the wall.

"...I tried. Sol knows I tried." You shake your head in resignation while walking back to the couch and sit down. "We were saying?"

"..." Irina and Xenovia stares at you with mouths hanging open.

"I swear she's older than she looks. The one with horns I mean."

"Don't worry Master." Eiko puts another tray on the table and begins to serve tea and scones to Irina and Xenovia. "With the foul demon gone it is but a matter of moments to repair the damage done to your abode."

"What's going here?!" Irina snaps. "Wife? Was that an Oni? Master?!?! What's going on here Issei-kun?!"

"Ara, such familiarity." Eiko opens her fan to cover her mouth. "Can I ask who you are to address Hyodo Issei-sama, First Head of the Hyodo Dragon Clan of Youkai Yakuza, in such a manner?"

In the silence that ensues a pin could be heard dropping.

"Uhm..." Xenovia takes out a bible and skims to a signed page before starting to read. "I am not exactly sure if this requires an exorcist, or it's a matter of internal heresy that doesn't concern us. The instructions aren't clear." She looks up at you. "If I spray you with Holy Water, will it hurts?"


"Uhm. Then could you pretend it does?"

Irina's body tilts to the side and falls to the ground.


"Ahahahah!!" Dohna laughs hysterically after you finish relating the meeting. "Well done kid! You're such an eyesore you don't even need to try anymore to give people an aneurism!"

You give him the stinking eye. "Fuck. You."

"Please, stop it. This is serious." Rias reprimands both of you. The older man falls down to a quiet snicker, while you stay in your position leaning against the wall, arms crossed over your chest.

The members of Rias Peerage and you are gathered in the club room, waiting for the two "guests" to arrive.

"What happened then Ise?"

"Nothing much. My childhood friend was out like a light most of the time, but her companion told me they came to negotiate with the devil that has the city as its territory. That is, Rias Gremory. And, since I am affiliated with you but not a devil myself, they thought it prudent to use me as an intermediary."

Rias hums. "This confirm what Sona told me. She met those two today at noon. I was worried when I heard that, since she also said they have a Holy Sword with them."



"They have two Holy Swords." You explain. "The one called Xenovia keeps in on her back, but the one of Irina currently takes the form of the belt she has around her waist. Bright-sensei told me, saying it's the worst concealed weapon she ever saw." You roll your eyes. "But don't worry, they promised on the name of God they are here only to talk."

"Like their words are worth something." Kiba says with a hard, uncharacteristic tone.

'I smell an issue. But...maybe later.' "That's why I am here. As the one who isn't weak to Holy damage. Beside, they have bigger troubles than picking a fight with Devils." Your eyes narrow. "According to them, there is a trail of murdered priests that run all across Japan before stopping here in this city. We are talking about Exorcists, not preachers."

"...I see. This is troubling. If it is something dangerous for them, there is no telling what it means for us. In this case it's best to not give them an excuse to associate them with whatever it is they are hunting."

"Buncho, they're here." Akeno informs Rias.

"Let them come."

Akeno leaves, followed by Koneko. A minute later both Irina and Xenovia are seated on the sofa, Rias and Akeno sitting in front of them. Everyone has a serious face, but Kiba is glaring at them like he is about to attack them any moment.

After making the necessary presentations the first to speak is Irina. "Recently the Holy Swords Excaliburs that were kept by the Catholic Church Headquarter Vatican, Protestant Church, and Eastern Orthodox Church were stolen." She says such shocking news like it's nothing.

Shocking, for anyone beside you. 'Seriously, Excalibur?' You mentally roll your eyes. 'King Arthur was a Celt. Christianity wasn't about to reach the British Isles for centuries. How is it then a Holy Sword?'

[It's not.] Ddraig snickers. [I heard this from a friend of a friend of a friend, but the original Caliburn and Excalibur are still in possession of the Fae. What the Church call Excalibur is a completely different sword made when they adapted the legend of King Arthur with Christian thematics.]

'The biggest fraud I ever heard about.'

[For sure. Also, Excalibur broke into seven different pieces during the Great War and was reforged into seven different swords.]

[I know. I was once the wielder of one of them.] One of your sempai says. [Excalibur Rapidly. It made me fast enough to defeat the then White Dragon Emperor.]

[If you had trained more you wouldn't have needed that thing!] Ddraig chastises him.

[Said the dragon who slept most of the time!]

Ugh, so annoying.

"...I see. But what does the stolen Excaliburs have to do with this country so far away from Europe?"

"Of the seven Excaliburs one went missing at the end of the Great War." Xenovia continues. "Since then the remaining six were split evenly among the Christian Churches: two for the Catholic Church, two for the Protestant Church and two for the Eastern Orthodox Church. One Excalibur was stolen from each Church, aside from the Eastern Orthodox Church who lost two. The traces left from the ones that stole them lead to this town."

"But it's strange." Irina makes a troubled face. "The thieves kept killing any priest sent their way, but at one point in the last weeks they stopped and went into hiding. There are no hints they moved, but no priest was attacked. It's like they got afraid."

Rias puts a hand on her forehead and takes a breath. "Looks like my territory is full of incidents. Do you know who are the ones that stole the Excaliburs?"

"The ones that stole them were the Grigori."

Both yours and Rias' eyes widen at the answer.

"To be more precise, we know the main culprit: one of the leaders of Grigori, Kokabiel."

Kokabiel. Like Azazel and Shariel he is one of the Grigori's Leaders: called the [Angel of the Stars], he is said to have taught astrology and divination to humans.

[Don't get fooled by his fame.] Ddraig huffs. [It's true he is one of the biggest experts in those fields...but it's also true he's a Fallen Angel that greatly love fighting. First to engage and last to retreat: this is Kokabiel. He used his knowledge to predict the enemy's decisions and plan accordingly.]

{So this world has techniques resembling those of Sidereals? Interesting. I wonder if there is also a Loom...}

You sure hope not.

"Kokabiel…One of the leaders of the Fallen Angels that survived the previous wars since ancient times." Rias says slowly, as if she has troubles believing it. "I never expected to hear the name of the one that appears in the Bible."

He appears in the Book of Enoch actually.

"The Grigori announced Kokabiel went rogue weeks ago and disappeared from the face of the Earth. It seems they told the truth. He also brought with him some of his personal troops and young recruits of the Grigori. It appears we are dealing with a warmonger of the highest caliber, who freely disregard hierarchy to do what he wants." Irina says.

"Our request…No. Our order is to have no devil intrude in the battle between us and the Fallen Angels for the Excaliburs. In other words, we came here to tell you not to interfere with this incident."

Rias' eyes change after hearing the way Xenovia talk. "What a peculiar wording. Are you, perhaps, thinking that we might collaborate with Kokabiel? Perhaps that we might team up with them to do something with the Excaliburs?"

"The headquarters think that it might not be impossible."

'Wow. What a great show of diplomacy girl. If your goal was to be antagonistic as possible, you were successful.'

Rias' face is quite pissed. From the tension in the air, it wouldn't be unthinkable that something bad might happen.

[] Interfere
[] Stay silent
[] Write-in.


Sorry, I need to go to the dentist and I didn't have time to go all the way to Kiba. But this should be a good point to stop.

Also, Merry Christmas!


Ooops! Wrong pic!

Last edited:
Excalibur Arc - Part 3
[X] Stay silent
-[X] Interfere only if things are about to come to blows.

"The higher-ups don't trust devils and falle-"

"Your higher-ups needed to check their eyesight, because they missed a very important detail." Rias interrupts Xenovia. Before the bluenette could continue she continues with a tone that is only barely polite. "That, if I really did make an alliance with Kokabiel, I wouldn't have let him leave a trail of corpses all the way to my territory. That would have painted a giant neon sign on my back saying 'suspicious'. And even if he did asked for an alliance after coming here I would have still refused, because I would be the first to be suspected. Like it happened."

Wow, Rias' eyes are giving the chills.

So damn hot.

"So, unless you are saying I am a warmonger like Kokabiel that is blatantly trying to start another war without even worrying about saving face or an idiot that doesn't realize how weak her lies are..." Her eyes narrow. "If I were you, I would choose my next words very carefully."

"There is no need." Irina raises both hands in a placating gesture. "You are perfectly right. Hearing that is good enough. We had to warn you just in case that Kokabiel is hiding himself in this town along with the four Excaliburs. If something bad were to happen the fault would fall on us. We won't ask for cooperation. If a Noble Devil were to form an alliance with God's side, even temporally, then it would affect the balance of the three factions. Especially if it's the little sister of a Maou."

"....If you know that I am the sister of a Maou, then it means that you have lots of connections with the higher-ups in the Church." Rias curls her left hand around the right fist, resting them on her lap. Her expression softens. "I wanted to ask, but shouldn't your team also include someone from the Orthodox Church?"

"They have that person put on hold for this case." Xenovia replies. "Since the Orthodox Church lost all of their Excaliburs, apparently they are too ashamed to show their faces."

"So it's just the two of you? You are going to retrieve the Excaliburs from a leader of the Fallen Angel and his personal army with just the two of you?" Rias asks with obvious shock. "How reckless. Are you trying to die?"

"Yes." Irina replies with a straight face. Which pisses you the fuck off.

"I have the same view as Irina, but if it's possible I don't want to die." Even Xenovia's greater amount of common sense isn't enough to calm you down.

"...You came here to Japan prepared to die? The belief in your teaching is extreme like always."

"Don't talk ill of our beliefs, Rias Gremory. Right, Xenovia?"

"Right. Also the Church decided that it would be better to eliminate all of the Excaliburs rather than letting them get used by the Fallen Angels. Our minimum objective is to get the Excaliburs away from them. To accomplish that, it's okay for us to die."

That is so stupid.

[] Interfere
-[] Write-in.
[] Stay silent.
[] Write-in.


Again, I was going to write until Kiba but then I realized that there is no way Issei (this one at least) would stay silent after hearing his childhood friend is going to a suicide mission.
Excalibur Arc - Part 4
Rolling on Rolz.com
8 successes. Plus ISS = 16 successes

This is so stupid.

"This is so stupid." You repeat out loud, talking for the first time since the meeting's start.

All eyes turn to you, some surprised while others showing agreement. Xenovia scowls. "Wh-"

You interrupt her, looking at Rias. "My apologies Buchou, but I simply cannot allow such stupidity on their parts to continue."

She looks at you strangely before shrugging. "Go on."

"Thank you." You tell her before turning to stare at the two exorcists, trying to muster the most disapproving glare you can muster.

Considering you used Bright-sensei as inspiration, you will take their wincing as a compliment.

"'To accomplish that, it's okay for us to die.' These are your orders? This is your duty? And how, pray tell, are you going to keep those swords away from Kokabiel when you are dead? What is going to keep his allies, and he has allies, you have said that so yourself, from simply taking those swords and more from your corpses?"

"T-The Church decided that it would be better to eliminate all of the Excaliburs rather than letting them-" Irina stammers.

"Sure. Because one of the Watchers will let you face the wielders he found for the Excaliburs he stole right from the bat, instead of swarming you with his own Fallen Angel underlings." Dohna snorts in amusement. "This is one of the most basic tactics they teach in the Grigori formatory courses. Why, I wouldn't be surprised if it was Kokabiel himself who wrote that.


"No." You interrupt them again. "You have been betrayed." You frown, realizing the last statement can lead to wrong assumptions. "No, that's too harsh. But this plan was not thought well. At all. Two mortals with nothing but holy blades they have not yet mastered and orders to turn away all help have been sent against Kokabiel? Against one who helped lead the Grigori? Even in death there is no chance of victory. Tell me something Xenovia, Irina." You expression softens. "I understand why Michael cannot descend from his Heaven and deal with this himself, but where is Gabriel? Where is Uriel or Raphael or the rest of the Seraphs? Where is anyone who could do anything but give two more swords to Kokabiel? You have not just been sent to die. You have been sent to deliver more swords into your enemy's hands."

You thrust your hand forward.

"And I Will Not Allow It."

Your declaration is like a physical blow, everyone moving away from you in various degrees as if stuck. Some have even stranger reactions, like Akeno's quickening breathing to Irina's reddening cheeks: this honestly confuse you, but you cannot waste time pondering.

You clap your hands. "So. Why don't we sit down and figure out how to keep these bastards from winning? Because whether you like it or not you have allies in this now and you will have to accept that."

Then you bow to Rias. "Buchou, I'm sorry for that and I won't ask that you stand with your enemies here. I just ask that you not try to stop me from helping them."

"Just keep those two alive and the Excaliburs away from Kokabiel and we will be even." She replies with a dignified smile and tone before winking at you.

You smile, preparing to-

"How useless. Just let them kill each other."

Until the atmosphere in the room is broken by those words, uttered with enough killing intent to make your skin crawl.

{Ah, how nostalgic.} Bright comments. {It truly is like the Deliberative all over again. Though, the newborn has a lot left to learn.}

Said 'newborn' is probably Kiba, who for once isn't smiling.


His lips are in the shape of a smile, but there is no way that can be called a smile.

"Yuuto! What are you saying?" Rias looks aghast.

"The truth." His corpse-like sneer widens before he walks to the door and, without even looking back, leaves the club.

In the silence that follows the first to move is Koneko, who follow after the blonde devil.

"Please wait! I'll get him back and get this sorted on!" You press your palms together and bow in apology to everyone before running after your two friends.

You find them in the clearing just outside the old school building. More precisely, Kiba is trying to crawl on his hands with a stubborn expression while Koneko is keeping a vice-like grip on his legs.

You crouch down in front of him, blocking his path. "Alright, mind telling me what crawled up your butt and died there?"

"None of your business."

"I'm trying to stop this city from turning into a bloodbath. The city where I was born and live, along with my family and friends. I think it's plenty my business."

His expression doesn't change, but he stops moving.

"Please, Yuuto-sempai..." Koneko pleads.

Looking away he begins in a slow tone. "Do you remember when I told you there is something I want to take revenge for?"

Uhm...Oh yes. "Yes, I do."

"My vengeance is with Excalibur. I want nothing more than to erase that accursed thing from existence."

"...Oookay, I get the feeling this is not a simple matter of 'it is a holy item, I am a Devil' thing. Why don't we talk this over?"

A minute later, with all three of you sitting under a single tree, Kiba begins his tale. "A Holy-Sword chooses its wielder. Not anyone can wield one efficiently, and the stronger the sword is the less possible candidates exist. Excalibur is the most glaring example of this deficiency: there are seven of them, and never enough wielders. So in the past they tried to make people more able to wield Excalibur, by giving them artificial treatment.

They called that monstrosity the [Holy-Sword Project]."

Kiba sneers.

"They mostly used children, believing them to be more malleable. I was one of those children, one of the many orphans entrusted to the Church's care. But I was a failure: I couldn't adapt to use a Holy Sword. Nobody who received the same treatment couldn't either. The whole project was a failure. So the people from the Church decided to view the ones who couldn't adapt as 'defective products' and disposed of them."

"...There is no way that wasn't illegal."

"Of course. I am not so blinded by hate to fail to realize it was probably the work of a fanatical faction within the Church. But does it matter? All of my friends still died, all for the sake of Excalibur. I too was going to die, until Buncho found and reincarnated me. I know she wants me to keep walking forward and enjoy this way that was saved. I understand. I am grateful. But I just can't forget." Kiba rests his head against the tree and closes his eyes. "This regret. This hate. They will never disappear until I destroy that which caused them: Excalibur."

[] Write-in.

Sorry for the wait. But there is something important coming up the eighth of February, and I must dedicate myself to it.
Excalibur Arc - Part 5
[X] Plan burningclaw2
Rolls on Rolz.com

Charisma+Presence+Stunt+Compassion+Excellency=11 successes.


You pat Kiba on the back, just twice, before resting your hand there and saying. "I can't really say I understand your feelings so I won't insult you or your friends by saying that I do."

The blonde Knight's eyes are still hard, but a soft grunt seems to indicate he appreciates your words.

"Instead I will say this: your anger towards Excalibur is understandable, it reminds you of the suffering you and your friends were forced to endure. However, you must remember this Kiba: your friends, both the past and the present, don't want you to torture yourself for something you could not control. Buchou, Akeno, Koneko, me, Asia, and all those who were with you back then. We'd all want you to live, to be happy. If you wish to grow stronger then we'll all help you, and if you still seek revenge, then please don't let innocents die for the sake of your revenge, else you'll be giving power to the ones who used you and your friends. You are better than them, you are better than that sword. Your friends may no longer be physically with you, but their emotions, their wishes are with you. So live your life to the fullest for them, so that when you are reunited you can help them experience what they missed."

He squints at you, deep in thought. Then he looks away and snorts. "How cheeky can you be?"

"Very. Apparently it's one of the requisites to be a Solar."

He snorts again, though this time there is the hint of a smile on his lips.

You smile back. "Better already? That was fast."

"Eh. Truth be told I had many weeks to deal with that. I got angry today at the idea of the real things being here, in the same city as me."

Blinking in confusion you ask the obvious question: "Many weeks to deal with that?"

"Remember when I first told you about my Sacred Gear? And you and Buchou started talking about Unlimited Blade Works and other otaku stuff? Well I grew curious and went to see UBW the Movie." He explained. "After that I played the visual novel. I was very angry during the first route...but, the idea that King Arthur was female and Excalibur was a Wave Motion Gun of all things was so baffling it curbed some of the anger. It's so ridiculous, I can't still take it out of my mind."

"..." You gape. "You played an eroge!"

"Duh." Kiba yelps as Koneko pinches him, her cute pouting face full of disapproval. "Just for the story! I skipped the ero scenes! I swear!"


Koneko's eyes narrow. Slowly she points her index and middle fingers at her eyes before moving them to point at Kiba.

'I swear those two are like brother and sister.' You grin in your mind. "Kiba's perverted tendencies aside-" That earns you a dirty look from said blonde. "You were said you were angry but also shocked?"

"Yeah, I was both. However, even if I remembered the object of my revenge I couldn't stay angry forever, and with everything that happened between then and now I had a lot of time to rationally think about it. And today I reached a conclusion."

He looks at you in the eyes.

"The hunt for the Excaliburs. I want to have a part in it."

"And destroy them? Not that I care-" 'Especially since the original Excalibur is kept by Britain Fae.' "But there are a lot of complications with that."

"Yes. The non-interference. But, self-defense is perfectly allowed." He clenches his hands. "If I get attacked first, I can retaliate all I want."

[Clever. But, if he is willing to go that far I don't think he has everything under control.] Ddraig says, and you agree. Even Koneko looks torn between the desire to protect Kiba and the different with to help him.

You understand: Kiba is asking you to manipulate events and make so he can legitimately join the fight without endangering the relationships between Devils and the other factions.

[] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[] Refuse: you understand his reasonings but this is too dangerous, in more than one way


"So, what's your plan?"

"Our plan for what Issei-kun?" Irina asks back.

"For what...You know, for finding the Excaliburs? Kokabiel? Both?" You explain as if it is obvious. Which it is.

After the deal with Kiba you found Irina and Xenovia waiting for you outside the ORC's building, saying they decided to accept your proposal. They said that their superiors only said to not involve Devils, so it was okay to accept the help of someone who is not a devil.

That sound like a very flimsy excuses, but you didn't voice your opinion. So instead the three of you began the walk back to your house, until you pose your question.

"We thought to walk around this town, proudly display our robes and our crosses." Xenovia explains. "Surely heretics will be unable to resist the temptation to attack us. This way they come to use instead of the other way."

"Rejected." You firmly tell her. "I have a better idea." Taking out your phone you call Azazel: surely he would know some way to find his own fellow leader.

"Hello hello!" Your eyes widen when the one who answers is the voice of Yomi. "This is Azazel Laboratory. Who's talking?"

"Yomi? Why do you have Azazel's phone? Where he is?"

"Ara, it's Hyodo-san! It went like this: we had to interrupt Homura-san's special training regiment because she pushed herself too much and was about to die. Luckily Asia-chan is there. But the old pervert, instead of helping just left, saying he needed to go to the South Pole to find Atlantis."


"That's what he said. He also said that if someone call to search him to give them this other number." She tells you the number and you memorize it. After thanking her you type the new number.

"Hello." A deep and polite voice replies. It brings to your mind the imagine of the director of some important company dressed in an expensive but austere suit. "Who's there?"

"Hello. My name is Hyodo Issei: I am searching for Azazel, but he is absent and I was told to call this number."

"Oh, the Sekiryuutei? It's a pleasure to speak with you. I am Shemhazai, the Vice Governor General of the Grigori."

Woah! A super-important person answered! And judging by the massive contrast with Azazel he must be a real big shot!

"Did he say where he went?"

"He said he needed to go to the South Pole to find Atlantis."

"That's one of his usual excuses he makes when he wants to go picking up women without anyone following him." Shemhazai tells you with the bored tone of someone who had to deal with the same bullshit too long to be healthy. "First of all Atlantis was in the middle of the Atlantic, and second it is impossible to find it: it blew up. Completely. Only a giant crater was left: I know because I was there to see it. The bloody idiots discovered how to produce nuclear energy with magic, but forgot about safety measures. Also, the released energy condensated and gave birth to a dragon. A giant nuclear dragon, who was also massively pissed off. Do you have any idea what's it like to have a giant dragon that spew green nuclear hate-fire coming at you with the mood of a woman who has her period, but worse?"

"..." You don't reply, too busy picking up your jaw from the ground.

"My same reaction." He sighs. "If you need to talk to him just walk around night clubs: sooner or later you will surely find him. Now you have to excuse me, I have a lot of work to do and only a few people to help me. I hope I was of help." And with that he hangs on.

[A nuclear dragon? Interesting, I never heard of it before.] Ddraig muses. [Now I am curious. Partner, let's find more about it.]

[] Everyone's crazy! Fuck this, you need a drink. Like, right now.
[] Sure, why not? You always wanted to die by super dragonic cancer.
[] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.
[] You can't waste time with the bizarre. Gather all your friends and come up with a plan.
[] Write-in.


Events took a strange turn. Sorry T_T'
The next update will be the last before starting a timeskip. Issei will also resume school, so I advice you to start coming up with a list of things you want Issei to do during the timeskip: training, hanging out with a specific character, things like that.

Also, I need to update a shitload of things :mad:
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Excalibur Arc - Part 6
[X] Accept: he needs to end his grudge, and some white lies never hurt anybody
[X] You need to speak with Azazel. Yesterday. Follow Shemhazai's advice.

'We can hunt down Gojira later Ddraig.' You reply to the dragon in a very dry tone.

"Did you say Azazel? Just now you called Azazel's cellphone number?" Irina whispers, staring strangely. "Issei-kun, how do you know the Governor General of the Grigori? Why do you have his number?"

You shrug your shoulders. "We have an accord: I do tests for him, and he pays me."

"What kind of tests?" Xenovia asks.

"Motherfucking tigers."

She blinks a few times in rapid succession. "Tigers?"

"Motherfucking tigers." You stress the word.

"What's the difference?"

"Black Ops training, power armors and nanomachines."

"One moment." Xenovia takes out again her notebook and begins to write. "Update: by reliable sources we learned of a new heresy engineered by the Grigori. It involves tigers, incest and modern terms with obscure but ominous names."

"Is this my Martyrdom, oh Lord?" With hands folded under her chin Irina looks up at the sky, eyes watering and lips quivering. "If it is you will be done. But if it isn't, please stop me before I do something unsavory!"

In the background Ddraig and many of your sempai laugh loudly.

If destiny exists, yours was surely written by a sadist.


A vigorous distressing later (which involved Irina hitting Xenovia numerous times with a paper fan) and a more detailed explanation of your relationship with Azazel, the two exorcists agreed to help you finding the fallen angel. Not out of trust, of course, but they acknowledged that as Kokabiel's old boss Azazel would surely possess some insight into the rebellious angel's motives.

"Uh, yes. I know this guy: he went inside two hours ago and has yet to come out."

Which brings you to your current situation: after downloading a list of the city's most famous night clubs (again, Internet is awesome) you went to each one and described Azazel to the bouncers.

It was only a matter of time before you find your target.

"Finally." You sigh in relief. "Can I go inside?"

"Are you twenty years old?" The bouncer asks back with a raised eyebrow. "Because the ladies behind you, cosplay or not, surely don't."

"Oh no no no. They'll wait for me outside." You smile. "And of course I am twenty years old. Do I look like someone who's lying?"

"Admittedly, you don't. Alright: you can pass."

Leaving behind a gaping Irina and Xenovia you walk through the door courteously kept open by the bouncer and step inside the local.


That's surprising. You expected scantly clad girls performing provocative dances near phallic symbols; instead there is the kind of atmosphere that university students would frequent in their free days. Still, if Azazel is here the scantly clad girls must be there somewhere.

You find them after a few minutes spent navigating through the sea of excited people. They're, no surprise there, sitting around a certain black and blonde haired fallen angel in disguise and swooning like he's a god.

"Issei! Good to see you here!" Azazel greets you with a jovial tone, a busty girl in each arm.

"Hello old man." You reply with a half smirk. "We need to talk."

"Sure! Take a seat and let me do the presentations! Girls, this is Issei my ap-"

"About your comrade of the stars."

"....Boooh." He pouts. "You're not fun." Yet despite the light-hearted tone he quickly and skillfully dismisses the girls before leading you to another part of the local. Walking behind a large column he casts a Silence Field before leaning against the wall, hands in his pockets and posture slacked. "So, I suppose Kokabiel finally made his move?"

"Don't pretend you didn't know about it." You tell him sternly. "When we first met you told me there was a traitor in your ranks. Now I learn that a leader of the Grigori stole four Excaliburs from the Church while his own organization denounced him as a rogue. You expected this."

"I said I suspected he was going to do something big, but not what it would be." He passes his fingers through his hair. "I sense two Holy Swords outside the club. I suppose the Church sent their Exorcists?"

"Yes. They said that Kokabiel moved through Japan leaving a massive trail of bodies behind before reaching this city, but since then it's like he disappeared. Do you know why?"

"It's because I am here. Kokabiel is a proud individual, but he is anything but arrogant or impulsive." He smiles fondly. "I am stronger than him and he knows this. If we haven't hear from him somewhere else yet, it's clear his goal is here in this city. I can even imagine what it is."


"He probably wants to kill the Gremori and Sitri Heiresses with the Excaliburs, so that Sirzechs and Serafall will flip out and declare war."

He says those words with such ease it takes you a few seconds to register their meaning. "Why?"

"I told you: Kokabiel is proud. Proud of himself, and of the fallen angels. He always believed we are the superior race: in a way, you can consider him our greatest patriot. That's why the current peace doesn't sit well with him: the fallen angels aren't the ones holding the reins of everything, and that's reason enough for him."

He cups his chin, his gaze turning calculating. "There is only one detail that doesn't fit with the scenario: even if the Great War starts again, there aren't very solid chances for the fallen angels to win. Kokabiel is aware of this even if he doesn't like it. He would never take a course of action that doesn't include the greater reward with the least causalities for his own side. That's why, while the plan fits, the moment is totally wrong."

"Maybe he has an ace in the hole?"

"He doesn't." Azazel replies with complete assurance. "You can trust me on this. If you want my advice, focus on recovering the Excaliburs. Whatever Kokabiel is thinking it will not work without those swords. I have people looking for him, and if he comes out I'll confront him myself."

He shrugs his shoulders.

"That's all the help I can offer."


"I-I see." Irina gulps after you finish explaining. "Indeed, it makes perfect sense. Truth be told, I also want to avoid an all-out war."

"Indeed." Xenovia adds. "To be forced into action by the machinations of a fallen angel is an unacceptable mockery!"

"Not quite how I would have put it, but the important thing is that we agree on the same goal." You replies. "We find the Excaliburs and make sure Kokabiel cannot use them. After that...well, we will see."

"Yes, I believe that's the best course of action. So Issei-kun, how do you propose we find the lair of Kokabiel? I still think walking around proudly displaying the symbols of our faith will work."

[] Now that you think about it, you don't have a better alternative...
[] Now that you think about it, you DO have a better alternative!
-[] Which is... (write-in)

"I think this is the best we can do for now." You agree. "Let's meet tomorrow to begin. Do you have a place to stay?"

"Don't worry Issei-kun." Irina smiles. "We were given a large budget."


"We lost the wallet with all our budget inside." Xenovia somberly tells you after they knocked at your door in the middle of the night, Irina crying on her shoulders. "Can you please grant asylum to two penniless pilgrims?"

[This is the best the Church has to offer?] You hear the sound of Ddraig facepalming. [How the mighty has fallen.]

'Pot calling the kettle back.' "Sure, come inside."


There will be a timeskip of four days, straight to the day Issei goes back to school. Select actions you want Issei to perform, allocating them in order of importance. Be aware that the available time may end before all actions are performed.

[] Use the plan you, Irina and Xenovia agreed on to find the Excaliburs.
[] Complete training for Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Hastening Night's End.
[] Spend Xp (specify how).
[] Resume magic lessons with Akeno.
[] Check Manse construction.
[] Spend time with one of your friends/acquaintances (specify the individual. Each different person counts as a separate action).
[] Continue working on your own version of the Evil Pieces.

I don't know how, but when I gave you the chance to finally decide nobody voted :confused: . Let me say it again:

With 75% done Issei has understood enough of how the Evil Pieces work that, together with Bright's help, he can start working in his own version. As of now the final product will have the following effects:

-Make possible to reach Essence 5 for those who normally shouldn't be able to, like humans
-Make possible to learn Celestial Martial Arts.

The rest, and how the final product will look like...well, I think you discussed the subject at great length, yes ;) ?

Since Issei is supposed to have worked on it in the past six days, the effective amount of time for this choice is 10 days.
[] Write-in.

Those were only a few examples. You can decide on anything, really.
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End the Evil Pieces - Options
My god, I thought that with a clear option ready it would be easier, but I was wrong.

Alexander am I correct that Issei is the only person who's going to be getting Solar Charms, that we are not going to be able to wave our fingers at whatever empowerment item we create and suddenly our group will be a force of baby Solar Exalts (I can't believe I have to even ask this question)
Yes. One thousand times yes. Why must this be repeated so many times?

I must ask this now. What do you prefer?

[] Still debating among yourself about form and effects of Issei's Evil Pieces, WITHOUT insults to others
[] Only decide about a set of fundamental effects beside higher Essence and CMA, and leave the rest to me

I like when the thread is lively. But if insults start pop up I am going to bash it like the hammer of an angry god.
Excalibur Arc - Part 7
[X] Only decide about a set of fundamental effects beside higher Essence and CMA, and leave the rest to me

[X] Now that you think about it, you DO have a better alternative!
-[X] Magic Sense (the ability we used to find the magical sword Shigure was looking for when she came to visit us). Try to use it to locate the stolen Excalibur; that way we'll be the ones to dictate the terms of the engagement, or possibly avoid one altogether if we can simply steal them.
--[X] Send out our Ninjas, too, just in case they see or hear something interesting.

[X] Use the plan you, Irina and Xenovia agreed on to find the Excaliburs.
[X] Check Manse construction.
[X] Continue working on your own version of the Evil Pieces.
[X] Resume magic lessons with Akeno.
[X] Complete training for Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Hastening Night's End.


The next morning sees you in a slightly worse mood compared to the past few days, when you were all excited about the breakthrough you made with the Evil Pieces. After all now you have to deal with the possibility of a super powerful, warmongering and future-scrying Fallen Angel wanting to re-start a war with murder. Also, since Irina and Xenovia were sleeping in the house it meant no 'sexy time'.

[That's fucking hilarious. Not even a few months ago you despaired because your only prospective partner for the future was your right hand, and now you get grumpy if you spend a single night without having sex?]

'Yeees, laugh at me.' You splash your face with cold water. Uh, if your eyes aren't deceiving you that's a hint of facial hair. Must take countermeasures. 'A few months ago I also was a normal teenage instead of a young Demigod with one hell of a Destiny on his shoulders despite having you within my soul since birth. That reminds me of something I always wanted to ask, does Boosted Gear always manifest for each new host?'

[No. There have been a few past hosts that die never manifesting even the first stage. They were lucky since the curse didn't get them. I don't remember much since before the first manifestation I am constantly half-asleep, but those were...peaceful times I suppose.]

Well then, that's interesting. Indeed a Sacred Gear usually manifests because there is a need of it, and considering the nature of many of them the need is often violent in nature.

Putting on fresh clothes, just a shirt and pants, you walk down to the kitchen and begin to prepare breakfast. Asia joins you a few minutes later and the two of you divide up the tasks, while the others sit down on the table.

Finally Irina and Xenovia enter the room, half-asleep and rubbing their eyes. "...'Morning..."

"Good morning Irina-chan." You greet your childhood friend. "Is Japanese breakfast good for both or do you prefer a western one Xenovia?"

"...Food..." You will take that as a 'yes'.

"Here." Yomi moves back two chairs for easy reach.

"...Thanks..." Irina mumbles before sitting down. A few seconds later her eyes shoot open and she whirls around to face the blonde. "Wait! Who are you?"

"I'm Yomi!" The shinobi replies friendly. "Nice to meet you!"

Irina's eyes stares at Yomi and her 'assets' before moving to the other shinobi. By the time she reaches Mirai her face has turned almost purple. "Isse-kun!! Who are those people?"

"Right, I haven't introduced you yet." You reply while putting down the dishes. "Meet Homura, Hikage, Mirai, Yomi and Haruka. They're my personal group of Ninja."

"Ninja?! Ninja! What do you even need Ninja for?!?"

"Stealthy stuff."

"Suspicious!" She twirls around again, pointing a finger at Rias. "And what are you doing here?!"

The redhead quirks an eyebrow. "I live here."

"Say what?!?" Irina seems to choke. "Issei-kun, where are Uncle and Auntie?"

"On a cruise. Be back in a month or two."

She gapes like a fish before lowering her head, muttering something about 'competition' with a dark mood. Uhm, maybe you should make her a strong coffee.

"When I saw you before I thought you were familiar." Xenovia says while looking at Asia. "Are you Asia Argento, the ex-Holy Maiden?"

Asia's mood dims instantly at her words. "Is there a problem?" Mittelt says suddenly, eyeing Xenovia like one would a troublemaker. "It's a little crass to discuss religious matters on breakfast, don't you think so? Especially since it's our food you're eating."

"I don't see why." The exorcist replies, nonplussed. "I was just curious since my mentor, Cardinal Vasco Strada, was among those that opposed her exile. I want to know what deserved his attention."

"Monsignor Strada did..?" Asia mutters, clearly shocked.

"How sweet of him, but he shouldn't have bothered." Mittelt puts an arm around Asia's neck and rubs her cheek on her head with a silly grin, much to the nun's embarrassment. "Otherwise me and Asia-chan would have never become friends!"

"I fail to see how being friend with a Fallen Angel is worth being excommunicated from the church." Xenovia says dryly.

"What Fallen Angel? There are no Fallen Angels here."

"Don't play dumb, I am talki-"


Mittelt's four golden wings emerges from her back. The sight makes Xenovia's words devolves into incoherent splutter, while Irina stares wide-eyed. "Y-your wings! No way!"

"Yeah, I signed up with a new god. He's big on forgiveness as long as you're really apologetic. I was on my knees for hours."

That causes you to reel back as if physically struck. Homura and Rias snorts in amusement, Haruka covers with one hand a smile and Mirai makes a disgusted face.

"I-It must be a trick! There is no way God would forgive someone who willingly broke His laws!"

"Girl, I was born as a Fallen Angel. I broke no law, unless you are saying I did it while in the womb? But-" With only a small grimace she plucks off one of her feathers and hands it over. "You're welcome to check."

What follows are a few minutes of Irina and Xenovia trying everything to prove the color isn't natural, from rubbing it with water to carefully cutting it open. At the end they have to admit defeat. "You must be very devout to this pagan deity to pray for so long." Xenovia says like she just swallowed a lemon.

Mittelt puts a finger on her lips. "Prayer? Well, I suppose I did invoke my Lord and Savior's name several times."

Rias' starts to quietly chuckle.

"...I guess you've converted Asia to this deity's service as well, then?" Irina asks.

"If anything, she's more devout than I am! You should hear how she exalts his name every night!" She blonde exclaims, causing Asia to flush a glowing red.

Rias' chuckles evolve into full-blown laughter. Homura is shaking from suppressed laughter, Haruka wears a very dirty grin and Mirai is stabbing her food repeatedly with a knife while muttering 'perverts' over and over again.

You just start hitting your head on the wall.


The following day and the next three after it are full of activities. First, you explained to the two Exorcists the method you used to search for Shigure's magical sword and wanted to use again, something they were familiar with luckily, and asked to see one of their Holy Sword to pinpoint the energy signature. Grudgingly Irina showed you her transforming sword: to your great surprise it turns out to be one of the surviving Excaliburs, Excalibur Mimic a sword that can take any form the user desires. A nice trick to have, that's for sure. With that done you start the search in earnest, Homura's Crimson Squad joining in by collecting information across the city in hope of finding a lead or a hint.

You also checked on your Manse to see how the construction is going, and the foreman told you it would be done in a week. Understably Irina demanded to know what was going on, though the knowledge you are building a traditional mansion to better play the part of the Yakuza Boss sent her into a coughing fit while Xenovia wrote more on her journal.

Finally, the remaining time is spent between working on your own version of the Evil Pieces, complete the training for those Charms Bright gave you to help Raiser and resuming the magic lessons with Akeno.

"I am so happy." Akeno says in false relief, pretending to wipe off a tear. "I thought you had become bored with me. Aah, to be used so much only to spend the rest of my days wasting away like an old, soiled thing..."

Though, in hindsight maybe you could have done without the latter.

"Akeno-san, please tone down the drama." You say quite firmly in an even tone. "It was not even a long pause, and I had very good reasons. There is no reason to guilt-trip me."

"Unsightly." Koneko nods in agreement.

"Yeah. And about that-" You turn to look at your junior. "Not to sound offensive or anything, but what are you doing here Koneko-chan?"

"Neglected magical training for physical. Wanted to correct that."

Uhm, makes sense.

"And to think, she took this decision just after you told me you wanted to resume our lessons, and insisted to join them in order to not waste time." Akeno tells you with a cheshire grin. "That's quite the coincidence, don't you think so Issei-kun?"

Quite, though for some reason Koneko is bothered by it because she turned quite red in the face. You wonder why?


If you want to insult me at least tell me why, you shitty dragon.

"Now then Issei-kun, what kind of spell do you want to learn first? Or maybe you want to practice with those you already have?

[] Learn new spell.
-[] Write-in.
[] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)


The time has come. Finally your punishment is over and you can go back to school. Not that you crazy love studying or anything, but you missed the atmosphere.

So, once morning comes you wake up in good spirits, prepare breakfast, pick up your school bag and together with Asia, Mittelt and Rias follow the road to Kuoh Academy.

The sky is blue, the air warm and it is a wonderful day.

So why is Sona Sitri standing in front of the school gates like a Yama from Hell, the rest of the Student Council standing on her sides yet keeping a certain distance?

"Sona? What are you doing?" Rias asks, confused.

"I am making sure students aren't late Rias. Like always." She replies while fixing her glasses, eyes darting back and forth like she expects her sworn enemy to pop up at any time.

"Yes, but usually it's only you and Tsubaki-san." The redhead retorts. "Like this, it's almost like you're expecting a-"

"""HE'S HERE!!!!"""

The sudden shout pierces through the air like an elephant in a crystalware shop. You turn around, coming face to face with a stampede of screaming Kuoh female students rushing in your direction.


What the fuck?

"Stop immediately what's you're doing!" Almost faster than Kira Sona is in front of you, barking at the incoming girls. "With my authority of Student Council President I command you to-"


This time the screams come from behind, as an even bigger cluster of girls is coming there from the school.

What the actual fuck?

Sona is immediately back at the gate, the rest of the Council trying to support her even while looking uneasy. "Do not run on school ground! Go back to your class! Whatever you are thinking I forbi-"

You suppose the reason for what followed next was that Sona never even dreamed of such a possibility so she was caught completely off-guard. Fact is-

-The horde summarily ignores Sona's words and proceeds to run over her and the rest of the Council members. Then the onrushing wall of girls surge out at you, joined from behind the other group. In no time at all you're pressed on all sides by what is steadily looking like Kuoh Academy's entire female population. And you also lost sight of Rias and the others!

"Welcome back Hyodo-sempai!"

"Kyaaa! He's even cooler in person!"

"Please hug me!"

Their hands roam all over you, some pinching your cheeks and other sensible parts of your body. In a way it's a dream coming true.

So why are you feeling only immense dread?

You receive a hint to the answer when someone lifts up over the school gates a banner with a heavily prettified portrait of your face followed by 'HYODO 4EVER'.

It is almost immediately covered by another banner, this one showing you hanging from a tree, pierced by numerous spears and on fire, with 'DIE HYODO' written many times in dripping red letters all around it.

Then the two banners begin to move up and down erratically, almost like those manning them are fighting each other.

How do you react?

[] Freak out
[] Run away
[] Declare loudly you have an herpes
[] Calmly ask what's going on
[] Relax and enjoy the attentions
[] Write-in.


It's good to be back :)

PS: Special thanks goes to Slayer Anderson. Many of you know why ;)
Excalibur Arc - Part 8

But In Our Case, It Was Less Death And More A Case Of Deep Hibernation In Order To Recover Strength

After All, Only Wimps Need To Die First To Return

And Now, Let's Start With Appropriate Music:

[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
No. of Votes: 57







Balatro Philologus



Blight Gecko


Bob Saget











Introspective Tinkerer

Jean Danjou

John At Dawn







Least Devotee

Lone Wolf 666









Prince Charon





soul ice




unwashed heathen







[X] Calmly ask what's going on
No. of Votes: 42















Introspective Tinkerer

Jean Danjou

John At Dawn





Least Devotee





Prince Charon





soul ice





unwashed heathen





[X] Relax and enjoy the attentions

No. of Votes: 9










[X] Activate Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Irresistable Salesman Technique.

No. of Votes: 6


Blight Gecko

Bob Saget




-[X] "Enough!" you call out, the authority in your voice halting the onrushing mob of high school girls. "You should all be ashamed of yourselves, not only missing classes and causing a scene in the front of the school but to do so in defiance of the Student Council's explicit instructions! Where are the shining stars of Kuoh Academy, the students that are the envy of every other school!" You shift your gaze over the crowd, your heavy disapproval causing many to flinch away from your sight. "Boys, do you think this display of aggression and naked hatred endears you to the hearts of the girls you seek to win? I too know the pain of being the downtrodden, the outcast, of wanting to punch out the face of the bishonen!" You reflectively clench your fist in solidarity. "But take it as a challenge a reason to better yourselves to become someone worthy of their attention! And if I Issei Hyoudou biggest pervert of Kuoh Academy can get a girlfriend than so can you!" As you raise your fist above your head a chorus of male voices answer, their voices tinged with hatred and malice, but also determination. As you turn back to face the girls, your expression softens as you make a heartfelt plea. "And where are the elegant women of Kuoh Academy I've come to love, whose brilliant smiles and easy kindness were one of the things I most looked forward to upon my return?! All I see are a pack of unruly girls that would push and shove each other just to be the first to paw the man they like! Show more respect to Sona, if not because of your respect she's earned for the hard work she does on our behalf, than the knowledge that patient, demure and scholarly girls are totally my type!" As are every other girl, but you keep that last bit to yourself. "And I've appointed her to judge of which 5 female students are the first to make it back to classes WITHOUT BREAKING ANY RULES, those selected each get to have lunch with me a day this week! So return to your classes and conduct yourselves with the dignity and grace I've come to expect from Kuoh students!"

No. of Votes: 6


Blight Gecko

Bob Saget




[X] Shout out that we love patient, scholarly girls so the first 5 female students that make it to their classes first without breaking any rules get to have lunch with us! Sona's the judge so you have to listen to whatever she says!

No. of Votes: 4


Balatro Philologus

Lone Wolf 666


[X] Practice

No. of Votes: 3




-[X] You sigh calmly, not letting their outburst affect your cool demeanor. "Yeah, yeah, I, Hyoudou-sempai, have noticed you all." Pausing a moment to let the 'squees' and shrieks of delight from your cute underclass(wo)men, you continue, "Now, can someone please explain what's going on here?"

No. of Votes: 2



[X] Write-in.

No. of Votes: 2

Lone Wolf 666


-[X] Barrier - Muffle Sound: set a volume of space within which conversation can be had normally, but sounds outside the barrier coming in are muffled, as are sounds inside the barrier going out.

No. of Votes: 1


-[X] Use the Aura of absolute Authority gifted to us by Ignis Divine to bring ORDER into this Chaos.

No. of Votes: 1


[X] Plan Butcher

No. of Votes: 1


--[X] Time to burn some personal motes. "HALT!" you cry in a voice of thunderous Authority, "All of you should be ashamed of yourself, to not only disturb the peace of the school, but also to brazenly flaunt the authority of the student council. Where are the shining stars of the prestigious Kuoh Academy, all I see is a bunch of rabid savages! We're held to a higher standard, remember your place! Boys! I remember well the need to punch out bishonen. But declaring it in front of their admirers? Jealousy is an ugly thing and will only bring your chances to gain a girlfriend to zero. If you want to beat me up, wait until I am alone like reasonable people, or better yet, challenge me to a duel behind the gym as tradition demands." You turn towards your admirers. "And you..." you say in an icy voice, meant to evoke danger and make shivers run down their backs. Your cold stare challenges them, weighs them. "You seem to have forgotten who I am... have you forgotten how you always called me a dreadful pervert? Well, you're right, if you want to, we can schedule an orgy, IN AN ORDERLY FASHION, but DO NOT obstruct the operation of our wonderful school and much more important, DO NOT PUSH ASIDE MY FRIENDS." You collect those friends among the stunned student body and march inside. "What are you waiting for, classes are starting."

No. of Votes: 1


[X] Run away

No. of Votes: 1


[X] Learn new spell.

No. of Votes: 1


-[X] After evading the mob (is this training for the first dot of Stealth?), circle back around and rendezvous with your previously besieged friends. Apologize profusely to Sona, get her involved in figuring out how to kill this mob-stupidity bullshit, because as much as you adore beautiful women and pretty girls... That mob honestly had you fearing for your life!

No. of Votes: 1



4 successes.

[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Calmly ask what's going on

The conflicting feelings generated by this weird chain of events momentarily reach a balance, leaving you feeling surprisingly....calm. Granted, it's the very fragile calm of a top spinning before the energy dries off and it falls down, but for now it works well, allowing you to raise a hand and calmly ask: "At the cost of appearing obvious, would someone mind telling me what's going on?"

"Oh sempai!" One of the girls turns her head away, eyes closed and hands over reddened cheeks. "We were so happy that you were coming back, we decided to prepare a proper welcome!"


"The members of the Hyodo Issei Fan Club!" A third year raises a fist in the air.

Wait, you have a fan club?

Since when?!

"Fuoh!" Mittelt's head pops out from the sea of human bodies, followed by the rest of her body as she pushes her way forward to stand by your side, followed by Asia and Rias. "Girls, be more careful next time! You almost trampled over us too!"

"SORRY PRESIDENT!" They reply in a chorus.

"Say what?!" Your head spins around to stare at the blonde girl. "You are the president of this fan club I didn't know existed until now?"

"Rias is already the ORC's president, and Asia is too shy." She unabashedly shrugs. "And this was supposed to be a surprise."

"...Now that I think about it." Rias crosses her arms. "Mittelt, you did ask Sona the permission to do it, right?"


"Wha! No wonder she is so on edge! Why didn't you?"

Mittelt pretends to reflect for a few seconds. "...Do you honestly believe she would have said yes?"

"No." She instantly replies, making you wonder why exactly the Sitri heiress holds so much animosity towards you. You honestly cannot think of a reason. "But you cannot blame her for overreacting either."

At that moment of the two banners the one with 'HYODO 4EVER' snaps back into place, while the other one falls down beyond your sight. "Curse! The enemy is too strong!" Someone shouts in a familiar voice before you see both Matsuda and Motohama climbs up on the wall's top, looking as if they went through quite the struggle.

"Oh, hey guys." You greet them. Hopefully they can shed some sanity amidst the recent mayhem. "What's up with those banners? I could not se-"

"Imposter! Be gone!" Matsuda shouts while showing you the middle finger.

"Your vile lies have no sway over us!" Tears are running down Motohama's cheeks.

...Well, that's it. Now you understand even less. You gently push away a hand trying to slide inside your pants before asking with a tired tone: "Why are you calling me imposter all of a sudden? I'm Hyodo Issei, your friend."

"No you're not!" Matsuda rejects your words instantly. "The real Hyodo Issei is not a damn pretty boy, he is utterly average! Completely insignificant!"

Your lips twitch.

"A loser like us who only think of breasts and talk about perverted things! Despised by girls and treated like a pest for having a man's dream!"

A vein pops out on your forehead.

"The real Issei would spend his time with us, peeping at changing girls and watching eroge, instead of mocking all the real men in the world by hoarding all pretty girls for himself!"

Many of the girls begin to growl.

"You're an alien. Or changeling. Whatever! You kidnapped the real Issei and took his place, and now you're pissing all over his name! But we will show everyone the truth, rescue our friend and things will go back to how they should be!"

"You know..." You begin with a totally fake smile. "I think I remember you two saying, during our first year, that you were ready to pay an arm and a leg to be in pretty much my actual position."

You raise your thumb.

"And now that I did it, in a totally respectable manner if I can say so myself, you...instead of, I don't know, being happy for me, jealous or shit like that you simply believe I am someone else?"

You sneer, rolling your hand to point the thumb down.

"You suck."

""FUCK YO-"" That's as far as they go before they are bombarded by thrown bags from all sides. They fall behind the wall and disappear from sight.

"Your so called 'friends' are jerks." Mittelt comments with a flat tone.

She's right, but even then you cannot help but feeling bad for them already. You three had fun together in the past.

[Losers banding together to share misery.]

'Tact, thy name is not Ddraig.'

[Tact is for snakes.]

'The hell does that mean?'

"Don't worry Hyodo-sempai!" A voice you haven't heard in awhile calls out, followed by the navy haired head of Kurumu Erika and the scarlet haired one of Hanasaki Tsubomi. "If you fight with your friends you can make up with them if you talk and try hard enough!"

"Kurumu-chan? Hanasaki-chan? You're part of this too?"

"Junior members." Erika proudly display a fancy-looking card. "Don't worry sempai: we joined for the benefits, not to jump your bones."

"E-E-Erika-chan!!" Blushing like a tomato Tsubomi hides behind her friends.

"But when I create the Fashion joins it! I can use a male model!"

Sure. Because one of your aspirations is to have a cute girl play dress-up with you.


"Hyodo Issei." During the break you are cornered by a demon. A black-haired, glass-wearing and bandaged demon whose purple eyes burn with an almost physical bloodlust.

"S-Shitori-Kaichou." You try to greet her normally. "I am glad to see you are fine."

"I am not fine Hyodo Issei. I have not been fine for a long, long time." Her hollow laugh sends a shiver down your spine, and even Shinra-san, who is standing behind Sona, takes a step back. "Not since my normal reality was turned upside down by a certain someone."

You open your mouth to make a joke, but then think better of it and remain silent.

"Two weeks from now the Kiyojuji Paranormal Investigation Squad will come here to visit the school." She continues. "You will chaperon them."

"Yes Kaichou."

"You will make sure they find nothing, and I stress the word nothing supernatural. No traces. No rumors. Nothing."

"Yes Kaichou."

"Fail, and I will finally have an excuse to put your severed head on a pike."

"Yes Ka-Wait, what was that last part."

"I said I will be very displeased with you if you fail." She says while adjusting her glasses, the white surface hiding her eyes from sight.

"No no, I'm almost sure you just said something very, very scary..."

"It was your imagination." She insists. "Put it on better use by studying harder."

Then she turns around and leaves, Shinra-san bowing deeply before hurrying after her.

'I think there's something wrong with Sona.'

[Congratulations partner, your observation skill just rose by a full rank.]

This shitty dragon is making fun of you, and what's worse you don't understand how!

(OOC: the following text and sex scene were written by Bloodshifter)

Third person's POV

Feeling famished Issei begins eating the lunch Asia had helped him making. He doesn't regret letting the nun make him food and cherish every bite. Eventually he notes someone, female from the skirt, is standing in front of him. "Issei." The vo- no Aika? begins. He looks up to the girl into her eyes. He finds it hard not to remember her body nude before him. "Like what you see Issei?"

His eyes zero in on a purposely exposed strap: not any strap, but one from the school swimsuits. Smiling knowing she has his complete attention she continues covering the strap again. "You dropped this big guy." She places a bag on his desk and walks off.

The collective breath of the female class body is held as he unpack the item. Despite his, "Ascension" as it was called, they feared their Angel Falling. 'If only they knew the truth.' Issei thinks ruefully to himself opening the wrapped item, to reveal -Issei blinks- a copy of Fate/Stay Night, specifically the 2nd disc. Opening the case proves it to be exactly that. He thinks of what's on the disc: nothing too notable really.

Looking around him…

"Thank God!"

"He remains pure!"

"Hyoudou X Yuuto Lives!"


'Oh Luna, those fan girls will kill me before anything else!' He catches his breath and retrieves the paper that was in the DVD case. 'Come over to my place later? Why didn't she...'

"There he is!"


"B-But Boys can't love Boys!"

Issei puts the matter aside for later, deciding to join Kiba in their shared misery like a true friend.

Yeah, some times the Bro code sucks.

NSFW link to sex scene.

Time-skip of one (1) week. Decide what Issei should during this time (school is, of course, obligatory):

[] Write-in.


Yep, I'm back. I wanted to post this earlier, but there was an incident within family (nothing serious) and I had (still have) to take up a lot of domestic duties.

I will reward omakes and reply to questions in a second post.
Excalibur Arc - Part 9
[X] Spend time with
-[X] Irina
No. of Votes: 12


Blight Gecko





Prince Charon





[X] Spend time with...
-[X] Akeno
No. of Votes: 9
John At Dawn







soul ice


[X] Talk with...
-[X] Kiba
No. of Votes: 2


[X] Trainning with ...
-[X] Kiba
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Spend time with Koneko
No. of Votes: 1

Previous Votes:

[X] Continue working on your own version of the Evil Pieces.
[X] Resume magic lessons with Akeno.
[X] Complete training for Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Hastening Night's End.
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)

The incident with Aika aside...no, you cannot really call it an incident. Because, she wasn't angry at you for being intimate with Mittelt.

Simply put, you shouldn't have really mentioned another woman in the aftermath of your 'fun times' with Aika.

[That was a very impolite thing to do Issei.] Elsha as you go through the homework accumulated during your absence. [Multiple relationships or not, when she is alone with a man a woman wants to feel special to him, like she's the only one in his life.]

'What about threesome? Or foursome?' You ask, genuinely curious. 'Or any other -some?'

[This and that are different things. No matter how kinky a woman can be, there will always be a romantic in here somewhere.]

'Oooo...kay.' You wince at another spike of phantom pain. 'And how should I make up for blunders without suffering so much?'

[Be a man and endure~] She sing-songs. [Oor, a very long and private date somewhere she likes.]

That is a way better alternative.

Someone knocks at the door. "Ise-kun?" Comes Irina's voice. "Can I enter?"

"Yes, come in."

As she steps inside, still wearing that black skin-tight bodysuit that is for some unfathomable reason the attire of female exorcists, you have to once again admit your old friend grew into a very beautiful young woman. The violet eyes are the same as ever, but the chestnut hair are now long and tied into glorious twintails. Even if you don't have Motohama's Doujutsu, you can tell her body measurements are firmly in the [Full Stamp Of Approval!] category!

Sol and Luna both, you're a pervert and even you can feel the awkwardness of that! Even more since Irina is now your best friend by virtue of Matsuda and Motohama having reached the bottom floor of the ranking and the others you all met only a month ago.

And, of course, Ddraig is laughing. Die shitty dragon, die!

Irina lets herself fall on the bed, bouncing a few times with evident appreciation. "It's been a while, isn't it?" She looks around with a nostalgic smile. "We used to come here, wait for Auntie to bring us snacks and then spend the day playing fighting games."

"Yeah." I nod in reminiscence. "You would lose most of the times, but keep insisting for a rematch until you win. Then you would drag me outside to play 'heroes and villains', but to be allowed to play the hero I had to plead a lot because you didn't like the idea of being the bad guy."

She pouts. "Muoo, Ise-kun! Why must you remember something so embarrassing?"

"We were kids." You shrug. "It would have been stranger if we didn't do stupid things. Or do you prefer for them to come out from your parents when your friends from school visit?"

"No way!" She visibly shudders. "No way! No way! I'll die of embarrassment if it happens!" then she laughs. "I'm so glad...Even if you changed so much, in some ways you're still the old, silly Ise-kun."

"And you're still Shido-kun, even if now is Shido-chan." You crack a smile. Is this what normalcy feels like? You almost forgot. "Say, when did you enter the supernatural world?"

"You can say since the day I was born. Papa is also an exorcist, and I'm following in his footsteps. Ah, but I learned that the servants of the Lord still visit the Earth when I started Middle School, and Papa asked me if I wanted to become a member of the Church too."

You nod. "Is that way you had to transfer to England?"

Irina's smile dims. "No...not only for that at least. Even if he tried to hid it Papa was very sad at the time. I think something bad happened, and he couldn't bear to stay there."

"Did you ask...?" She shakes her head. "Okay." None of your business anyway.

Now, how to improve the mood...Eureka! "Hey, Irina-chan?" You grin. "Want to do something embarrassing?"


You begin to search within your cupboard. "Where...where...Here!" With a flourish spin you put on the red sheet like a mantle and turn around. "You thought it was your childhood friend...but it was me, Demon King Hi-Odo! Hero Irina, prepare for your demise! Buahaha!"

Irina looks at you like you're insane before a fire ignites in her eyes. She jumps back to her feet and makes a pose Phoenix Wright would be proud of. "Never! As long as this heart of mine beats with the power of Justice, I will never allow you and your wicked ways to prevail! In the name of the Lord I will defeat you! Amen!"

Too late you and Irina realized the door was left open, but it was great while it lasted.

Re-Kindled Intimacy:

Irina Shidou (Friendship)


There is nobody inside when you enter the ORC's room. Checking the message again you confirm that, yes, you're on time for the magic lesson with Akeno. Even if the time and day is different from your normal routine. "Akeno-sempai?"

"Ara, Issei-kun? Welcome." The black haired beauty's voice from behind a door. "Please get comfortable, I'm almost ready."

"Okay." You take a seat and sit down. "Koneko-chan isn't here yet?"

"She cannot come today. And the others are busy with a...complicated request. It's just me and you, Isse-kun...just me and you. Fufufufu."

There is...something strange with Akeno's voice. But what, you cannot say. "Is that so? In that case, do you mind if we go through what I already learned one more time." The door opens. "I want to make sure I can use what I already have well eno-gh!" You almost bite your tongue when you see Akeno.

Red heels. Almost transparent stockings that reach mid-thigh before showing the garterbelt's suspenders and tantalizing flesh. A miniskirt so short it almost covers nothing. A white shirt a few sizes too small, forcing her to keep open half the buttons and creating a magnificent of her breasts and the black bra holding them. The long black hair has been tied into a bun. The nails has been painted red, and the only piece of make-up is the deep crimson lipstick on her lips curved up in a sultry smile, while the violet eyes are drilling holes into you from behind black-framed glasses.

As she walks to the desk, hips swaying all the while, her humming makes you swallow. "Indeed. It isn't the size of what you have that matters, but how you use it. Though, I know for you aren't falling behind in either category, Issei-kun~"

"Thank...you." You manage to get out. You know Akeno's way of speaking can get suggestive at times, but that was almost a phrase worth of a porn. "Akeno-sempai, what-"

"Sensei!" Fast as lightning a stick appears in her hands and she slams it down on the desk, producing a sharp 'crack'. "Call me sensei!"

"Akeno-sensei!" You stand up straighter. "Can I ask what's going on?!"

"You may." She sits on the desk and crosses her legs...revealing a very risquè black lingerie. "Simply put, since I'm being a teacher I decided to dress also the part."

Moving her center of gravity she leans on the desk's surface. So, for today, I'll be your sensei and you my adorable little student who will be on his best behavior. Bad boys will be punished." Then she spanks her own ass. "Like this."

[ME! ME! I'VE BEEN A BAD BOY! PUNISH ME!] One of your sempai screams, soon followed by many identical cries. Both male and female.

You pinch yourself, only to receive the confirmation that, no, this isn't one of your usual erotic dreams.

"Did you listen to what I said, Issei-kun?" Akeno asks with an overly sweet tone moving the stick between her breasts.

"Yes Akeno-sempai!" You reply. Until you can find an explanation that isn't just 'Akeno is being weird' it's better to play around. "Please forgive me Akeno-sempai!"

"Fufufufu. That's how I like you Issei-kun, docile and submissive." She sensually licks her fingers. "Though I don't mind ravenous, manly beasts either."

With that the lesson begins, but Akeno's weird behavior doesn't abate. Rather, it escalates to the point where she uses every excuse to say something with a double meaning, make an erotic pose or both.

You don't dare move a muscle above your chest, afraid that the slightest stimulation will set off your raging boner. The excited voices of your sempai for the 'free show' don't help. 'Can you please shut up and give me a hand?!'

No sane response. Only a few, agonizing minutes later there is sudden but blessed silence. [Sorry, took us a while to figure out the trick.] Comes the voice of one of your male sempai. [To help you...well, isn't it clear the lil' lass is seducing you?]

'I got that much!' Seriously, there are not many way to misunderstand this. 'But why here and like this?'

[...Honest opinion?]


[She's a damn big pervert. S&M, or she just wants you to take advantage of her because roleplays like that turn her on the most. Like those women that only go after married men for the taste of the forbidden.]

Your thoughts come to a screeching halt.

[Look, I know you're a honest kid...but women that wants to be forced don't exist solely within eroge. They're rare, yes, but not a fantasy.]

(OOC: Link to NSFW scene.)


At the end of the week the moment you were both dreading and waiting for finally arrives.

Your Manse, and official residence as a Youkai Yakuza Boss, is ready.



By appearance and structure it resembles the Nura residence: a traditional Japanese mansion, with lot of rooms, gardens and rice paper walls. Since there is no Heartstone it takes some time and Bright's coaching to move your attunement from the demesne to the manse, but you eventually manage.

"How nostalgic." Homura comments while else is either exploring the compound or, like Kii and Mii, is bringing in the furniture.

"Nostalgic?" You ask while adjusting a mirror so it doesn't reflect backward.

"Hebijo, our Shinobi School, was located inside an old castle." She explains. "The old Japanese style is the same. So this is your new home, uh?"

"Well, for now it's just a 'house'. This whole affair just happened outside my control." You take out and handle to her a slip of paper. "But you can consider it your new home. After all, you and your friends are its new guardians. Here's the password."

She takes and reads it before laughing. "[The light from the dragon's scales will illuminate the path]?"

"Homura!" Mirai opens the door at the end of the corridor. "There's an Onsen! An Onsen! Me and Haruka-sama are taking a bath!" She closes it again.

She blinks. "An Onsen? A real Onsen? Here? How does it work?"

You look up. "If I say 'magic'...?"

"I'll accept it because of the private Onsen." She grins. "What else does this place have?"

"A training room with advanced training dummies, moving targets and variable difficulty settings. Then the automated kitchen that help you cook whatever you want, and-"

"GIANT BEAN PLANTS!" Followed by a girlish scream of delight.

"Right. Probably should have mentioned the 'able to provide any type of food, animal or vegetal' stuff..."

"...Did you give just Yomi the ability to put bean sprouts in any dish?" Homura asks with a shaking voice.

"Again, automated kitchen that help you cook."

"I haven't touched meat in months! YOU WILL NOT TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME!" She yells before rushing away.

"...That sounds rough." I rub the back of my head.

{Leave handling their diet to the mortals. If they cannot look after themselves at least that much, they're a liability.} Bright harshly says. {You have more important matters to attend to. The workshop worm, the workshop.}

"Right!" You move deeper into the house, past your excited friends and into the most sacred and private place of the manse.

The Workshop. Filled with the best tools and ingredients your (current) money could buy, it's a dream came true.

For Bright, it's barely passable for a Solar, even one as young as you. But really, at the moment it's your best option.

{This will have to do for now. The most important thing is starting to work on a prototype.}

Yes, the prototype for you own version of the Evil Pieces.

Time to remove a few of humanity's limits.

Void Manse

-The energy from the Void promotes creativity and intellect (+1 dice to all Intelligence rolls)

-No HearthStone

-Maintenance: one full day every month

-Fragility 1: 6L/9B, 30 points of damage

-Habitability: a nice home

Attunement Recognition

Basic Sense

Cosmetic Displays

Well Flavored Aspect (Solar)

Password Activations

Magical Conveniences (that can't be provided by technological means)
-Advanced training room
-Onsen (works despite the lack of a source of hot water. Solars are awesome ^^)
-Automated kitchen (you can cook in it: the kitchen itself will help you)

Provider (Mag 4) (every food needed is provided, no matter the type)

Master's Workshop

Wyld Revocation (Time) (time flows faster inside, working like the hyperbolic time chamber from DBZ)


The next day you find yourself standing on the ground floor of the old school building, in front of a door sealed by tape with 'KEEP OUT' and various magical seals written on it. Everyone from the ORC is also gathered there.


Well, in your case it's because Rias asked for your help, saying that the method you used to help Raiser may be needed. Why is may be needed...she's explaining it right now.

"All of you know I have a Bishop member in my peerage. But new members like Raynare has never seen him. It's because his ability is deemed dangerous and he cannot control it at all. I was also unable to help him control it, so the higher-ups decided to seal him. However, thanks to the matter with the fertility charms and a recommendation from the Phenex family I was given another chance and the sealing condition has been lifted."

She explains before knocking on the door. Not receiving a response she starts to lift the magical seal on the door.

"So we're all here to deal with the most problematic member?" Dohna asks. "What's he like?"

"All day, he lives inside this room. His powers loosen up in the night, and if he stays within the building he can exit the room, but he refuses to do even that."

"...A hikikomori?" You ask. Rias' sigh pretty much confirm it. "Then, rather than his ability isn't his personality a bigger problem?"

Rias sighs again.

"However, the kid inside is the biggest earner among us." Akeno says while helping Kiba remove the tape.

"How?" Kala asks.

"Through a computer. He takes special contracts from those humans who don't like to meet directly and do everything through the internet. Among the new devil servants, this kid grabs enough numbers like those of a superior rank."

"So he's a hikikomori who deal with other hikikomori?"

"To be fair, suddenly appearing from a magic circle in front of someone for the first time may give the wrong impression." Kiba sighs. "You can even cause a stroke that way."

...You never thought of that.

"Now then, I am opening the door." Once the magic seal is gone Rias opens the door-


An outrageously high scream is emitted from inside! W-What was that?

Rias isn't surprised, rather while sighing again she enters alongside

Akeno while the rest of you wait outside. "Good day. It's nice to see you all energetic."


Judging from the voice, it could be a middle schooler. A girl? Or a younger male?

"Ara ara, the seal got removed you know? You can leave the building now. Now, let's all go out together."

Akeno's voice is gentle, trying to make that person relax.

"Noooooooooooooooooo! This place is gooooooooooood! I don't want to go outside! I don't want to meet peopleeeeeee!"

However, this is clearly a seriously bad case of hikikomori.

Kiba is smiling bitterly and Koneko is sighing. The Fallen Trio is exchanging confusing glances.

"Yeah, no. I'm not dealing with this. You, bastard: go there and do your bullshit. I've a date tomorrow, I don't want to postpone it." Dohna orders.

"Invoking the Bro Code is a low blow." You deadpan. Why the unrepentant asshole snickers you steel your resolve and walk inside.

With curtains tightly shut close, the dim room is decorated in an unexpectedly cute manner, like a girl's room. Stuffed dolls are present as well, and also...a coffin?

Approaching further I look at who Rias and Akeno are talking to.


A cute blonde girl! With noble looks, golden hair and red eyes she looks like a doll. Dressed in Kuoh Academy's girl's uniform she is sitting down on the floor and shaking a lot. If you put her next to Asia, they make a wonderful pair!

But wait. "Is she the mysterious Bishop? Why did you use the male pronum when talking about her then?"

"Appearance-wise, this kid here looks like a girl but without a doubt he is a boy." Rias calmly explains while looking at me.


Within me, a crack appears over something precious to me.

"He has a hobby of dressing in female clothes."

Akeno calmly adds.


That precious something shatters like cheap porcelain.


You scream out in absolute despair. Somewhere out there, a black and white stuffed bear is letting out a creepy laugh.

"Eeeeeeeeeeek!I am sorry, I am sorryyyyyyyyyyy!"

The golden haired guy dressed like a girl lets out a shriek.


[Ara. Cute traps are fine too.] Elsha happily comments.

The last restrain snaps, causing you to retreat to a corner and sulk. You just answer "I'm fine..maybe.." to questions while trying to get to terms with this real-life Hideyoshi.

That's when, suddenly, your field of vision turns white-

Only to snap back to normal an instant later. Feeling malice in the air you shove the shock aside and jump back to your feet, ready to fight any danger.

Nobody is moving. While you were sulking the others walked inside, but they're currently immobile as if frozen in time. Except for the blonde Bishop, who is freeing himself from where Dohna is pulling at his arms. Only to stop and stare at you with wide eyes...eyes that are glowing, the red iris now displaying a black grid and a yellow pupil. "Y-You can move?!"

You point a finger at him. "Hey you, real-life Hideyoshi! What did you do to everyone?"

"Don't get angry! Don't get angry! Please don't hit meeeeeeeee! Wait, real-life Hideyoshi...you mean Hideyoshi Kinoshita from [Baka to test to shokanju]? No way! At least compare me to Yuuko-chan!"

"You...really were wrong with the wrong gender, uh?" Instead of being angry, now you just feel sad.

At that moment everyone begins moving again. While the Fallen Trio looks confused in general, Rias is looking at you directly. "Ise, you...I see, you weren't affected. That's good, maybe you can really help him."

"What happened? Wait, is this related to the ability this guy cannot control?"

"Correct." Akeno begins to explain. "He possesses a Sacred Gear that, when he's excited, causes the time of everything in his field of vision to be stopped for a fixed interval."

Stopping time? Seriously? There are Sacred Gear that can do it?

{I strongly doubt that.} Bright comments. {Time flows even onward. Even if the rules of this world are looser than those of Creation, you can meddle with time only so much. Stopping time can only be done when relative to yourself, essentially letting you momentarily slip out of the normal flow of time. Since your anti-Shaping defense activated, I can guess the real effect of this Sacred Gear is making the brains of those he looks at think time is stopped, creating a gap thoughts and sensory reading.}

That's a more likely explanation.

Rias hugs the blonde guy from behind, and said to everyone: "This boy is Gasper Vladi, my Bishop and Kuoh Academy's first year student. Also, before being reincarnated he was a half human, half vampire."

Eeeh, a vampire that can stop time?


"A vampire...that can stop time?" You repeat out loud in a hollow voice.

Rias give me a questioning look. "Yes?"

"A blonde vampire that can stop time? Doesn't it sound familiar?!"

She shakes her head before stopping halfway, eyes widen in sudden realization. Stepping back she stares at Gasper in complete shock. "Gasper-kun...you..."

"Ueh?" Oblivious to the real reason he lets out an unforgivable cute sound of confusion.

"Unforgivable!" You repeat out loud.


"Being small and cute! Dressing like a girl! No way! No way! No way!"

You leave the room, go to where you know Rias keeps her otaku items, find what you need and return. Then you stand in front of Gasper, pointing at him while the other hand is holding a rolled-up poster. "Listen well Gasper Vladi-kohai! My name is Issei Hyodo, second year! My job is to do the impossible! Carve those words into your heart! Nice to meet you!"

"Uwaaaah! I don't understand what's going on anymore!"

"That is fine! You only need to understand this! That I will train you-"

You slam the poster on the wall and open it.


"Until you look exactly like this!"

"No waaaayyyy! There is absolutely no way for me to even remotely look like that incredibly handsome gentleman!" She shrieks, his eyes sparkling and mouth drooling.

Yep, definitely born the wrong gender.

"I approve!" Rias declares resolutely.

You have gained the "Turn Gasper Vladi into Dio Brando" resolution.

You are a Solar, you can do it. Maybe.

In any case, what's the plan for now?

[] Write-in.


I really need to stop doing this. Updating once a month, I mean.

I just hope this update makes you laugh enough to make up.

Replying posts later, writing this much took a lot and I need to take a breath of fresh air.
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Excalibur Arc - Part 10
[X] Plan: Appropriate Role Model
Learned Charm:

You Can Be More (Presence)

29 - 8 = 21 Xp

"Please don't misunderstand me Gasper-kun: there is absolutely nothing wrong with you." You declare with cheerful cheer.

"There isn't?" He points at himself.

"There isn't?" Rias wonders aloud.

"There isn't." Because, on second thought, it's a bit presumptuous of you to presume to judge Gasper right now, without having taken time to know him better. It wouldn't be the first time you jump to the wrong conclusions after all. However, there is one thing you are absolutely sure about: "This is merely a case of lacking a proper vampiric ideal to aspire toward."

"Proper vampiric ideal?" Everyone look at the person on their side, but find only more confusion.

"Of course! Tell me Gasper-kun, what kind of person you want to be in the future?"

"Someone who live in a sealed-up room and never come out." He replies in complete honesty.

You smile fell. This is terrible, much worse than you thought. "Alright, you know what? Fuck it. Where do you sleep?"

He shyly points to the coffin. That was a stupid question. "Rias, how complete is your collection of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?" You ask herwhile posting the Dio scroll up in Gasper's room where he'll see it before he goes to sleep and when he wakes up.

"I have all the volumes up to Steel Ball Run of the Grand Collection Edition!" She gives you a thumb-up. "I ever made them basically indestructible and incapable of wearing out with demonic power!"

"I made them you mean..." Akeno mutters under her breath.

"You free this afternoon?"


"Perfect." You turn around and smile at the shut-in vampire. "Gasper-kun, our first training together...will consist of reading manga."

"Eh?" He blinks. "That...doesn't sound so bad?"


"This is bad!" Gasper whines from where he's pinned between you and Rias.

"Oh come on! You're both a Daywalker and a Dhampir, non-direct exposure to sunlight should be nothing!" You point to the curtains put over the window. "Do you know how many of your fellow vampires would give up an arm and a leg to be in your position?"

"I hate daylight! It's better if the sun disappeareeeeeed!"

"So you want to live in an eternal ice age where nothing alive can survive, not even you since there will be no food to be found." You remarked while admiring the volume of Phantom Blood in your hands. Araki's art sure evolved since then.

That shuts him up.

"Shall we begin Gasper-kun?" Rias says with a soothing voice, putting the first volume in the boy's lap and encouraging him to start reading.


Extracts of conversations that happen in the following five hours

"Uhm, isn't this Dio guy...kind of mean?"

"He was young, there will be character development."


"That's a trend when it comes to dogs in JoJo, it's not just Dio. Seriously."

"Uh...Vampires don't work like that..."

"This is fiction, just an original spin to the common legends."

"Vampires don't work like thaaaaat!!! Oh Maou-samaaaa!"

"Sit down! I promise you it gets better."

*chocking sounds*

"You have to admit that was misleading Ise."

"I am the only one who find the ways Pillar Men manipulate their bodies clever?"

"Waah...Lisa Lisa-san is so beautiful!"

"Finally we agree on something!"

"...Hyodo-san, I am by no means an expert or even an amateur...but even me can tell biology doesn't work like that."

"Artistic license, rule of cool and the JoJo world being as weird as fuck."

"Those Stands...they sound cool."

"Oh, you haven't see nothing yet."

"An entire freighter?"

"The Sun Stand...it's the enemy of all vampires!

"Do your best Boingo-kun! I'll cheer for you as a fellow introvert!"

"D-Dio-san...he can stop time too?!"

"That's right: look at what your ability can do if one has the will to control it."


"Are they still at it?" Dohna asks to his fellow Peerage members gathered outside the door.

"Time, stands still!"

"More incisive!"

"Time! Stands still!"


"Time! Stands still!"

"On second thought deeper is just impossible for you. Let's try a different spin."

Kiba removes his ear from the door. "Yes."

"...Gasper-kun is doing the female characters' poses." Koneko comments while looking through the keyhole.

"And how is he doing?" Akeno inquires.

"...He keeps falling to the side."

Issei, Rias and Gasper now share the same Intimacy!

JOJO (Passion)

"So, how did it go with the shut-in, crossdressing vampire?" Mittelt snickers before popping another spoon of ice-cream into her mouth.

"Well, we still need to force him to stay outside his room during the day but I'll count the lack of ridiculous attempts to go back as a success." You reply while helping Asia backing a cake. "But according to Rias he, when nobody is around, plays out his favorite scenes and even makes short trips to buy more merchandise."

"From a shut-in to an otaku." She pulls out the spoon with a 'chuu' sound. "Doesn't look like a big step to me. Can't you just punch him hard enough he becomes a productive member of society?"

You stop, put down the flour, take a step back and finally allow yourself to stumble. "Alright, when exactly did I give the impression I could-"

"Eeek!" Rias runs into the kitchen, with...crying hazelnuts on her hair? What?! "Take the off! Take them off!"

"Did a spell mis-where did my ice-cream go?" Mittelt shouts, staring at the empty bowl.

"Eeek!" Asia cutely yelps when the eggs began to dance in midair.

You blink. "What the-" A shelf opens and a cooking pan hits you in the head. "Ouch!"

[Ah! A Poltergeist! I saw one once: it was the ghost of a girl who couldn't pass on because of the regret of dying as a virgin.]

From which ero-doujinshi did he rip it off? Because you can list at least twenty different ones!

"Master!" Eiko makes her appearance. "It appears your noble residence is experiencing an infestation of small, mischievous youkai."

"How exciting." You sarcastically reply while pulling out the hazelnuts from Rias' hair. The little bastards have hands! And bite! "Do you have a solution?"

"Of course Master. Eiko just has a question." She holds up a few talismans in one hand and Buddhist prayer beads in the other. "Does Master wish the little annoyances to be fried on the spot, or for them to die a slow and painful death to show the folly of profaning your sacred abode?"

[] "Wait! No killing! Just chase them away."
[] "Can you capture them alive instead?"
[] "The first. The second...yeah, too much."
[] Write-in.


"Mh-mh-mh~" Akeno cheerfully humms while sweeping the front of the temple she elected as her residence. "Ise-kun is coming here! Mh-mh-mh~"

She briefly stops before putting both hands on her cheeks and blushing. "Oh, I'm such a dirty girl! To have an illicit, steamy relationship with my best friend's lover." Her lips split into a lecherous grin as her eyes open by a fraction, revealing pure lust. "First is the tea laced with aphrodisiacs, then the rope and the whip...ufufufu~"


Akeno's eyes shoot open in alarm. Whirling around she takes on a defensive stance, looking for the speaker. "Who's there?!"

The ground cracks and breaks as something massive, easily the size of two vans put together, burrows its way out of it. What Akeno sees is a giant turtle with a long tail and neck, the head being a mix between a lizard and an old man.

"Who are you?" She demands, hands sparking with electricity.

"I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY TO A PEST." It snorts with contempt, hot vapour escaping from his nostrils.

"Do you know who this territory belongs to? You are intruding on the territory of Rias Gremory, daughter of the noble lineage-!" She has to stop and dodges as the giant turtle tries to eat her, its jaws gouging out the ground she previously stood on.


Akeno's face twists into a sneer at the word 'eyesore'. "You first." With that she lets loose her magic, lightning bolts raining down on the turtle one after another. She keeps it up for a whole half minute before stopping, then she waits for the smoke to clear out.

However, her eyes widen when she sees the turtle is completely unarmed. "How?"

"A FILLING BANQUET. YOU MAY YET MAKE A FINE MEAL." It raises its front paws before slamming them down, causing boulders to shoot out of the ground.

Akeno tries to dodge, but with a lucky shot one of the boulders gazes her and sends her flying off-

Directly into your arms. "Need a hand?"

"Ise-kun!" Akeno replies with a smile.

You grin back before looking at the culprit with a scowl. "Tan-ki!" You shout, your sempai having told you about the turtle's true nature. "What is the meaning of this aggression?"


"Who I am you mean!" Setting down Akeno you point an accusatory finger at it. "You're speaking with Hyodo Issei, First Head of the Hyodo Clan. I'm the overseer of this area, appointed by Nurarihyon, the Lord of Pandemonium, himself!"


"First, you will stop calling her 'foreign pest'!" You demand. "Second, she's a guest under my protection so apologize immediately!"

"TRUTH OR FALSEHOOD, I HAVE NO INTENTION OF OBEYING SOMEONE WHO SYMPATHIZE WITH PESTS." It roars before attacking with boulders again, forcing you and Akeno to dodge.

"Sorry Akeno, I'm afraid we need to deal with this asshole first." You materialize Boosted Gear.

"Ufufufu. I don't mind this kind of physical activity as an appetizer." She giggles before her eyes sharpen. "A Tan-ki, uh? I heard they can absorb electricity, so that's why my attacks had no effect. What a bother..."

It's true: since Akeno specializes in lightning attacks, her arsenal has been effectively cut in half. Moreover, turtles are slow but heavily armored.

Choose a battle plan.
[] Write-in.

Fixing Helping Gasper is not easy feat, but that's a step forward I think.
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Calm Before The Storm - Part 1
[x] "Can you capture them alive instead?"

No. of Votes: 7








[X] "The first. The second...yeah, too much."

No. of Votes: 7


Blight Gecko

Corvus 501





[X] Battleplan: Demoralize the tortle-youkai by quipping with Akeno-chan about turtle soup recipes and seizing the youkai with your gaze as if wondering how big soup pan you need.

No. of Votes: 5






[X] Plan Shell-Cracker: Have Akeno use some sort of magic spell to help immobilize the Tan-ki. Not too hard since we could easily run circles around it and its attacks. Then go in for the with a charged attack that will blow its armor in one go.

No. of Votes: 5

Blight Gecko

Corvus 501




[x] "Can you capture them alive instead?"

-[x] Battleplan: Demoralize the tortle-youkai by quipping with Akeno-chan about turtle soup recipes and seizing the youkai with your gaze as if wondering how big soup pan you need.

No. of Votes: 2


Prince Charon

[x] Assume Dragon form, loom, ask if he is so great that he believes he can get away with insulting a dragon's treasure in front of said dragon.

No. of Votes: 2



[X] "Can you beat them to an inch of their lives and give them back to the relative people with a note saying to keep a leash on their minions?"

No. of Votes: 1


[X]Purge with fire!

No. of Votes: 1


[X] Wasp's Ham Sandwich

-[X] Speechify

--[X] Invoke First Presence Excellency and Enemy-Castigating Solar Judgement.

--[X] Start by performing some sentai (or Pillar Man) poses. "I am the officially recognized master of these lands, and she is my guest. If you defy my pronouncement, then you are dishonoring me. I assume you are prepared to pay the price for your defiance." Strike final pose.

-[X] If the turtle doesn't back down go full Fist of the North Star

--[X] Invoke Hammer on Iron Technique, Fists of Iron Technique, and Sledgehammer Fist Punch

--[X] "Ora, ora, ora, ora. Surrender or die."

-[X] If the turtle does back down or does surrender or passes out from pain

--[X] Invoke Irresistible Salesman Spirit

--[X] "Come work for me, I can always use a fighter. I foresee lots of fights in my future, and I'll need help to handle all my opponents."

No. of Votes: 1


[X] Wasp's Ham Sandwich

No. of Votes: 1


[x] plan wasprider, we have just had an epic jojo session and now we can use the manly i. if that fails tenderise the meat at cook it in it's own shell.

No. of Votes: 1


Not in the mood to make necromancy jokes. I intended to update way in the past...and then, somehow, I find myself within a period of unprecedent laziness. I'll try to drag myself outside of it by writing as much as I can.


[X] "Can you capture them alive instead?"

You stare at Eiko. You would like nothing more than to point out the only difference between the two options is the level of cruelty involved, but at the same time you also realize that, for Eiko, it is a completely logical process: someone she sees as lesser beings disrespected you, so they need to be made an example of. Not that you share it in any way or form, but you can at least understand how it works. You pinch the bridge of your nose with your eyes closed, slowly inhale, exhale and finally look at Eiko again: "Can you capture them alive instead?"

"If this is Master's wish Eiko will obey, but is Master sure?" She asks like a high-class lady who was denied the thrilling pleasure of some improper but thrilling pastime.

"I'm sure, yes."

Fifteen minutes later you don't regret that decision one bit, because standing before you and bound with a mixture of prayer beads and talismans-


Are four 5-6 years old children with bobbed hair wearing old-style kimono. Well to be more precise youkai that looks like little children, but your point still stand. That their whole appearance is off just enough to tip observant people about their true nature is just the icing on the cake.

"So cute!" Rias and Asia gush about the little guys (girls? You aren't sure: Matsuda was the lolicon among you three), while Mittelt looks like she is contemplating voting to follow Eiko's original suggestions.

"Master." The Yatagarasu dramatically points to the bound youkai before her, who just look a little scared instead of downright terrified. You count that as a progress. "I present to you the annoyances: a group of small-fry Zashiki-warashi."

Zashiki-warashi: they're youkai originating from the Iwate Prefecture and they're considered Kami because, while performing pranks, they grant good fortune to the owners of the house they live in.

"We no small fry." One of them says with a frown.

"We proper Zashiki-warashi." Another continues.

"No bad, neither exceptional." A third one remarks.

"Humble but true." A fourth one finishes.

"If you want to talk do so when you have something meaningful to say." Eiko says with a dazzling smile.

"Scary." "Scary." "Scary." "Help us."

You raise a hand to stop Eiko from saying anything further and address the Zashiki-warashi. "Let's start from the beginning. Is there any particular reason why you started pranking us? Aren't you guys supposed to be more subtle?"

They look at each other with their closed eyes, having some sort of silent conversation. Then they turn to you again.

"Been a while since we pranked someone."

"Went a little overboard."

"Heard a new youkai lord took residence here."

"A dragon!"


"This house had a good smell."

"So we settled in."

"While looking for an audience with the dragon lord."

You tilt your head before pointing at yourself with a thumb, your right eye turning green and slitted. "That would be me actually. Hyodo Issei, First Head of the Hyodo Clan. And you are?"

"...Dead apparently." They mutter while making the same face you did every time the Kendo Club caught you peeking. Those were not good times, but a little bit of nostalgia is still there.

"Naah." You wave them off. "I'm not someone who has people killed for so little. You want to live here? That's fine, but try to keep the pranks down to a reasonable level. Alright?"

Hey. If they bring good fortune who are you to deny them?

"We lucky!"

"Yes lord dragon Hyodo!"

"Arrow dodged, let's cherish second chance!"

"Can we have Azuki Meshi?"

The Hodo Clan Official Residence acquired four Zashiki-warashi.

Good fortune is granted in exchange for harmless pranks and offerings of Azuki Meshi.

[X] Battleplan: Demoralize the tortle-youkai by quipping with Akeno-chan about turtle soup recipes and seizing the youkai with your gaze as if wondering how big soup pan you need.
[X] Plan Shell-Cracker: Have Akeno use some sort of magic spell to help immobilize the Tan-ki. Not too hard since we could easily run circles around it and its attacks. Then go in for the with a charged attack that will blow its armor in one go.


"But if there is a hole in his armor, then you can still hurt him. Right Akeno?" You say low enough that only Akeno can hear your words.

"...Yes. If there is a hole through it would be wonderful." She comments, clearly liking the idea.

"Can you immobilize him?"

"Yes but I need a distraction."

Easy. You briefly disengage from Akeno, leaping in the opposite direction to avoid another thrown boulder, before loudly saying: "Say Akeno, have you ever cook turtle soup? Myself, I'm partial to onion and paprika."

The Tan-ki twitches.

Your gorgeous sempai immediately catches on your plan. "Paprika? Oh no no no, that would not do at all. Only pepper is adequate, pepper and garlic: they get absorbed my the turtle meat much better."

The youkai almost stumbles before slamming down his paws much harder than before.

"But I like my turtle meat very spicy." You seize the youkai with your gaze, as if wondering how big of a soup pan you need. "Especially if the turtle is question is angry and obnoxious."


"YYYYYOOOOOUUUU SACRILEGIOUS SWINEEEEEE!!!!" The Tan-ki roars to the heavens stomping towards you at high speed despite its prodigious mole. You avoid the first bite, the second and even the third: he may have become faster and more unpredictable, but his rain of boulders was harder to deal with than those simple attacks with his jaws. "TO EVEN CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITY OF TREATING ME LIKE A MEAL! ME! THE GREAT-"

You will never know who he is, as that moment ice comes into existence around his body, courtesy of Akeno who had time to prepare the spell while the Tan-ki was focused on you. The blocks of ice encase his limbs and head, immobilizing them.

"Oryaaaahh!!" You yell, clenching your hands and releasing the stored power.


Fists glowing like miniature suns slam into and blow up the Tan-ki's shell, golden flames soon joined by streaks of lightning bolts from above.


"Uh." You peek inside the smoking skull of the Tan-ki. "Jokes aside, I don't think there's enough meat left to do a soup."

"Jokes aside, I never had any desire to eat something that talk Ise-kun." Akeno sighs before sipping from her cup of green tea.

"Me neither." You sit down next to her."So, I arrived later and I was busy being all heroic and suave-" Akeno snorts, followed by Ddraig and your sempai. Ooyyy, what's wrong with playing the White Knight once in a while? And now they're openly laughing: bastards. "But why was a racist youkai trying to kill you?"

"I don't know." She shrugs. "He just came out from underground and refused to even listen to me."

You hum, accepting the tea and sipping on it. "So we have a youkai, one that usually live within his territory while rarely leaving it, popping out looking for a fight. No matter how you look at it, it's weird. Did it happen before?"

"No, not since Rias and us, as her Peerage, took residence here during our first year of high school." She explains, her cheeks a little red. Probably from the hot tea. "The occasional Stray Devil, but the only youkai around until now were those belonging to Abe-san and they never gave us problems."

"Okay. So what exactly changed-" You suddenly slap yourself. "Of course, the answer is: myself. First the Zashiki-warashi and now this?" 'Hey Ddraig: even if you said that dragons attract other powerful beings isn't this too radical of a change?'

[On the contrary partner: crushing small fries way over their heads is part of the routine of every self-respecting Sekiryuutei. I was actually starting to worry that those modern times have become too peaceful for my tastes.]

Damn overgrown lizard and his unreasonable tastes! You don't want a life filled only with battles, you also want to have sex! Like right now!


You slowly, very slowly look down at the erection growing outside your control. Then you sniff the tea and turn at Akeno, who is looking like the cat that just got the canary. "Akeno, did you put something into-"

The rest of your inquiry is suffocated by Akeno locking her lips with yours, her tongue doing its best to rape your throat as deep as it can.

That day you learn what a fully 'Dom' Akeno is like. Incredibly arousing, but that whip is something to take on small doses if you don't want to end with very embarrassing welts.


The next week goes by without any significant event: the creation of your Solar Pieces (you need a better name) is still at the beginning and the search for the Excaliburs is still coming up empty. Seeing no need to be on edge all the damn time you decide to spend your free time doing something you neglected since your exaltation.

Socialization. Normal, spontaneous socialization.

Choose four (4) targets* to spend time with:
[] The Fallen Trio (Raynare, Dohnaseek and Kalawarner)
[] Yuuto Kiba
[] Kiyome Abe
[] Aika Kiryu
[] Matsuda and Motohama
[] Rias Gremory
[] Akeno Himejima
[] Koneko Toujo
[] Tomofuri
[] Mil-tan
[] Ruby Rose
[] Asia Argento
[] Mittelt
[] Yang Xiao Long
[] Eiko
[] Azazel
[] Shougo Kitsukawa
[] The people of Ryōzanpaku
[] Honoka Shirahama
[] The Crimson Squad (Homura, Mirai, Haruka, Hikage, Yomi)
[] Suika Ibuki
[] Kii and Mii
[] The people of the Nura Clan
[] Gasper Vladi
[] Irina and Xenovia
[] Call up Rikuo and invite him to your shiny, new clan compound, with a (small) entourage
[] Someone else? (write-in)

*Look up Index for more info.

So yeah, we're (temporarily) entering Slice of Life theme: I want to flesh out other characters beside Issei.
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