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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Honestly, it would have been interesting to see Issei with the abilities of a Solar, and the raw power of a High Class or Ultimate Class Devil.

Maybe if/when he is able to access Ddraig's full powers.
have some spring cleaning and an up to date index from the old threads to the current one, also do we need some exp cause i have a semi finished omake i can fix up and post, otherwise I'll save it for a rainy day




Genesis Arc
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8

New Popularity Arc
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7

Training Days I: A Very Busy Week
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 (I), Part 6 (II), Part 6 (III), Part 7

The Sister from the West Arc
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9

Training Days II: A Not So Peaceful Month
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9,
Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17,
Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25,
Part 26, Part 27, Part 28, Part 29, Part 30, Part 31, Part 32, Part 33

The Snake Arc
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7

Phoenix From The Underworld Arc
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10

Ryōzanpaku Arc
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10,
Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17

Extra Arc: Stray Devils and...Shinobi?
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6

Youkai Yakuza Arc
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10,
Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19,
Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25, Part 26, Part 27, Part 28,
Part 29, Part 30, Part 31, Part 32, Part 33

Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10,
Part 11, Part 12, Part 13(I), part 13 (II), Part 13 (III), Part 13 (IV), Part 14,
Part 15


Issei's Awesome Adventures: The Old Shrine (This happened between Part 1 and Part 2 of Training Days I)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

Issei's Awesome Adventures: Fluttering of Wings (This happened between Part 2 and Part 3 of Training Days I)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Issei's Awesome Adventures: Kiba's Request...Has just begun? (This happened between Part 3 and Part 4 of Training Days I)
Part 1, Part 2

Issei's Awesome Adventures: Shady District (This happened between Part 4 and Part 5 of Training Days I)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9

From ZipLopz
From ZipLopz 2
From Mu-Sensei
From megrisvernin
From noahgab1133
From noahgab1133 2
A Solar Circle's Adventure Time
From megrisvernin 2: REVEAL CASE File 0009
From Smuthunter: Lunar Issei-Full Moon-Dragon Totem
A Radiant Dragon's Vacation in Eastern Wonderland
From Unelemental: The Lost Bet
From cronos2chaos: RWBY and DxD
From noahgab1133 3
From touhou ranfuku
From noahgab1133 4
From Galeiam
From Sol Mark-1
From the DragonBard
From the DragonBard 2
From Kinglugia
From Kinglugia 2
From noahgab1133 5
From noahgab1133 6
From noahgab1133 7

Issei's Forces - Character Sheets

List of important people in the story:
Raynare. Human disguise: Yuuma Amano. Fallen Angel Devil.
Yuuto Kiba. Devil. Sacred Gear "Sword Birth" user.
Kiyome Abe. Human. Beast Tamer.
Mr. and Ms Hyodo. Humans.
Ddraig. Heavenly Dragon. The Welsh Dragon.
Bright Shattered Ice. Elder Solar Twilight Exalted.
Aika Kiryu. Human.
Matsuda and Motohama. Humans.
Rias Gremory. Devil.
Akeno Himejima. Devil.
Koneko Toujo. Devil. Nekoshou?
Tomofuri. Local Kami of Fertility and Pregnancy.
Dohnaseek. Fallen Angel Devil.
Mil-tan. A...thing. Kiba's customer.
Ruby Rose (Kougyoku Mizoguchi). Human. Sacred Gear "Crescent Rose (Death's Scythe)" user. Solar Half-Caste.
Asia Argento. Human. Sacred Gear "Twilight Healing" user. Solar Half-Caste.
Mittelt. 3/4 Fallen Angel, 1/4 Oni. Solar Half-Caste.
Kalawarner. Fallen Angel Devil.
Shariel. Fallen Angel. One of Grigori's Leaders.
Yang Xiao Long. Human. Ruby's big sister. Sacred Gear "Ember Celica (War's Gauntlets)" user. Solar Half-Caste.
Eiko. Yatagarasu. Issei's Familiar. Solar Half-Caste.
Sona Sitri. Human disguise: Sona Shitori. Devil.
Tsubaki Shinra. Devil.
Azazel. Fallen Angel. Governor General of the Fallen Angels and One of Grigori's Leaders.
Sayanomiya Kaoru. Human. Member of the History Compilation Committee.
Grayfia. Devil. Queen of Maou Lucifer's Peerage and his wife.
Beowulf. Hero Descendant and Devil. Pawn of Maou Lucifer's Peerage.
Shougo Kitsukawa. Ex-gang's leader. Solar Half-Caste.
Raiser Phenex. Devil.
Ravel Phenex. Raiser's little sister. Devil.
Sirzechs Lucifer. Super Devil. Leader of the Four Maou.
Ryōzanpaku. A group of Master Martial Artists. Followers of the Katsujinken.
Honoka Shirahama. Human. Longinus Sacred Gear "Innovate Clear" user.
Elsha. Strongest Boosted Gear female possessor of the past.
Belzard. Strongest Boosted Gear male possessor of the past.
Mirai. Ninja?
Kii and Mii. Bakeneko youkai. Twin sisters.
Rikuo Nura. 3/4 Human, 1/4 Youkai. Head of the Nura Youkai Clan.
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Also Issei renovated home looks very nice.


A really great change from the original house.


Tannin looks really cool.

I dont mind Durandal design, it is an alright design, I have seen swords that are really impractical
Neither image works.
Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 13)
I hope this is only the beginning of the transformation, because it looks badass and I want to see more :D

About the update...well, shit. I wanted to post it way before this day, but I was side-tracked. Since today is Easter, have a special service and take this 1/5 of the update, while I work tirelessly today and tomorrow to complete and post one after the other the other parts.

Barren area

"Explosions and thunderbolts. I believe Yubelluna and the Priestess of Lightning are going at each other with gusto." A woman with long dark brown hair, wearing an elaborate kimono, says as she peers in the distance. Her name is Mihae, and among Raiser's Peerage she is the one with the best sight.
"Anything else?"

"..." Mihae squints her eyes. "Flying swords."


"Flying. Swords." She repeats. "As, I see swords being hurled in the air as if shot."

"Weird." A woman with long grey hair, wearing a skimpy dancer outfit, scratches her ear while showing a doubting expression. Her name is Shuriya.
"If swords are involved I am not interested." Isabela looks to the side at Siris. "Want to take it Siris?"
"Not interested." The swordswoman turns down the offer, the eternal frown on her face unchanged. "I just want to beat some Gremory servant and be done with it. Why did Yubelluna slip us like that? Isn't better to gang up on them?"
"Don't be so unsportsmanlike." The masked Rook slowly shakes her head, a small amused smirk on her lips. "She made the right choice: with our numbers even, any tactics to take advantage of them would be 50/50. Better to just charge ahead and fight all opponents as they close. I prefer it this way."

"Uh?" Shuriya perks up and turns one ear towards the forest, a hand behind it. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"Smashing sounds, like the trees are knocked down in rapid succession."

"The enemy? Let me see…" Mihae looks at the forest, eyes squinted in concentration for a few seconds before opening up in surprise. "What the fu-!"


It's less an explosion and more a violent air displacement that hit the girls, forcing them to hold their ground to avoid being blown away. For an instant a cloud of wooden pieces, tree's trunks smashed thoroughly, clouds their vision before two somethings shoot out of it, one black, soaring in the air leaving behind a trail of what look like red petals, and the other yellow, running on the ground leaving behind a trail of burning fire.

The two objects keeps going until they stop at opposing sides of the Phenex girls, the black one landing on the ground.

"See! See! I told you, it's totally different in the open!" A cheerful young voice spokes.

"True! Next time let's make it a race!" A boisterous voice replies.

The four girls stand on guard, their backs facing each other, ready to engage what is obviously the enemy. Yet, when they are finally able to see clearly their opponents they can't stop incredulous looks from appearing on their faces.

"What." Siris questions so eloquently.

The black object turns out to be a wolf the size of a Shire stallion, albeit one made entirely of metal, black like the midnight sky save for a few patches on the limbs and stomach which are a pale grey. From the joint's openings, eye sockets and maw comes out azure fire. In the middle of the forehead it has a pale grey diamond with a horse's skull inside.
And riding the monstrous wolf like it's the most normal thing in the world are Ruby and Mittelt, the latter hugging the dark haired girl from behind before she lets go and jumps down, looking around until she spots the four Phenex girls and smirks.

"A motorcycle?" Isabela recognizes the it immediately, as she owns one herself.

Yes, the yellow object turns out to be exactly a motorcycle. It's a sport bike, with a design emphasizing speed and aerodynamics, the sides of the engine compartment including supercharger intakes. Coating the wheels and glowing from inside the body is the same azure fire of the black wolf. Above the headlight there is a blood red diamond with a horse's skull inside.
Riding it are Yang and Shougo, the latter wasting no time to dismount from behind the blonde girl, staring at the Phenex girls with a bored face and hands in his pockets as he chews a gum and makes a bubble.

"Good work Drei!" With a happy smile Ruby hugs the wolf around the neck, who let out a soft rumble before fading away.

"You're the best bike ever Bumblebee!" Yang grins and pats the motorcycle's handle, which lets out an engine's roar before, too, fading away.

"You all look worth my time." Shougo's lips split into a shark-like smile. "Lucky."

"So ladies-" Supporting the elbow with the left palm Mittelt raises her right hand and flexes her fingers, causing some rocks near her foot to crack and break. "Shall we begin the fun~?"
... did they knock down one or both of the houses to either side?
yes, let me quote the novel:

"Apparently Rias's father does work related to construction as well and he said that he'd renovate this place free of charge as part of a model house."
There's no way that kind of story could be true! No, I could understand it if Buchou's parents did it.
It was because she knew all this that Buchou was eating her meal calmly and silently.
Rather, let alone renovating, didn't our lot area also expand? Haven't the neighbouring houses completely disappeared and been turned into the grounds of our new house…?
"Now that you mention it, it seems that Suzuki-san and Tamura-san next door have moved away. I hear that they suddenly obtained some favourable plots of land and then moved there."
Is that the horseman mark from Darksiders?
*goes and checks*
Yep, that's the one.
Does that mean the remaining two horse(wo)men are Strife and Fury or are you just grabbing the symbol for being neat?
Well, tbh it's already quite a mashup. Both this quest and Darksiders (War runs around with a goddamn portal gun, blue and orange portals included ffs).
Still damn awesome. The quest and the games.
why am i getting so many like, it just a picture from one of my game
Is that the horseman mark from Darksiders?
*goes and checks*
Yep, that's the one.
Does that mean the remaining two horse(wo)men are Strife and Fury or are you just grabbing the symbol for being neat?
For being neat: I wanted to make a clear reference to the Four Horsemen, and the horse's skull mark from Darksiders was the best thing I found. Btw, in DxD the Four Horsemen are: Death, War, Conquest, Famine.
Well, tbh it's already quite a mashup. Both this quest and Darksiders (War runs around with a goddamn portal gun, blue and orange portals included ffs).
What? :confused:
Still damn awesome. The quest and the games.
Thank you :D

Ruby on a wolf ?
i have something for that :
well, she have blond hair, so it doesn't fit but it close enough
Badass. It's like someone fused together Ruby (weapon), Yang (hair and body), Blake (cat ears) and Weiss (attitude).
Ohey, I wasn't the only one using the fire thingy for the sword. Neat.
Whats the confusing part? If you mean the quest, then I am referring to the amount of (quasi) crossovers.
As for War with the portal gun, well, see for yourself:

This: War with portal gun...*raise eyebrow* subtle reference, or drunken programmers?
A lot of the stuff War gets could be seen as references or ripoffs. A hookshot, a bladed boomerang (crossblade), this... I think one of my friends called it a clone of Zelda and Devil May Cry.

By the way, do these mounts Ruby and Yang have serve any other function than transport/battle mount/mass deforestation device? As in, Ruby has a friggin wolf, can it fight on it's own (like a big pokemon)?
By the way, do these mounts Ruby and Yang have serve any other function than transport/battle mount/mass deforestation device? As in, Ruby has a friggin wolf, can it fight on it's own (like a big pokemon)?
Yes: the original design was for them to be not only transport devices to roam the battlefield at high speeds without tiring the wielder, but also as support/defensive feature. They fight together with and take blows in place of their wielders, even if it destroy them, and their shape-shifting abilities let them assume the best form for defense. They're the Shield of the Horsemen.
...Quest Story Only archive is still like dozens of posts behind at the end of the popularity arc. Is that going to be updated sometime?

Nice update btw:)

And yes Darksiders is a homage to a Lot of games, that said its very much fun (though its cosmology doesn't really work with DxD)
not interested." Isabela looks to the side at Siris. "Want to take it Siris?"
"Not interested." The swordswoman turns down the offer, the eternal frown on her face unchanged. "I just want to beat some Gremory servant and be done with it. Why did Yubelluna slip us like that? Isn't better to gang up on them?"
"Don't be so unsportsmanlike." The masked Rook slowly shakes her head, a small amused smirk on her lips. "She made the right choice: with our numbers even, any tactics to take advantage of them would be 50/50. Better to just charge ahead and fight all opponents as they close. I prefer it this way."
FYI I'm pretty sure these pics are in the reverse order from what you intended based on context.

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