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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell (Part 16)
"This is so much fun!" Ruby giggles.

Siris grits her teeth. "Shut up and let me hit you!" She shouts as she increases the speed of her blows. Left, right, above, under, diagonal: her Zweihänder is but a blur, muscles strained by the exertion. For good measure she even uses her wind powers to randomly generate shockwaves from the tip of her sword.

"No can do~." Everything proves useless as her opponent, a slip of a girl that barely reaches her chest, disappears into red petals a mere moment before her attacks hit her and re-appear right where her defense is at her lowest, forcing her into an awkward position to parry the enormous scythe. "You're my first opponent who is as fast as me! It's so exciting!"

'How can she be so fast?' Siris thinks with a small amount of trepidation. Fighting fast opponents, mainly other Knights, is nothing new to her. However, this is the first time a human is able to fight back using pure speed instead of skills with a weapon. She can see her opponent wasn't formally trained; nonetheless, she displays natural talent in the use of her scythe.

And therein lies the problem, the sole reason Siris is not able to go all out by using high risk, high reward tactics.

The damn thing radiates Holy Aura. Just looking at it makes her think of death, and everytime it comes closer her skin sting as if burned. When Ruby hovers in the air, red petals falling around her and scythe ready to strike, to Siris she looks like the incarnation of a bloodied Grim Reaper coming at her with the force of an incandescent sun.

It doesn't make sense, but that's how she feels. And the fact the girl never once used the scythe's blade to attack, only the staff, makes it even worse!

"How's this? The new move Hyodo-san taught me: Whirling Pe..Pet...Pa...Whatever Kata!" Ruby spins her weapon before launching a series of rapidfire attacks with the tip of the staff, the scythe's blade not hampering her in the slightest.

Siris barely manages to block and evade all of them, save for one that graze her right shoulder.

Pain explodes from where she was it, making her gasp for breath and her right arm spasm. It feels like someone slammed the superheated spike of a working jackhammer into her flesh. 'It's just a bruise!' She thinks with disbelief seeing the burned but small area on her shoulder. 'Why does it hurt so much?!'

"Are...you okay?" Ruby stops and asks, concerned.

Making a split second decision Siris drops to one knee, her head low to hide her expression.

"Oh no! I went too far? Sorry sorry sorry!!" On the verge of panicking Ruby kneels down in front of the older girl to check what's wrong.

That's when Siris, using demonic power to augment her strength, raises her left hand that is still holding on her sword and swings at Ruby's unprotected side.


But, instead of striking soft flesh the blade is caught between two rows of serrated metal fangs. Emerging from a cloud of red petals between the two combatants is Drei, Ruby's metal wolf's head, holding Siris' Zweihänder in its maw.

"Wha-!" Before she can recovers from the shock the Knight is hit by the wolf's paw with a backhand, knocking her away. Now fully materialized Drei stands protectively in front of Ruby, fangs gnashing on the sword like a dog with a bone.

"That wasn't very nice." Ruby pouts, as if the Knight played a prank on her instead of trying to maim her.

"This..." Siris eyes the metal wolf calculatingly. "I see. You possess two Sacred Gear: the scythe, and an independent avatar type."

"Independent Avatar" type: a rare type of Sacred Gear that can manifest with its own body instead of relying on the possessor, and also has its own set of instincts. It's also called "Summon" type.

With a final clenching of its maw Drei snaps the sword in half before fading away. Siris sneers before extending her left arm to the side, a column of fire vaguely shaped like a sword erupting from the palm. "Don't think it's over!"

"I hoped it wasn't." Ruby twirls her scythe and sets into a ready stance, the edges of her weapon and cape glowing with a slight golden color. "But no more mean tricks, alright?"

"What do you think this is, a game?!"

At Ruby's deadpan face Siris realizes what she just said and hangs down her head in shame.

Ruby learned "Whirling Pestle Kata".
Ruby gained the Sacred Gear "Drei (Death's Horse)".
The active and passive bonus of Crescent Rose increased.

+2 Xp to Noah's Omake. Yang, what Issei and Raiser are doing and the final wrap after I have lunch.

The next set of decisions are what to do now in the next time skip (two weeks). Start now making plans because I'm too on a roll to bother with making options.

I'mma going to write all day!! :eek: :confused:
Wasn't Irina and Xenovia supposed to be turning up? Maybe we're supposed to figure out how to recruit them for our team, instead of Rias'?
Issei's not a Devil, no, but he is trying to figure out the Evil Pieces. Maybe this timeskip is when he can get that down and make his own... and oh look, here comes his childhood friend to help test things out! Maybe we can even make her a Solar Angel like Mitelt, just to make her dreams come true (since the Brave Saint system doesn't exist yet).
There was something about locating a Dragon Shangri-La as well I think...

EDIT: Someone really needs to compile a To Do List for this quest. So much to do...
Noticed no index. Also threadmark stops at part 12 of the visit hell arc. So continued to current part 16.

Edit: also, found a missing story post that comes before noahgab's picture.

Genesis Arc
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8

New Popularity Arc
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7

Training Days I: A Very Busy Week
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 (I), Part 6 (II), Part 6 (III), Part 7

The Sister from the West Arc
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9

Training Days II: A Not So Peaceful Month
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9,
Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17,
Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25,
Part 26, Part 27, Part 28, Part 29, Part 30, Part 31, Part 32, Part 33

The Snake Arc
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7

Phoenix From The Underworld Arc
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10

Ryōzanpaku Arc
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10,
Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17

Extra Arc: Stray Devils and...Shinobi?
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6

Youkai Yakuza Arc
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10,
Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19,
Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25, Part 26, Part 27, Part 28,
Part 29, Part 30, Part 31, Part 32, Part 33

Extra Arc II: Shinobi, Swords and a Visit to Hell
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10,
Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16


Issei's Awesome Adventures: The Old Shrine (This happened between Part 1 and Part 2 of Training Days I)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

Issei's Awesome Adventures: Fluttering of Wings (This happened between Part 2 and Part 3 of Training Days I)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Issei's Awesome Adventures: Kiba's Request...Has just begun? (This happened between Part 3 and Part 4 of Training Days I)
Part 1, Part 2

Issei's Awesome Adventures: Shady District (This happened between Part 4 and Part 5 of Training Days I)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9

Fan Stuff
Omake by Noahgab1133
Last edited:
Okay, the omake bonus puts us at what, thirty XP? I think we need to do some serious training and try to knock out studying the evil pieces.
Parts 14, 15, 16 of the last arc aren't marked, I take it? Because the links to them don't work.
Alright, found our list of stuff to do and I think this was most of our quests that we had on the backlog?

  • Working something out with Suika that has an end result of her NOT regularly wrecking the place.
  • Wrap up Evil Piece Research so we can get back to Mil-tan and save Kiba.
  • Find the time to locate Ryusenko/get some meaningful leads on it's location and entry requirements at the least.
  • Check in with Honoka
  • Check in with Fertility God
  • Sending out feelers about the Youkai that ran off with Maou's hammer/get a quest started on preventing that from panning out for the bad guys.
  • Check in with Ryozanpaku about the whole Yami/Reunion v Ryozanpaku/HCC thing.
    • Lessons with Ma Kensei to polish fighting style
  • Acquire Kuoh visit rights for Rikuo's human friends from Sona.
    • Investigate a foreign girl harassing shops and cafes around Kuoh to receive permission for Rikuo and friends to visit Kuoh
  • Introduce Homura and Ninja's to Azazel for training
Suika sorta promised not to wreck the place so much earlier, during the shinobi introduction I believe. Right before we employed them.

Evil Pieces is something I'd prioritize, if only to get it over with. And because there's a lot of potential in there. I think we could also investigate that girl in our spare time, if only to give Sona a break from all the bullshit she had to deal with because of Ise. And because it's the right thing to do, really - don't need someone running around causing trouble, no matter how mundane it might be.
We'll need to give Kenichi a hand as well, as fellow martial artists. He sounds like he needs someone he could reliably call a bro (who is not Nijima)
I'd say we deal with one or both of those tasks first, then go for a visit, see how people are doing if we've got the time for it.
Alright, found our list of stuff to do and I think this was most of our quests that we had on the backlog?

  • Working something out with Suika that has an end result of her NOT regularly wrecking the place.
  • Wrap up Evil Piece Research so we can get back to Mil-tan and save Kiba.
  • Find the time to locate Ryusenko/get some meaningful leads on it's location and entry requirements at the least.
  • Check in with Honoka
  • Check in with Fertility God
  • Sending out feelers about the Youkai that ran off with Maou's hammer/get a quest started on preventing that from panning out for the bad guys.
  • Check in with Ryozanpaku about the whole Yami/Reunion v Ryozanpaku/HCC thing.
    • Lessons with Ma Kensei to polish fighting style
  • Acquire Kuoh visit rights for Rikuo's human friends from Sona.
    • Investigate a foreign girl harassing shops and cafes around Kuoh to receive permission for Rikuo and friends to visit Kuoh
  • Introduce Homura and Ninja's to Azazel for training
...I kind of want to see how Nura deals with some of the Fallen...and everyone's reaction to Freed speaking in squeaky mouse.

I say, finish up Evil Piece Research so we can start making pseudo-exalts, check in on the God, check with Ryozanpaku(cause Innovate Clear is a shiny target), acquire permission for Rikuo and friends, and send of the ninja's to Azazel.

That's all what I know I can agree with at this time, as we can't go looking for Ryusenko since something big may happen soon.
Let's not forget our own training. We kinda sorta agreed (By that I mean Smut suggested and no one argued) to go for the training charms, some defenses, some investigation and The Truth Shines Through (I feel like a broken record for mentioning this charm so much, but it's really important). Let us not forget Plan "Fuck Terrorism" for some extra cash.

I would say investigating that foreign girl personally is something we should do, we've been putting it off for a while. We need more male friends so I also support going to help our fellow talentless Martial Artist. And there's also our stress levels to manage, plus taking some of our harem on a date to show we care. So much to do...
Let's not forget our own training. We kinda sorta agreed (By that I mean Smut suggested and no one argued) to go for the training charms, some defenses, some investigation and The Truth Shines Through (I feel like a broken record for mentioning this charm so much, but it's really important). Let us not forget Plan "Fuck Terrorism" for some extra cash.

I would say investigating that foreign girl personally is something we should do, we've been putting it off for a while. We need more male friends so I also support going to help our fellow talentless Martial Artist. And there's also our stress levels to manage, plus taking some of our harem on a date to show we care. So much to do...
We need to train our ability to create more GLORIOUS SOLAR BULLSHIT
We have so much to do....

we do need another day off for just us and our girls. I mean unless it was off screen hanging out then we haven't hung out with them much lately.
Hm...damn it your right

So hard to choose.....your harem or your collection.
Not to mention keeping up with all the anime/manga that keeps coming out.

Issei reall wants to catch up on his collections to see if he can figure out how to recreate come of the things in them. Just imagine the possibilities!

*Issei+Hana Hana no Mi*
Not to mention keeping up with all the anime/manga that keeps coming out.

Issei reall wants to catch up on his collections to see if he can figure out how to recreate come of the things in them. Just imagine the possibilities!

*Issei+Hana Hana no Mi*


your right.....oh god! I think the girls would enjoy that-

but also in combat it's really handy to have...more hands...

your right.....oh god! I think the girls would enjoy that-

but also in combat it's really handy to have...more hands...
Indeed, having a Harem is difficult and tiring cause they don't let you research ways to make them happy in your free time.

Also what will we be basing our 'Exalted Set' on? Hell has chess and Heaven has Poker. What will the Exalt have? YGO cards? Servant Class Cards? Chinese Checkers?

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